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Ýêçàìåíàöèîííûå òåñòû äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ 1 êóðñà ôàðìàöåâòè÷åñêîãî ôàêóëüòåòà

Òåñòû I óðîâíÿ

1. Cross out the extra word:

a. bread

b. ham

c. aunt

d. juice

e. chicken


2. Compile the proverb:

Every country has its … .

a. flower

b. customs

c. queen

d. king

e. keys


3. The synonym of the word “slight” is:

a. brave

b. dark

c. strong

d. weak

e. heavy


4. Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “possible”:

a. repossible

b. impossible

c. ilpossible

d. inpossible

e. unpossible


5. Find the proper word.

We keep our clothes in the ….

a. sofa

b. cupboard

c. wardrobe

d. TV-set

e. refrigerator


6. Indicate the antonym to “seldom”.

a. usually

b. sometimes

c. never

d. frequently

e. often


7. Indicate the antonym to “ever”.

a. always

b. usually

c. never

d. often

e. sometimes


8. Choose the right verb.

Jane …. swimming.

a. goes

b. looks

c. gets

d. likes

e. gives


9. Choose the correctly written word.

Alice is fond of … .

a. ballet

b. bollet

c. ballete

d. balett

e. balet


10. Indicate the antonym to “rare”.

a. never

b. seldom

c. sometimes

d. usually

e. frequently


11. Choose the right definition.

A theatre is a place where ….

a. we dance

b. we go to see a play

c. we study mathematics

d. we cook meals

e. we have breakfast


12. Choose the right definition.

The room where we sleep is ….

a. a living room

b. a kitchen

c. a bathroom

d. a bedroom

e. a study



13. The antonym to the word “high” is:

a. little

b. rise

c. low

d. level

e. long


14. Choose the uncountable noun:

a. bottle

b. pencil

c. book

d. sugar

e. pen


15. Cross out the extra word:

a. coat

b. uncle

c. hat

d. shoes

e. dress


16. Compile the proverb:

East or … home is best.

a. South

b. North

c. West

d. North West

e. South East


17. Find the numeral:

a. twenty

b. changeable

c. heavily

d. agree

e. traditional


18. Choose the proper preposition:

I am interested … English.

a. at

b. in

c. with

d. for

e. on


19. The antonym to the word “hot” is:

a. cool

b. warm

c. cold

d. very cold

e. freeze


20. Indicate the antonym to “never”:

a. always

b. usually

c. ever

d. often

e. sometimes


21. Choose proper preposition.

Kate is fond … sport.

a. in

b. on

c. of

d. at

e. to


22. Choose the proper preposition:

Thanks … coming.

a. for

b. in

c. to

d. at

e. over


23. Give the proper definition.

The place where we buy drugs is … .

a. a shop

b. a café

c. a chemist’s

d. a university

e. a school


24. Give the proper definition.

The place where we eat is … .

