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Stanza 27. If the lord of the 5th, the Moon and Venus join an even sign and an even Navamsa, a large number of daughters will be born

Stanza 28. If Lagna happens to be the Moon's Hora and the breath of the astrologer flows through the left nostril; if Lagna is in the Sun's Hora and the breath flows through the right side, then there will be issues.


If the Lagna is in the Moon's Hora and the astrologer at the time is breathing through the left nostril, a daughter will be born. If the ascendant falls in the Sun's Hora and the breath flows through the right nostril, a son will be born.

We give the following extracts from another version of the MSS.

Issues will not be born if the ascendant is in Surya (Sun's) Hora, breath passes through the right nostril and Arudha and Lagna are in odd signs.

The ascendant is in Chandra Hora. Breath passes through the right side. The Moon, Lagna and Arudha are in Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. There will be no issues.

The ascendant is in the Sun's Hora; the Moon, Lagna and Arudha occupy Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. Agnibhuta rises in the ascendant. No issues will be born. According to some, the presence of Agnibhuta is necessary for all the above yogas to cause the results attributed to them. According to some others, the presence of Agnibhuta alone constitutes a separate yoga and denies the birth of children. For our part, we have not tested these yogas and hence we cannot vouchsafe for their accuracy or otherwise: But the teachings of the masters merit our attention.

Stanza 29. If the lord of the 5th occupies the ascendant, the 7th or the 5th house; or the lords of the 1st and the 7th join the 5th house; or the lord of the 5th or Jupiter joins the ascendant; there will be birth of children. In a question bearing on children Jupiter should also be considered as lord of children.

Stanza 30. The lord of the ascendant and the 5th are in conjunction or they aspect each other; or they interchange signs. This yoga gives issue to the native.

Stanza 31. If the Moon occupies Anupachaya Rasis from Arudha, children will be born. If it is in the reverse, no issue will be the result The ascendant governs the husband. The opposite view is expressed in his work on Muhurtha by Madhava.


The translation of these slokas has not been done literally. When there is a repetition in the original it is generally omitted. According to this sloka, the Moon's situation in anupachaya signs (other than the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th and the 11th) from Arudha denies birth of children, which means the Arudha rules the wife and the ascendant has governance on the husband. Madhava, the celebrated author of the great work Madhaveeya does not accept this view.

Stanza 32. If the menstrual flow happens at a time when the Moon aspected by Mars occupies Anupachaya Rasis, the sexual union that takes place after this will cause impregnation. Otherwise the sexual intercourse will be barren of results. The time for fruitful sexual commerce is the day when the Moon aspected by Jupiter occupies Upachaya Rasis from the ascendant of the husband. Favourable times for impregnation are the Moola asterism and other muhurhas. Parva should be avoided.


The author gives fruitful or fertile periods for impregnation. The menstrual flow occurs when the Moon receiving the aspect of Mars occupies an anupachaya Rasi (the 2nd, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 12th) from the position of the radical Moon in the wife's horoscope. When the sex congress takes place after this, conception results. If on the contrary the menstrual flow takes place when the Moon aspected by Mars is in an upachaya place (the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th) from the radical Moon of the wife the sexual union will not result in conception. Sexual union if done on a day when the Moon aspected by Jupiter occupies the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th from the radical Moon of the husband, or in the constellation of Moola and asterisms declared to be good for the first feeding of the child will result in conception. For impregnating the wife, the 8th lunar day, vishti, riktha and athira karanas, sraddha (annual ceremony) days, etc., should be avoided.

Stanza 33. Many methods are employed to determine the question of the birth of children. T shall give below a method I got from my preceptor.

Stanza 34. The longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka, correctly worked out, should be added together. The relative strengths of the resulting Rasi and Navamsa should be noted and the stronger of the two should be considered for answering the query regarding children.


Example 1: Weekday — Saturday.

Sunrise — 6.15 a.m. (Yamakantaka rises at 18 ghatis after sunrise on Saturdays).

18 ghatis = 18 x 24 mins. - 432 minutes = 7h 12m after sunrise

Sunrise + 7h 12m = 13h 27m.

The Lagna rising at I3h 27m LMT gives the position of Yamakantaka on the day in question.

Example 2:

Let Lagna be - 143° 20'

Let Yamakantaka be = 136° 15'.

Lagna + Yamakantaka = 279° 35' or Capricorn 9° 35' (Rasi) and Pisces (Navamsa). The stronger of Capricorn and Pisces is the Yogasphuta and should be considered for answering questions on children.

