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Перевод диалога c русского языка на английский. Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста: Dessert” Tenderness” (pieces of kiwi



Билет №12

Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

  1. Dessert” Tenderness” (pieces of kiwi, orange, apricot and dates with chilled sauce made from apricot sauce, honey, white dry wine and shredded pistachios).
  2. Swedish apple pie (apples, butter, almond, raisins, rum, sugar, cinnamon, fresh white bread crumbs), served warm with custard.
  3. Festive cherry in Chou pastry (cherry stuffed with chopped nuts, rum, sugar and cocoa, wrapped in pastry, fried, then coated in cocoa with sugar).
  4. Crab salad with corn, dressed with mayonnaise.
  5. Curds pate (curds, milk, mustard, cumin, butter, pepper), served chilled.
  6. Milk soup with pumpkin, served with sugar and toasts.
  7. Spaghetti with “Béchamel” sauce (milk, butter, flour).
  8. Macaroni (pasta) with eggs (boiled macaroni, milk, eggs baked), served with butter.
  9. Chicken Kiev (chicken breasts stuffed with green butter, coated in bread crumbs, fried), served with fried potato and green peas or marinated fruit.
  10. Cutlets with cheese (minced beef and pork, onion, cheese, egg, coated in bread crumbs, fried, served with fried potato.
  11. Pike perch with vegetables, stewed in champagne (courgette, potatoes, carrot, bell pepper).
  12. Herring in cabbage leaf (herring stuffed with mint leaf, wrapped in cabbage leaf, baked in foil), served with sauce (cream, garlic and lemon).
  13. Christmas goose (goose filled with spices and chopped herbs, roasted with apples), served with apple sauce.
  14. Jellied game (hazel grouse, partridge, wood cock, pheasant)
  15. Curds with fresh herbs (lettuce, spinach), served with cold sour – cream and parsley.


3 Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

Waiter: W Manager: M

W Позвонил наш постоянный посетитель и заказал столик. Мы можем преподнести ему бутылку шампанского в качестве вознаграждения?

М Как часто он нас посещает?

W У него карточка с 10% скидкой. А это значит, что он часто нас посещает.

М А с кем он придет?

W C подругой.

M Замечательно. Организуем им романтический вечер с шампанским.

W А если они закажут закуску?

M Тогда предложи им итальянское вино, Сhianti, например.

W Нет проблем. A на десерт?

М А на десерт предложи им сладкое Frascati, оно у нас великолепн



Билет №13

№2 Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Salad. Salad may be eaten with a knife and fork, continental style, if it is served as a separate course. Most salad lettuce is torn into bite size pieces and should be eaten with a fork only. A quarter of iceberg lettuce may be eaten with a knife and fork. It is acceptable to use a bit of roll or bread as a pusher while eating a salad.

Olives, radishes and сelery sticks. If olives are part of the salad, they are eaten with the fork. Stuffed olives are popped into the mouth the fingers. If you are

served celery, radishes, or olives, place them on your butter plate and eat them with your fingers. Salt the сalary and radishes, if you like, while they are on the butter plate.

Whole pickles. Pick up pickles with your fingers. If a relish tray is passed to you, don’t take food and put it directly into your mouth. Always put it on a butter plate or on the side of your dinner plate.

Parsley and lemon. Parsley may be eaten with the fork. Lemon slices or wedges are intended to be squeezed over the food. If the lemon is served with sauce, gently press it with your fork to release juice; otherwise, you may pick up with your fingers and squeeze it.

Asparagus. Asparagus stalks can be eaten in two ways. If the asparagus is sauced, you can cut it and eat it with a fork. If not, you can hold it with the fingers.

Potatoes. French fried potatoes, potato wedges, and potato chips may be eaten with your fingers. If the French fries or wedges are large, you should use a fork. To eat a baked potato, hold it in place with your fingers while you make an incision across the top lengthwise, and add butter, salt, or any other seasonings offered. If you want to eat the potato skin, cut it into small pieces.



3 Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

– Как ты думаешь, какой аперитив считается лучшим?

- Здесь нет строгих правил, это зависит от твоего вкуса. Это может быть что- нибудь не сладкое, или игристое вино или просто сок.

- Что подают с белым мясом?

- С курятиной, крольчатиной или рыбой подаётся белое сухое или полусухое столовое вино, а с говядиной, бараниной или телятиной красное сухое или полусухое.

- А что хорошо со свининой?

- Со свининой можно подать розовое столовое вино.

- Говорят, с сыром лучше красное вино.

