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Research Tourism and Cognitive Tourism

Some people think that research tourism is connected with conferences of scientists who meet to discuss developments in their field and enjoy spending time in a comfortable place in picturesque surroundings. Other people connect research tourism with expeditions to certain parts of the world to study nature: the living things or plants.

Research tourists want to find out what the rare species look like, where they live and how they behave. Other research tourists are interested in finding evidence of earth’s changes caused by water, wind, weather, plants, animals and gravity. They study how people change the face of the earth, the climate, the atmosphere and then use the data for weather forecasts, e.g. about warming of the atmosphere, changes in climate etc. Ethnographers tour countries and national areas to study the culture, art, crafts, traditions and customs of the ethnic groups living there. They try to attend national religious ceremonies, see their national clothes, try their national food and drinks.

Research tourism may be considered as a part of cognitive tourism.

When you tour a country or a definite area it is good to know about its history and the life of its population in different periods. For example oral traditions are an important part of the culture of original native people. Interest in the social life of the community in the toured area (country) brings them up-to-date with social problems and shows the ways how to solve them.

Find out about animals or plant species that are in danger of becoming extinct, about serious environmental problems. Think how the culture of the people is affected by their habitat. To observe all these things clearly you should look at the outdoors with different eyes. Find beauty in things that you normally would pass by.

  1. What do people connect research tourism with?
  2. What interests research tourists?
  3. A part of what tourism is research tourism?
  4. Why should research tourists know the history of the country they visit?
  5. Why do you think it’s interesting to tour a country?


Вариант 4

Sanative Tourism and Recreation Tourism

Sanative tourism is usually understood as visiting resorts, spas, and undergoing medical treatment. But tourism offers also sport activities which serve for sanative purposes.

Recreation tourism is connected with recreation activities which are planned differently in the city and in the countryside.

There are free recreation activities and those that cost money. Recreations that need money - are visits to museums, art galleries, theatres. They can be planned for tourists on the discount policy. One may go in for some outdoor sports or games free of charge. For example, you can organize a roller skating or bicycle (competition or trip); look for parks, grass fields, gardens and watch the wildlife, look for fishing places.

The most popular recreation activity in the countryside is walking. Walking is a good exercise in personal fitness. For a long walking it is better to take a well-balanced snack. Don’t forget to put on the right brand walking shoes. The walking routes should include picturesque sights, monuments of culture and history. There must be a list of interesting places, nearby, picnic and toilet facilities. Collecting mushroom or berries is also a good. Provide yourself with care for sunburn, insect bites, heat exhaustions, heat stroke and blisters before a walking.

Besides walking there are some other kinds of recreation activities in the countryside. They are mountain or hill climbing, hiking, bathing, swimming on one's back by different swimming strokes, boating, water-skiing, visiting a national park or a game park.

Tourism in the USA is becoming more developed each year. A huge number of people prefer classic vacations. On this website: https://rvrentservice.com/, you can easily rent a camper trailer without any hassle.

  1. How do you understand the term ‘sanative tourism’?
  2. What is recreation tourism?
  3. What can recreation activities be?
  4. Why is walking the most popular recreation activity?
  5. What do you think about recreation tourism?


Вариант 5


The term “ ecotourism” appeared in the late 1980s. Ecological tourism came of age in 2002, when the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". Ecotourism is environmentally responsible travel to relatively undisturbed areas, to appreciate nature and culture and to become aware of the need for preserving nature and culture.

Of course, the goal of a holiday is to have a good time. All tourist activities should be practiced taking into consideration ecological problems. Tourists must feel themselves as part of a balanced ecosystem and be ready to protect the environment.

A tour operator should give a tourist some instructions on how to behave and what to do to preserve the cultures and places they are visiting.

Perfect ecotourism, however, probably doesn't exist. But many tourist companies are making an effort to ensure that the benefits of their holidays - both to local people and the area visited - outweigh their negative impact. The number of travel companies, for instance, that use local transport and local hotels, is growing now.

