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Пронумеруй фразы в таком порядке, чтобы получился разговор Дайно и его гостя

1 -Would you like some fish?

5 - You are welcome.

3 - Here you are.

2 - Yes, please. May I have some bread?

4 - Thank you.

Выбери и обведи правильное слово в каждом предложении.

Образец: My teacher speak / speaks English well.

1)His friend live / lives in the forest.

2)Dogs like / likes meat and milk.

3)The farmer drink / drinks juice in the morning.

4)I drink / drinks tea with milk.

5)Birds eat / eats corn.


Lesson 20

1. Слонёнок Томас с мамой пришли к врачу. Прочитай и запиши выписанный Томасу рецепт. Читать следует в порядке чисел.

Give little Thomas Tea with lemon


Заполни таблицу.

Animal (животное) Colour (цвет) Food (пища) Home Can Can’t
a horse black grey corn farm run jump swim sing
a fox red meat forest run jump swim read sing dance write
a cat black grey white red meat milk ham cheese house run jump play swim write read count dance
a rabbit grey black white carrots cabbage potatoes farm jump Read write sing dance


Ответь на вопросы.

1) What do you like to eat for breakfast? – I like to eat porridge, eggs, cheese and ham sandwiches for breakfast.

2) What do you like to drink for breakfast? – I like to drink tea with milk for breakfast.

Lesson 21

Вставь пропущенные буквосочетания ее и еа и прочитай слова.

bread, coffee, meat, please, three, cheese, tea, breakfast, green, sweet, teeth, teacher, head, see.

2. Джим и Джилл отправляются в путешествие. С помощью волшебной ромашки напиши, как зовут их друзей. Переведи их имена на русский язык.
When? – Когда?

Who? – Кто?

What? – Что?

Where? – Где?

When? – Когда?

Why? – Почему?

Закончи предложения.

Dogs eat meat.

Girls drink juice.

Birds eat corn.

Boys like tea.

Cats like milk.

Закончи рассказ Джима о себе. Используй слова.

school, read, like, breakfast, friends, together, nine, ice cream


I am Jim. I am nine. I go to school. I can read and write. I like to swim and skip. For breakfast I like sandwiches, cakes and ice cream. I have got a lot of friends. We play together on Sundays.

Lesson 22

1. Раскрась клоуна. Помни, что каждая цифра обозначает определённый цвет.

1 – red - красный

2 – grey - серый

3 – blue - голубой

4 – black - чёрный

5 – green - зелёный

6 – white – белый

А) Соедини слова. Составь словосочетания.

play breakfast
clean hands and face
wash tennis
have juice
drink teeth

Play tennis, clean teeth, wash hands and face, have breakfast, drink juice

B) Вставь полученные словосочетания. Прочитай предложения.

1) Martin washes hands and face in the morning.

2) Nick can play tennis well.

3) We must clean our teeth every day.

4) I’m hungry. Let’s have breakfast.

5) Pam likes to drink orange juice.

3. Посоветуй Билли, что он должен делать и чего не должен делать, чтобы быть здоровым. Запиши свои советы.

You must eat carrots, apples and cabbage.

You must eat porridge, cheese and milk for breakfast.

You must wash your hands and face every day.

You must clean your teeth every day.

You must run in the morning.

You must skate and ski.

You must swim, skip and jump.

You must play football or tennis.

You must walk and play with your friends.

You must not eat many sandwiches, sweets and cakes.

You must not be lazy.


Lesson 23

A) Впиши в кроссворд названия продуктов и овощей. По вертикали ты прочитаешь любимое слово великана Робина-Бобина.

1 c a b b a g e
  b r e a d  
c h e e s e  
m e a t      
c a k e      
c o f f e e  
  c a r r o t
    s w e e t
b u t t e r  


b) Запиши, что ты любишь есть на завтрак?

I like to have porridge, eggs, bread with butter, jam and tea for breakfast.

2. Заполни таблицу. Используй слова:
cheese, coffee, sweet, meat, carrot, cake, corn, tea, potato, butter, tomato, apple, bread, banana, lemon, milk, juice, nut, egg, sandwich, porridge.

much many
cheese, coffee, meat, corn, tea, butter, bread, milk, juice, porridge sweets, carrots, cakes, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, bananas, lemons, nuts, eggs, sandwiches

3. Напиши рассказ о своём любимом животном.

I have got a pet. My pet is a cat. My cat Mursik is grey and white. It is not angry. It is nice and kind. It can run, jump and play. It can sing. My cat likes to eat meat, ham, eggs, bread and fish. It likes to drink milk.


Lesson 24

1. Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.
1) cabbage, meat, tomato, potato
2) milk, cheese, butter, bread
3) fish, tea, coffee, juice, milk
4) apple, cake, banana, orange

2. Придумай и напиши, какие продукты и в каком количестве Джилл купила в магазине. Начни так:
Jill has got five tomatoes.

Jill has got six bananas.

Jill has got three carrots.

Jill has got four apples.

Jill has got twenty nut.

Jill has got fifteen potatoes.

Jill has got ten eggs.

Jill has got two cakes.

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