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Read the poem by Robert Burns

The flowery Spring leads sunny Summer,

And yellow Autumn presses near,

Then in his turn cmes gloomy Winter,

Fill smiling Spring again appear.

XIII. Practice

Exercise 1. Read, learn and act out the following dialogues:

1) - What is the weather like today?

- Very cold, the temperature is well below zero, a very chilly wind is vlowing.

- I am not going out that case. I hate cold.

- You are right. It was so frosty yesterday that we stayed indoors the whole day.

2) - How do you find the climate in Kyiv?

- Oh, I like it very much. It’s rather warm, dry and sunnyhave such weather here?

- Unfortunately not. Last summer was awful.

- And what’s the weather like in Kyiv in winter?


- It’s not usually very cold, though sometimes the temperature in Kyiv is minus 10° - minus 12.

Exercise 2. Role-play the following situations:

Situation 1.Your friend lives in Kharkiv. Ask him questions about the climate in his native town.

Situation 2. Your friend has just come from Italy. Ask him about the climate of this country. Discuss the climatic differences of Ukraine and Italy.

Situation 3. You are going to visit your relatives. You ring them up about your arrival. Spaek about weather forecast for tomorrow.


Exercise 3.1. Describe your favourite season.

2. Describe the climate of your native town.



Unit 6 Topic:Ukraine Language:Passive Voice Text:Geographical position of Ukraine  


I. Language

Sentence Patterns


Key examples to be memorized


Illustrative Examples

Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

Is Ukraine washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov?

Yes, it is. No, it isn’t

Ukraine is not washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

What is Ukraine washed by?

Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.


Vocabulary to be learnt

to adopt - приймати foreign policy – зовнішня політика
Agriculture - сільське господарство grain – зерно
agreement - угода judicial power – судова влада
anthem - гімн landscape - ландшафт
to bound – межувати latitude – широта
to carry out - проводити legislative power – законодавча влада
to criss-cross - перехрещувати the liberation war – війна за незалежність
court - суд to locate - розташовувати
to divide - ділити, розділяти to occupy – займати
division – поділ official - урядовець
deposit – родовище to pass – приймати, схвалювати
deputy – депутат to proclaim - проголошувати
to destroy - руйнувати to praise – оспівувати
domestic policy – внутрішня політика pollution - забруднення
environment - навколишнє середовище to rule - керуватися
election - вибори rectangular cloth – прямокутне полотно
to elect - обирати range – гірський ланцюг
execution – виконання sovereign - суверенний
executive power – виконавча влада sugar beet – цукровий буряк
to ensure – забезпечувати, гарантувати sunflower – соняшник
to establish - встановлювати supreme - верховний
to head - очолювати shield - щит
highways - автошляхи to strech – простягатися
favourable – сприятливий trident - тризуб
flax – льон treaty - договір, угода
fertile black soil - родюча земля to vest – наділяти, уповноважувати
foundation - заснування watershed – басейн ріки



Passive Voice



  Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Indefinite Tense The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov wash Ukraine. – Чорне і Азовське море омивають Україну. Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. – Україна омивається Чорним і Азовським морем.  
Past Indefinite Tense The Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed the Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991. – Український парламент проголосив незалежність України 24 серпня 1991 року. The Independence of Ukraine was proclaimed by the Ukrainian Parliament on August 24, 1991. - Незалежність України була проголошена Українським парламентом 24 серпня 1991 року.


Переклад дієслів в Passive Voice на українську мову



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