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Atlantic K50014 Released on March 26, 1973


1) The Song Remains The Same (5:24) (Page/Plant)

2) The Rain Song (7:32) (Page/Plant)

3) Over The Hills And Far Away (4:42) (Page/Plant)

4) The Grange (3:10) (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant)

5) Dancing Days (3:40) (Page/Plant)

6) D'yer Mak'er (4:19) (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant)

7) No Quarter (6:57) (Jones/Page/Plant)

8) The Ocean (4:28) (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant)


Jimmy Page: Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, pedal steel guitar, backing vocal Robert Plant: Lead vocal, harmonica John Bonham: Drums, tympani, backing vocal

John Paul Jones: Bass, mellotron, synthesiser, organ, piano, grand piano, syn­thesiser piano, synthesised bass, backing vocal

Recorded between January and August 1972 at Electric Lady Studios, New York and Olympic Sound, London. Produced by: Jimmy Page Executive producer: Peter Grant

Engineers: Eddie Kramer, George Chkiantz and Keith Harwood Sleeve by: Hipgnosis

Physical Graffiti

Swan Song SSK 89400 Released on February 24, 1975


Disc One

1) Custard Pie (4:20) (Page/Plant)

2) The Rover (5:44) (Page/Plant)

3) In My Time Of Dying (11:08) (Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham)

4) Houses Of The Holy (4:01) (Page/Plant)

5) Trampled Under Foot (5:38) (Jones/Page/Plant)

6) Kashmir (9:41) (Bonham/Page/Plant)

Disc Two


1) In The Light (8:44) (Jones/Page/Plant)

2) Bron-Yr-Aur (2:07) (Page)

3) Down By The Seaside (5:15) (Page/Plant)

4) Ten Years Gone (6:55) (Page/Plant)

5) Night Flight (3:37) (Jones/Page/Plant)

6) The Wanton Song (4:10) (Page/Plant)

7) Boogie With Stu (3:45)(Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant/Ian Stewart/Mrs. Valens)

8) Black Country Woman (4:30) (Page/Plant)

9) Sick Again (4:40) (Page/Plant)


Jimmy Page: Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, pedal steel guitar, backing vocal; Robert Plant: Lead vocal, harmonica; John Bonham: Drums, tympani, backing vocal; John Paul Jones: Bass, mel­lotron, synthesiser, organ, piano, grand piano, synthesiser piano, synthesised bass, backing vocal.

Recorded between November 1973 and December 1974 at Headley Grange with Ronnie Lane's mobile studio and the Rolling Stones mobile studio,

Olympic Studios, Island Studios, Stargroves and Electric Ladyland.

Produced by Jimmy Page; Executive producer: Peter Grant


Swan Song SSK59402 Released on April 5, 1976


1) Achilles Last Stand (10:26) (Page/Plant)

2) For Your Life (6:21) (Page/Plant)

3) Royal Orleans (2:58) (Bohnam/Jones/Page/Plant)

4) Nobody's Fault But Mine (6:15) (Page/Plant)

5) Candy Store Rock (4:10) (Page/Plant)

6) Hots On For Nowhere (4:42) (Page/Plant)

7) Tea For One (9:27) (Page/Plant)


Jimmy Page: Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, pedal steel guitar, backing vocal Robert Plant: Lead vocal, harmonica John Bonham: Drums, tympani, backing vocal

John Paul Jones: Bass, mellotron, synthesiser, organ, piano, grand piano, syn­thesiser piano, synthesised bass, backing vocal

Recorded and mixed in November/December 1975 at Musicland Studios. Munich, West Germany. Produced by Jimmy Page Executive producer: Peter Grant Engineered and mixed: Keith Harwood Tape Engineer: Jeremy Gee Sleeve by: Hipgnosis and George Hardie «The Object» ©1976 Swan Song Inc.

The Song Remains The Same

Swan Song SSK89402

Released 28 September 1976

Original soundtrack from the film «The Song Remains The Same»



Disc One

1) Rock And Roll (4:03) (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant)

2) Celebration Day (3:43) (Jones/Page/Plant)

3) The Song Remains The Same (6:00) (Page/Plant)

4) Rain Song (8:24) (Page/Plant)

5) Dazed And Confused (26:53) (Page)

Disc Two

1) No Quarter (12:30) (Jones/Page/Plant)

2) Stairway To Heaven (10:58) (Page/Plant)

3) Moby Dick (12:47) (Bonham/Jones/Page)

4) Whole Lotta Love (14:24) (Bonham/Jones/Page/Plant)


Produced by Jimmy Page

Executive producer: Peter Grant

Recorded July 1973 an Madison Square Garden, New York

Mixed at Electric Ladyland Studios, New York

Engineer: Eddie Kramer

Mastered at Sterling Sound, New York

Sleeve by Hipgnosis/Hardie

In Through The Out Door

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