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Employment of innovative type: the concept, structure


Economic science is facing the need to find and develop a new paradigm for employment in the emerging new economy, which in turn helps to distinguish and analyze innovative type of employment. Currently, qualitative changes in the employment relationship, the transformation of the employment structure, as well as change its species and the emergence of new forms. Employment is considered as an innovation-adequate emerging innovation economy, it can be characterized a number of parameters. That in turn will help to give its theoretical and methodological assessment and identified a number of methods for the analysis. This assessment is necessary in view of the needs of modern economic science in understanding the deep changes taking place in the field of employment in the innovation model of economic development.

Employment is characterized as an enduring historical category, inherent in every stage of social development, but serving a particular socio-economic form. As a major subsystem of social and economic system, employment takes all changes in ownership, factors of social production, the labor force, labor, and management of the economy. Employment as an innovative type of system, the whole phenomenon occurs at the stage of post-industrial development, specifically in the transition to the knowledge economy and innovation. Individual elements of an innovative type of employment may arise in the early stages of development of the system of employment, but the systemic nature of this type takes in terms of innovative stage of economic development. System prerequisites for the development of innovative types of employment can be briefly summarized as follows [56]:

• technological revolution, transformation of objects, tools and results of work in an increasingly intellectually intensive and information-intensive, providing productivity growth and the ability to generate innovations in the labor process;

• evolution of the subject of work and the transformation of creativity and innovation, the main factor of progress;

• socialization of property and capital, stimulating innovative behavior;

• shift to human reproduction as the main value;

• formation of a new type of public consumption, lifestyle,

• dynamic economic environment and the uncertainty that determine the appearance of new labor practices.

Conceptualization of innovative type of employment is related to the definition, methodology of its study the Universe, with the specification of concepts. Conceptual and terminological definition of "employment of innovative type" implies an appeal to the category of "innovation." Review of views on the term "innovation" shows a lack of uniform definition of it. In the literature, the most common are two approaches to defining the essence of innovation: understanding of innovation as a result of creative activity (product, technology, method) and how the process of introducing new and effective products, approaches, principles.

In the modern theory of innovation can be defined as the innovations in the field of personnel management and socio-psychological relations, improving the forms of recruitment, moral and material incentives, improving the psychological climate in labor collectives.

An analysis of the category "innovation" as they relate to the type of employment suggests that an innovative type of employment is defined as a combination of creative and theoretical material and practical activity.

Based on the above understanding of "employment" and "innovation", we define the key elements of an innovative type of employment [56]:

• a new quality jobs as the basis of employment;

• Innovation work (objectives, results, and etc.).

• high-quality human capital, motivation for innovative employment;

• formal and informal institutions as the expression of the above-structured regulatory elements;

• the process of implementation of new elements in employment (including new forms);

• a new quality of labor relations "employee - employer";

• the effectiveness of employment (economic, social).

The same is to provide innovative features such as employment, which can be organized and grouped into categories [58]:

1. Economic (continuous "renewal" of the structure and forms of employment, a new quality of work, demand for new forms and types of employment, workers and employers and their efficiency from the viewpoint of the different actors of employment (revenue growth, cost reduction, productivity growth, the achievement of decent work conditions and etc.).

2. Organizational (new organization of labor and employment management, a variety of forms of integration and cooperation in the innovation of labor).

3. Institutional (the emergence of fundamentally new or improved employment and other institutions.).

4. Technical and technological (intellectualization and informatization of jobs, etc.).

5. Socio-psychological (innovative "genotype" employee motivation to work and innovation, etc.).

Employment of innovative type as an economic category, we propose to consider in the narrow and broad sense. [57] In the narrow sense of the term employment of innovative type first appeared, or advanced sophisticated types and forms of employment based on the use of the innovative capacity of realized subjects of the labor market and contributes to achieving efficient and effective employment. As new practices can serve new search technology of the employee; opening their own business; Finally, the innovative labor contracts; distance learning in the workplace; directly innovative labor organizations; Innovation in personnel, training, etc.. The implementation of innovations in the field of employment requires constant adjustment dynamics and goals that have set themselves the subjects of the employment relationship, the search for the best options for achieving them with a view to flexible adaptation to changes in the socio-economic environment.

