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Read the text again to answer these questions

1What are the basis purposes of police in modern society?

2What functions do police perform?

3What are alternative names for preventive police?

4Who makes a larger proportion of a police department’s personnel – patrol officers or detectives?

5What does a patrol officer’s job involve? Why is it the most important part of police work?

6Give some examples of crimes in which particular units specialize.

7What are the US Park Police responsible for?

8What kind of situations do SWAT teams deal with?


Find in the text the English equivalents for the following phrases.

Par. 1 · узаконенное применение силы · обеспечивать соблюдение закона; охранять закон · регулирование уличного движения · обязанности по обеспечению общественной безопасности · обеспечить гражданам безопасные условия для жизни и работы · контролирование поведения толпы; сдерживание толпы
Par. 2 · носить форменную одежду · активное реагирование на преступления и предотвращение совершения преступлений · личный состав полицейского подразделения · реагировать (выезжать) на срочный вызов · отвечать за расследование преступлений и розыскную деятельность
Par. 3 · справляться с кризисными ситуациями · знакомиться с районом патрулирования · реагировать на совершаемое преступление · предотвращать преступления своим присутствием
Par. 4 · преступление с использованием компьютера · в рамках многих правоохранительных органов · полицейский спецназ (в США) · полиция национальных парков · справляться с особенно опасными ситуациями · иметь в штате специально отобранные и обученные милитаризованные подразделения · арест, представляющий значительную опасность · заниматься отдельными видами преступлений

4. Find words or phrases in the text with the following meanings:

1to give or delegate power or authority to; authorize (par. 1)

2allowed by law (par. 1)

3ordinary clothes, in contrast to uniform, worn by a police detective on duty (par. 2)

4having control or authority over smth. (par. 2)

5the main part (par. 2)

6a dangerous or serious incident which happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs immediate action (par. 2)

7the people employed in an organization (par. 2)

8special ability in a task, job, etc., obtained by training (par. 3)

9to happen, especially unexpectedly (par. 3)

10the activity of making people obey the traffic laws (pars. 1, 2, 4)

11murder (par. 4)

12a machine usually with wheels and an engine used for transporting people or goods on land, particularly on roads (par. 4)

13a military-like unit within the US police force, trained to deal with specially dangerous situations, such as hostage-taking (par. 4)


Complete the sentences based on the text.

1People sometimes c_ _ _ the police service the “l_ _ _ and s_ _ _ _ _ a_ _ of the law” because its major purpose is to e_ _ _ _ _ _ the law.

2To p_ _ _ _ _ _ the public with a s_ _ _ living and working environment the police may u_ _ f_ _ _ _.

3Maintaining p_ _ _ _ _ o_ _ _ _ , responding to e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ies and crime p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are the main functions performed by patrol police.

4Police d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do not normally w_ _ _ u_ _ _ _ _ _.

5Criminal police are r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for investigating crimes and detecting persons suspected of committing them.

6P_ _ _ _ _ officers r_ _ _ _ _ _ to crimes in p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and prevent crime by their p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

7Most big police departments e_ _ _ _ _ units with s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ functions or j_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Translate into English.

1.Основная задача полиции – обеспечивать соблюдение закона и охранять жизнь и собственность граждан. 2. Патрульная полиция выполняет такие функции, как охрана общественного порядка, регулирование дорожного движения, сдерживание толпы, реагирование на происшествия и совершаемые преступления и профилактика преступлений. 3. Уголовная полиция занимается расследованием уголовных преступлений и оперативной работой. 4. Многие правоохранительные органы содержат в штате специализированные подразделения, которые занимаются определенными видами преступлений, например, убийствами, расследованием автокатастроф, или компьютерными преступлениями. 5.В США Федеральная служба охраны отвечает за патрулирование и охрану государственных зданий. 6.Полицейский спецназ состоит из специально отобранных и подготовленных сотрудников, которых используют в особо опасных ситуациях, таких как вооруженное ограбление, захват заложников или задержание террористов.

