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Я не могу с вами согласиться). В обоих случаях повторите правильную


Model I: - The Third Officer will keep watch in the engine room.

- Sorry, I can't agree with you. The Third Officer will not keep

watch in the engine room. He will keep watch on the navigating

Model 2: - Radio Officers will keep watch 8 hours a day.

-1 quite agree with you. The Radio-Officers will keep watch 8

hours a day.

1. The cadets of maritime colleges have training on board training vessels. 2. Only the cadets of navigational department have ship board training. 3. The cadets of navigational department don't keep watch at the wheel. 4. Skilled officers instruct the cadets how to use navigational instruments. 5. The cadets of the radio-engineering department lean to plot the ship's position. 6. The future radio engineers learn to use life saving appliances in case of trouble. 7. The cadets of the engineering department keep watch and relieve each other of watch every eight hours. 8. The future engineers must know how to lubricate and repair the engine room equipment. 9. The port operation department cadets have their training on board ships. 10. All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.

Exercise П. Find in the text English equivalents the following words and word combination:

Нести вахту, мыть и лопатить палубу; спускать и поднимать шлюпки; использовать спасательные средства; красить надстройку; рулевой; определять местоположение судна; опытные офицеры; навигационные приборы; плавучий маяк; плавательная практика; передавать и принимать радиограммы; настраивать радиооборудование; вспомогательные механизмы; учиться укладывать груз; освоить профессию; усердно работать.




The Sea Fishing Port of Sevastopol is strategically placed on the sooth-eastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula in the Kamishovaya bay (lat 44° 37' N long 33° 32 E). General cargo, iron, timber, containers and other goods are handled round the clock every day. Except loading dry cargoes, the port realizes passenger transportation inside the city and on the local routs.


The port has more then ten berths (passenger and auxiliary berths also). The berth # 19 (220 m long), for example, is used to handle oil, diesel fuel and other liquid fuel. The maximum depth near the berth is 9.2 m. The maximum draft should not exceed 9 m.

The berths are equipped with different cranes with sufficient lifting capacity. There are different storage facilities, refrigerated warehouse and open storage areas in the port. Some berths are provided with the arterial roads of the country. The port is sufficiently provided with various motor vehicles. There is also a ship-repairing yard with some dry and floating docks where major repairs are possible. It is possible to replenish a vessel with fuel, water and food, to repair a hall and machinery.

Navigation in the port is all year round. But in autumn and winter the sea fishing port of Sevastopol is capable to take vessels with overall dimensions not more then:

length 175 m

Breadth 23m

Tonnage 17 thousand reg. tons.

Permission to enter the port is given by Port Operation Department after the communication with a ship is established. Pilots embark or disembark vessels at exterior anchorage two miles from the entrance (Lat 44°37'N long 33°27'E). Masters of the vessels should advise Inflot Agency of ETA. Preliminary notice should contain name flag of the vessels, ETA, length, breadth, draft, maximum height.

The port provides all vessels with agents. The agent arranges everything necessary for the immediate berthing of the ship. He is obliged to advise port authorities and the receivers of the cargo about the expected time of arrival. Through the control section the agent applies for drawing up papers in the Frontier Service and the Customs 24 hour prior to arrival. In two hours the agent coordinates the order of anchorage. In case of fever or other decease it is necessary to control the agency. The medical Officer usually requires me captain to produce the following documents: the Crew list, the list of passengers (if any), the bill of Health, the Disinfection and Deratization Certificates and the Tonnage Certificate.


Strategically placed

To handle

Round the clock

Local routs

•удобно расположен


местные линии


Liquid fuel


Lifting capacity

Storage facilities


Open storage areas

Arterial roads

Motor vehicles

Major repairs

To replenish with



Overall dimensions

To embark

Exterior anchorage

To advise



Control section

To apply for

To draw up papers

Frontier service








•жидкое топливо


•подъёмная способность

•складские помещения


•открытые складские площади

•магистральные дороги


•капитальный ремонт




•габаритные размеры

•принимать на борт

•внешний рейд




•диспетчерская служба


•составлять документы

•пограничная служба




Exercise I. Translate, using the vocabulary:

1. Sevastopol was found by Suvorov as strategically placed seaport.

2. All the berths are used to load up cargoes.

3. There is a number of passenger and auxiliary berths to the sea fishing port.

4. These storage facilities and open storage areas are well equipped.

5. The port works round the clock.

6. Indicate the overall dimensions of your ship first.

7. The hall and machinery of the ship need repairing

8. You should replenish your active vocabulary with new terms.

9. This preliminary notice does not contain ETA of the vessel.

10. An agent addresses me control Section to apply for drawing up papers.

Exercise II. Find the English equivalents in the text:

Обрабатывать грузы круглосуточно; местные линии; жидкое топливо; осадка превосходит 9 м; достаточная подъемная способность; склад; таможня; уточненное время.

Exercise Ш. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Where is the sea fishing port of Sevastopol situated?

2. What kind of activities has the port? Which of them do you know?

3. How many berths has the port? Which of them do you know?

4. What is the maximum draft of the vessel near the berth?

5. What kind of equipment and storage facilities is the port provided with?

6.What supplies can a vessel replenish in the port?

7. Indicate the overall dimensions of a vessel possible for anchoring in the port in
autumn and winter?

8. What information should preliminary notice contain?

9.What duets should an agent carry out?

10.When and where does the agent apply for drawing up papers?

11.What documents does the captain present to the Medical Officer?


The number of transport vessels has grown and is still growing now very rapidly. By the end of the 20th century the total tonnage of the world's cargo vessels is estimated to be about 500 million tons. To avoid any perils and accidents at sea it became necessary to coordinate their activities. After the Second World War the Organization of the United Nations was faced with this problem. It worked out a special convention for creating such an organization, which was, named the Inter­governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) (now this organization is called IMO). The Convention was approved by many countries and came in force in 1958. Nowadays more than 100 countries are the members of this Organization. IMO performs now many functions through its Committees. The main of them are: the Committee of Safety at Sea, the Committee for protecting the sea environment, the Juridical Committee and the Committee for technical cooperation. Each of these committees works out special regulations which are further discussed, completed and approved at the Assemblies or Conferences and then, on ratification by the majority of the IMO's members, become a compulsory law. Such documents as International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, International Convention on Preventing Pollution at Sea, International Regulations for Safety of Life at Sea and others are well known to all the mariners and shall be strictly obeyed in practical navigation All these regulations impose liability on shipping companies, the vessels and their crews for non-compliance of the rules. Much attention is paid now to preventing pollution at sea, as its consequences may threaten the vitally important problems of the mankind. The coast and coastal waters polluted with oil or poisonous substance may become uninhabitable or harmful not only for men, but for fish, birds, animals and other living creatures as well as vegetation.

Under Convention the countries, members of IMO, undertake to see to the effective execution of the rules. To control the strict observance of the Regulations special organizations have been established. The staff of these organizations has been established. The staff of these organizations is entitled to investigate the cause of pollution, to inspect the equipment aboard vessels and to impose a penalty for the violation of the Regulations.


to face - столкнуться

to impose - облагать

to prevent - предотвратить

to investigate - расследовать

to entitle - давать право

to be entitled - иметь право

to estimate - оценивать

to avoid - избежать

to approve -одобрять

to compete - конкурировать

peril - опасность, риск

compulsory - обязательный

liability - ответственность

non-compliance - невыполнение

violation - нарушение

consequence -последствие

vital - жизненный

mankind - человечество

pollution - загрязнение

poisonous - отравляющий, ядовитый

substance - вещество

observance - соблюдение

uninhabitabe - непригодный для жизни

harmful - вредный

staff - служащие, персонал

vegetation - растительность

penalty - штраф, наказание


Exercise П. Answer the questions:

1. Is the number of transport vessel still growing?

2. What is the total tonnage of the world's cargo vessels?

3. Why is it necessary to coordinate the activities of transport and cargo vessels?

4. What organization was forced to solve a great number of problems?

5. When did the convention come into force? *

6. What are the main functions of Imo's Committees?

7. When do the Imo's regulations become a compulsory law?

8. On whom is the liability imposed for strict observance of these regulations?

9. Why is so much attention paid to prevent pollution at sea?

10.What is staff of this organization entitled to do?

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