Employment innovative type broadly interpreted as a system of labor relations over the inclusion of workers in social production, characterized by a new quality of work (dynamic, knowledge-intensive, information-intensive work-intensive), are transformed into food, technological, administrative, organizational, social innovation at all levels of the economic system and generating synergy of social and economic benefits at the individual and societal levels.

Status of relations between subjects of employment with an innovative new type is characterized by the quality of human resources and re-employment, the labor process and its institutional design, which creates a constant generation of innovation. We assumed that the "innovation" can be not only the property of the Lich-of the worker, but also the property of the staff organizations, the region and the national employment system as a whole. Moreover, if at the individual level employment such as innovation is seen as a product of the internal characteristics of the employee, the other levels of the hierarchy of economic space - institutional, regional and national are the result of interaction of the innovative work and management. The life cycle of an innovative type of employment at the individual and organizational levels is the time interval, after which the employee / employer ceases to receive the expected revenue (or other benefits), and labor behavior becomes routine. It is important to note that the life cycle of a new type of employment will vary significantly by type of economic activity, occupational groups of employees, etc.

We believe that the distinguishing feature of employment in favor of innovation some positive change in the socio-economic effect, which manifests itself both at the individual level as well as public. It can find expression in:

• economic indicators (such as revenue growth, productivity, opening and expanding business, savings, time and effort to find a job / employee, increasing the share of the intellectual product of GDP, growth of competitiveness, etc.);

• social dimension (the possibility of creativity, communication, self-realization, professional status, job satisfaction, etc.). The mutual reinforcement of economic and social impact contributes to the further development of the human potential of the employee and the company, the growth of the economy's competitiveness. In our opinion, the benefits of innovative employment may be considered from the standpoint of the worker, the labor collective, the employer, the state, society.

The objective typology of employment requires not just taking into account the different sections, aspects of their research, but also the definition of system-parameter memory "innovative" employment, which will help us to distinguish it from the total employment. These include:

1. Intellectualization of labor

2. The emergence of new types of work, "renewal" of entire fields and change lifecycle professions competencies.

3. Formation of an employee "of a new type." A new type of worker is characterized by the following qualities: a high level of education, flexibility, breadth of professional erudition, readiness to accept new technologies and ideas. In addition to these qualities, personal qualities become important (creative abilities, personal development, initiative, teamwork, mobility, communication, responsibility, psychological stability, and others.). The high level of risk- taking the production sector, the complexity of managing today's social and industrial systems highlight the requirements for a broad social outlook of employees, the importance of legal and ethical restrictions on the activities.

4. Dynamic sectorial, intra-sectorial and employment restructuring

5. Development of Entrepreneurship, a new type of self-employment and mixed employment status, which allows to effectively converting the intellectual potential of the individual.

6. Creation of a "humane" employment

7. The development of labor mobility

8. Development of self-emergence of new, non-standard forms of employment (telecommuting employment, agency labor, temporary employment, and others.)

One of the features of the innovative type of employment is the tendency of self-propagation of "new" type. Self-employment is one of the types of employment and forms of management are constantly present in the system of national economy, the prevalence, role and place in the economic life which can vary from minimal to very significant in different circumstances and at different times. For self-employment of the population should be classified by different types of work associated with obtaining goods or services that can be run on its own initiative, individually or in small groups of employees. Self-employment can be carried out in the form of primary or secondary employment work. Traditionally, both in our country and abroad in areas of self-employment include agriculture, domestic services, trade and construction. The conditions of formation of an innovative type of employment observed pattern of increasing the presence of the self-employed in industries with a higher proportion of skilled labor. In terms of growth the leaders among the "new" self-employed professionals are specialists (including lawyers and managers) and also technicians. In general the structure of self-employment corresponds to the evolving structure of employment innovative economy. Through the use of information and communication technologies is changing the content of self-employment:

• worker as it is part of the global economic system through a global information network;

• for many kinds of work it is the main resource of information and results of production;

• changing the very concept of "workplace" (evolving labor activity at home by connecting your own PC to the Internet).

