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Чтение отдельных согласных и буквосочетаний



Чтение гласных в основных типах слогов :

I – открытый ( оканчивается на гласную ) ;

II- закрытый ( оканчивается на согласную ) ;

III - гласная + r ;

IV- гласная + re ;


Гласная Тип слога a e i/y o u
1 (открытый) [ei ] make [i:] tree [ai] time/cry [əʊ] rose [ju:] tube
2 (закрытый) [æ ] bad [ e ] bed [ i ] little/gym [ɔ ] not [ʌ ] bus
3 (гласная + r) [ a :] park [з :]= [ə:] her [з :]= [ə:] girl [ɔ:] fork [з :]= [ə:] turn
4 (гласная +re) [eə] =[еə] hare [iə] here [aiə ] fire/tyre [ɔ:] store [juə ] pure


Тренировочные упражнения



[ei ] [æ ] [a:] [eə] = [еə]

name at am arm care

plate and dad carpet spare

gate cat that garden careful

late rap thanks sharp scared

table flat land farmer compare

face lamp England market square

make hand America March parents

baseball bat calender part

space bad Canada bar

eraser carrot salad farm

skate camp planet park

take bank hamster carton

hate sad packet dark

lake add sandwich darts

case happy badge art

place any black

game many dragon


ai /ay [ei] au /aw [ɔ:] w(h)+a [wɔ:] w+ar [wɔ:]

rain day autumn draw watch what warm rainy daily August saw was wash warn

train play author claw water wall wardrobe

wait say because paw want wax war

straight May Australia jigsaw swap warrant

mail crayon


[ɔ:] [ɔ:] [ a: ] [ a: ] [ a: ] [ a: ] [ a: ]

a+ll a+lk a+sk a+ft a+ss a+st a+th

all talk ask after class last bath

ball chalk basket afternoon grass fast path

hall walk basketball craft pass past father

small glass




already a+n+согл. [a: ] Qu+ar [kwɔ:] a+ir [eə ] = [еə]

answer quarter air chair hair

dance quarrel fair pair fairy




[i:] [e] [з :]= [ə:] [iə ]

He me bell her here

She we let’s perfect mere

Street seven German

Green pencil iceberg

Three best serve

Week eleven person

Evening spell verse

Sweet next

Cheese chess



ea [i:] ea+d /th [e] ei/ey [ei] ear/eer [iə]

Each season eat bread grey ear hear

Speak clean sea head they near dear

Read Easter teacher ready eight year cheer

Please team jeans already eighty deer engineer


ew ear+согл.[ з :]

New,few,view [ju:] learn, earth, early

Grew,blew,drew,chewing[u:] 3






[ əʊ ] [ɔ ] [ɔ:] [ɔ:]

Go got sport more

Hello from or score

Coke dog corner explore

Home hobby morning shore

Nose prospect tortoise wore

Zero forest fork sore

Sofa strong sort bored

Toe holiday port

Telephone doctor



ou/ow в корне ow на конце слов oa oi/oy o+ld

[аʊ] [ əʊ ] [əʊ ] [ɔi ] [əʊ ]

Brown yellow loaf boy old

Round window road toy cold

Flower snow coat joy hold

House show boat enjoy sold

Ground grow roast oil

Town throw boast point

Count tomorrow coin

Tower voice

Mouse noisy


Cloud ou+r [ɔ:] , но our, hour, sour [аʊə]

Mountain four

Thousand your



oo [u:] , [ ʊ ] oo+ r [ɔ:] ought [ɔ:t] w+or[wə :]

foot room school door bought work

too look cool tooth floor brought word

good book zoo cook thought world



O + m /n / v / th [ʌ ]


Come, some, other, front , love , dove, above ,discover, discovery, glove, govern, government, comfortable son, Monday ,mother, lovely, monkey, month, brother    


Ii /Yy



[ai] [ i ] [з :] = [ə:] [aiə ]

Hi,bye it is, this is, girl fire

Invite, his, six, in, bird tyre

Like, my, film, hit, sit, dirty

Five, type, pig, pink, mix, third

Minus, miss, swim,win, thirteen

Nine, fly, sing, spring, hill thirty

Fine, nice, river, bridge, city, birth

I, white, winter, village,fish, birthday

Time,wide, cinema, picnic, ship,

Rice, kite, visit, interest, pick,

Ice,hide, prickle, kitchen,

Ride, bike, dinner,window,

Life, cycle literature,history


i+ ld / nd [ai] i+gh [ai]


Kind right

Find light

Mild night

Wild fight

Behind flight





[ju:] [ʌ ] [з :] = [ə:] [juə ]

Super sun,nut, turn pure

Blue cut ,cup, surname cure

Student bus ,run, purple

Music summer, curtain

Glue Russian burglar

Use lunch Thursday

Computer number

Museum hundred

Puma puzzle

June budgie


u+ ll [u] u+sh[u]

Pull , bull push, bush 5


Чтение отдельных согласных и буквосочетаний.

[s] - c - [k] ck [k] tch [tʃ ] ch [ k ] (ce /ci /cy)

face cat cock bench school

place cake clock march architect

ice coke back kitchen character

space cut black match chemistry

piece cup packet change technical

office cross sticker cheese technology

pencil doctor thick chair Christmas

city computer chess

centre concert chewing ch [ʃ ]

cinema colour machine

bicycle curtain moustache


-sure [ʒə] [s] - S - [z] sh [ʃ ]


pleasure see,sell,sofa, rose,please, she,shop,ship,

measure test,snow,say plays,opens, sharp, show,

treasure salad,seaside Tuesday,Thursday wash,shine,dish



-ture [t∫ə ]

picture, temperature

literature, adventure


nk[ŋk ] ng[ŋ ] ph[f]

[ θ ] - th - [ð ]


three this ink song, long, phone, phrase,

thin that drink sing, strong, telephone, phase,

thick these drank bring,boxing, photography,

thing those thank morning, evening, biography,

path bathe think chewing,cycling geography,

bath dolphin






dge tion,ssion kn[n]


[g] - g - [dʒ ] [dʒ ] [ʃn] know, knew

(ge /gi /gy) knowledge

go page edge session knife, knock,

green orange hedge discussion knit, knee

grey general bridge collection

good gentle fridge decoration wr[r]

game giraffe budgie constitution write, wrote

girl German revolution written

geography celebration wrap, wrong

gymnasium congratulation


h+o [-] s+u [ʃ ] - sion [ʒn]после гласной gh[-]

hour, honest, sure, sugar vision,television eight, bright,

honour,honesty ensure, insure daughter, high


но: laugh[la:f]

enough[inʌf] draughts[dra:fts]

wh + a,e, i, y [ w] wh+o[h] cough [kɔf]

what,which,where, who,whom,whose tough [tʌf]

when, why, white



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