- Да, полнотелое красное, можно полусладкое. А на десерт или к кофе креплёные вина, ликёры и коньяк.

Билет №14

Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

  • Canadian whisky is made in charred oak barrel and causes lightness in body; has the flavour of corn and barley.
  • Kahlua is Mexican liqueur made from coffee beans and have vanilla aroma.
  • Cointrean is brandy made from triple sec and orange Curacao.
  • Curacao triple sec is made from bitter orange peel. Rum, spices and sugar are added.
  • Classic Walker, a short drink, made from Black Label Scotch whisky, soda water and fresh lime juice.
  • Apple Blow, long drink, made from Applejack brandy, lemon juice, egg white, powdered sugar, apple juice and club soda.
  • Ramos Fizz, long drink, made from Old Tom Gin (made from grain), cream, fresh lemon juice, fresh egg white, club soda, powdered sugar, orange flower water, fresh lime juice.


.3 Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

Г. Какую холодную закуску Вы порекомендуете?

О. Попробуйте заливной язык, он подаётся с хреном, это очень вкусное блюдо русской кухни.

Г. Хорошо, и салат «Тройка» пожалуйста

О. К сожалению, этого салата нет, но греческий салат отличный.

Г. Нет, тогда лучше салат из свежих овощей.

О. Вы будете суп?

Г. Как подаётся рассольник?

О. Он подаётся в горшочке со сметаной, он приготовлен из почек, солёных огурцов, перловой крупы и оливок.

Г. Звучит заманчиво. Я возьму его.

О. Как насчёт горячего блюда?

Г. Что такое «голубцы»?

О. Это говяжий фарш с рисом, завёрнутый в капустный лист, тушеный со специями и зеленью.

Г. Я не люблю тушеные блюда, что ещё вы можете предложить?

О. Котлету по – Киевски, это куриная грудка, начинённая зелёным маслом, обваленная в сухарях и обжаренная.


Билет №15

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Ginis made from grain with juniper berries, coriander seeds and angelica roots aroma. The most popular one is London Dry Gin.

Rumis produced in most tropical countries because it is made from sugar cane and molasses. Rum from different countries has its own distinctive flavour. There are three main types of rum:

· Light-bodied dry-flavoured rums from Puerto-Rico;

· Heavy-bodied sweet-flavoured rums from Jamaica;

· Medium-bodied rums from the Virgin Islands.

Vodkais made from potatoes. It shouldn’t have any aroma.

Brandy is made from juice of ripe grapes or various other fruit. For example, apple brandy, peach brandy, etc.

Cognacis brandy made in France in Cognac town.

Tequilaisa Mexican spirit made from Maguey (plant).

Liqueurare high-alcohol, high-sugar beverages with added flavorings usually derived from herbs, fruits, or nuts. Liqueurs are distinct from flavoured liquors, fruit brandy, and eau de vie, which contain no sugar. Most liqueurs range between 15% and 55% alcohol by volume. Eau de vie is a fruit Brandy


3. Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

Г. Какую рыбу вы можете порекомендовать?

О. Вы можете взять рыбное ассорти на холодную закуску.

Г. Какая рыба там?

О. Копчёный угорь, лосось, холодная отварная осетрина и икра.

Г. А что вы предложите на горячее?

О. У нас есть форель, запеченная с овощами и фаршированная щука. Эти блюда отличные. А что насчёт вина?

Г. Мы возьмём форель и принесите, пожалуйста, бутылку белого сухого Бордо.

О. Что - нибудь ещё?

Г. Бутылку негазированной минеральной воды,пожалуйста.

9. Переведите диалоги с русского языка на английский:

Билет №16

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

The Quick Trick

Liqueurs are for nuts (hazelnuts, almonds), cordials are for fruit (lemon, orange, etc). And schnapps—well, just remember, they’re not sweetened.

If you’re looking for a basic rule, remember this: Cordials are liquors made from fruit or fruit juice, while liqueurs are alcoholic drinks made from seeds, herbs, or nuts. So Triple sec, Sloe gin, Grand Marnier, Cointreau, Curaçao, Brandy, Kir, Framboise, and Chambord are cordials. On the other hand, Jägermeister, Pernod, Kahlúa, Amaretto, Frangelico, Strega, and Chartreuse are liqueurs. ( Beware! In England, the word cordial usually refers to a sweetened drink that is not alcoholic—Rose’s Lime Cordial is an example.)