a. a café

b. a library

c. a shop

d. a theatre

e. a cinema


25. Indicate the antonym to “always”

a. often

b. usually

c. never

d. seldom

e. sometimes


26. Choose the correctly written word:

a. happier

b. hapier

c. hapyier

d. happyer

e. happyier


27. Indicate the antonym to “rich”

a. greedy

b. polite

c. poor

d. weak

e. cosy

28. Give the synonym to “a flat”

a. a house

b. a cottage

c. a slave

d. an apartment

e. a blank


29. Give the synonym to “famous”:

a. common

b. well-known

c. special

d. important

e. significant


30. Indicate the antonym to the preposition “In”

a. off

b. out

c. under

d. among

e. between


31. Choose the uncountable word:

a. word

b. hair

c. truck

d. minute

e. vegetable


32. Choose the word in Singular:

a. foot

b. women

c. children

d. feet

e. tables


33. Find the missed letter in the word “Scholchildren”

a. l

b. o

c. k

d. u

e. c


34. Give the antonym to “old”:

a. different

b. strong

c. quick

d. easy

e. young


35. Choose the common word for this group:

a. the mother

b. the grandparents

c. the father

d. the parents

e. The Stogovs


36. Choose the correctly written word:

a. breikfast

b. breakfact

c. braekfast

d. breakvast

e. breakfast


37. Choose the correctly written word:

a. hotest

b. hottest

c. hootest

d. hotiest

e. hottiest


38. Give the synonym to “to start”:

a. to play

b. to begin

c. to bring

d. to finish

e. to give


39. Cross out the extra word:

a. kind

b. modest

c. comfortable

d. frank

e. calm


40. Choose the word of the theme “Shopping”:

a. price

b. score

c. match

d. snow

e. school


41. Choose the correctly written word:

a. dresss

b. dressys

c. dresses

d. dressis

e. dreses


42. Choose the correctly written word:

a. chidhod

b. childhood

c. childhoad

d. childfood

e. chaildhood


43. Letter «å» is missed in the word … :

a. to forg…t

b. to bre…k

c. to st…nd

d. to m…ke

e. to j…mp


44. Choose the correctly written word:

a. conctitution

b. consitucion

c. constitusion

d. constitution

e. constitution


45. Give the antonym to “tall”:

a. short

b. large

c. huge

d. strong

e. high


46. Choose the correctly written word:

a. inffuence

b. enfluence

c. inffluence

d. influnce

e. influence


47. Choose the correctly written word:

a. happier

b. hapier

c. hapyier

d. happyer

e. happyier


48. Letter «c» is missed in the word …:

a. …ind

b. …now

c. …night

d. …anal

e. …not


49. Find the common word for this group:

1. a father

2. a mother

3. a sister

4. a brother

5. a family


50. Find the common word for this group:

1. Balkhash

2. Ala-Kol

3. Tengis

4. Zaisan

5. lakes


51. Find the common word for this group:

1. October

2. November

3. December

4. April

5. months


52. Find the common word for this group:

1. Ils

2. Ertis

3. Syr-Darya

4. Ishim

5. rivers


53. Find the common word for this group:

1. east

2. parts

3. west

4. south

5. north


54. Find the common word for this group:

1. wheat

2. corn

3. food

4. rice

5. millet


55. Find the common word for this group:

1. Almaty

2. cities

3. Astana

4. Karaganda

5. Pavlodar


56. Find the common word for this group:

1. Russian

2. Uighur

3. Kazakh

4. languages

5. Korean


57. Find the common word for this group:

1. apple

2. lemon

3. orange

4. fruits

5. banana

58. Find the common word for this group:

1. Medeo

2. Chimbulak

3. sightseeings

4. Kok-tobe

5. Alma-arasan


59. Find the common word for this group:

1. educational institutions

2. academy

3. university

4. institute

5. colleges


60. Find the common word for this group:

1. England

2. Wales

3. the United Kingdom

4. Scotland

5. Northern Ireland


61. Find the common word for this group:

1. Shipbuilding

2. industry

3. textile

4. electronics

5. machinery


62. Find the common word for this group:

1. conservative

2. liberal

3. party

4. labour

5. democratic


63. Find the common word for this group:

1. climate

2. mild

3. continental

4. moderate

5. strong


64. Find the common word for this group:

1. House of Lords

2. Parliament

3. House of commons

4. Senate

5. Mazhilis


65. Find the common word for this group:

1. high lands

2. low lauands

3. mountains

4. surface

5. valley


66. Find the common word for this group:

1. Parts of London

2. West End

3. Westminster

4. East End

5. city


67. Find the common word for this group:

1. Centre

2. political

3. educational

4. commercial

5. economic


68. Find the common word for this group:

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral

2. sightseeing

3. Tower of London

4. Buckingham Palace

5. Westminster


69. Find the common word for this group:

1. infant

2. junior

3. nursery

4. state

5. schools


70. Find the common word for this group:

1. English

2. mathematics

3. History

4. subjects

5. Geography


71. Find the common word for this group:

1. Grammar

2. schools

3. Modern

4. Comprehensive

5. Public


72. Find the common word for this group:

1. pre-school

2. primary

3. higher

4. education

5. secondary


73. Find the common word for this group:

1. Physics

2. Chemistry

3. Biology

4. sciences

5. Economics


74. Find the common word for this group:

1. Eton

2. Harrow

3. famous public schools

4. Rugby

5. Winchester


75. Find the common word for this group:

1. Bachelor’s

2. degree

3. master’s

4. Doctor’s

5. candidate


76. Find the common word for this group:

1. Gifted

2. Handicapped

3. Weak

4. children

5. advanced


77. Find the common word for this group:

1. Turk

2. Tajik

3. Farsi

4. languages

5. Russian


78. Find the common word for this group:

1. professor

2. academician

3. assistant professor

4. academic degree

