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Give synonyms to the underlined words

1. The Gilsberts were very glad to hear that their son was fine and planned to visit them soon. 2. He was going to stay at home for a weekend and to devote his time to the article he began last week. 3. Suddenly his old friend whom he hasn't for ages came and he changedhis mind. 4. So they decided to have their free time together out of town. 5. Walking in the open air they talked much about different things, their families, school years and tricks they often played for fun. 6. It made them much pleasure.

2.9 Ask your friend if:

- he was very busy last time

- he took many exams & term tests

- he passed his examinations successfully

- he got good or bad marks

- he worked hard

- he had two weeks holidays

- he went in for sports

- he read much

- he was bored during his vacations

- he spared much time to his hobby

Make up a dialogue.

Tell your groupmates about your holidays.

Look at the list of activities below. Then read the conversation between Richard and a friend at work. Write T (True) or F (False) beside each activity.



Last Saturday,

Richard and


went shopping went to the cinema went to the horse races went swimming had dinner in a restaurant had dinner at home went to the theatre went to a night club  


Richard: Morning, Tom.
Tom: Oh, hello, Richard. How are you? Did you have a good weekend?
Richard: Yes, it was great - it was our tenth wedding anniversary on Saturday.
Tom: Oh, really? Congratulations. Did you celebrate?
Richard: Yes, we did. On Saturday morning we went shopping in Kowloon ...
Tom: Did you find anything nice?
Richard: Yes - Carla bought me a Walkman - and I bought her a lovely silk dress. Then in the afternoon we went swim­ming in Repulse Bay with the children, and we went out for dinner in the evening.
Tom: Where did you go?
Richard: We went to the Mongolian Restaurant in Happy Valley - it was very good. And then we went to a night club. We didn't go to bed till two in the morning - we had a lovely time.
Tom: And what did you do yesterday?
Richard: We were very tired - so we didn't do anything special. How about you, Tom? Did you have a good weekend?

2.13. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what Carla and Richard did.

Example: Did they go shopping? -Yes, they did.

Did they have dinner at home? -No, they didn't.

2.14 Ask your partner and say what you did last weekend. Use the following:

Did you have a good weekend?

It was all right. I didn't do anything special.

Yes, it was great. I had a lovely time. I ...

Ask other students about their weekends, and complete the chart with different names.

Examples: - Were you tired at the weekend?

- No, I wasn't.

- Did you play football last weekend?

- Yes, I did.

- When did you play football?

- On Sunday morning.

Find a person who ... Name When?  
went shopping. went to the cinema. was busy. played football. watched television. listened to the radio. was tired. visited friends. wrote a letter. spoke English.    

Write sentences about the students in your group, using the information you have collected.

Example: Paul played football on Sunday morning.


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