Stazna 35. If this Yogasphuta happens to be an Urdhwamukha, Urdhvodaya, or odd sign and conjoined with or aspected by benefic planets, the birth of a child occurs at a very early date.


Yogasphuta is the sign and Navamsa arrived at as per stanza 34. Urdhwamukha signs are also called Urdhvodaya or Sirodaya signs. They are Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs, except Gemini, are powerful during day.

If, for example, the Yogasphuta happens to be Leo and benefics such as Jupiter, Venus or well-associated Mercury join or aspect it, then we may conclude the birth of a child will occur at a not too late date.

Stanza 36. If the Yogasphuta falls in Prishto-daya, Adhomukha and an even sign conjoined with or aspected by malefics and neutral planets, no children will be born. If however the sphuta falls in a male sign and male Navamsa, child-birth is indicated.


Adhomukha signs known also as Prushtodaya signs are Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. These along with Gemini are powerful during night.

Pisces forms a combination of both Urdhwamukha and Adhomukha and is called Ubhayodaya Rasi with power both during day and night.

For example, if Yogasphuta falls in Taurus which is an Adhomukha sign and also even and planets such as ill-associated Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, Mars or Rabu-Ketu influence it by aspect or occupation, no children will be born. However, if for instance, Yogasphuta falls in Aries 15° 19', a Prishto-daya sign, so that its Navamsa is Leo, both signs being male and other relevant factors also favourable would indicate birth of a child.

Stanza 37. The Yogasphuta obtained by adding the longitudes of Yamakantaka and Arudha Lagna treated in the same way as before indicates whether the woman is barren or can have children.


The Yogasphuta referred to here is different from the Yogasphuta dealt with in stanza 34. But this Yogasphuta should be analysed in the same manner as indicated for stanza 34 to find out the barrenness or otherwise of the wife.

Stanza 38. Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Yamakantaka are associated with or are aspected by malefic planets and are devoid of aspects of benefics; they occupy Anishta Bhavas in even signs and in even Navamsas; the 5th house is afflicted; Santhana Tithi turns out to be after the 8th day in the dark half of the lunar month: If all these afflictions are present, we can prognosticate that no child will be born. If however only some of these afflictions are found, children will be born after suitable remedial measures.


Anishta Bhavas are the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses. The lunar day on which the query is put is Santhana Tithi. If all the factors are afflicted there will be no progeny. If some are afflicted, remedial measures may be resorted to.

As per this stanza, factors favouring no birth of children, are (a) Jupiter, the lord of the 5th and Yamakantaka should be afflicted.

(b) They should occupy the 6th, the 8th and the 12th houses.

(c) They should be in even signs and even Navamsas.

(d) The 5th house should also be afflicted.

(e) The query should have been put after the 8th day of the dark half of the lunar month.

If all the five factors obtain, there will be no birth of children. If only two or three are present, then one can have issues by performing remedial measures such as gifts, worship, etc.

Stanza 39. If Jupiter, lord of the 5th and Yamakantaka are not aspected by or associated with malefic or eunuch planets, and associated with or aspected by benefics, and the 5th house falls in an odd Rasi and an odd Navamsa; and if Santhana Tithi happens to fall in the bright, half after the 5th lunar day, there will be birth of children.

Stanza 40. If the lord of the 5th from Lagna Dwadasamsa Rasi, occupies the Lagna, a child will be born within a year. The child will be born in as many years as is signified by the number of the house the said lord is in, from the Lagna. If he occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, no child will be born.


In this stanza, the author gives the time of the birth of an issue. The lord of the 5th house from the Rasi signified by the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the Lagna occupies some house. In so many years the child will be born. Suppose the Lagna is Aquarius 16°. It falls in the 7th Dwadasamsa which means Leo. If the lord of the 5th from Leo is in Lagna, an issue will be born in one year. If he is in the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th or the 5th, then the issue will be born respectively in the 2nd, the 3rd the 4th or the 5th year. If the lord is in the 7th, the 9th, the 10th or the 11th, the issue will be born after remedial measures. If he is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, no issue will be born.

Stanza 41. When Jupiter transits the 5th, the 7th, the 9th or the 11th from the Rasi or Navamsa Rasi, whichever is stronger, of the Yogasphuta (mentioned in stanza 34), and the transited Rasi is aspected by or associated with benefics, there will be birth of an issue. If on the other hand the transited Rasi is afflicted by malefics, pregnancy will not bear fruit.

Stanza 42. There will be birth of a child if the point arrived at by adding together the longitudes of the ascendant, the Moon, Yamakantaka and Gulika falls in an odd sign and an odd Navamsa and a kendra or a trikona from Jupiter and if Mercury, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are not in a kendra or trikona.