While the difference between liqueurs and cordials isn’t always clear, the one between aperitifs and digestives is. Aperitifs are drunk before dinner, to help stimulate the appetite. Classic aperitifs include the Martini, the Manhattan, the Old-Fashioned, and the Sidecar. Digestives are, obviously, to aid digestion, and are drunk after dinner. You can also finish your meal with one of these digestives : the White (or Black) Russian, the Brandy Alexander, Kahlúa, the Grasshopper, Daiquiri, Amaretto, port, or cognac.

3 Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

О = Официант Г = Гость

О. С чего бы вы хотели начать?

Г. Какие блюда из морепродуктов у вас есть?

О. Как насчёт коктейля из креветок или мидий в белом вине?

Г. Нет, я не люблю мидии, что ещё вы можете предложить?

О. Гребешки с травами или омар с лимоном очень вкусно.

Г. Звучит заманчиво, а какое вино лучше к морепродуктам?

О. Вы можете взять белое полусладкое.


  1. – Я бы хотел заказать банкет.

- Нет проблем, по какому поводу?

- У нас годовщина свадьбы.

- Замечательно, на какой день и время?

- В эту пятницу, в 6 часов.

- На сколько человек?

- На 20.

-Как поставить столы, в форме подковы или банкетный вид?

- Я думаю, пусть лучше будут маленькие квадратные столы.

- Хорошо, на чьё имя делать бронь?

- Моя фамилия Александров

- Итак, банкет по поводу годовщины свадьбы в пятницу на 6 часов вечера, на 20 человек, пять маленьких квадратных столика. я прав?

- Да, всё правильно и не могли бы вы украсить столики цветами?

- Обязательно, ждём вас.

Билет №17

2.Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Types of liqueur

Liqueur is an alcoholic drink made from an infusion of fruit, herbs, nuts or other flavour to brandy or other spirits. It can be strong - 35% and 45% alcohol by volume, dessert – 25% - 30% alcohol by volume and cream liqueur – 20% - 30%. Among the popular liqueurs are:

  • Advocate – made from fresh egg yolk, sugar and brandy, it is originally from Holland.
  • Anisette – a clear liqueur made from anise seed and flavoured with bitter almonds.
  • Aquavit – a clear liqueur flavoured with caraway seeds from Scandinavian countries.
  • Benedictine – a liqueur made by Benedictine monks out of a secret formula, which is a combination of herbs, spice and fine brandy.
  • Chartreuse – Cordial made by the Chartreuse order of monks. Its colors are yellow and green and are made of many ingredients such as spices, herbs, roots, etc.
  • Sherry – Spanish wine, uniquely aged in barrels.
  • Triple sec– liqueur with orange flavour made from peel of bitter and sweet oranges.
  • Cointrean– a brandy of triple sec and orange Curacao.
  • Crème de Cacao – made from cacao beans, spices and vanilla. It comes in two colours – white and brown.
  • Crème de menthe – a peppermint liqueur made from fresh mint and brandy.
  • Curacao triple sec – made form the peel of bitter oranges and enriched with spices, rum and sugar.
  • Drambuie – a liqueur made from old Scotch, honey, herbs and spices.
  • Grand Marnier - made from fine champagne, cognac and orange curacao.
  • Kahlua (Kailua) - a Mexican liqueur made from coffee beans , vanilla and brandy.
  • Kirshwasser– a liqueur made from wild black cherries.
  • Pernod– made from licorice.
  • Southern comfort – made in the USA from a secret formula.

So, the main types of liqueurs are: Chocolate liqueurs, Coffee liqueurs, Cream liqueurs, Fruit liqueurs, Berry liqueurs, Flower liqueurs, Herbal liqueurs: Anise-flavored liqueurs and other herbal liqueurs, Nut-flavored liqueurs, Whisky liqueurs, etc.


3. Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

Г = Гость О = Официант

Г. Какую рыбу вы можете порекомендовать?

О. Вы можете взять рыбное ассорти на холодную закуску.

Г. Какая рыба там?

О. Копчёный угорь, лосось, холодная отварная осетрина и икра.

Г. А что вы предложите на горячее?

О. У нас есть форель, запеченная с овощами и фаршированная щука. Эти блюда отличные. А что насчёт вина?

Г. Мы возьмём форель и принесите, пожалуйста, бутылку белого сухого Бордо.

О. Что - нибудь ещё?

Г. Бутылку негазированной минеральной воды, пожалуйста

Билет №18

Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Types of coffee

Café au lait, "coffee with milk" in French, is a French coffee drink. The meaning of the term differs between Europe and the United States; in both cases it means some kind of coffee with hot milk added, in contrast to white coffee, which is coffee with room temperature milk or other whitener added.

Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed-milk froth. cappuccino is a coffee drink topped with foamed milk.

Espresso is a concentrated beverage brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee. Espresso often has a thicker consistency, a higher concentration of dissolved solids.

Greek frappé or Café frappé (Greek: φραπές, frapés) is a foam-covered iced coffee drink made from instant coffee.

Latte, meaning "coffee and milk" in Italian, is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk.

Sankais a brand of decaffeinated coffee, sold around the world, and was one of the earliest decaffeinated varieties.

Apple cider, sometimes soft or sweet cider, is the name used in the United States and parts of Canada for an unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic drink made from apples. It is opalescent, or opaque, due to the fine apple particles in suspension, and may be tangier than conventional filtered apple juice, depending on the apples used.


№3 Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

О = Официант Г = Гость Р = Ребёнок

О. Вы будете десерт?

Г. Что у вас есть, чтобы понравилось ребёнку и моему мужу?

О Для ребёнка у нас большой выбор мороженного, банановый пудинг, персиковое и грушевое желе. Что бы ты хотел?

Р. Я хочу клубничное мороженное со взбитыми сливками.

О. Для мужа я бы порекомендовал торт из ревеня, фаршированный ананас или яблочный штрудель.

Г. А мне хочется чего - нибудь лёгкого и не очень сладкого.

О. Если вы любите фрукты, вам стоит попробовать апельсиновое охлаждённое парфе, абрикосово – виноградный мусс или желе из крыжовника.

Г. Хорошо, мы возьмём мороженное, яблочный штрудель и желе из крыжовника для меня, стакан персикового сока и чашку зелёного чая.

№19 Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

How to eat fish and seafood.

Fish. If fish is served whole, cut off the head. Hold the fish with the fork, slit the fish, from head to tail, with the tip of the knife. Open it out flat, insert the tip of the knife under one end of the backbone and gently lift it out by moving your fork in a twisting motion. Place the backbone on the edge of the plate. Cut the freshy part of the fish with your knife and fork. (Usually, fish is prepared in this way by the server directly before service.) Remove small bones from your mouth with your thumb and forefinger, and put them on the side of the plate.

Oysters. For clams and oysters on the half shell, hold the shell with your hand and use an oyster fork to remove the whole clam or oyster. Dip it into cocktail sauce with the fork and eat in one mouthful. It is suitable to pick up the shell and drain the juice into your mouth.

Lobsters and crabs. Lobsters and hard-shelled crabs can be difficult to eat. The

claws should be cracked in the kitchen so that you don’t have to crack them at the table. Use you fingers to put apart the claw shells and extract the meat. You can use a nut pick or oyster fork to do this. Then, dip the meat into butter or sauce, and

pop it into your mouth. Put the small claws from the body with the fingers and place the open ends between the teeth so that the meat and juice can be sucked out. The lager meat portions from the lobster tail should be cut with a knife and dipped and eaten with a fork. Crab is eaten in a similar manner.

Mussels. Pickled or smoked mussels are served and eaten with toothpicks.

Otherwise, mussels are eaten from the shell. Hick up the mussel, place the shell tip

in the mouth, and such out the mussel and the juice. Place the empty shell on an empty plate or butter dish.

Shrimps. If the shrimp in an individual cocktail is too large to eat in one mouthful, bite off a manageable piece from the seafood fork. Then, dip the remaining portion , and eat it. When shrimp is served as a finger food at a buffet, it is, of course, not permissible to dip a bitten shrimp into a bowl of sauce to be used by others.

Caviar. Caviar is usually served in a small bowl over ice, with a spoon put in it. Take a small spoonful and place it on your plate. Then take one or two pieces of toast and put them on your plate. Use a knife to put the caviar on the toast, and

serve yourself whatever type of garnish you like, such as crumbled hard-boiled egg or grated onions.

3. Перевод диалога с русского на английский язык:


О.Вы бы хотели какого-нибудь вина?

М. Нет, я думаю я возьму пиво. У вас есть местное разливное пиво?

О. Боюсь, что нет. Как насчет бутылочного пива?

М. Да, я не возражаю. Это было бы прекрасно.

О. Итак, средний стейк с рисом и салат ассорти. И суп-пюре со спаржой для начала. Правильно?

М. Да. И можно мне немного хлеба?

О. Да, я принесу хлеб немедленно.

М. Большое спасибо


Билет №20

Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

How to eat meat, chicken and chops.

Meat is cut with a knife and fork. If a platter of meat is passed to you, take only one large slice or two small slices at one time. You may take more meat when the platter is passed again.

