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The Past Indefinite Tense (Past Simple )

Sentence Patterns

Key examples to be memorized:

He took an excellent mark. Did he take an excellent mark? He did not take anexcellent mark.

Illustrative Examples

They missed a lecture yesterday .

Did they miss a lecture yesterday?

Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

They didn’t miss a lecture yesterday.

When did they miss a lecture?

They missed a lecture yesterday .

Who missed the lecture yesterday?

They did.

Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative + I liked Physics at school Ved He left school in 2000 V2
Interrogative ? Did you like physics at school? Did ….V? Did he leave school in 2000? Did…V?
Negative - I did not(didn’t) like Physics at school Did not V He did not(didn’t) leave school in 2000. Did not V

Adverbial Modifier of time

ago, yesterday, in March , in1990, last day / night /week /month / summer / year, on Monday/the day before yesterday , the other day, then, formerly, previously

Exercise 1. Put the verbs given below in the Past Indefinite Tense. Explain the reading of ending – ed([d],[t],[id]) in the regular verbs . Make 2 columns : 1 Regular Verbs, 2 Irregular Verbs.

to become, to do well, to give a lecture, to attend a language laboratory, to miss a lecture, to make poor progress, to be behind, to catch up, to graduate from, to get grant, to loaf, to enter the university, to sit for exams, to pass exams, to fail, to resit for an exam, to take marks, to go in for sports, to play sport games, to have a good time, to make up one’s mind, to carry away the audience, to learn with ease, to look forward to, to teach, to last, to listen to with great interest, to arrive, to hunger for knowledge.


Exercise 2. Complete the following:

Infinitive Past Tense Pats Tense Interrogative Past Tens Negative
To see I saw Did I see? I didn’t see
to speak to go to tell to come to take to give to write to hear to do to get up to read to know to buy to spend to leave      


Exercise 3. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Certainly, it is really so. You are right. I agree with you as in the model:

I left secondary school in 2000. It is really so. I left secondary school in 2000.  

I made up my mind to enter the University.

My friend passed all the exams successfully.

She became a first-year student.

They took satisfactory marks yesterday.

She was good at Physics last week.

6. We decided to go to the café after classes.

Exercise 4. Object to the sentences. Use the phrases: No , it is not so. I am afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you. On the contrary as in the model:

He came from the country. —You are wrong. He didn’t come from the country.


1. He sat at the window in from of the instructor’s table.

2. My friend liked Physics at school.

3. My brother failed at his entrance exams.

4. I entered Lviv State University .

5. We took a preparatory course at the University.

6. His sister studied badly at school.


Exercise 5 . Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model:

My cousin visited the preparatory courses last year. Did your cousin visit the preparatory courses last year? — Yes , he did. No, he did not


1. Her nephew got grant last week.

2. Our son went in for sports at the weekend.

3. A student read a paper yesterday.

4. We all looked forward to the studies at the University.

5. They went to the library the day before yesterday.

6. The other day I missed a tutorial.

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