5. Candidate


79. Find the common word for this group:

1. smallpox

2. disease

3. grippe

4. cowpox

5. pneumonia


80. Find the common word for this group:

1. effective

2. ineffective

3. vaccination

4. useful

5. available


81. Cross out the extra word:

1. a nephew

2. an aunt

3. an uncle

4. a teacher

5. a niece


82. Cross out the extra word:

1. September

2. November

3. February

4. season

5. May


83. Cross out the extra word:

1. the Volga

2. the Vesnovka

3. the Alma-tau

4. the Thames

5. the Ili


84. Cross out the extra word:

1. Amu-Darya

2. Ishim

3. Ilek

4. Tobol

5. Balkhash


85. Cross out the extra word:

1. west

2. east

3. country

4. north

5. south


86. Cross out the extra word:

1. corn

2. rice

3. millet

4. meat

5 wheat


87. Cross out the extra word:

1. summer

2. year

3. autumn

4. spring

5. winter


88. Cross out the extra word:

1. flowers

2. grasses

3. plants

4. trees

5. animals


89. Cross out the extra word:

1. white

2. blue

3. green

4. room

5. black


90. Cross out the extra word:

1. Aktobe

2. part

3. Uralsk

4. Atyrau

5. Aktau


91. Cross out the extra word:

1. theatre

2. cinema

3. club

4. gallery

5. market


92. Cross out the extra word:

1. orange

2. grapefruit

3. lemon

4. banana

5. potatoes


93. Cross out the extra word:

1. agriculture

2. shipbuilding

3. textile

4. fruits

5. electronic


94. Cross out the extra word:

1. institute

2. academy

3. school

4. college

5. hospital


95. Cross out the extra word:

1. flag

2. authem

3. emblem

4. ornamentations

5. autumn


96. Cross out the extra word:

1. cold

2. hot

3. mild

4. moderate

5. river


97. Cross out the extra word:

1. plain

2. deserts

3. mountains

4. climate

5. valley


98. Cross out the extra word:

1. England

2. America

3. Wales

4. Scotland

5. Northern Ireland


99. Cross out the extra word:

1. City

2. government

3. West End

4. Westminster

5. East End


100. Cross out the extra word:

1. London

2. Washington

3. Moscow

4. Astana

5. Taldy-Korgan


101. Cross out the extra word:

1. London

2. New-York

3. Cardiff

4. Edinburgh

5. Belfast


102. Cross out the extra word:

1. St. Paul’s Cathedral

2. Statue of Liberty

3. Tower of London

4. Westminster

5. Buckingham Palace


103. Cross out the extra word:

1. Technical Drawing

2. Physical training

3. Natural sciences

4. territory

5. Physics


104. Cross out the extra word:

1. Bachelor

2. Master

3. Doctor

4. Candidate

5. examination


105. Cross out the extra word:

1. talented children

2. handicapped children

3. wean children

4. parents

5. advanced children


106. Cross out the extra word:

1. primary schools

2. secondary schools

3. infant schools

4. science

5. technical schools


107. Cross out the extra word:

1. famous

2. outstanding

3. prominent

4. commissar

5. well-known


108. Cross out the extra word:

1. scientist

2. teacher

3. doctor

4. pharmacist

5. health


109 Cross out the extra word:

1. fonder

2. organizer

3. creator

4. driver

5. promoter


110. Cross out the extra word:

1. physician

2. doctor

3. pharmacist

4. learner

5. manager


111. Cross out the extra word:

1. funnels

2. beaker

3. flams

4. bottles

5. odour


112. Cross out the extra word:

1. burners

2. vase

3. crucibles

4. scales

5. testube stands


113. Cross out the extra word:

1. room

2. laboratory

3. house

4. cabinet

5. lecture


114. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. lecture

2. lection

3. lectire

4. lectare

5. lectior


115. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. professor

2. praffessor

3. proffessor

4. profesor

5. proffesor


116. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. chemical

2. chimecal

3. kemical

4. chemecal

5. khemical


117. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. experiments

2. eksperiments

3. ixperiments

4. iksperiments

5. expirements


118. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. sciince

2. science

3. sience

4. siense

5. sciens


119. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. chemestry

2. khemestry

3. kemestry

4. chemistry

5. chimestry


120. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. hydrogen

2. hidrogen

3. hidrogene

4. hydrogene

5. hidrodgene


121. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. liquids

2. licvids

3. liqids

4. liquds

5. licvides


122. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. compaunds

2. compounds

3. kompounds

4. campounds

5. compineds


123. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. substance

2. supstance

3. substanse

4. substantia

5. sabstanse


124. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. properti

2. propirty

3. property

4. proparty

5. proporty


125. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. academitian

2. acodemitian

3. academisian

4. academician

5. academican



126. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. lobaratory

2. laboratory

3. labaratory

4. laboratori

5. laborotory


127. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. periodic table

2. table periodic

3. piriodic tables

4. tables periodic

5. periodik table


128. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. asistant

2. asistent

3. assistant

4. assisttant

5. assistont


129. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. universiti

2. uneverity

3. university

4. univercity

5. unevercity


130. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. vacination

2. vactionation

3. vaccination

4. vaccanation

5. vaccinacion


131. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. smallpox

2. smalpox

3. smalpoks

4. smallpocs

5. smalposx


132. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. investigacion

2. investigation

3. invistigation

4. envestigation

5. envestigacion



133. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. disiese

2. disease

3. dicease

4. disese

5. desiese


134. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. diskoveri

2. discovery

3. dyscovery

4. dyscoveri

5. disoveracion


135. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. secondari

2. sekondary

3. secondary

4. secondarly

5. cecondary


136. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. tradicion

2. trodicion

3. trodician

4. tradition

5. tradician


137. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. educacion

2. educacian

3. education

4. iducation

5. edukation


138. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. health

2. healtgh

3. hialth

4. healgh

5. healthe


139. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. castums

2. customs

3. kustoms

4. castems

5. castomes


140. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. industrial

2. endustrial

3. endastrial

4. indastrial

5. industriel


141. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. mashinery

2. machinery

3. machineri

4. mashineri

5. mochinery


142. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. Cambridge

2. Cambrige

3. Cambriege

4. Kambrige

5. Cambriedge


143. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. United

2. Unieted

3. Unitid

4. Yunited

5. Unietted


144. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. intellectial

2. intelectual

3. intellectual

4. intellektual

5. entillectual


145. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. gaverment

2. government

3. govverment

4. guvermant

5. guaverment


146. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. Thames

2. Themese

3. Thamese

4. Thamez

5. Themas



147. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. highlands

2. hihlands

3. higlands

4. hieghlands

5. hilands


148. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. exportar

2. ixportar

3. exporter

4. iksporter

5. eksporter


149. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. beuatiful

2. beautiful

3. biautiful

4. beoutiful

5. biautifful


150. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. niese

2. niece

3. niice

4. niesa

5. niecca


151. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. mountain

2. mauntain

3. mountien

4. moantain

5. muantain


152. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. recource

2. resource

3. risource

4. resourse

5. resours


153. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. countri

2. country

3. countre

4. cauntry

5. kountry


154. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. economi

2. iconomy

3. economy

4. economie

5. ekonomy


155. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. shipabuilding

2. chipbuilding

3. shipbuilding

4. sheepbuilding

5. sheapbuilding


156. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. higher

2. higer

3. highaer

4. highier

5. hiher


157. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. businecc

2. bisiness

3. business

4. bisines

5. beasiness


158. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. arkitecture

2. architecture

3. architekture

4. arkhitecture

5. architecture


159. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. teatre

2. teathre

3. theatre

4. theathre

5. thiatre


160. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. skating-rink

2. scating-rink

3. skeiting-rink

4. sceiting rink

5. skating rinke



161. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. monarky

2. monarchi

3. monarchy

4. monarkhy

5. monarkie


162. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. Britain

2. Britein

3. Brittain

4. Brittaine

5. Brietain



163. Choose the correct variant of a word:

1. millete

2. milette

3. millet

4. millett

5. miellet


164. Find the second form of the verb: to have

a. having

b. had

c. hade

d. haved

e. has


165. Find the second form of the verb: to work

a. worked

b. working

c. works

d. work

e. worken


166. Find the second form of the verb: to situate

a. situate

b. situating

c. situated

d. situates

e. situated


167. Find the second form of the verb: to develop

a. developing

b. developped

c. developed

d. develops

e. developen


168. Find the second form of the verb: to grow

a. grew

b. grown

c. grown

d. grows

e. growing


169. Find the second form of the verb: to speak

a. spoke

b. speaken

c. spoken

d. speaks

e. speaking



170. Find the second form of the verb: to fall

a. falls

b. fell

c. fallen

d. falling

e. fall


171. Find the second form of the verb: to cover

a. coverred

b. covered

c. covers

d. covering

e. cover


172. Find the second form of the verb: to mean

a. means

b. meaning

c. meant

d. miant

e. mean


173. Find the second form of the verb: to call

a. calls

b. calling

c. called

d. caled

e. call


174. Find the second form of the verb: to be

a. was, were

b. been

c. be

d. being

e. wasen


175. Find the second form of the verb: to come

a. comes

b. come

c. coming

d. comed

e. came


176. Find the second form of the verb: to study

a. study

b. studyed

c. studied

d. studies

e. studying



177. Find the second form of the verb: to hold

a. helding

b. held

c. holds

d. helding

e. hold


178. Find the second form of the verb: to consist

a. consisting

b. consisted

c. consists

d. consist

e. consisted


179. Find the second form of the verb: to read

a. readed

b. read

c. reads

d. reading

e. readen


180. Find the second form of the verb: to write

a. written

b. wrote