Text 2

The British Police

( 1 ) Britain has no national police force. Instead, there are 52 police forces organised on a local basis: 43 in England and Wales, 8 in Scotland and 1 in Northern Ireland. The Metropolitan Police Service and the City of London Police Force are responsible for policing London. In addition, the British Transport Police are responsible for policing the railway network, including the London Underground; and the Ministry of Defence Police are responsible chiefly for the policing of military establishments in Great Britain.

( 2 ) The top police officer in each police force is the Chief Constable. Like in the army, there are a number of ranks: after the Chief Constable comes the Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. Each force has volunteer special constables who perform police duties in their spare time, without pay, acting in support of regular officers. The special constabulary symbolises the links between the police force and the community they serve.

( 3 ) Police forces are maintained in England and Wales by local police authorities. The police authorities appoint the chief constable and assistant chief constable. They also fix the maximum strength of the force, and provide buildings and equipment. The Home Secretary is responsible for London's Metropolitan Police Service. The Metropolitan Police Commissioner and his immediate subordinates are appointed on the recommendation of the Home Secretary.

( 4 ) The British police officer is a well-known figure to anyone who has visited Britain or has seen British films. British police wear blue uniforms with tall helmets. These days, though, you can see a different uniform in the streets. This is the uniform with the yellow hatband worn by traffic wardens. Their job is simply to control traffic and enforce parking regulations. British police officers do not usually carry firearms in their day-to-day work. In certain cases, when their work becomes dangerous, they can be given weapons.

( 5 ) The police are not above the law and must act within it. A police officer may be sued or prosecuted for any wrongful act committed in the performance of police duties. Officers are also subject to a disciplinary code designed to deal with abuse of police powers. If found guilty of breaching the code, an officer can be dismissed from the force. Members of the public have the right to make complaints against police officers if they feel that they have been treated unfairly or rudely. The investigation and resolution of complaints is scrutinised by the independent Police Complaints Authority.



( 1 ) instead(adv) – вместо; взамен Metropolitan Police – столичная полиция; Home Secretary – министр внутренних дел Великобритании
лондонская полиция immediate subordinates – непосредственные
police (v) – поддерживать порядок, обеспечивать безопасность; охранять establishment (n) - учреждение, организация подчиненные ( 4 ) helmet (n) – шлем traffic warden – инспектор дорожного
( 2 ) top (adj) –главный, старший (по званию)Chief Constable –главный констебль движения (преим. контролирует соблюдение правил стоянки автомобилей)
(начальник полиции в графстве, городе) rank (n) – звание, чин carry firearms – носить оружие dangerous (adj) – опасный
assistant(n) – помощник; заместитель ( 5 ) sue (v) – предъявлять иск
Chief Superintendent – главный суперинтендант полиции prosecute (v) – преследовать в судебном или уголовном порядке
Constable (n) – констебль, полицейский (низший полицейский чин) wrongful (adj) – незаконный, преступный, противоправный
volunteer (n) – доброволец be be subject to a disciplinary code – подчиняться
special constables – специальные констебли (работают в свободное время на добровольной основе) spare time – свободное время дисциплинарному кодексу design (v) – разрабатывать abuse (n) – злоупотребление find guilty –признать виновным
support (n) – поддержка dismiss (v) – увольнять
links (n) – связи complaint (n) – жалоба
( 3 ) maintain (v) – содержать; материально treat (v) – обращаться (с кем-л.)
обеспечивать fix the strength – устанавливать численность rudely (adv) – грубо scrutinise (v) – проверять
equipment (n) – снаряжение; оснащение resolution (n) – решение, разрешение (спора)

Comprehension Check

7. Read text 2. For each statement 1 to 8 below choose a) right, b) wrong or c) doesn’t say. Correct the false statements.

1In Britain different police areas have different police forces.

2The British Transport Police are responsible only for the London Underground.

3A sergeant ranks above an inspector.

4Special constables are not regular police.

5The local police authorities provide money for and are responsible for the efficiency of the local police force.

6A police authority is a committee composed of magistrates and representatives of the county council.

7The Metropolitan Police Commissioner is appointed by the Prime Minister.

8A traffic warden is a person whose job is to supervise road traffic and to make certain that people do not leave their cars in illegal places.

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