Главная Обратная связь Дисциплины:
Архитектура (936) ![]()
Chapter 1. General provisions
Article 1. Purpose of legal profession 1. The legal profession is urged to help in the Republic of Kazakhstan to sale guaranteed by the state and fixed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the human right on judicial protection of the rights, freedoms and receipt of the qualified legal aid. 2. The legal profession will organize activities of lawyers for protection for criminal cases, cases on administrative offenses, and also to representation on criminal and civil cases and cases on administrative offenses, and also on rendering of other types of the legal aid for the purpose of protection and assistance in sale of the rights, freedoms and legitimateinterests of citizens, and also the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities. The legal aid rendered by lawyers within lawyer activities performed by them, is not business activity. 3. Lawyer activities is the qualified legal aid rendered on the professional basis by lawyers according to the procedure, established by this Law, for the purpose of protection and assistance in sale of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of physical persons, and also the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities.[15] Learn the new words
Task 6. Discuss with your group mate the following situations
1. Your friend is a Law Faculty student. Ask him/her to tell you about the Faculty academic staff and departments. 2. You belong to the Law Faculty. Tell your friend how you study Law at the Faculty. What you like and dislike. 3. Discuss with you friends your career prospects. (B – 2 hours) People in Law Cases in Great Britain Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. What do you see on this picture? 2. Who can be the participants of the case? 3.
https://www.google.kz/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCOap-O- Task 1. Find the following words and phases in a monolingual dictionary or give your own interpretation:
Task 2. Find the following words and phrases in the text and make a note of where they occur:
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