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В доме у мисс Чэттер испортились все часы. Посмотри на часы и запиши время, которое они показывают. Скажи сколько часов в доме

1) It’s nine o’clock.

2) It’s half past ten.

3) It’s three o’clock.

4) It’s half past four.

5) It’s seven o’clock.

6) It’s half past eight.

There are six clocks in Miss Chatter’s house. – В доме мисс Четтер 6 часов.


Прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные буквы.

watches, cleans, washes, does, has


Ann gets up at 7 o’clock. Ann cleans her teeth and washes her face and hands. Then she has breakfast. At two o’clock Ann has lunch. The she does her homework. In the evening she plays tennis, watches TV and reads books. She doesn’t play computer games. At half past eight Ann goes to bed.



Помоги жителям сказочного леса вовремя включить телевизор. Прочитай программу передач о обозначь на часах время, когда их будут показывать.

1) At half past nine – “Tom and Tim” 12 12

2) At twelve o’clock – “Run, swim and jump” 11 1 11 1

3) At one o’clock – “We and they ” 10 2 10 2

4) At half past four – “Look around” 9 3 9 3

5) At half past six – “Fairytale news” 8 4 8 4

6) At eight o’clock – “Sleep tight” 7 5 7 5

6 6

12 12

11 1 11 1

10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4

7 5 7 5

6 6

12 12

11 1 11 1

10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4

7 5 7 5

6 6


Lesson 57

Обозначь на циферблатах время, указанное в каждом предложении.

12 12 1.It’s four forty-five. (04:45)

11 1 11 1 2. It’s ten o’clock. (10:00) 10 2 10 2 3.It’s half past six. (06:30)

9 3 9 3 4.It’s eight ten. (08:10)

8 4 8 4 5.It’s half past three. (03:30)

7 5 7 5 6.It’s two twenty. (02:20)

6 6

12 12 12 12

11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1

10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4

7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5

6 6 6 6

Помоги мистеру Гринвуду составить вопросы из слов. Ответь на них устно.

1)do, get, up, When, you? – When do you get up?

2)go, Where, do, in, you, the morning? - Where do you go in the morning?

3) you, do, When, bed, to, go? – When do you go to bed?

4)you, clean, Do, teeth, your, morning, in, the? – Do you clean your teeth in the morning?

5)you, like, Do, Green School? – Do you like Green School?

3. Что обычно происходит в это время по воскресеньям в твоей семье?

Example:At 8 pm my mother usually watches TV.

1) At four o’clock pm my brother usually plays computer games.

At six fifteen pm I and my brother usually do my homework.

At eight pm my father usually watches TV.

At half past ten am we usually visit our grandma.

At eleven fifty am we usually go to the park.

At nine forty pm I and my brother go to bed.


Lesson 58

Вычеркни лишнее слово.

1) eye, mouth, nose, hand, ear

2) leg , knee, foot, toe, head

3) ears, eyes, mouth, feet, teeth

4) when, why, wash, where, what

Составь вопросы. Ответь на них устно.

Example: do, when, you, get, up? - When do you get up?

1) Do, wash, your, hands, you, and, face?– Do you wash your hands and face?

2) do, When, have, you, breakfast?– When do you have breakfast?

3) do, you, do, When, your, homework?– When do you do your homework?

4) you, Do, walk, park, the, in?– Do you walk in the park?

5) you, do, When, go, bed, to?– When do you go to bed?

Дайно тоже решил написать письмо Тайни о том, как он проводит свои весенние каникулы. Помоги ему закончить письмо.

Dear Tiny,

I like spring holidays. I do not go to school in the morning.

I watch TV or play computer games with my brother.

In the evening I read books.

I go to bed at 10 pm.

Write back, please.

Your Dino



Lesson 59

Прочитай и раскрась.

This is Bob. He is nine. His hair is brown. He has a small nose. nose. His eyes are green. His mouth is red.

His shirt is green and yellow. His cap is blue and black.

Это Боб. Ему 9 лет. У него коричневые волосы. У него

маленький нос. Его глаза серые. Его рот красный.

Его рубашка жёлто-зелёного цвета. Его кепка чёрно-

голубого цвета.

2. Слонёнок Томас всё перепутал. Исправь его.

Example:I have breakfast at 7 pm. – No, you don’t have breakfast at 7 pm. You have breakfast at 7 am.

1) I have lunch at 2 am. -No, you don’t have lunch at 2 am. You have lunch at 2 pm.

2)I have long hair. – No, you don’t have long hair. You have short hair.

3)I have pink eyes. – No, you don’t have pink eyes. You have blue eyes.

4)I have small ears. – No, you don’t have small ears. You have big ears.

Составь и запиши вопросы по образцу.

Example:you, a computer – Do you have a computer?

1)they, funny, toys – Do you have funny toys?

2)she, a big dog – Does she have a big dog?

3)he, a nice bird - Does he have a nice bird?

4)the boys, scooters – Do the boys have scooters?

5)you, roller skates – Do you have roller skates?



Lesson 60

Зачеркни лишнее слово.

1)summer, winter, spring, time, autumn

2) May, Can, June, December, March

3) morning, breakfast, afternoon, evening, night

4) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, February, Sunday


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