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Task 1. Read the text and name the distinguishes between criminal and civil procedures

Crime is violation of a law thatforbids or commands an activity. Such crimes as murder, rape, arson are on the books of every country. Because crime is violation of public order, the government prosecutes criminal cases.

Courts decide both criminal and civil cases. Civil cases stem from disputed claims to something of value. Disputes arise from accident, contractual obligations, and divorce, for example.

Most countries make a rather clear distinction between civil and criminal procedures. For example, an English criminal court may force a defendant to pay a fine as punishment for his crime, and he may sometimes have to pay the legal costs of the prosecution. But the victim of the crime pursueshis claim for compensation in a civil, not a criminal action.

Criminal and civil procedures are different. Although some systems, including the English, allow a private citizen to bring a criminal prosecution against another citizen, criminal actions are nearly started by the state. Civil actions, on the other hand, are usually started by individuals.

Some courts, such as the Magistrate Courts and the Japanese Family Court, deal with both civil and criminal matters. Others, such as the English Crown Court, deal with exclusively with one or the other.

In Anglo-American law, the party brining a criminal action (that is, in most cases the state) is called the prosecution, but the party brining a civil action is plaintiff.In both kind of action the other party is known as the defendant. A criminal case against a person called Ms. Brown would describe as “The People vs. (versus, or against) Brown in the United States and R.(Regina, that is, the Queen) vs. Brown in England. But a civil action between Ms. Brown and Mr. Smith would be “Brown vs. Smith” if it was started by Brown, and “Smith vs. Brown” if it was started by Mr. Smith.[10]


Learn the new words

English Kazakh Russian
violation (n) violate (v) заңды бұзу нарушение закона нарушать закон
forbid (v) (forbade; forbidden) тыйым салу запрещать
prosecute (v)   prosecution (n)   prosecutor (n)   public prosecutor (n) сот тәртібімен қудалау   айып   айыптаушы   прокурор преследовать судебным порядком обвинение   обвинитель   прокурор
claim (n) (for)     claim (v)   claimant (n) 1. талап, шағым, өтініш; 2. талап 1. (шығынды өтеуді) талап ету; 2. талап ету   талапкер 1. требование, претензия, заявление; 2.иск 1. требовать (возмещение убытков); 2.подавать иск   истец
force (v) мәжбүрлеу заставлять, принуждать
bring an action іс қозғау возбудить дело
defendant (n) жауапкер, сотталушы, айыпталушы ответчик, подсудимый, обвиняемый
fine (n) айыппұл штраф
victim (n) құрбан, жәбірленуші жертва, пострадавший
pursue (v) 1. талап қою; 2. ізге түсу 1.предъявлять иск; 2.преследовать
compensation (n) залалды өтеу, компенсация возмещение убытков, компенсация
action (n) сот процесі, талап судебный процесс, иск
deal (v) (dealt; dealt) with іс жүргізу, біреумен іс жүргізу, мәселені қарау вести дело, иметь дело с кем-то, рассматривать вопрос
party (n) тарап сторона


Task 2. Tick off the true sentences.

1.Criminal and civil procedures are considered different in most countries.

2.Courts decide exclusively criminal cases.

3.Criminal actions can never be started by the state.

4.The party bringing an action is called a defendant.

5.The phrase “The people vs. Brown” means a criminal case against a person.

Task 3. Match the verbs given on the left with the nouns on the right to form word combinations.

1.violate a) an action
2.make b) a fine
3.bring c) compensation
4.pay d) distinction
5.deal with e) the law
6.claim f) a case

Task 4. Fill the gaps with words and expressions from the text

1. The law … any criminal activity.

2. …is a person who brings an action of law.

3. English Magistrate Courts … with civil and criminal cases.

4. He claimed 50000 tenge …from his employer for being injured at work.

5. The court … him to pay … for speeding.

(В - 2 hours)


1. What is the difference between a CRIME and a CRIMINAL?

2. What are the causes of crimes?

3. Is the crime rate high in Kazakhstan?

Task 1. There are many crimes, or offences. How many of the offences in the box do you know? Choose three and tell a partner what you think they are. Then look up any words you don’t know in a dictionary.

armed robbery arson blackmail bribery burglary car theft drug dealing drunk driving forgery hijacking homicide kidnapping murder pickpocketing rape smuggling shoplifting terrorism vandalism

Task 2. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:

an arsonist breaks into houses or other buildings to steal
a shop-lifter kills someone
a vandal sets fire to property illegally
a burglar steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places
a murderer buys and sells drugs illegally
a kidnapper takes away people by force and demands money for their return
a pickpocket takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course
a drug-dealer steals from shops while other acting as an ordinary customer
a terrorist makes counterfeit (false) money or signature
a hijacker deliberately causes damage to property
a forger uses violence for political reasons
a robber bring goods into a country illegally without paying tax
a smuggler takes money or property illegally, often by using threats or violence

Task 3. Crime is a problem in most countries, especially in large cities. Here are some crimes, criminals and acts committed by them. Fill in the missing part. Use a dictionary, if necessary.

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