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Casen an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at law or in equity try a case v

Statute n a law passed by a lawmaking body, e.g. Parliament, and formally written down statute law also statutory lawn the body of written laws established by a parliament or similar body statute bookn a bound collection of statutes in existence, usu. as part of a larger set of books containing a complete body of statutory lawstatutoryadj fixed or controlled by lawstatutory instruments

actn a law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress. an act of Congress public actn an act which concerns the general public private actan act that has an effect on a particular person or class, rather than the general public

liberty n 1. a particular legal right 2 the freedom and the right to do whatever you want

charter n a signed statement from a ruler giving rights, freedoms etc to the people

draw up v create and sign a draft, contract, a list of candidates etc

powern the legal right or authorization to act or not to act

taxn an amount of money which must be paid to the government according to income, property, goods bought etc… tax v

Levy v on, upon to demand and collect officially levy a tax on

Relief n 1. a payment made by an heir of a feudal tenant to the feudal lord for the privilege of succeeding to the ancestor's tenancy. 2. financial aid levy reliefs

Wage v to begin and continue a war

abuse of laws n improper use of laws

disregardvto treat as unimportant disregard n neglect

negotiate v to communicate with another party for the purpose of reaching and understanding

Provisionn a stipulation made beforehand treaty provisions

assessment n determination of the rate or amount of something, such as a tax or damages

clause n a distinct section or provision of a legal document

judgment n a court's final determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in a case

trialn hearing and judging a person, case, or point of law in a court.

outlaw v to deprive someone of the benefit and protection of the law

Justice n the fair and proper administration of law do justice

habeas corpus n law Lat 1. protection against unlimited imprisonment without charges 2. the right of someone in prison to appear in a court of law so that the court can decide whether they should stay in prison. A writ of habeas corpus n a written order for a person to appear in court, most frequently to ensure that the party's imprisonment or detention is not legal

impose sth on/uponv someone in authority imposes a rule, punishment, penalty, tax etc, they force people to accept it

constable n a police officer of the lowest rank

accuse sb of doing sth v to say that someone is guilty of a crime

the authorities n the people that are in charge of a particular area

the juryn a group of usually 12 people chosen to hear all the details of a case in a court of law and give their decision on it

acquit v give a decision that someone is not guilty of a crime

Custody n when someone is kept in prison until they go to court, because the police think they have committed a crime take sb into custody

warrant n a written order signed by an official of the law, especially allowing the police to take certain action

peace of the justice = justice of he peace n a local judicial officer having jurisdiction over minor criminal offenses and minor civil disputes

Enforce v to cause a rule or law to be obeyed or carried out effectively apply

Court n a place where law is administered the court the people, especially law officers and members of the jury, who are gathered together in a court to hear and judge a law case. a court of law bring a case to court

approve v a bill to confirm authoritatively

Bill n a legislative proposal offered for debate before its enactment introduce a bill/ pass a bill

voten the expression of one's preference or opinion by ballotvotev the act of voting

recount n a process of counting votes again have a recount recount v

assent n formal approval or agreement from someone who has authority royal assentn the signing of a law by the British king or queen

legal adj allowed by law legal system n the laws and the way that they work in a particular country

offender n a person who has committed a crime

criminal lawn the body of law defining offences against the community at large

casen an action, cause, suit, or controversy, at law or in equity try a case v

criminal case court case concerned with law-breakers

civil case court case concerning a disagreement between parties

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