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Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. 1. I (to fall) asleep when somebody (to break) our front door


1. I (to fall) asleep when somebody (to break) our front door.

2. Jim ought (to learn) languages if he (to want) to get a job with international company.

3. I (not to hit) my wife if she (not to dance) with that handsome guy all night.

4. I (to study) English for some months now and I (not to discover) anything really difficult so far.

5. I’m sorry, I` m not used (to eat) fatty food.

6. Could you make him (to stop) (to sing).

7. It was a marvelous concert. I never (to hear) anything like it.

8. Yesterday he (to work) in his garden from morning till night.


Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.


The journey is always dangerous and many children die in transit.

Traffickers have to pay the fares, including food for the children during the journey as well as bribes to ensure the collaboration of border guards.

They have to recoup this money from the child's labour in their future host country.

Once in their host family the children receive no money. They are bonded to the traffickers or to the person to whom they are sold.

They work very hard from early morning to late at night to pay off money owed.

They face very harsh living conditions and are unable to see their families.


Модуль 2


Test 5

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. I felt he (not to believe) a word when I (to speak).

2. I would rather (to go) with you than (to stay) at home.

3. I wish you (not to keep) (to pour) hot tea down my neck.

4. He asked her whether she (to like) London.

5. They insisted on (to begin) the party at midnight.

6. He is (to pay) more than he really (to earn).

7. The girl on the beach seemed (to read) a detective story.

8. The doctor (to send) for before you suggested doing that.


2. Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.


Huge losses

Traders say girls from Benin and Togo are particularly in demand in wealthy families in Lagos in Nigeria and in Libreville in Gabon.

Other children are taken as far away as Bangui in the Central Africa Republic, which itself is a poor country. Children from there are said to be in high demand in Cameroon.

In one instance the Benin authorities found 400 children aboard a boat anchored in Cotonou harbour, itself an historic slaving market.

In July 1997 Benin police arrested five West Africans preparing to ship them to Gabon.

Police said the children, some aged only eight, were bought from families for the equivalent of about $30.

This time, the child slaves were intended for other West African capitals and not America.

Facts are difficult to come by. In Togo diplomatic sources stress that hundreds of girls are transported across the country's borders each year and 1,000 Togolese girls are estimated to be employed in Gabon.

A Togolese diplomat based in Libreville has urged his own government to take action to stem the flow of children being trafficked out of Togo.



Модуль 2


Test 6

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. If you dislike (to peel) onions, try (to hold) them under water while (to do) it.

2. If she (to drive) more carefully yesterday, she (not to cause) that accident.

3. I didn’t understand why he (to speak) so loudly.

4. I wish I (to be) more careful when I did my homework.

5. The autumn rains (to destroy) the bridge last year.

6. She (to wash) the dress before her mother (to come back).

7. The dinner (to cook) before they come?

8. I (to write) a book this year.


2. Translate the text on your speciality and put the questions to the underlined words.

A children's market was tracked down in a five storey building in Lagos, where residents used to go to choose the children they wanted for domestic work.

In 1996 this illegal market was discovered full of malnourished children, aged between seven and 17 years old, waiting for buyers.

A special child slave stock market has long been common in the Marche du Plateau- a popular market in Abidjan in Cote D'ivoire where relatively wealthy local women come to buy their 'helpers'.

Groups have also been taken to Europe under the pretext of participation in sports tournaments or in one case a public audience with the Pope.

Officials from a Western embassy in Nigeria were arrested on charges of involvement in this trade. In Abidjan, child trafficking is said to be largely in the hands of the Lebanese.

Parents may be paid as little as $15 to 'lease' their offspring to Arab Gulf states, Lebanon and Europe

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