The Association of Independent Tour Operators plays a special role in the tourist industry. AITO operators organize beach cleanings. They support charities at their destinations, in order to teach local children the importance of keeping their part of the world free from rubbish.

Since 1991, AITO has been publishing Responsible Tourism Guidelines, a free directory of companies, which provide eco - friendly trips. AITO encourages the tour operators to have an environmental policy and to consider the impact on the environment of everything they do.

  1. How do understand the term ‘ecotourism’?
  2. What must tourist remember making a trip to the countryside?
  3. Why should tour operators give some instructions to tourists?
  4. Why is the role of the Association of Independent Tour Operators important?
  5. What do you think about ecotourism?


Вариант 6


Camping is an outdoor recreational activity involving spending nights in a tent, or a vehicle at a campsite. The purpose of camping is to get away from civilization and to enjoy nature. Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century.

Camping is connected very often with other activities, such as fishing, swimming or hiking. Camping is often restricted by law in order to prevent campers from damaging the environment. Most campers prefer to use sites with special facilities such as fire rings, bathrooms and utilities.

Tent camping commonly employs an automobile to transport equipment to a campground, although sometimes a pack animal, a boat or a plane may be used. Some people camp with tents because they feel that camping with a trailer or motor home detracts from the experience of being out-of-doors. Tent camping is popular with young families. Children enjoy camping.

Recreational vehicles are more like wheeled houses. Some of them cost more than houses. RV campers often choose devices because they consider tent camping uncomfortable and too much work.

Backpacking is a variety of tent camping. Backpackers use special lightweight and portable equipment that can be carried long distances on foot. They hike across the land, camping at remote spots. Backpacking equipment costs more than that for car camping, but much less than a trailer or motor home.

Survivalist campers learn the skills to survive out-of-doors in any situation. This activity may require skills in obtaining food from the wild, emergency medical treatments, orienteering, and pioneering.

Much of the needed camping equipment is usually available at home, like dishes, pots and pans. But many people try to use the equipment better tailored to camping. Lists of what to take are available in camping books.

  1. How do you understand the word ‘camping’?
  2. Where do campers live?
  3. Why do recreational vehicles choose wheeled houses?
  4. Why do backpackers choose portable equipment?
  5. What do you think about camping?


Вариант 7

The Accomodations industry

A hotel is a temporary home for people who are travelling. In a hotel the traveller can rest and has access to food and drink. The hotel may also offer facilitiesfor recreation, such as a swimming pool, a golf course or a beach.

Travel and hotels have always been closely related. In Europe and America, innsand taverns were spaced along the roads at the distance a horse could travel in a day. The inns were primitive by modern standards. The traveller usually had to share his bed with at least one other person, and as many as four other persons in some remote areas.

Modern mass transportation, that is, the movement of large numbers of people at relatively low prices, began with the development of the railroads inthe 19th century. The other means of transportation — the automobile and the airline — resulted in the growth of corresponding accommodations facilities.

The word motel was created by combining motor and hotel. When automobiles were first used, flimsy and inexpensive tourist cabins were built beside the highways. Motel or motor hotels providing parking facilities for cars were also constructed in many large cities, where they now compete with the other commercial hotels.

All hotels do not serve the same clientele, that is, the same kind of guests. In fact, it is possible to place hotels in four board categories: the commercial hotel, resort hotels, convention hotels and resident hotels.

Another way of categorising hotels by its quality of service they offer. At the top are the luxury hotels, which generally offer their guests the greatest comfort and convenience possible. At the bottom are those that provide merely a place to sleep.

The difference in quality between hotels is not entirely a matter of equipmentor furnishings.

Generally, the problems and opportunities in all hotels are comparable, since all provide shelter, food and other services for the travellingpublic.

  1. How do you understand the word ‘hotel’?
  2. Describe the inns.
  3. Why were motels constructed?
  4. What categories of hotels can you name?
  5. What do you think about the services in large and small hotels?

Вариант 8

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