Pork, lamb and veal chops are eaten with a fork and knife. Spear the plump end of the chop with your fork and cut out the centre part. Then cut and eat this part, one or two pieces at a time. With your fork and knife, get as much meat as possible from the remaining bone. If there is a frilled paper panty on the bone, you may hold onto it with your fingers and take out the meet with a fork.

At picnics and barbeques, fried chicken is eaten with the fingers. A knife and fork are used at other times. Spear the chicken with your fork, and with the

knife strip the meat from the bones. Whatever meat you can’t get with your fork and knife should be left on the bone. Gnawing on the bone is suitable only for the most informal occasions. Other birds, such as duck, pheasant, Rock Cornish hens, are eaten with a knife and fork


3. Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский язык:

Г. Какую холодную закуску вы можете предложить?

О. Я думаю, вам стоит попробовать коктейль из морепродуктов, там мидии, креветки, морской гребешок и осьминог.

Г. Звучит заманчиво, но мне хочется чего - нибудь солёного, или копчёного

О. Тогда я могу порекомендовать угря или палтуса, сельдь в горчичном соусе и осетровую икру.

Г. Да, я возьму рыбное ассорти для начала. У вас есть блюда из дичи, зайчатина, например?

О. К сожалению, зайчатины нет, но запеченные рёбрышки дикого кабана с лесными ягодами превосходные.

Г. Нет, тогда просто телячий стейк.

О. Как вам его приготовить?

Г. Средней прожарености, и какие овощные блюда у вас есть?

О. Если вам хочется чего нибудь овощного, я могу порекомендовать вам отварную зелёную фасоль со специями и чесноком или шпинат, тушеный со сливками.

Г. Я возьму фасоль, но без чеснока если можно.

О. Хорошо, итак, рыбное ассорти на холодное и телячий стейк средней прожаренности с отварной фасолью без чеснока – основное блюдо. Как насчёт десерта?

Г. Я бы хотел пирог с ежевикой и мороженое.

О. Вы будете мороженое с взбитыми сливками, шоколадом или миндалём?

Г. Пусть будет всё вместе: шоколад, орехи и взбитые сливки.

О. Вы будете что – нибудь пить?

Г. Да, конечно, персиковый сок и бутылку сухого Бордо.

О. Красное или белое?

Г. Красное. И принесите пепельницу, пожалуйста.


Билет №21

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Нawaiian Iced Coffee

Can of pineapple in juice


Instant coffee

Hot water

Scoops of vanilla ice cream

Demerara sugar

Freshly ground nutmeg

  1. Blend the pineapple pieces and juice, then add the milk and process again.
  2. Dissolve the coffee in the hot water and add to the blender. Blend until well mixed. Taste and add a little more dissolved coffee if you like.
  3. Add the ice cream and process briefly.
  4. Pour into a jug or individual glasses and sprinkle with sugar and a little nutmeg

Preparation time 10 min.

3.Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

Г = Гость О = Официант

Г. Какую холодную закуску Вы порекомендуете?

О. Попробуйте заливной язык, он подаётся с хреном, это очень вкусное блюдо русской кухни.

Г. Хорошо, и салат «Тройка» пожалуйста

О. К сожалению, этого салата нет, но греческий салат отличный.

Г. Нет, тогда лучше салат из свежих овощей.

О. Вы будете суп?

Г. Как подаётся рассольник?

О. Он подаётся в горшочке со сметаной, он приготовлен из почек, солёных огурцов, перловой крупы и оливок.

Г. Звучит заманчиво. Я возьму его.

О. Как насчёт горячего блюда?

Г. Что такое «голубцы»?

О. Это говяжий фарш с рисом, завёрнутый в капустный лист, тушеный со специями и зеленью.

Г. Я не люблю тушеные блюда, что ещё вы можете предложить?

О. Котлету по – Киевски, это куриная грудка, начинённая зелёным маслом, обваленная в сухарях и обжаренная.

Билет №22

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

More Drink Ideas

  • For a hot outdoor meal, always make sure you have plenty of drinks and plenty of ice cubes.
  • Keep the options simple red or chilled white wine, lager or beer, soft drinks.
  • Special occasion? Well chilled Bucks Fizz is just as welcome made with a good sparkling wine. Mix two parts “ bubbly” with one part fresh orange juice.
  • Dilute lemon squash with soda water, sweeten with a little honey and float thinly sliced lemons and ice cubes in the jug.
  • Fruit juices can be heavy to serve with food. Try a mixture of orange and pineapple juice topped up with an equal quantity of soda water or mineral water.
  • Make a jug of iced tea. Add a few mint sprigs and a sliced lemon to weak tea, sweeten to taste and chill for at least 30 minutes.
  • Make milky coffee and chill it thoroughly. Whisk in a few scoops of vanilla ice cream before serving with ice cubes.
  • Herbal teas or fruit teas can be more refreshing than coffee when served after a meal on a hot day. Alternatively, offer China tea served with a slice of lemon.