Stanza 43. If sexual union takes place when Jupiter is in the Rasi or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th, the Sun is in the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Navamsa Lagna, and the Moon is in the Rasi and Navamsa occupied by the lord of Lagna, the woman will conceive and give birth to a child.


I met a Panicker, well-versed in Prasna Marga during one of my visits to Kerala. According to him, stanza 43 is to be understood thus:

Jupiter's Navamsa must be in the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th. The Sun's Navamsa must be in the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from the Navamsa-Rasi of Lagna. The Moon's Navamsa must be in the sign occupied by the lord of the ascendant. Sexual union taking place under this planetary set-up results in pregnancy and birth of a child.

Of course I have my own reservations about his interpretation.

Example: Chart 3.




    Lagna       Sun Venus  
  Chart 3 RASI     NAVAMSA Moon
Moon   Mercury Venus Merc.     Lagna


The 5th lord, Mercury is in Libra Rasi and Sagittarius Navamsa.

Jupiter in transit should be in one of these signs.

Navamsa Lagna being Virgo, its ruler is Mercury who is in Libra Rasi and Sagittarius Navamsa. The Sun should occupy Libra or Sagittarius in transit.

The lord of Lagna Venus is in Virgo Rasi and Taurus Navamsa. The transit Moon should be in Taurus or Virgo.

When sexual union takes place under such a planetary set-up in gochara (transit), the woman conceives successfully.

Between the Rasi and the Navamsa Rasi, the stronger one is to be considered.

The combinations, given in this stanza, are according to our author, a secret clue given by his own Guru.

Stanza 44. Ascertain the day on which the Moon transits the Dwadasamsa Rasi of the sum of the longitudes of the ascendant and the Moon; the month when the Sun transits the sign signified by the sum of the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon; the year, when Jupiter transits the sign obtained by adding the longitudes of the ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter; and the exact Rasi by adding the longitudes of the ascendant, the Sun, the Moon and Gulika. If sexual union takes place under the above set-up, pregnancy results in the birth of a child.


This stanza enables one to fix up a time for the sexual union to result in conception and later on in the birth of an issue.

The above stanza is represented by the following formula:

Year: Lagna + Moon + Jupiter - a

Month: Sun + Moon......... b

Day: (Lagna + Moon)......... = c

Dwadasamsa Rasi of c gives the day.

Time: Lagna + Sun + Moon + Gulika = d.

The year Jupiter transits a, the month when the Sun transits b, the day when the Moon transits the Dwadasamsa Rasi of c and the time when d rises on Lagna is the appropriate time for sexual union.

Whenever Rasi is mentioned it automatically follows that the Navamsa Rasi is also implied. Thus if the Sun 4 the Moon is in Aquarius Rasi and Libra Navamsa, the stronger of the two must be considered.

Here is a method of determining the fertile period for sexual congress. Childless couples wishing for children can time their unions in accordance with the formula given here.

Stanza 45. The planets that join or aspect the lord of the 5th house (or the sign and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th) indicate the caste of the woman through whom a child is to be born. If the lord of the 5th is aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the querist will have issues through his own wife.


The strongest of (a) the planets that join the lord of the 5th, (b) the planets that aspect the lord of the 5th, or (c) the sign and Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th will give the clue to predict the caste of the woman who begets the child. Jupiter and Venus aspecting the 5th or lord of the 5th is enough to suggest that the issue will be through the wedded wife.

Most of the classical writers agree on legitimate issue, i.e., through one's wedded wife if Jupiter is involved.

According to Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka, the Sun and Mars rule the kingly caste (Kshatriyas or warrior races) and royalty, the Moon and Mercury indicate Vaisyas (trading community). Jupiter and Venus indicate Brahmins, Saturn Chandalas or outcastes and Ketu and Rahu, the demoniacal or the very heterodox, foreigners, non-Hindus, etc. Depending upon the planet involved, the caste of the woman who will bear one's issue can be made out.

Stanza 46. If the Yogasphuta formed by adding the longitudes of the ascendant and Yama-kantaka happens to be in a common sign, no child will be born. If the Yogasphuta is afflicted by malefics, the wife will be barren. If the Sphuta is in Virgo and aspected by Mercury and Saturn, he will have two adopted children.


Stanza 46 gives three combinations for childlessness, barrenness and adoption. They can be listed serially as follows:

(a) Call the point arrived at by adding the longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka as x.

(b) If x falls in a common sign, no child is born.

