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CHAPTER XVIII (Santhana Prasna)

Causes for absence of issues — 25

Adoption — 28

Loss of children — 29

Birth of children — 30

Barrenness in woman — 37

Garbha prasna — 45

Affliction to parents — 46

Ascertaining a woman's pregnancy — 57

Miscarriage — 59

Sex of the child — 60

Time of delivery — 67

Remedial measures — 76

Santhana thithi — 84

How Adoption is denied — 92

CHAPTER XIX (Issues According to Birth Horoscope)

Combinations for progeny — 95

Bija and kshetra sphutas — 96

Death of children — 102

Family extinction — 103

Childlessness — 105

Father's death before son's birth — 111

Adoption — 113

Number of issues — 122

Planetary rays — 125

When children are born — 129

CHAPTER XX (Seventh House Through Horoscope)

Factors to be considered — 134

Yogas for wife's death — 135

Character of wife — 136

Role of Venus — 137

Number of wives — 142

Birth star of wife — 146

Period of marriage — 150

CHAPTER XXI (Marriage Compatibility)

Rasi agreement — 153

Different views — 154

Sexual compatibility — 155

Planetary friendships — 158

Different kootas — 159

Gotra vichara — 165

Vihanganukoolya — 166

Bhootanukulya — 169

Ashtakavarga agreement — 171

Mental compatibility — 172

Important items of concordance — 175

CHAPTER XXII (Effects of Transits)

Transit of the Sun — 177

The Moon's transits — 178

Transit of Mars — 179

Transit of Mercury — 180

Transit of Jupiter — 180

Transit of Venus — 182

Transit of Saturn — 183

Propitiation of planets — 184

Vedha and Vipareeta Vedha — 186

Vedhya signs — 189

CHAPTER XXIII (Diseases: Causes and Remedies)

Remedies as per Karma Vipaka — 192

Consumption — 192

Leprosy — 193

Serpis — 194

Leucoderma — 194

Dysentery — 194

Piles — 195

Diseases of the eye — 195

Ear defects — 195

Lingual diseases — 195

Rheumatism — 196

Colic trouble — 196

Spleen diseases — 196

Female diseases — 197

Dropsy — 197

Urinary troubles — 197

Fistula — 198

Throat diseases — 198

Headache — 199

Epilepsy — 199

Dumbness and insanity — 199

Fevers — 199

Thirst — 199

Ulcers — 200

Dyspepsia — 200

Internal troubles — 201

Gift of health — 202

CHAPTER XXIV (Deities, Rulers etc.)

Installation of the holy Idol — 203

Divine presence — 204

Impairing of divine presence — 205

Deva Prasna — 206

Differing views — 207

Wrath of the Deity — 212

Questions bearing on rulers — 213

Planets and portfolios — 216

Questions on war and invasion — 218

Indicative signs — 219

Invasion of the country — 220

Retreat of the enemy — 221

Time of invasion — 224

Peace between parties — 226

Defeat and victory — 228

When to declare war — 230

Evil omens — 231

Ruin of the ruler — 234

When to move the army — 235

Parigha — 240

Effects of weekdays on travel — 243

Journey by water — 244

Advice to rulers — 252

Hunting — 257

Classification of animals — 258

CHAPTER XXV (Rainfall)

Combinations for heavy rainfall — 260

Appearance of mock Sun — 262

When does rain occur ? — 263

Significance of lunar month Ashadha — 276

Venus and rainfall — 278

Mandalas or cycles — 278

Shapes of clouds and rainfall — 280

Animal Prognosticates — 280

Other helpful hints for predicting rainfall — 283

Importance of Solar ingress — 284

Karanas and rainfall — 286

Answering queries on rainfall — 290

Predicting floods — 292

Adverse winds — 294

CHAPTER XXVI (Koopa Prasna)

Hints for discovering water layers — 295

Indicative signs — 296

Dearth of water — 297

Gupti chakra — 298

Existence of submerged wells — 303

Taste of the water — 305

Vastu Purusha — 306

Clues from plants — 306

Depth of the water layer — 307

CHAPTER XXVII (Bhojana Prasna)

Menu at meals — 310

Type of drinks served — 312

Quality of food — 313

Conversation at meals — 314

Planets and tastes — 315

Nature of food consumed — 316

The dining hall — 319

Return home of a traveller — 320

CHAPTER XXVIII (Suratha Prasna)

On co-habitation — 323

Description of the partner — 325

Nature of intimacy — 329

Place of co-habitation — 330

CHAPTER XXIX (Nashta Prasna)

Revealing the nature of question — 335

Questions relating to missing articles — 336

Details about theft and the thief — 336

The location of the article — 337

Planetary indications of theft — 339

Number of persons involved — 342

Nature of the missing article — 343

Sign significations — 347

Planets signifying the thief — 349

The thief's appearance etc. — 351

Recovery of the article — 357

CHAPTER XXX (Nashta Jataka)

Birth star from Prasna chart — 358

Nimittas and the Moon's position at birth — 362

Month of birth — 366

Rising sign at birth — 370

Jupiter at birth — 371


Finding the nature of a dream — 374

Results of dreams — 376

Different kinds of dreams — 379

Causes of dreams — 380

Time of experiencing the effects of dreams — 381

Bharata's dream — 382


Benefic dots contributed by planets — 385

Adhama, Madhyama and Sobhana — 388

Planets transiting their Ashtakavarga signs — 388

The Sun's Ashtakavarga — 394

The Moon's Ashtakavarga — 395

Mars Ashtakavarga — 396

Mercury's Ashtakavarga — 397

Jupiter's Ashtakavarga — 400

Venus Ashtakavarga — 400

Saturn's Ashtakavarga — 401

Samudaya Ashtakavarga — 402

Maximum and minimum points — 402

Bhanduka, Sevaka, Poshaka and Grutaka — 404

First, second and third parts of life — 405

Ashtakavarga and Dasa results — 408

Trikona sodhana — 409

Ekadhipatya sodhana — 410

Zodiacal and planetary factors — 411

Father's death — 412

Mother's death — 413

Death of brothers — 413

Number of children — 414

Timing the birth of issue — 416

More than one wife — 420

Period of Marriage — 421

Death of the person — 422

Summary of the Book — 423

Conclusion — 426

Original Sanskrit Text — Chapters XVII-XXXII 439


Vivaha Prasna (Marriage)


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