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Tourism Development in the Russian Federation

Текст задания

Вам предлагают выступить среди своих коллег. Какая тема Вашего выступления? Какие вопросы Вам могут задать Ваши коллеги и как Вы на них ответите?

Вариант 1

Past, Present and Future of Tourism

People started traveling long ago. The first travelers were nomads and pilgrims, merchants and traders. The most important travelers were explorers. A lot of people started traveling to the colonies: governors, merchants, missionaries, architects and teachers. Waterways were the most important means of traveling. The first travelers used boats and ferries on the water and horses and camels on the land. Travel in Egypt was for both business and pleasure. In ancient Greece people traveled mainly to visit religious festival, sporting events, the Olympic Games, and the cities, especially Athens.

The father of modern mass tourism is Thomas Cook who, on July 5th 1841, organized the first tourist excursion. He arranged the first trip by railway. Two years later he organized the first group tour by train. He provided tourists with meals and tickets for the races. So it was the first package tour. In 1855 he organized the first overseas trip to Paris. Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency.

The next important factor in the history of travel was the Renaissance. In the 18th century the Grand Tour of Europe became a part of the upbringing educated and wealthy British gentlemen. Grand Tours were taken by young people to complete their education.

The appearance of motor-cars in the late 19th century and airplanes in the early 20th century changed travel crucially. Jet planes made air travel available to all people.

The World Tourism Organization forecasts that international tourism will continue growing at the average annual rate of 4 percent. By 2020 Europe will remain the most popular destination. Space tourism is expected to take off in the first quarter of the 21th century. As computer technologies advance, virtual tourism is likely to become extremely popular around 2010 – 2015.

  1. What were the first travelers?
  2. What did people travel by?
  3. Why is Thomas Cook the father of modern tourism?
  4. Why was the Renaissance an important factor in the history of travel?
  5. What do you think about the developing of tourism?


Вариант 2

Tourism Development in the Russian Federation

Now tourist industry is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the world economy. According to the World Tourist Organization (WTO), since 1998 tourism occupies the first place in the world goods and services export, which surpasses automobile industry, chemical products manufacturing, food products manufacturing and fuel manufacturing.

However despite of high tourist potential, the Russian Federation holds an insignificant place on the world tourist market. It accounts about 1 % of the world tourist flow. Analysis of the present state of domestic tourism and the level of its development is insufficient by both qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Presently the main factors delaying development of tourism in Russia are: the image of Russia as an unfavorable country for tourism which is created by certain foreign as well as domestic mass media; undeveloped tourist infrastructure; lack of conditions favorable for investments in tourist infrastructure; lack of state non-commercial advertisement of the country’s tourist resources abroad. The main task of tourism development in the Russian Federation is formation of modern marketing strategy promoting tourist product on both domestic and international markets.

Development and promotion of tourism in Russia require the followings: information and advertisement programs on entry and domestic tourism, which includes creation of television and radio programs for Russia and foreign countries; issuing of catalogues, booklets, posters, maps and other advertisement and information printing products; information centers network for foreign and Russian tourists in places of the biggest tourist flow concentration; introductory trips around Russia’s tourist centers for foreign journalists.

Effective tourism development will allow to increase dramatically the flow of foreign tourists coming to Russia and foreign currency inflow into the country’s economy. It will increase the rate of employment among population and influence to the social and economic development of the country.

  1. What industry occupies the first place on the world market?
  2. Why does the Russian Federation hold an insignificant place on the world tourist market?
  3. What factors delay the development of tourism in the Russian Federation?
  4. What can we do to develop the tourist industry in our country?
  5. What do you think about the advantages of developing of tourism in Russia?


Вариант 3

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