c. writes

d. writted

e. write


181. Find the second form of the verb: to learn

a. learnt

b. learnet

c. learns

d. learn

e. learning


182. Find the second form of the verb: to wash

a. washing

b. washes

c. wash

d. washed

e. washen


183. Find the second form of the verb: to make

a. maken

b. made

c. maked

d. makes

e. making



184. Find the second form of the verb: to listen

a. listening

b. listens

c. listened

d. listen

e. listenen


185. Find the second form of the verb: to behave

a. behaved

b. behaving

c. behaves

d. behavs

e. behave


186. Find the second form of the verb: to pay

a. pay

b. paying

c. paid

d. paided

e. payed


187. Find the second form of the verb: to rule

a. rules

b. ruling

c. rulled

d. ruled

e. rule


188. Find the second form of the verb: to do

a. does

b. did

c. done

d. doed

e. doing


189. Find the second form of the verb: to break

a. breaken

b. broken

c. broke

d. breaking

e. breaks


190. Find the second form of the verb: to use

a. using

b. uses

c. use

d. used

e. used



191. Find the second form of the verb: to include

a. including

b. included

c. includes

d. include

e. includen


192. Find the second form of the verb: to divide

a. divides

b. dividing

c. divided

d. divide

e. dividen


193. Find the second form of the verb: to go

a. went

b. gone

c. going

d. wented

e. goes


194. Find the second form of the verb: to teach

a. teaches

b. teaching

c. taught

d. teaght

e. teach


195. Find the second form of the verb: to begin

a. begun

b. begins

c. beginning

d. began

e. begin


196. Find the second form of the verb: to get

a. gets

b. getting

c. getted

d. got

e. git


197. Find the second form of the verb: to choose

a. chosen

b. chose

c. choosing

d. choses

e. choosed



198. Find the second form of the verb: to pass

a. passing

b. passes

c. passed

d. pass

e. passen


199. Find the second form of the verb: to take

a. taken

b. took

c. taking

d. taked

e. takes


200. Find the second form of the verb: to enter

a. entered

b. enterring

c. enterres

d. enter

e. enters


201. Find the second form of the verb: to know

a. known

b. knowing

c. knew

d. knowed

e. know


202. Find the second form of the verb: to give

a. giving

b. gaving

c. gave

d. gives

e. give


203. Find the second form of the verb: to publish

a. publishing

b. publishes

c. publish

d. published

e. publishen


204. Find the second form of the verb: to prevent

a. preventing

b. prevented

c. prevents

d. prevent

e. preventen



205. Find the second form of the verb: to carry

a. carrying

b. carryes

c. carries

d. carried

e. carry


206. Find the second form of the verb: to say

a. saying

b. saied

c. said

d. says

e. say


207. Find the second form of the verb: to tell

a. told

b. telling

c. tells

d. telled

e. tell


208. Find the second form of the verb: to find

a. finded

b. finding

c. found

d. founded

e. finds


209. Find the second form of the verb: to control

a. controls

b. controlling

c. controlled

d. control

e. controled


210. Find the second form of the verb: to heat

a. heated

b. heaten

c. heating

d. heats

e. heat


211. Find the second form of the verb: to put

a. put

b. putted

c. putting

d. puts

e. puted



212. Find the second form of the verb: to elect

a. elects

b. elected

c. electing

d. elects

e. elect


213. Find the second form of the verb: to make

a. maken

b. maded

c. made

d. making

e. makes


214. Find the second form of the verb: to spend

a. spending

b. spends

c. spended

d. spent

e. spend


215. Find the second form of the verb: to apply

a. applyed

b. applied

c. apply

d. applys

e. applying


216. Find the second form of the verb: to complete

a. completing

b. completed

c. copletes

d. completted

e. complete


Òåñòû II óðîâíÿ

1. Choose the correct preposition:

The children stood … when the teacher came in.

a. of

b. under

c. over

d. up

e. down


2. Choose the necessary preposition:

I am interested … most sports.

a. at

b. for

c. with

d. in

e. on


3. Choose the correct variant of adjectives’ comparison degrees:

My … sister doesn’t live with us.

a. elder

b. more old

c. old

d. more older

e. eld


4. Choose the Plural forms of the noun:

Our … are … .

a. childs/ brothers

b. children/ brother

c. child/brothers

d. childrens/brothers

e. children/brothers


5. Choose the Possessive form of the noun:

… mothers were talking.

a. The babie’s

b. The baby

c. The babies’

d. The babys’

e. The babies


6. Put the sentence into negative form:

The boys are playing in the yard.

a. The boys are not playing in the yard

b. The boys don’t playing in the yard

c. The boys isn’t playing in the yard

d. The boys not playing in the yard

e. The boys didn’t playing in the yard


7. Read the numerals: 150, 235

a. One hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and thirty five

b. One hundred and fifty thousands two hundreds and thirty five

c. One hundreds and fifty thousands two hundred and thirty five

d. One hundred and fifty thousand and two hundreds and thirty five

e. One hundred fifty thousand two hundred thirty five


8. Choose the correct variant:

I don’t know what … if you …this information.

a. happens/forget

b. happen/forget

c. will happen/ will forget

d. happens/will forget

e. will happen/forget


9. Fill in the proper form of the verb:

I’ll wait for you until the taxi ….

a. will come

b. has been come

c. come

d. comes

e. came


10. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition:

He went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

a. by

b. off

c. in

d. up

e. on


11. Circle the best answer:

A, B, C, D, E: You are late. What …?

