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Advantages and Disadvantages of Gaining Education


It can be difficult to decide whether or not to pursue an education. Some people say that education earns them a good living while others consider it a waste of time. Whatever your view of education might be, it is important to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages before deciding whether to pursue or dismiss it.

One of the primary advantages of gaining an education is higher earnings. In 2009 the U. S. Census Bureau report was revealed about the earnings of people with education degrees. For example, high school graduates could expect, on average, to earn $1.2 million; those with a bachelor’s degree, $2.1 million; those with a master’s degree, $2.5 million; those with doctoral degrees, $3.4 million; and those with professional degrees, $4.4 million. Thus, more education equates to higher earnings. In contrast, education is considered a waste of money if you have already got your work position without a formal education.

Another advantage of gaining an education is that the time you spend in a learning institution acquiring knowledge makes you a well-rounded individual. Your time spent learning could allow you to eventually work in a field of your choice and widen the selection of potential fields. Critics argue that studying subjects which are irrelevant to your career are a waste of time and money. Instead, you could increase your knowledge by working in a particular field of interest without spending time and money on an education.

A disadvantage of gaining an education is the amount of stress involved in studying and preparing for coursework and exams. It requires a lot of time and effort to do well in school. However, if you later lose your job, you won’t have as much stress about finding a new job because an education would offer you a diverse set of knowledge. An education will allow for more work opportunities than no education.

One of the disadvantages of an education is that educators may have an influence on your opinions and way of thinking. However, education can help you develop into a well-rounded thinker who is able to appreciate all points of view. Your interaction with your classmates or teachers could be helpful in your future career when you interact with various co-workers and employers.


7. Ответьте на вопросы письменно:

1) What is the main advantage of getting an education?

2) What is the main disadvantage of getting an education?

3) Why did you decide to get higher education?

Из 2 абзаца выпишите предложение в Past Simple Passive, подчеркните сказуемое.

Из 4 абзаца выпишите 2 предложения в Future Simple Active, подчеркните сказуемое.



Вариант 4


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на Passive Voice


1. In big ports ships are loaded and unloaded by powerful cranes. 2. The new equipment was being used to test vibration of the engine. 3. In order to protect the surface from heat and cold it will be covered with special substance. 4. The speaker was listened to attentively. 5. We were given an exceptionally warm welcome by the local people. 6. Have you been brought the document? 7. Thanks to the new automated system the traffic in the city is improved. 8. In addition to sails the boat is equipped with a motor.

Подчерните сказуемое, определите залог Active or Passive, переведите предложение на русский язык.


1. They have reached an agreement.   2. The agreement has been reached. 1. They have reached an agreement. Active Они пришли к соглашению. 2. The agreement has been reached. Passive Соглашение достигнуто.


1) The research is being carried out successfully.

2) The driver has lost control of the motor car and crashed into the tree.

3) All copies of the magazine have been sold out.

4) The melted metal was covered with a thin film on its surface.

5) The students are being taught many subjects at the University.

6) Some changes have been made in the original design.

7) After the accident the mechanic will have to replace the fuel tank.

8) They have tried the new method of investigation.


3. Сравните следующие пары предложений, определите залог сказуемого в каждом из них, переведите только предложение в Passive.


The device measured the temperature.   The temperature was measured by the device. The device measured the temperature. Active. The temperature was measured by the device. Passive. Температура была измерена прибором.


1) Modern technology has dramatically improved our life. Our life has been dramatically improved by modern technology.

2) 40 students attended the lecture on mathematics. The lecture on mathematics was attended by 40 students.

3) The metallurgical plant is producing cast iron. Cast iron is being produced by the metallurgical plant.

4) New equipment will be used by the scientists in the research. The scientists will use new equipment in the research.

5) Switches open and close electric circuits. Electric circuits are closed and opened by switches.

6) We have already sent you the documents. The documents have been already sent.

7) Stone was being used as the main construction material in ancient times. People were using stone as the main construction material in ancient times.

8) The mechanic will check the battery, the radiator and the gearbox. The battery, the radiator and the gearbox will be checked by the mechanic.


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