№3. Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

О = Официант Г = Гость

О. С чего бы вы хотели начать?

Г. Я бы хотел просто свежие овощи, а затем суп.

О. Сегодня жарко, я могу посоветовать вам, холодный свекольник, там

много свежей зелени, зелёный лук и укроп, подаётся со сметаной.

Г. Хорошо, я возьму его

О. Что- нибудь ещё? Как насчёт запеченных овощей, там баклажан, болгарский перец, помидор и подаётся он с лимоном и базиликом

Г. Звучит заманчиво.

О. ОК, ассорти из свежих овощей, свекольник и запеченные овощи. Замечательный выбор!

Билет №23

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Рецепт коктейля

3Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

О = Официант Г = Гость

О. С чего бы вы хотели начать?

Г. Какие блюда из морепродуктов у вас есть?

О. Как насчёт коктейля из креветок или мидий в белом вине?

Г. Нет, я не люблю мидии, что ещё вы можете предложить?

О. Гребешки с травами или омар с лимоном очень вкусно.

Г. Звучит заманчиво, а какое вино лучше к морепродуктам?

О. Вы можете взять белое полусладкое.



Билет 324

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Рецепт коктейля

3Перевод диалога с русского языка на английский:

- С чего бы вы хотели начать?

- Какую рыбу вы могли бы порекомендовать?

- Возьмите палтус или копчёного угря.

- Хорошо, пусть будет палтус и принесите, пожалуйста, ассорти из свежих овощей и не забудьте оливки!

- Как насчёт супа?

- Я не хочу суп. Я буду свинину тушеную в пиве или лучше отбивную из баранины

- Я бы посоветовал свинину, это действительно очень вкусно!

- Замечательно! А что такое картофель» Сюрприз?

- Это картофель начинённый мясным фаршем , запеченный под грибным соусом. Вы будете десерт?

- Нет, только крепкий кофе и вишнёвый ликёр.А сейчас принесите мне стакан апельсинового сока.


Билет №25

2Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Рецепт коктейля


3. Переведите диалог с русского языка на английский:

Г = Гость О = Официант

Г. Какую рыбу вы можете порекомендовать?

О. Вы можете взять рыбное ассорти на холодную закуску.

Г. Какая рыба там?

О. Копчёный угорь, лосось, холодная отварная осетрина и икра.

Г. А что вы предложите на горячее?

О. У нас есть форель, запеченная с овощами и фаршированная щука. Эти блюда отличные. А что насчёт вина?

Г. Мы возьмём форель и принесите, пожалуйста, бутылку белого сухого Бордо.

О. Что - нибудь ещё?

Г. Бутылку негазированной минеральной воды, пожалуйста


8. Прочитайте и переведите текст с английского языка на русский:

  • Canadian whisky is made in charred oak barrel and causes lightness in body; has the flavour of corn and barley.
  • Kahlua is Mexican liqueur made from coffee beans and have vanilla aroma.
  • Cointrean is brandy made from triple sec and orange Curacao.
  • Curacao triple sec is made from bitter orange peel. Rum, spices and sugar are added.
  • Classic Walker, a short drink, made from Black Label Scotch whisky, soda water and fresh lime juice.
  • Apple Blow, long drink, made from Applejack brandy, lemon juice, egg white, powdered sugar, apple juice and club soda.
  • Ramos Fizz, long drink, made from Old Tom Gin (made from grain), cream, fresh lemon juice, fresh egg white, club soda, powdered sugar, orange flower water, fresh lime juice.


11. Прочитайте и переведите текст с английского языка на русский:

Ginis made from grain with juniper berries, coriander seeds and angelica roots aroma. The most popular one is London Dry Gin.

Rumis produced in most tropical countries because it is made from sugar cane and molasses. Rum from different countries has its own distinctive flavour. There are three main types of rum:

· Light-bodied dry-flavoured rums from Puerto-Rico;

· Heavy-bodied sweet-flavoured rums from Jamaica;

· Medium-bodied rums from the Virgin Islands.

Vodkais made from potatoes. It shouldn’t have any aroma.