a. was happened

b. has happened

c. is happened

d. was happening

e. is happening


12. Circle the correct answer:

If you don’t take a map, you’ll … .

a. have lost

b. get lose

c. get lost

d. lost

e. lose


13. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Valerie decided … a garden this year.

a. to grow

b. for growing

c. grow

d. grown

e. growing


14. Choose the correct form of the Passive voice:

Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

a. had been sent

b. was sending

c. none of the above

d. have sent

e. was sent


15. Circle the correct answer:

… that picture. Isn’t it lovely!

a. watch

b. look at

c. see

d. look

e. do


16. Circle the correct answer:

Bob wants money. Please give … to him.

a. they

b. those

c. them

d. it

e. its


17. Circle the correct answer:

Your flat is bigger than … . … walls are too high.

a. hers/Its

b. our/Her

c. her/ its

d. my/her

e. us/his


18. Fill in the proper preposition:

She is busy with … daughter.

a. yours

b. mine

c. hers

d. her

e. ours


19. Choose the right variant:

I think we have met her … .

a. somebody

b. somewhere

c. something

d. anywhere

e. sometimes


20. Choose the right variant:

There aren’t … fruit-trees in the orchard.

a. any

b. some

c. no

d. anything

e. nothing


21. Give the plural form of the word:

There are a lot of … in this place.

a. mices

b. mouse

c. mice

d. a mouse

e. a mice


22. Choose the right variant:

You look happy. What’s the news? … good?

a. Are they

b. Is there

c. Are there

d. Is it

e. There are


23. Choose the right variant:

Cuba is … sugar-growing areas in the world.

a. one of the larger

b. one of the largest

c. the largest

d. largest

e. one of the largest


24. Choose the right article if it is necessary:

Can you play … piano?

a. an

b. a

c. the

d. -

e. good


25. Put an article if it is necessary.

… America is … far away country.

a. The/a

b. -/-

c. The/the

d. An/-

e. -/a


26. Choose the proper preposition if necessary:

I’ll be on vacation … next week.

a. -

b. on

c. at

d. the

e. in


27. Give the right variant:

Antarctica is the side of … elevations on the earth.

a. than the highest

b. the highest are

c. and the highest

d. higher

e. the highest


28. Choose the proper form of the adjective’ comparison degrees:

Julia is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. young

c. youngest

d. younger

e. youngster


29. Choose the right variant.

There are many… in the garden.

a. flower

b. flowers

c. fower’s

d. flowers’

e. a flower


30. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

a. had

b. has

c. am having

d. have had

e. have


31. Choose the proper adverb.

This concert is … spoken about.

a. many

b. more

c. few

d. much

e. big


32. Choose the proper pronoun.

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .

a. yourself

b. himself

c. myself

d. ourselves

e. themselves


33. Choose the correct sentence.

a) My parents were in much countries.

b) Do it as any as possible.

c) Did you take some photos?

d) My wife speak few.

e) You watch TV too much.


34. Put an article if necessary.

These shoes are made of … leather.

a. the

b. any

c. an

d. -

e. an


35. Give the proper form of the verb.

Tom is in his room. He … piano.

a. was playing

b. plays

c. played

d. has playing

e. is playing


36. Fill in the proper form of the verb.

Usually books … to the students in the library.

a. was given

b. are given

c. gave

d. gives

e. gaves


37. Choose the right modal verb.

… I come in?

a. can

b. had to

c. have to

d. can to

e. may


38. Choose the right variant of a pronoun.

I don’t like this pen. Give me … one.

a. that

b. these

c. this

d. those

e. its


39. Choose the right variant.

I met my … friend yesterday.

a. goodest

b. better

c. the best

d. best

e. well


40. Give the proper adverb.

If we study … we’ll pass our exams successfully.

a. worst

b. well

c. good

d. best

e. bad


41. Give the proper form of the verb.

I … this work already.

a) did

b) done

c) have done

d) had done

e) didn’t


42. . Choose the proper form of the verb.

I saw a girl … out of the window.

a) looks

b) have looked

c) is looking

d) look

e) looking


43. Choose the proper form of the verb.

The teacher asked the students … late.

a) don’t be

b) not being

c) not to be

d) not be

e) doesn’t be


44. Choose the right variant.

There is … on the table.

a) books

b) book’s

c) a book

d) books’

e) book


45. Choose the proper form of the verb.

He … born in 1975.

a) is

b) were

c) had

d) was

e) am.


