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Exercise 1. Render the following sentences into the Past and the Future


Методичні вказівки являють собою корективний курс для студентів 1 курсу немовних вузів. Завдання корективного курсу полягає в тому щоб відпрацювати на певному лексичному матеріалі основні вміння і навички вживання в усному мовленні нескладних граматичних конструкцій, вміння читати, говорити і сприймати тексти побудовані на тому ж мовному матеріалі.

Оскільки метою корективного курсу є розвиток розмовних навичок в першу чергу, то система лексико-граматичних вправ будується на основі рішення комунікативних завдань.

На певному лексичному матеріалі відбувається навчання всім видам мовної діяльності. Кожному виду мовної діяльності відповідають свої вправи, які відображають його специфіку. Важливим являється створення реальних та уявних ситуацій спілкування, які спонукають до рішення комунікативних завдань (розпитати, повідомити, виразити думку, довести).

До корективного курсу входить короткий фонетичний довідник, представлений у вигляді зведених таблиць і вправи для розвитку вимовних навичок.



Unit 1 Topic: Language laboratory Language: The verb “to have” in the Indefinite Tenses Text: Our language laboratory  


I. Language

The Verb “TO HAVE” in the Indefinite Tenses

  Affirmative (стверджувальна форма) Interrogative (питальна) Negative (заперечна)
Present I have he she has it you we have they Have I … ? He Has she … ? it you Have we … ? they I have not (haven’t) he she has not (hasn’t) it you we have not they (haven’t)
Past   I he she it had you we they I he she Had it … ? you we they   I he she it had not you ( hadn’t) we they
Future I , we shall have he she it will have you they Shall I, we have. … ? he she Will it have …? you they     I, we shall not have he she it will not have you (won’t) have they  


Illustrative Examples

I have a book.

Have you a book? Yes, I have. No, I have not.

I have no book.

I haven’t any book.

I have got a journal.

Have you got a journal? Yes, I have got. No, I have not got.

I have not got a journal.

He has many dictionaries.

How many dictionaries has he?

We had many classes yesterday.

Had you English or Spanish classes yesterday?/ Did you have English or Spanish classes yesterday?

We had English classes yesterday.

Who had many classes yesterday? We had.

You had an English class yesterday, hadn’t you?/ You had an English class yesterday, didn’t you?

Yes, I had. No I had not. No, I hadn’t./ Yes I did.

They will have a meeting at the library tomorrow.

Will they have a meeting tomorrow?

Yes, they will have. No, they will not (won’t) have.

When will they have a meeting?

Where will they have a meeting?


Exercise 1. Render the following sentences into the Past and the Future.


They have many good books. They had many good books. They will have many good books.


1. I have a large family.

2. He has many friends.

3. She has an elder sister.

4. They have a language laboratory.

5. We have an interesting work.

6. Have you a flat?

7. I have no bad marks.

8. We have no problems.

9. I have got many classes every day.

10.She has got a new dress.


Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with have, has, had, shall have, will have.

1. Jane …many friends.

2. … you a family?

3. I …good TV set last year.

4. We … no time to wait for him.

5. The dog … got four legs.

6. She …an English exam next year.

7. They … a friend in England.

8. What classes … you yesterday?

9. She … no brother.

10.I …got a lecture at 11 o’clock.


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.


1. Have you got an English magazine at home?

2. Had your father a flat in Kyiv?/ Did your father have a flat in Kyiv?

3. How many books have you?

4. Have you a brother or a sister?

5. You had a vocation last summer, hadn’t you?

6. What profession will you have in future?

7. Who has no brother?

8. What flat have you got?

9. Will you have a car?

10.Have you a girl friend or a boy friend?


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