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You are going to read a magazine article about three people who came from other countries to live in Britain

Writing and listening.

@1) Here is an interview with Emma.

Complete the interviewer’s part.

Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Emma Interviewer Hello, Emma. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, especially as I believe you are studying for your exams at the moment. Yes, I am. But I am happy to do this interview. Now, the questions. First of all, ……………(1)…………………? Oxford in England. And ……………………(2)………………………………….….? At home with my mother. You see, my parents are divorced. Ah! I am sorry about that.…………………(3)…………………? Yes I have. I’ve got a brother. ………………………………(4)………………………………..? No, he is younger. He is 12. And …………………………(5)………………………………..? Well, he’s either playing football or watching TV. That’s what he always does after school. And …………………………(6)……………………………….? He lives in Scotland, near Edinburgh. …………………………………(7)………………...…………...? Well, we see him quite often. We spend every school holiday with him. Now, a final question, Emma. ……………(8)………………….? I listen to music, especially pop music. That’s great, Emma. I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you very much.


Translate from Russian into English

1. Вы мистер Браун, если я не ошибаюсь? – Вы принимаете меня за кого-то другого, я Майкл Мартин. – а меня зовут Джон Силвер. – приятно познакомиться, Джон. – и мне тоже.

2. Как Ваша фамилия? – Тренд. – Скажите свое имя по буквам, пожалуйста. – Т-р-е-н-д. – спасибо. Вы откуда? – я из Сиднея, Австралия. – Чем Вы занимаетесь? – Я бизнесмен. – Вы женаты? – нет, я холост.

3. Какое у Вас образование? – я окончил университет в Чикаго. – А чем Вы занимаетесь? – преподаю иностранные языки в колледже.

4. Привет, Том. Рад тебя видеть. Как дела дома? – все по-старому, а у тебя? – более или менее, спасибо.

5. Мама, познакомься. – Это моя новая знакомая Сьюзан. Она учится в моей группе. – очень приятно, Сьюз. Как поживаешь? – хорошо, спасибо.

6. Мари, это Питер Бартон, не так ли? – боюсь, ты его принимаешь за кого-то другого. Знакомься, это мой брат Джек. – приятно познакомится.

7. На каких языках вы говорите? – я говорю по-английски. – говорите по-английски бегло? – не, немного. Хотел бы я говорить по-английски хорошо. Я собираюсь пройти курс английского.

8. Чем ты увлекаешься? – я очень люблю читать. – Какие книги читаешь? – я обожаю романы и детективы. – Ты много читаешь? – не очень, когда есть время. А какую книгу ты сейчас читаешь? – книгу по истории искусств.

9. Ты ведь увлекаешься кулинарией? – я люблю печь. – Хорошо печешь? – думаю, что хорошо. Моим друзьям нравятся мои торты и пироги.

10.Умеешь вязать, шить или вышивать? – терпеть не могу никакие рукоделия.

11.Почему ты не любишь современную музыку? – ничего подобного, мне она очень нравится.


1) Are you mr BRAUN, if I'm not mistaken? - You take me for someone else, I'm Michael Martin. - And my name is John Silver. - Nice to meet you, John -nice to meet you too



2)What is your surname ?-TREND- ( скажите свое имя по буквам), please?

T-r-en-d –thank you. where are you from- I am fronm sedney. australia. what do you do?/-I am a business man-are you married ? - no I am single



3) What are you occupation/education? I finished university in chicago.- what do you do?-I teach foreign languages ​​in college



4) hi tom /glad to see you/ how are things at home? -The same old way. are you? more or less.thank you



5) ( Мама, познакомься ) - this is my new acquaintance. She goes to my group-

Glad to meet you, сьюз. How are you keeping? - - Fine, thanks.


6 ) Marie, this is Peter Barton, is not it?- I'm afraid you are taking it for someone else. This is my brother Jack- nice to meet you


7 ) What languages do you speak? – i m speak English fluently – (не, немного. Хотел бы я говорить по-английски хорошо.) I'm going to take a course of English


8) What are you hobbies? - I very love to read. - What book are you reading? - I adore novels and detective stories. - Do you read much/? do you read a lot? - Not so when I have time. What kind of book are you reading now? - A book on the history of art

9. You're keen on cooking? - I love to bake. – ( хорошо перечешь) ? - I think that is good. My friends love my cakes and pies


10 ) You know how to knit, sew or embroider? - I cant stand any handicrafts ?


11. Why do not you like modern music? - Nothing like that, I like it very much.


&9. Reading and speaking.

Pre-reading task

· Do you know any foreigners living in your country?

· What do they like about it?

· What do they find different?

· What do tourist like doing in your country?

· Where do they go? What do they do?


You are going to read a magazine article about three people who came from other countries to live in Britain.

Read extracts. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did she/he come to Britain?

2. What does she/he do in Britain?

3. What does she/he like and dislike about Britain?


Kimiko – Japan There are now more than two dozen Japanese companies in Tyne and Wear in the northeast of England. Many Japanese families now live there. Kimiko Kinoshita Wood came to Britain as a bride six years ago. ‘There is much more freedom for women here,’ she says. ‘it is sometimes difficult for Japanese women to adjust[1].’ For Kimiko, the change was easy because she is a translator and speaks English fluently. Also, she has an English husband. ‘Attitudes to women are very different, she says. ‘Japanese wives come to Britain and after a while they discover they can have a life of their own outside the home They do not have that kind of freedom in Japan. ‘In Japan it is unusual to see men shopping with their wives, helping in the house, or babysitting. But Kimiko’s husband, John, a shipping engineer, happily lends a hand with the children. John says that Japanese husbands soon adapt in Britain, and seem to relax more with their families. Education is one thing that worries Kimiko. In Japan children go to school six days a week and work much harder than English children. Another complaint is that shops do not have many clothes for small women.


Margarehta – Norway In Britain Margaretha Simons can be a full-time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost all Norwegian women go out to work, partly because there are more crèches[2]. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children. Maragretha, who is 43, met her British husband, Noel, a university professor, while she was learning English in Cambridge ‘I find British people friendly,’ she says. ‘New neighbours invite you for coffee, introduce to their children, and take you to the shops. The men are more courteous[3] and romantic than Norwegian men.’ However she doesn’t like everything. She thinks British houses are not built well – even modern houses have a lot of draughts. Also there is too much litter in the streets and by the sides of the motorways. She likes fresh British food, but at first she didn’t like the tea because it looked cloudy and grey. Xavier – France When Xavier Dupont came to Britain, his friends in Paris said he’d hate it. However, Xavier, a 26-year-old chef, says they were wrong. ‘French people imagine that Britain is a cold miserable country where everyone dresses badly, you can’t see anything for fog, and the food is the worst on the planet. I do not agree.’ Xavier insists that British look good because they do not follow the fashion so seriously. He enjoys shopping in Britain because there are so many fresh things in the supermarkets. He particularly likes the street markets. However he has some complaints. He thinks that British men do not show enough consideration[4] or appreciation[5] of the women. Also, he doesn’t like British bathrooms where you stand or sit in the bath to have a shower! Last of all, he feels that shops and restaurants close far too often and far too early.


[1] to adjust – приспособить (ся)

2 crèches – детские ясли

[3] courteous – галантный

[4] consideration – внимание

[5] appreciation – оценка

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