46. Choose the proper form of the verb.

He … out just now.

a) has gone

b) went

c) have gone

d) goes

e) gone


47. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Now the teacher … the students in room 4.

a) examine

b) is examining

c) examining

d) will examine

e) have examined


48. Choose the proper preposition.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

a) on

b) in

c) of

d) from

e) to


49. Choose the right variant of the word.

There are some … in the room.

a) chair

b) chair’s

c) chairs’

d) chairs

e) chaires


50. Choose the correct word.

Henry is … than his brother Bob.

a) strong

b) strongest

c) the stronger

d) so strong

e) stronger


51 Choose the correct word.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will have a picnic.

a) bad

b) best

c) fine

d) worse

e) baddest


52. Choose the proper form of the verb.

We … this letter already.

a) wrote

b) write

c) has written

d) writes

e) have written


53. Choose the proper form of the verb.

I don’t like … TV .

a) have watched

b) watching

c) watched

d) watch

e) is watched


54. Choose the proper preposition.

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

a) in

b) at

c) for

d) on

e) of


55. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Knowledge … power .

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) have

e) having


56. Choose the proper form of the verb.

The dean asked the students … .. … lessons .

a) missing

b) not to miss

c) doesn’t miss

d) don’t miss

e) be missed


57. Choose the proper variant.

… is a teacher.

a) Aiguls sisters

b) Aiguls sisters

c) Aiguls sister

d) Sisters of Aigul

e) Aigul sisters


58 Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

I must go to the English lesson.

… begins at 5 o, clock.

à) she

b) they

c) him

d) it

e) he


59. Choose the right variant.

Give … this book, please.

a) his

b) she

c) it

d) your

e) me


60. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Now they … an English article.

a) is translating

b) translate

c) translates

d) are translating

e) have translated


61. Choose the proper pronoun.

This book belongs to …

a) ours

b) me

c) my

d) our

e) we


62. Choose the proper pronoun.

How … friends do you have?

a) many

b) much

c) few

d) any

e) little


63. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

I looked for my bag, but I could not find it …

a. anybody

b.now here

c. everywhere


e. anywhere


64. Choose the right variant:


a. the twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seventh

b.twelve thousand and six hundred thirty seven

c. the twelve thousand six hundred thirty seven

d.twenty thousand six hundred thirty seven

e. twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seven


65. Choose the right variant:

I met my … friend yesterday /

a. old


c. older


e. the old


66. Choose the right variant:

This book is … interesting than that book.

a. well


c. most


e. the more


67. Choose the right variant:

Ill tell Serik all the things when … him.

    1. I am going to see
    2. I saw
    3. Ill see
    4. I shall see
    5. I see


68. Choose the proper form of the verb.

If … my passport, Ill be in trouble

a) Ill lose

b) I lost

c) I lose

d) I would lose

e) I have lost


69. Find the correct question.

a) Who do read the lectures in your university?

b) Who reads the lectures in your university?

c) Who does read the lectures in your university?

d) Does who read the lectures in your university?

e) Who read the lectures in your university?


70. Choose the proper form of the verb.

I … Arman yesterday.

a) saw

b) see

c) seen

d) seeing

e) was see


71. Choose the right variant:

This is … pen.

a) Sholpanes

b) Sholpans

c) Sholpans

d) Sholpans

e) Sholpan


72. Choose the proper pronoun:

I like ice – cream very … .

a) a few

b) few

c) more

d) many

e) much


73. Choose the right numeral:

She works in room … .

a) one

b) first

c) oneth

d) ones

e) the first


74. Choose the proper pronoun:

He makes mistakes in English very … .

a) much

b) few

c) often

d) many

e) little


75. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Before they … the country they should take passports.

a) will leave

b) to leave

c) leaves

d) left

e) leave


76. Choose the proper article:

There is … picture at the end of the book

a) an

b) –

c) a

d) the

c) any


77. Choose the proper forms of the verbs:

What … Tom … now?

a) is / done

b) is / does

c) are / doing

d) is / doing

e) am / doing


78. Choose the proper modal verb:

The students … not smoke.

a) have

b) might

c) should

d) cannot

e) have to


79. Choose the proper pronoun:

Samat was very ill … day

a) those

b) these

c) such

d) same

e) that


80. Choose the right variant:

They were students at this university four years ….

a) ago

b) for

c) since

d) already

e) in


81. Choose the right variant:

Who sings songs … than you?

a) the best

b) the most best

c) good

d) better

e) more better


82. Choose the right variant:

… you go to Almaty next week?

a) did

b) do

c) have

d) shall

e) will


83. Choose the proper form of the verb:

If I … busy tomorrow I wont go to the cinema.