(c) If x is afflicted by the aspect of or association with malefics, the wife will be barren

(d) If x happens to fall in Virgo and is aspected by Mercury and Saturn, two children will be adopted.

My discussions with some pandits experienced in the techniques of Prasna Marga have revealed that according to them the combination can deny the birth of a child from the first wife, which implies (according to the then prevailing custom) that the native would marry a second wife for begetting a child. What if the second marriage also failed to give a child ? The pandits say that if x occupies Sagittarius (instead of Virgo), the first wife gets a child after the second marriage. If x is in Pisces, he marries a third wife from whom he gets an issue. If it is situated in a common sign and receives the aspect of benefics or benefics conjoin it, all the three wives will beget issues.

In the light of the modern social set-up, the details furnished here could be of only academic interest.

Stanza 47. If the Yogasphuta is conjoined with Mars and Saturn and aspected by the Sun and Mercury, adopted children quarrel. If Jupiter and Venus associate or aspect the 2nd, the adopted child will be cordial towards its parents.


If x referred to in the previous stanza has the association of Mercury and Saturn and the aspect of the Sun, the two adopted children will not get on well. If instead of the Sun, Jupiter and Venus aspect, the child adopted for the second time will prosper and will not be quarrelsome. In other words, the adoption will be a success.

When Mercury is in conjunction with x, the Sun cannot aspect it as Mercury can never be situated beyond 37° from the Sun. It is not clear whether any partial aspect is hinted at.

With stanza 47 the subject of children ends.

Stanza 48. The question regarding the future of the child in the womb is known as "garbha prasna" it is to be answered thus.

Stanza 49 The Garbha Prasna Lagna (progeny — ascendant) is the Yogasphuta formed by adding the ascendant and Yamakantaka. Details about the mother have to be read from this ascendant and the Moon. The 7th house from this point and the Sun represent the father. The nature of the progeny, etc., should be ascertained from Jupiter.


x referred to in the notes under stanza 46 and the Moon enable us to get details about the mother; the 7th from x and the Sun indicate details about the father. Jupiter's position will reveal whether or not the pregnancy leads to birth of an issue.

Stanza 50. The ascendant, the Moon, the 7th house, the Sun and Jupiter weak and aspected by malefics cause the death of the parents. If Jupiter alone is strong, the child alone will survive.


In the query chart the ascendant, the Moon, the Sun, the 7th house and Jupiter should all be rendered weak (nirveerya) and aspected by malefics (asubhair vilokyate). The above given factors can become weak if joined by malefics. If malefics aspect or conjoin, then the factors become weak and the parents and the child in the womb will all die. If Jupiter is rendered strong, the child survives but the father and mother may die.

Stanza 51. If the ascendant, the lord of the ascendant and the Moon are weak being afflicted by malefic planets, the pregnant woman will die. If Jupiter is weak, the child also will die. If the 7th house, the lord of the 7th, and the Sun are all afflicted, the father will die. Here again if Jupiter is strong, the father will die, only after the safe delivery of the child.

Stanza 52. The Sun in association with Mars indicates illness to father. The Moon with Saturn denotes illness to mother. If the Moon is aspected by some malefics and associated with some malefics amongst the three viz., Mars, Saturn and Rahu, then the woman will die in her pregnancy. If the Sun is afflicted by the three malefics and is devoid of benefic influence, the father of the child will die before its birth. The child will die if Jupiter is afflicted.


The death of the mother and the father and the child in the womb and whether the father alone dies and if so before or after the birth of the child, can all be predicted by a careful consideration of the combinations listed in this stanza. When the word 'afflicted' is used, it implies that the planet concerned is either aspected by or conjoined with a malefic or malefics and is not subject to any benefic influences. The three powerful malefics are Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The intensity of the affliction depends upon the number of malefics involved. If all the malefics cause the affliction and if any benefics affect the affliction, then the prediction is to be accordingly modified.

Stanza 53. If in the query chart malefics occupy the 12th from the point arrived at by adding the longitudes of the lord of the 12th house and Jupiter, the birth of an issue is denied. If this affliction is found in the birth charts of the couple, the indicated event is bound to happen.

If the asterism obtained by the addition of the longitudes of Gulika and Yamakantaka, happens to be the 3rd, the 5th or 7th from the natal stars of the wife and husband, there will be no issue.


According to some, besides the longitudes of Jupiter and the lord of the 12th house, the longitude of Arudha Lagna should also be added and the resulting sign considered. The stanza says — ripha jeevayoga bhavanete — the longitudes of the lord of the 12th (ripha) and Jupiter (jeeva). How or why Arudha is to be included, is not quite clear.

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