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Exercise 4. Ask your friend all possible questions to the following sentences


We have a language laboratory at the University. Have you a language laboratory at the University?/ Have you got a language laboratory at the University? What have you at the university? / What have you got at the university? Where have you a language laboratory? / Where have you got a language laboratory? Who has a language laboratory? Have you a language laboratory or a TV center at the University? You have a language laboratory at the University, haven’t you?  


Use the table. Form interrogative sentences in the Past with “did”.

We have two English classes in the language laboratory every week
  Have we got two English classes in the language laboratory every week
What have we got   in the language laboratory every week
Where have we got two English classes   every week
Who has   got two English classes in the language laboratory every week
How often have we got two English classes in the language laboratory  
How many English classes have we got   in the language laboratory every week
What classes have we got   in the language laboratory every week


1. Peter has a tape recorder at home.

2. The students will have a meeting tomorrow.

3. I had much time to do this work yesterday.

4. They have two children.

5. The desk has two pairs of headphones.

6. We had an English class in the laboratory last week.

7. She has relatives in Kyiv.

Exercise 5. Say it in English.

1. У тебе є брат в Полтаві?

2. У нас немає часу піти туди.

3. Скільки часу ти мав для написання статті?

4. В мене був велосипед.

5. Коли вона матиме канікули?

6. Вони не мають англо-українського словника.

7. Влітку він не мав багато вільного часу.

8. Скільки в неї братів і сестер?

9. Мій друг мав велику кімнату в Києві.

10.В мене не має книг англійською мовою.


ІІ. Reading.

Read and translate the text.

Our Language laboratory.

This is our language laboratory. We have a very good language laboratory at our university. Every week students have an English class in this laboratory. Look at it. This is a teacher’s desk. It has two tape recorders. Those are students’ desks. Each desk has two pairs of headphones and a microphone. We have 16 desks. This is a blackboard and that is a screen. We have many slides in our language laboratory. These are shelves with the dictionaries. We have different dictionaries on the shelves. On the walls we have many pictures and tables. Students have very interesting classes in this laboratory. Students read and translate texts. We have many interesting text books. Students listen to tape recorders and repeat dialogues and monologues after the speaker. They make their own dialogues and discuss different topics. Ten years ago our University had no language laboratory. Now it has. Soon our department will have a computer class. Each student will have a personal computer on the desk. Every week the students will have an English lesson in the computer classroom.


III. Practice.

1. Ask your fellow student about the University language laboratory.

2. Describe your English classes in the language laboratory.

Unit 2 Topic:My Friends Language: The verb “to be” in the Indefinite Tenses Text: My Friends



I. Language

The Verb “TO BE” in the Indefinite Tenses


  Affirmative (стверджувальна форма) Interrogative (питальна) Negative (заперечна)
Present I am he she is it you we are they Am I …? he Is she …? it you Are we …? they I am not he she is not (isn’t) it you we are not (aren’t) they
Past   I he was she it you we were they I Was he …? she it you Were we …? they   I he she was not (wasn’t) it you we were not (weren’t) they
Future I , we shall be he she it will be you they Shall I, we be …? he she Will it be … ? you they     I, we shall not be he she it will not be you (won’t be) they    


Illustrative Examples


I am a student.

I am not a pupil.

I was a pupil last year.

Are you a pupil now? No, I am not. Were you a pupil last year? Yes, I was.

Is he a student or a worker? He is a student.

She is a student too, isn’t she? Yes she is. No, she is not.

We shall be specialists in five years.

What shall we be in five years?

We shall be specialists in five years.

Who will be specialists in five years? We shall


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