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) will be

e) shall be


84. Choose the proper form of the verb:

He … tomorrow.

a) leave

b) will leave

c) is leave

d) be leaving

e) leaves


85. Choose the proper preposition:

The book is … the bag.

a) into

b) for

c) over

d) to

e) in


86. Choose the proper pronoun.

How … water do you need?

a) few

b) much

c) many

d) any

e) little


87. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Is … in the house?

a) nobody

b) anybody

c) everywhere

d) nowhere

e) anywhere


88. Choose the right variant.


a) the sixteenth thousand five hundred and ninety two

b) sixteen thousand and five hundred ninety two

c) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety second

d) six thousand five hundred and ninety two

e) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety two


89. Choose the right variant.

I want to be ... student in the group.

a) better

b) the best

c) best

d) the good

e) the better


90. Choose the right variant.

She is ... beautiful than Aigul

a) more

b) well

c) very

d) the more

e) most


91. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Ill show you something interesting when I ... you.

a) meeting

b) met

c) meet

d) will meet

e) am going to meet


92. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Well go there if the weather ... fine.

a) are

b) was

c) will be

d) is

e) are not


93. Find the correct question.

a) Who work at the polyclinic?

b) Who does at the polyclinic?

c) Who works at the polyclinic?

d) Does who work at the polyclinic?

e) Who do work at the polyclinic?


94. Choose the proper form of the verb.

They ... their parents every weekend.

a) visits

b) visit

c) shall visit

d) are visiting

e) visiting


95. Choose the proper form of the verb.

When my mother came, I ... the book.

a) were reading

b) was reading

c) reading

d) am reading

e) is reading


96. Choose the proper form of the verb.

If I ... your watch, Ill tell you.

  1. found
  2. will find
  3. have found
  4. find
  5. finds


97. Choose the proper form of the verb.

Where does your father...?

    1. work
    2. to work
    3. works
    4. worked
    5. working


98. Choose the right variant.

There are ... on the window.

    1. telephone
    2. book
    3. paper
    4. flowers
    5. glass


99. Choose the right variant.

Our teacher told us....

a. not to be late

b.dont be late

c. not be late

d.will not to be late

e. be late


100. Choose the right variant:

... is a teañher.

a. Nick’ father

b. Nick’s father

c. Nick father

d. Nick fathers

e. Nick’ father


101. Choose the proper pronoun:

You should remember.... phone number, or you can’t call her tomorrow.

a. she

b. my

c. her

d. we

e. us



102. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Paul ... for his keys for a long time.

a. was/looked

b. were/looked

c. looking

d. were /looking

e. has been/ looking


103. Choose the proper pronoun:

How ... museums did you visit in London?

a. little

b many

c. gew

d. any

e. much


104. Choose the right form of the pronoun:

I looked for my glasses, but I couldn’t find them ... .

a. anywhere

b. nowhere

c. everywhere

d. somewhere

e. anybody


105. Choose the right variant: 12359.

a. one hundred twenty three and fifty nine

b. twelve thousands three hundred fifty nine

c. twelve thousand three hundreds fifty nine

d. twelve thousand thirty five and nine

e. twelve thousand and three hundred fifty nine


106. Choose the right variant:

He’s ... intelligent than his brother.

a. well

b. more

c. very

d. are more

e. most


107. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I’ll tell the truth when ... her.

a. I shall see

b. I saw

c. I’ll see

d. I see

e. I’m going to see


108. Complete the sentence:

... is a businessman.

a. Peter’ uncle

b. Peters’ uncle

c. Peter uncle

d. Peter’s uncle

e. Peter uncles


109. Choose the right variant:

How ... conferences did he participate in?

a. few

b. much

c. any

d. many

e. little

110. Choose the proper pronoun:

How ... conferences did he participate in?

a. few

b. much

c. any

d. many

e. little


111. Choose the right variant: 15875.

a. fifteen thousand and eight hundred seventy five

b. fifteen thousands eight hundreds seventy five

c. fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy five

d. one thousand five hundred eighty seven and five

e. fifteen thousands eight hundred seventy five


112. Choose the right variant:

Mr. Fletcher met his ... friend yesterday.

a. goodest

b. the best

c. best

d gooder

e. better


113. Find the correct word:

... you know where I can change my tickets?

a. are

b. does

c. were

d. do

e. am


114. Choose Present Simple.

a. You are a good football-player.

b. You were a good football-player.

c. You will be a good football-player.

d. You have been a good football-player.

e. You was a good football-player.


115. Choose the proper pronoun:

I should change ... dress because I’m going to the theatre.

a. it

b. she

c. my

d. his

e. they


116. Choose the proper form of the verb:

They ... for me for half an hour.

a. was/waited

b. waiting

c. was/ waiting

d. were/ waited

e. have been/ waiting


117. Choose the right variant: 17534.

a. seventeen thousands fifty three and four.

b. seventeen thousand and five hundred thirty four.

c. one thousand seventy five and thirty four.

d. seventeen five hundred thirty four.

e. one hundred seven thousand five hundred thirty four.


118. Choose the right variant:

Actions speak ... than words.

a. more louder

b. louder

c. the loudest

d. loud

e. the most louder


119. Choose Present Perfect Continuous.

a. My friend has been teaching English for 5 years.

b. My friend has teaching English for 5 years now.

c. My friend is teaching English for 5 years now.

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