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Stanza 27. If Venus and the lord of the 7th house occupy Upachayas, the couple will be happy after marriage and beget children


The same principle can be extended to predict about issues, etc., thus: If Jupiter and the lord of the 5th occupy Upachayas, there will be much prosperity after the birth of a child. If Mars and the lord of the 3rd occupy the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th, there will be happiness after the birth of a brother. Thus the Karaka and the various lords are to be considered. The above combinations are as per Prasna Ratna.

Stanza 28. If the strong Moon and Venus occupy even signs and Navamsas and aspect Lagna, a person will be able to marry the girl in view early.


This combination is applicable both to the birth and horary charts.

Stanza 29. If the ascendant is in a female Drekkana and an even Navamsa aspected by the Moon and Venus, marriage will take place soon.

NOTES This yoga can be usefully applied to a male chart.

Stanza 30. Benefics in kendras and trikonas and the 7th house, owned and aspected by benefics, bring in a beautiful bride to the person. If the 7th house is owned by a malefic, the wife will not be good-looking.


This Yoga also can be applied in reading the 7th house in the horoscope of a male. The above is from Prasna Sangraha.

Stanza 31. If the Moon aspected by benefics occupies the 3rd, the 6th, the 7th, the 10th or the 11th from Lagna (or Arudha); or Venus and the Moon occupy Lagna or the 7th, the Lagna happening to be Gemini or Virgo or Libra or Aquarius; or Mercury, Venus and Jupiter occupy quadrants or the 7th house, then marriage takes place early.

Stanza 32. If in a horary chart the ascendant, the 5th, the 8th and the 9th are associated with or aspected by their respective lords and are devoid of malefic aspects or associations then only good will happen to the couple after marriage. If otherwise, no wise man should have the marriage celebrated. If the Lagna and the Moon are in benefic Navamsas, good will result. If they are in the Navamsas of malefics, death may occur.


If at the time of query the ascendant, the 5th, the 7th, the 8th and the 9th houses are free from the affliction of evil planets but are associated with or aspected by their respective lords or benefics, then the married couple will be happy after the marriage. If none of these are so situated, marriage will bring only evil. Hence it should not be recommended. If the ascendant and the Moon occupy the Navamsas of benefics, good will be the result. If they, however, occupy evil Navamsas, evil alone will happen.

The ascendant in Chart 1 has Mars and Saturn who also aspect the 7th. Mars and Jupiter aspect the 8th. The 5th is not aspected by any planet while the 9th is associated with Mercury and Venus. The minus points are more in evidence.

In the Navamsa, Lagna is a benefic sign Taurus but the Moon is in a malefic sign. Further, the Navamsa may be referred to only when the Rasi is satisfactory. Here since the Rasi chart itself does not ensure happiness, the Navamsa may be shelved.

Stanza 33. The married couple will die if malefics are debilitated or are in unfriendly signs in the 1st, the 7th and the 8th.


According to Brihaspati, debilitated malefics should occupy the ascendant, the 7th or the 8th; or these houses should be the unfriendly places to the malefics in the Prasna chart. The result is, the husband and wife will die. The likely periods are the Dasas and Bhuktis of the malefic planets referred to above.

Stanza 34. A malefic planet in debilitation in the 5th house, aspected by inimical planets, indicates that the woman is of questionable character or her children will die.


If the 5th is afflicted by the presence of a debilitated planet or the aspect of an inimical planet, the wife is said to be unchaste or her children will die. The author appears to be somewhat vague. Which result — the woman becoming unchaste or her children dying — will hold good ? The interpretation is left to the intelligence of the astrologer. What we feel is, if the 5th house is afflicted as per the stanza, but Venus is clean and well disposed, no reflection can be cast on the character of the woman. One should be very careful in matters of judging the chastity or otherwise of a woman.

Stanza 35. If the 5th house is afflicted by malefic planets, the woman will not bear any children. If at all children are born, they will die. If these malefics are debilitated or in inimical signs, the mother will kill her children.


A mother to kill her children must indeed be hard-hearted and cruel. There are of course some mothers who kill their children for various reasons. Poverty may be one of the reasons. And questionable character — the mother having extra marital relations — may make the mother resort to the crime of infanticide. The same combination is expected to result in either the death of children or the killing of the children by the mother. To judge the latter crime the Moon's affliction and any combination for adultery should be carefully identified.

The above two stanzas are from Anushtana Paddhati.

Stanza 36. If the lord of the 7th house is strong, the querist will marry in a good and rich family. If the lord of the 7th is weak or occupies a debilitation sign or an unfriendly house, he will marry an ugly-looking wife from a poor and bad family.


According to this stanza we can say that the person gets a beautiful and good wife and probably handsome gifts also if the lord of the 7th is well placed and strong: otherwise the wife will not be good looking, she hails from a bad family and cannot hope to bring in any material benefits. In these days when acceptance of dowry is illegal, astrological interpretation should be skilfully done.

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