Brandy is made from juice of ripe grapes or various other fruit. For example, apple brandy, peach brandy, etc.

Cognacis brandy made in France in Cognac town.

Tequilaisa Mexican spirit made from Maguey (plant).

Liqueurare high-alcohol, high-sugar beverages with added flavorings usually derived from herbs, fruits, or nuts. Liqueurs are distinct from flavoured liquors, fruit brandy, and eau de vie, which contain no sugar. Most liqueurs range between 15% and 55% alcohol by volume. Eau de vie is a fruit Brandy.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст с английского языка на русский. Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательные в нужную степень сравнения:


1) (famous) (1) wine from the old world is Champagne. It comes from a district east of Paris. Pino Noir also comes from there. Also from France, there are the Muscadet and Sancerre wines of the Loire Valley. Further south-west, we have the Medoc, St. Emilion, and Graves wines of the Bordeaux region. In the Rhone Valley, we find the Burgundy wines such as Beaujolais and Macon.

Italy produces around 25% of the world’s wine. Two famous wines are Chianti from the Florence region, and crisp, white Frascati produced near Rome.

Portugal is(famous) (2) for port, which comes from Oporto in the north, Spain is well known for sherry, a fortified wine, from the south, Rioja comes from an area north of Madrid and is very popular too.

New world wines are improving all the time. South Africa produces wine in the Stellenbosch and Paarl vineyards in the south of the country. Australia is now famous for its Chardonnay, which is (expensive) (3)wine on the world market,and Shiraz. But the (good) (4) wines from Shiraz grape are produced on the north of Ron valley. New Zealand ‘s Sauvignon Blanc is becoming very popular. California now produces some of the world’s 3) (fine)( 5) Cabernet, Merlot, and Zinfadel. The last is excellent with steaks. The Merlot and Shiraz wines from Chile and Argentina are also very good. Malbec is the main red type of wine in Argentina. It is good with lamb.

Wines service rules. – Правила подачи вин.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Заполните пропуски следующими типами вин:

champagne, red, rose, dry white, red, sweet white

Your choice of wines will depend on the type of dinner you organize (formal, casual, etc.) and the tastes of your guests ( if you know them). For example, you can choose to serve only … (1) if you wish to be very ceremonial or very romantic.

But if organize a casual barbecue party, you can choose the option of serving the same fresh light … (2) wine or … (3) during the whole time.

Basic rules to choose your wine:

Starter is generally accompanied with … (4) wineor rose.

Main course:

  • … (5)wine for red meat, light red wine for white meats;
  • … (6)wine for fish or seafood;
  • Fresh and light red wine goes with everything;
  • … (7) is not considered a top wine but it is good and fresh for casual meals when it is hot.

Cheese: … (8) wine, preferably full-bodied with powerful cheese flavours.

Dessert: … (9) wine


I) A cocktail is a mixed drink typically made with a distilled beverage (such as gin, vodka, whiskey, tequila, or rum) that is mixed with other ingredients. If beer is one of the ingredients, the drink is called a beer cocktail.

Cocktails contain one or more types of liqueur, juice, fruit, sauce, honey, milk or cream, spices, or other flavorings. Cocktails may vary in their ingredients from bartender to bartender, and from region to region. Two cocktails may have the same name but taste very different because of differences in how the drinks are prepared.

What do you know about cocktails? They are aperitifs, digestives, and original. Aperitif cocktails are served before the meal. They are: Old-fashioned, Manhattan, Martini and Cinzano. These cocktails improve the appetite. The digestives are: flips, smashes, cordial, oyster, frappe, mist and cocktails of “sour” group. They are served after the meal and help to digest our food. The original cocktails are: layer-knickenbein, champerol, pousse-café and crusta.



In hot weather it’s recommended to drink “sour”. It’s a pleasant cooling cocktail which quenches our thirst. It has much lemon juice in it.

People drink most cocktails using straws. When you drink “through a straw” it’s called “a long drink”, when you drink at a gulp – “a short drink”.

Техника приготовления коктейлей.


· By the glass: pour every ingredient directly into the glass and serve the cocktail after stirring it thoroughly. This technique is not efficient when serving a group of customers the same cocktail. In that situation we advise to use mixing glass or cup.

· In a mixing glass or cup you can make more of the same recipe for several people which you can later cool by pouring it over ice cubes and stirring strong for no more than 10 seconds.

· In a cocktail shaker: pour the ingredients over ice cubes. Close the shaker and shake it for about 10 seconds, after that you pour the mixture into the cocktail glass. Decorate.

