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Read and translate the text with a dictionary, analyze the words and define the tense forms
ELECTRONICS - SCIENCE OF THE FUTURE 1. In our country much attention is given to electronics, which is playing a major part in economic development. Soviet scientists and engineers have many achievements to their credit in this field. One outstanding example is space. 2. Electronics, however, has not only helped us to reach cosmic expanses but has given us an insight into the world of the most minute organisms-viruses. For instance, a modern electronic microscope shows the processes taking place in ultra-microscopic formations of a living cell. Now it is possible to distinguish details being a millionth of millimeter away from each other. З. Electronics is in many ways helping to solve the problem of the peaceful uses of atomic energy, and to study atomic nuclei and elementary particles. We know electronics to have found broad application in industry as a means of automation, control and inspection, and as a direct means of fulfilling such operations as melting, cutting of super hard materials, welding, etc.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is playing a major part in economic development? 2. What has electronics helped us? 3. In what way is electronics used in industry? Text 8 Read and translate the text with a dictionary, analyze the words and define the tense forms ELECTRONICS Electronics is a science which studies the properties of electrons, the laws of their motion, the laws of the transformation of various kinds of energy through the media of electrons. The basic elements in electronics are the electron tube and the transistor. Electronic techniques are applied in many fields, including industry, communication, defense and entertaining. Industrial electronics is the science of electronic processes. It deals with the technology of design, construction of electronic devices. The industrial application of electronics includes control gauging, counting and measuring, speed regulations, etc. The research in the field of electronics gave us radar devices, computers, tape-recorders betatron and a lot of medical tools. Semiconductor devices which have replaced electron tubes reduce the size of instruments. The appearance of the transistor made a great progress in the development of the field. It was the first step in miniaturization of electronic devices. Then it led to the development of large-scale integrated circuits. Now hundreds of circuits can be placed on the space of one square inch. Electronics makes a great contribution to automation. Electronic computers have provided the basis for the construction of automatic lines, automated units, shops and whole plants, tools with programmed control, robots and manipulators.
Answer the following questions: 1. What is electronics as a science? 2. Where are electronic techniques applied? 3. What is industrial electronics? 4. What are the stages in the development of electronics? 5. What contribution does electronics make to different branches of industry and science? 6. What are the advantages of electronics?
Text 9 Read and translate the text with a dictionary, analyze the words and define the tense forms. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS Mercury-in-glass thermometers. Mercury-in-glass thermometers, comparatively simple in construction, inexpensive in cost and reliable in performance, are without doubt the most widely used instruments for the measurement of temperature. Many types are made to suit particular conditions and to provide the highest possible performance in special industrial uses. There are also high precision types and types for checking purposes. Mercury-in-steel thermometers for temperatures from -40°C to +650'C (from The mercury-in-steel thermometer is produced in two types, the rigid stem type and the distance type. Rigid Stem Type. In this type the indicator is mounted direct on the bulb stem. There are a number of different forms and with various lenghts of stem for a wide variety of industrial applications. Answer the following questions:
1. What are mercury-in-glass thermometers? 2. What are the most widely used instruments for the measurement of temperature? 3. What are the types of this thermometer? 4. What range of temperature do mercury-in-steel thermometers measure? Text 10 Read and translate the text with a dictionary, analyze the words and define the tense forms. PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS The various types of pressure gauges cover pressures up to 10000 p.s.i.; also vacuum, differential and absolute pressures. For low pressure ranges from 0—2’’ w.g. up to 0—10 p.s.i. a balanced, non-corrodible metal diaphragm movement is used, and these instruments are specially recommended for precise indication of low pressures or draught in boiler plant. For pressures from 0-10 p.s.i. a phosphor bronze (or tempered steel Bourdon tube is employed. The dial type can be of 4’’. 6’’ or 9’’ diameter and the edgewise type has a 9’’ or 6’’ curved scale. A servo-operated positioning mechanism is available to operate indicating, recording and/or controlling instruments on ranges down to 0 — 0.2" w.g. Differential pressure gauges are available in the 9" diameter type and the 10" edgewise type.
Answer the questions:
1. What pressures do various types of pressure gauges cover? 2. What pressures can be measured? 3. What is for low pressures used? Text 11
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