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Exercise 1. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right

1. law a) an official rule that all the citizens of the country must


2. benefit b) to take something that doesn't belong to you

3.protection c) the crime of taking money or other things from a bank, shop, especially by using threats or violence

4. murderer d) advantage, profit, help

5. jungle e) generally accepted behavior in a social group

6. imperfect f) keeping safe from harm, illness or danger

7. custom g) land covered thickly with growing underwood, tangled


8. robbery h) someone who has deliberately killed another person

9. steal i) not complete

10. rely on j) depend on with confidence

Exercise 2. Give the English equivalents for

• закон джунглей

• предписывать что-то

• описывать что-то

• обычаи / традиции страны

• без наказания

• критиковать кого-либо

• защищать собственность

• жить подобно хищникам

• страх быть похищенным, убитым, ограбленным

• сделать закон необходимым

• жить в безопасности

• члены сообщества

• рассчитывать на что-то

• несовершенные законы

Exercise 3. This is a story told by an American tourist who has recently been to Italy. Fill in the blanks, using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

Every country has its ... That's perfectly true. When I first came to a tiny Italian village I was shocked: everyone was smiling and waving at me. The ... of hospitality... local people to ... the foreigners from any trouble. In daylight and even at night you can go out without ... of being ... or ... Though the Italian laws are ... like all the laws, in the country you can ... ...open-heartedness and every possible support of the natives. The law of ... is for huge industrial cities.

the jungle, robbed, kidnapped, customs, laws, to protect, rely on, fear, prescribe, imperfect

Exercise 4. Agree or disagree with the statements. Give your reasons.

1. We don't need laws because no country can provide its citizens with perfect laws.

2. Without laws and customs people would live like predators.


Text II. Read and translate the text in writing:


I just couldn't do it. I don't know what it is. It's not embarrassment. No, that's not it. You see, you are putting your head in a noose: that's what it seems to me.' Derek, an armed robber with a long record of bank jobs, was talking about hoisting (shop-lifting). 'No, I just couldn't do it. 1 mean just going in there.' He paused to try to find a more exact way of fixing his antipathy. 'I tell you what. It's too blatant* for my liking.'

It seemed a funny way to put it. Pushing a couple of ties in your pocket at a shop was hardly the last word in extroversion.

But my ideas of shop-lifting were still bound up with teenage memories of nicking packets of chewing gum from the local newsagents. A lot of guilt and not much loot. After a few conversations with professional hoisters, I realized that 'blatant' was just about right.

Nobody took a couple of ties: they took the whole rack. The first mem­ber of the gang would walk in nice and purposefully. Their job was to set up the goods: perhaps put an elastic band round the ends of a few dozen silk scarves; move the valuable pieces of jewellery nearer the edge of the counter; slide the ties on the rack into a compact bunch. Then, while some­body else diverts the assistant or provides some sort of masking, the third member lifts the lot.

If the walk to the door is a little long, then there may be someone else to take over for the last stretch. No one is in possession for more than a few seconds, and there's always a couple of spare bodies to obstruct any­one who seems to be getting too near the carrier. Store detectives who move forward with well-founded suspicions may still find themselves clutching empty air.

'There's one other little angle,' said one detective. 'I often pop round the back stairs; that's where you'll occasionally find one of them, trying to relax and get themselves in the right mood before starting the next job.'

(From: New Society. — September 14, 1992)

*blatant— ужасный, вопиющий


embarrassment (n) — смущение, затруднение

embarrass (v)

noose (n)— ловушка, петля

hoisting = shop-lifting (n) — кража из магазина

hoister (n)

antipathy(n) — антипатия, отвращение

extroversion(n) — стремление к материальному благу

to be bound up— быть тесно связанным с чем-либо

loot(n) — награбленное; добыча (the) gang (n) — банда

the goods— товары

valuable(adj) — ценный, дорогой

divert(v) — отвлекать внимание

obstruct(v) — преграждать, препятствовать

suspicion (n) — подозрение

suspect (v) somebody or something

relax(v) — 1.делать передышку; 2. расслабиться, ослабить внимание

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