Self-employment in the information society can be, along with the basic and additional employment, a kind of hobby of a person. By their nature, most often it is a forced form of employment, as performed by type of work is only possible when using this type of employment. The change in the content of the employment involves the emergence of new forms, which did not exist before. This is the type of innovative forms of employment. The problem of their origin and development in the economic literature is placed quite general, there is only that one of the promising directions in modern conditions is to promote new and innovative forms of employment (work L.A. Vasyutino [15] E.V. Borisova [20]). The work stands out of the most advanced forms of innovation such as employment, such as teleworking.

Telework as a form of innovative type of employment complies with all areas of employment relationships in the innovation economy: the use of high-tech and important type of economic resources is information. In this thesis, we introduce telework as a process of decentralization of work activities across time and space-based information and communication technologies, promoting intensive integration of countries into the global information community, through the World Wide Web. An innovative form of employment gives new possibilities of using labor categories such as women with small children, people with disabilities, seniors, and alters the cost of its reproduction by eliminating some expenses. The dissertation shows that telecommuting can have many different shapes and characteristics that often vary depending on the situation. Telework includes [61]:

1. Remote Employment dispersed in several places: partly at home, partly in areas owned by the employer. Typically, such work is performed by a qualified staff. Most of this work is governed by collective agreements.

2. Home work. It is run completely at home. Often it involves low-skilled jobs - simple but repetitive. Payment is based on the final result, performed almost exclusively by women.

3. Freelance telecommuting. Based entirely on home-based work, but made by freelancers who perform a variety of tasks on the basis of agreements with the client. It is literary work, editing, design, computer programming.

4. Mobile teleworking. It means the application of possibilities of new technologies in traditional forms of activity, such as sales representatives, inspectors, field engineers.

5. Work in a specially equipped office. Distance Work carried out on the premises of the employer and the subcontractor. Working areas are provided with the most modern telecommunications.

Having examined the elements of the system in terms of categorical attributes and relationships of employment through the scheme, define its structure.

For a more complete understanding of the issue, consider the structure of employment of innovative type. According to the accepted definition, structure represents a particular way of the relationship and interaction of its constituent components. Under the structure of employment refers to a set of elements of the system of employment and stable relations between them. Structuring innovative type of employment, on the one hand, characterized by the recess of the structural changes that started earlier, on the other hand, there are fundamentally new structural elements and processes [58]:

• structuring the employment criterion instead of the industry and type of activity becomes complex industries (information, health, humanitarian, etc.), which leads to the erosion of the traditional rigid sectorial structure of employment;

• coordination and intertwining of different employment structures. Along with the traditional structure of the hierarchy levels appear techno, industrial parks, "innovative environment", business incubators and similar structures, which are some inter-organizational, inter-system combination, a symbiosis of industry, academia, regional and social structures, transnational education and integration;

• developing "network" structure of employment, distribution corresponding workers 'network' jobs;

•there are new professional group of workers, which are highly innovative and creative - "symbolic analysts", "experts" information manager "virtual collar"); a growing share of highly qualified specialists, complicated structure of professional functions and qualifications;• formation of new proportion between the number of employed in large, medium and small enterprises.

The new structuring of employment is accompanied by general and particular consequences for different economic systems. Employment structures that were formed at various stages of social development combine prejudice and inconsistency of their co-existence. The downside of structuring innovative type of employment becomes structural unemployment, reflecting a qualitative mismatch of applicants for jobs and employment. Thus, in the present conditions the role of certain criteria for the classification of the employment structure is stabilized, the value of the other is leveled, and others are disappearing, new links and organizational elements appear, expanding existing ones.

Rootstocks outcome may be noted that an innovative type of economy with high information capacity and intellectuals’ capacity corresponds to the fundamentally new type of employment. Having examined the elements of the system in terms of categorical attributes and through the circuit of the employment relationship, defines a conceptual diagram of innovative type of employment. All this has helped to characterize the system-parameters of the "innovation" of employment that helped distinguish it from total employment. Economic science today is facing the need to find and develop a new paradigm for employment - a coherent system of views and ideas, logically interconnected and adequately reflect the social and economic processes of transformation of labor relations in the emerging new economy. This paradigm is, in turn, will help to discern and analyze the innovative type of employment. For its analysis theoretical and methodological assessment are necessary. This assessment is necessary in view of the needs of modern economic science in understanding the deep changes taking place in the field of employment in the innovation model of economic development. This leads to the consideration of the different methods for the most accurate and comprehensive evaluation. All this is reflected and discussed in the next section.



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