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Are the following statements about the newspaper article true or false? If there isn't enough information in the article, write "don't know"

1. Derek is an experienced criminal who robbed lots of banks.

2. Derek respects hoisting gangs.

3. Derek has never been imprisoned.

4. Hoisting doesn't mean stealing a couple of ties.

5. Each member of the gang performs a definite function.

6. It is very easy to catch a shop-lifter red-handed.

7. The author interviewed one of the shop-lifters.

Circle the point you think is the correct answer.

1. Derek describes hoisting as

a) a dangerous thing;

b) putting one's head in a noose;

c) an embarrassing procedure

2. The writer's idea of shoplifting was connected with
a) some detective stories he had read before;

b) his teenage memories;

c) those stories sophisticated hoisters had told him

3. The writer talked to

a) experienced hoisters;

b) the police;

c) customers and shop-assistants

4. Spare bodies of the gang

a) try to steal the most valuable pieces of jewellery;

b) divert store detectives' attention;

c) prevent anyone from near the carrier of jewellery

5. If a detective pops round the back stairs he can

a) find one of the criminals;

b) find the whole gang relaxing before starting the next job;

c) find the whole rack of ties which were stolen an hour ago


Match the members of the gang with the job they do.

a) The first member a) takes the lot

b) The second member b)make the obstruction for anyone who is getting near the carrier

c) The third member c) moves valuable pieces of jewellery by the counter, etc.

Spare members d)provides masking



Exercise 1.

Match the words given on the left with their definitions given on the right.

1) Suspicion a) put something in the way, block off

2) (the) goods b) make smb feel awkward or ashamed

3) antipathy c) of great worth or use

4) noose d) movable property, merchandise

5) embarrass e) feeling that something is wrong, dangerous

6) (the) gang f) loop of rope that becomes tighter when the rope

7) loot is pulled

8) valuable g) strong and decided dislike

9)obstruct h)group of persons going about for criminal purposes

i) turn away attention


10) divert j) goods, private property taken away unlawfully, by thieves, etc.


Exercise 2. Suggest the Russian equivalents for:

• to put one's head in a noose

• embarrassing questions

• financial embarrassment

• professional hoisters

• to feel antipathy to somebody

• one's crave for extroversion

• be bound up with teenage memories

• not much loot

• the member of the gang

• valuable goods

• to divert the assistant

• to obstruct the view

• to try to relax

• be suspected of stealing money

• be arrested on suspicion

Контрольная работа № 2.


*a crime of passion— непредумышленное убийство

Text I. Read and translate the text in writing:

The crime rate in the U.S., which rose dramatically in the 1960s and 1970s, has gone down steadily. Department of Justice statistics show that serious crimes (murder, rape, robbery, etc.) declined 7 percent and an ad­ditional 4.5 percent the following year. In some areas, for example in New York City, crime decreased 17 percent over a three-year period, with homi­cides and burglaries down by 10 percent. However, experts who had pre­dicted a further decline were puzzled when FBI figures for 1985 showed an increase in violent crimes.

Public opinion polls show that Americans view crimes as one of the most serious problems of their society. Several studies have also shown that the amount of crime, especially violent crime, is frequently overestimated. Ex­perts believe that this awareness and fear of crime is largely caused by the great attention it is given in newspapers and on television, and also because violent crime is a popular theme for television series and films. Many Americans are therefore surprised to learn that, according to Interpol, the "general crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants" for the U.S. is significantly lower than that for several other western nations such as Sweden, New Zealand or Denmark, and not much higher then those for Germany, Aus­tria, or England.

Nevertheless, among all crimes, murder makes the headlines, and there is no doubt that homicides continue to be a serious problem in America.

In the United States, as elsewhere, the causes of serious crime are hot­ly debated and many reasons for it suggested. Among these are unemploy­ment, drug-abuse, poverty, ineffective courts, racial discrimination, consum­erism, television. Surprisingly, a major study of crime in the U.S. carried out by North-western University found that "the number of poor people in a city is only marginally related to property or violent crime." In other words, American cities with a higher rate of unemployment and poverty do not necessarily also have a higher crime rate.

Many communities across the nation have started their own campaigns against crime, encouraging their citizens to participate in crime-prevention programs and to report crimes. Several civil rights groups actively support such "self-help" campaigns. In some neighborhoods, citizens participate in "neighborhood watch" programs and organize groups to patrol the streets.

(From: American Life & Institutions)


decline (v) — 1. уменьшаться, идти на убыль, приходить в упадок; 2. ухудшаться

decline (n) — 1. падение, упадок, спад; 2. ухудшение; 3. закат (жизни, дня)

decrease (v) — уменьшаться, убывать decrease (n) — уменьшение, снижение

homicide (n) — 1. убийство 2. убийца

puzzle (v) — озадачить, сбить с толку

increase (n) — возрастание, увеличение, рост

increase (v)— возрастать, увеличиваться

public opinion poll — опрос общественного мнения

overestimate (v) —переоценивать

cause (n) — 1. причина; 2. основание, мотив, повод

reason (n) — причина, основание, аргумент, довод, оправдание

unemployment (n) — безработица

drug-abuse (n) — злоупотребление наркотиками

poverty (n) — бедность, нужда

racial discrimination — расовая дискриминация

participate (v) — принимать участие

crime-prevention program — программа по предотвращению преступ­лений

I. Read the text again to find out if the following statements are true or false. If there isn't enough information in the story, write "don't know."

1. The crime rate in U.S. has risen dramatically in the 1990s.

2. Experts' predictions about further crime rate decline contradicted FBI figures for 1985.

3. Public opinion polls show that Americans don't care about the crime rate in the country.

4. Denmark is the country with the lowest crime rate.

5. Serious crimes are closely connected with unemployment and drug abuse.

6. Large cities with all their problems such as poverty, unemployment may not have a higher crime rate.

7. US government has recently adopted the national crime-prevention program.

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