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Юристы помогают людям решить их проблемы

Психиатры очень часто работают и с нормальными людьми и с инвалидами.

Ребенка наказали за то, что он разбил в дребезг мамину любимую чашку и не признался.

1) The image of our life is closely linked to economic circumstances .

2) Very often a child's education , his clothes , his rest depends on the economic circumstances of the parents.

3) She is afraid to talk to strangers .

4) Unfortunately in our society, many addicts.

5) Lawyers help people solve their problems.

6) Psychiatrists and very often work with normal people with disabilities.

7) The child was punished for what he pitched chatter in my mother's favorite cup and not admitted .


1) The image of our life is closely connected with economic circumstances.

2) Education of the child is very frequent, his clothes, his rest depend on economic circumstances of his parents.

3) She is afraid to talk to strangers.

4) Unfortunately in our society there are a lot of addicts.

5) Lawyers help people to solve their problems.

6) Psychiatrists very often work both with normal people and with disabled people.

7) The child was punished for that he broke a mother's favourite cup in tinkling sounds and I didn't admit.

The text saggested to our attenton has the headline "Who wants to be a millionaire?"

The key words of the article a lottery, millionaires, more money,…..

The main idea of the text - following, a lottery - game on good luck if you are lucky, you can win a large number of money. But not always money brings happiness. Most of people having won a lottery become unfortunate people. Because of money there are a lot of problems. Not all can be millionaires. But if you pass this test, then you are waited by a dolce vita.

Главная идея текста - следующий, лотерея - игра на удаче, если Вам везет, Вы можете выиграть большое количество денег. Но не всегда деньги приносят счастье. Большинство людей выиграв лотерею становятся несчастными людьми. Из-за денег много проблем. Не все могут быть миллионерами. Но если Вы проходите это испытание, тогда Вас ждет сладкая жизнь.

Our life depends on economic circumstances. Ours consists of the house, work, economy. Having won a large number of money in lotteries, our life considerably changes. At first you are happy, but then exacting relatives and the press start prisledyvat you, to come letters from charities. To have to spend money for protection that protected the house, on lawyers, on psychiatrists. Most of people are very unfortunate having won a lottery. It is possible to hear a lot of lie from the press. Buying the ticket it is necessary to solve "

The text saggested to our attenton has the headline "Who wants to be a millionaire?" The key words of the article a lottery, millionaires, more money,….. The main idea of the text - following, a lottery - game on good luck if you are lucky, you can win a large number of money. But not always money brings happiness. Most of people having won a lottery become unfortunate people. Because of money there are a lot of problems. Not all can be millionaires. But if you pass this test, then you are waited by a dolce vita. Our life depends on economic circumstances. Ours consists of the house, work, economy. Having won a large number of money in lotteries, our life considerably changes. At first you are happy, but then exacting relatives and the press start prisledyvat you, to come letters from charities. To have to spend money for protection that protected the house, on lawyers, on psychiatrists. Most of people are very unfortunate having won a lottery. It is possible to hear a lot of lie from the press. Buying the ticket it is necessary to solve "  
Наша жизнь зависит от экономических обстоятельств. Наша состоит из дома, работы, хозяйства. Выиграв большое количество денег в лотереи, наша жизнь значительно меняется. По началу ты счастлив, но потом тебя начинают приследывать требовательные родственики и пресса, приходить письма от благотворительностей. Приходиться тратить деньги на охрану, чтобы охраняли дом, на адвокатов, на психиатров. Большинство людей очень несчастны выиграв лотерею. Можно услышать много лжи со стороны прессы. Покупая билет нужно решить "для чего вы это делаете"

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