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Тема: Улюблені автори. Сучасна англомовна література. Написання есе
Мета: засвоєння лексики з тем; удосконалення навичок усного та письмового мовлення; розширення світогляду студентів щодо літератури країн, мова яких вивчається. Короткі теоретичні відомості рррррррррррррррррр Завдання до теми 1. О 2. Д 3. Наведіть док. Контрольні питання 1. 2. Література: [].
Модуль 2 Змістовий модуль 3 Сучасне мистецтво Практичні заняття № 1, 2, 3 Тема: Сучасне мистецтво: проблеми й перспективи. Мистецькі напрямки й течії. Обговорення творів мистецтва Мета: засвоєння лексики з тем; удосконалення навичок усного мовлення; удосконалення навичок з підготовки доповіді, що супроводжується графічною презентацією; розширення світогляду студентів щодо сучасного мистецтва країн, мова яких вивчається. Короткі теоретичні відомості рррррррррррррррррр Завдання до теми 1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian: A personal history of graffiti Twenties-century graffiti during World War II. Soldiers across Europe started finding the message “Kilroy was here” from a mysterious individual who wrote it on public spaces. Kilroy’s tagbecame synonymous with the V (“victory”) symbol. In the 1950s, street gangs began writing graffiti on bathroom walls to help identify themselves and to mark their territories. Modern-day graffiti started in New York City in the late 19 60s. It began with young kids writing their names throughout the city. Slowly it became a global movement that is an important part of the art world today. When I was just a kid in the 1970s, one of our favorite activities was called bombing. (The word bombingsimply means to cover an area with the writer’s tagin either ink or paint.) We mostly bombed walls and benches in the parks. First, we used colored markers. Later we started making our own markers and added different inks. Black was the most popular color because blue and red faded. White and purple were also popular. Then we discovered spray paint, and graffiti took on a whole new form. Soon we found that the park wasn’t enough, so we moved into the subways. We wanted the whole city to know who we were. Graffiti writers expanded their creativity by using the subway cars as moving canvases. The simple tags of the early 1970s changed into much larger, more complex productions. Unfortunately, the city of New York never saw graffiti as the official art form of the Big Apple. For years, the police fought a battle against graffiti and those who created it. Consequently, bombing became a much more dangerous activity, but graffiti artists didn’t stop. They took greater and greater risks. They risked arrest, electrocution, dismemberment, and even death. This was the realgraffiti. Then in the 1980s New York learned how to clean the subway cars permanently. This eventually destroyed NYC subway graffiti forever. You are probably wondering, “What was the point of writing your name or tag all over the place? Wasn’t this a form of vandalism? Wasn’t this an illegal activity? How can one claim this destructive act was a form of art?” Art can be visually created, such as with a painting or a piece of sculpture. Art can also be a novel, a piece of music, a film, a play, or poetry. Art does not have to be beautiful to its audience. In other words, it doesn’t have to be considered good or valuable. Artists use their creations to communicate ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. For me, graffiti was a way of expressing my existence. Just like companies have logos and nations have flags, graffiti was my way of saying, “Hey, look world. Here I am!” In addition, just like other art, graffiti sends a message. Writers used the subway canvases to express their thoughts on family, religion, and politics. Today, graffiti has spread around the world. It is also an accepted art form. Today, we see graffiti imagery on book covers, video games, and in cyberspace.
1a. Think about your ideas. Choose the best four responses to graffiti you think a government should make: a) place restrictions on the sale of aerosol paint b) set heavy fines and possible time in jail for offenders c) make graffiti writers wash off their work d) ignore the problem e) give rewards to people who report graffiti writers f) educate children about why graffiti is bad g) provide special walls for graffiti artists h) paint all government buildings with special washable paint i) other.
2a. Talk about your ideas: · What can governments do to stop young people from writing graffiti? · Do you think that graffiti is art? Why or why not?
2. Д 3. Наведіть док. Контрольні питання 1. 2. Література: [hot topics 2, c. 127–138].
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