6. Переведите текст о многослойных коктейлях с английского на русский:

A pousse-café is a style of layered drink prepared by gently adding each ingredient from densest to least dense in order to create colored stripes when the drink is viewed from the side. Some bartenders’ drink contains, from bottom to top, grenadine, yellow chartreuse and green chartreuse as the original pousse-café. The drink is made primarily as a delight for the eye rather than for its taste. It is sipped, sometimes through a silver straw, one liqueur at a time. The drink must be created and handled carefully, as the layers created will mix together into a brown sludge if handled roughly.

A digestive, an alcoholic cordial sometimes consumed after a meal to help digestion, is called a "pousse-café" or coffee-chaser. In France, there is no tradition for the type of elaborate recipe that follows.

A more elaborate recipe ingredients are :

  • 1/2 ounce Grenadine
  • 1/2 ounce Yellow Chartreuse
  • 1/2 ounce Crème de Cassis
  • 1/2 ounce White Crème de cacao
  • 1/2 ounce Green Chartreuse
  • 1/2 ounce Brandy

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Преобразуйте слова в скобках из одной части речи в другую, согласно смыслу:

A barman or a bartender as he is often called is a main person at a bar. He is …..(1) (a response) for the service here. It’s without any doubt a very ….. (2) (to create) and ….. (3) (an interest) work which sometimes can be very exhausting. You have to make a lot of cocktails one by one to satisfy ….. (4) (thirst) customers. So only a proper ….. (5) (to train) enables you to get all necessary skills and learn the techniques of preparing and mixing cocktails.

The good bartender should have a great deal of …. (6) (to know) about the bartender’s …. (7) (to equip), all types of glasses and carry out a …. (8) (success) cocktail party. The bartender deals with raw materials and to have a full …. (9) (to understand) of them he should learn the history of each drink and be familiar with its range of flavours. The approach to cocktail ….. (10) (to create) must be taken as seriously as a desire to become a chef and , indeed, there are obvious ….. (11) (to connect) between these two professions. You don’t become the bartender all of a sudden because you can make a Bloody Mary for example. The skills you have to acquire include the consistency. Only then you are able to make up your own cocktail recipe and your work at the bar looks like a ….. (12) (wonder) show.

A bartender has various duties and responsibilities. A lot of people think he only has to serve beer, wine and mixed drinks, but there is much more to do.

The main duty of a bartender, of course, is to prepare and serve drinks to customers. They must know a large quantity of drink recipes and be able to mix drinks in a fast and efficient manner. Even though there are resorts and restaurants that have machines that mix the drinks for the bartender, the bartender must know the ingredients that go into drink and how to mix it by hand in case the machine breakage. They must also be ready to check identification of customers to make sure that they are of legal drinking age. And they must ensure that customers don’t drink too much and get out of control.

Bartenders also can act as waiters for the bar, taking food orders from customerssitting at the bar, and serving their food when it is ready. They also collect payment for drinks and food at the bar, and they and food at the bar, and they operate the cash register.

Bartender must clean up after customers and keep their work area clean and tidy. Wiping down the bar, washing cups and utensils used for mixing drinks, sweeping and mopping, cleaning up spilled drinks and glass from customer accidents, and helping clean the rest of the restaurant/bar before closing time are some of their cleaning duties.

Bartenders must keep track of their liquor, beer, and other bar supplies, such as drink garnishes, glasses, ice, and order more when needed.

Banquetservers can typically find employment at any food and beverage facility that can cater to large groups. While restaurants and social halls also fit into this category, banquet servers are most often found in hotels, resorts and private clubs specializing in social functions such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. Conventionalcenters also employ a large number of banquet staff to serve conventions that include meal functions.

Before the Meal

The banquet server's job begins hours before the guests arrive. Pre-meal duties can include laying table linen, setting china and silverware, filling water pitchers and brewing coffee. They are also responsible for preparing any items that will be present on the tables when guests enter, including salt and pepper, sugar bowls, rolls and butter, and salad dressings.

During the Meal

During the meal the banquet server is responsible for serving the meal. Meals are served from the left side of a guest while empty dishes are cleared from the right. When serving a table, ladies must always be served first. Between courses, the server is responsible for refilling water glasses and other drink glasses and tending to any other miscellaneous needs that guests in their area may have. Also, the server should be able to provide some information about the meal they are serving to any guest who needs it.

After the Meal

After the meal, banquet servers are responsible for clearing dishes and preparing them for the dishwashers. Once an event has concluded and the guests have left for the evening, the server will then clear the table of any remaining items and bring them back to their respective storage places.

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