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Satellite communication device


To interrupt

To lubricate


To overhaul

Air-conditioning system


To spend (spent)

To spend time (money)


- настраивать

- чрезвычайные обстоятельства

- аварийный передатчик (спасательная шлюпка)

- радиоприемник

- телетайп, телеграфный буквопечатающий аппарат

- устройство, прибор

- приборы спутниковой связи

- так как

- прерывать

- смазывать (механизмы и т.д.)

- тщательный осмотр

- тщательно осматривать с целью ремонта

- система кондиционирования воздуха

- столовая

- проводить, тратить

- тратить время (деньги)

Exercise I. Translate into Russian:

to be on regular service; to approach a ship; to roll on; to roll off; to invite smb. in, to prepare for the departure; an officer on watch; to make entries into the logbook; navigational equipment; to tune an emergency transmitter; satellite communication; to lubricate equipment; to overhaul the main engine; main particulars; draft.

Exercise П. Просмотрите текст и, пользуясь таблицей, расскажите, что делали члены экипажа во время визита курсантов. Дополните текст и расскажите о других членах экипажа, не упомянутых в нем:

Model: When the cadets came the ship's cook was preparing dinner.


the Master
the Chief Mate
the Second Mate
the Third Mate
the Chief Engineer
the Second Engineer
the Third Engineer
the motormen
the pumpman
the electricians
the Radio-Officer
the Radio Operator
the sailors
the Boatswain


The work they were performing

to prepare for the departure

to overhaul the main engine

to regulate the navigational equipment

to paint the hull

to check the life saving equipment

to wash and scrub the deck

to talk to a pilot

to unload the cargo

to plot the course

to repair me air-conditioning system

to lubricate the pumps
to give commands
to make entries into the log-book
to tune the radio devices


Exercise Ш. Give English equivalents:

Основные измерения судна; настраивать аварийный радиопередатчик, делать записи в судовом журнале; готовиться к. отправлению судна; осадка; скорость судна; смазывать насосы; аппаратура спутниковой связи; паром; прерывать чью-либо работу.

Exercise IV. Open brackets and use a verb in the time, necessary on sense:

Model: The Third Mate (to keep watch) now.

The Third Mate is keeping watch now.

1. Our ship (to make) regular voyages to London, but now she (not to call) at British ports. 2.1 (to keep watch) when the captain came to the navigating bridge. He (to look through) the weather report and then (to ask) me to take bearings of the nearest ship. 3. While I (to take) bearings the captain (to decrease) the ship's speed and (to phone) to the radio-room. "Who (to keep) watch at the moment?" he asked. "Radio-officer Orlov (to be)." 4. The captain (to write) a short telegram and (to ask) Orlov (to transmit) it immediately. 5. "What the Chief Radio Officer (to do) now?" he asked. "He (to repair) a radio direction finder," answered Orlov. "Tell him to come to the navigating bridge when he (to be) free."



The cadets of maritime colleges usually have their practical studies either on board training vessels or merchant ships. Now summer is coming and the cadets are going to have their shipboard training. The cadets of the Navigation Department will keep watch at the wheel, paint the hull, deck superstructures, masts, wash and scrub decks. They will launch and hoist life-boats, learn how to use life-saving appliances. They are going to work in the wheel-house as helmsmen.

Skilled officers will instruct our boys how to handle a sextant and other navigational instruments The apprentices will learn how to take bearings of some light-vessels, lighthouses different coastal objects and define the ship's position on charts They must also know how to use echo-sounders logs, finders and satellite navigation systems.

During their shipboard training the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department will work in the radio room transmitting and receiving radio-telegrams, weather reports and navigational warnings They will learn how to tune and repair the ship's radio equipment in case to trouble.

The cadets of the Engineering Department will work in the engine room. They will learn how to maintain the main engine, auxiliary machinery, how to lubricate and repair the engine room equipment

The cadets of the Port Operation Department will work in ports and on board ships during their training. When in ports they will learn how to load, unload and stow cargo.

All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.


shipboard training- плавательная практика

to have shipboard training- проходить плавпрактику

either on training vessels or merchant ships- или на учебных или на торговых судах

wheel -руль

a wheel house- рубка

superstructure- надстройка

mast- мачта

to launch- спускать (на воду)

to launch and hoist life-boats- спускать и поднимать шлюпки

helmsman- рулевой

to handle - управлять, обращаться

to handle a sextant- обращаться с сектантом

apprentice- практикант

light-vessel плавучий маяк

lighthouse- маяк

coastal object- береговой маяк

echo-sounder эхолот

log- лаг

finder -пеленгатор

to transmit and receive weather reports -передавать и принимать сводки погоды

navigational warning- навигационное предупреждение

in case of trouble- в случае повреждения

auxiliary machinery- вспомогательные механизмы

to stow (cargo)- размешать (груз)

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