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Our Technical Secondary School

As we become older we realize that there are some essential things and places we always want to come back to. They are certainty our birthplace, our home, our school and our technical school. We shall always be indebted to our teachers for the rest of our lives.

I study at the technical secondary school of food industry in town Smila. This educational establishment is one of the oldest and best-known in our country. It is more than one hundred years old. It was founded in 1884 by Duke Bobrynsky, who was the owner of several sugar-refineries in those places. There was a need to have their own specialists in serving the facilities of these plants. They had to prepare these specialists or invite them from abroad. So the first mechanical classes appeared which prepared the specialists, the foremen for these plants.

After the revolution it was a technical school which prepared mechanics and technologists of sugar industry for the whole country. In 1928 it was reorganized into the sugar institute. In 1934 it became a technical school again. Many distinguished people of Ukraine studied at Smila.

The technical school provided fine teaching facilities in mechanics, technology, treatment of materials, automatization and computing.

There is a library with thousands of books.

The technical school occupies three buildings with classrooms and laboratories - one old and two new ones. Non-residential students live in a hostel. When you come into the administrative buildings #3 you will see a hall and a corridor with many doors of administrative services, book-keeping. There is a gymnasium where we have our Physical training and an assembling hall. There are many classrooms. And the students study various subjects there: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Ukrainian and foreign languages. This building is connected with building #2 by the corridor. There are many laboratories, specialized rooms, many classrooms. They are equipped with modern teaching materials, necessary devices and facilities. Our students are working hard. They have a good practice in the laboratories and at the plants. That is why our school-leavers are well prepared for their future profession. There is also a canteen where students can have a fine lunch during the breaks.

Sport plays a very important part in the life of our technical school. Many competitions and tournaments are held in the gymnasium and on the stadium.

It is possible to study computer and English language in the clubs.

Meetings and parties are often held in the assembly hall. The students decorate it for special occasions to make it look more attractive.

The school year begins on the first of September, known as a Day of Knowledge. It is devided into two terms. At the end of every term the students have sessional examinations. They pass tests, credits and examinations in different subjects.

The students study the school subjects on the first year of studies, such as Mathematics, History, Ukrainian and Foreign Languages. Then they study special subjects on their specialty: technological processes, construction and exploitation of facilities of the plants, processes and apparatuses, basic hydraulics, technology of sugar and refine sugar, metrology, economy of enterprise, computers and microprocessing systems and so on.

The graduators become younger specialists. They are prepared for the professional activity at the enterprises of food industry, at the shops of agricultural enterprises and technological complexes manufacturing food production. The graduators of our school have the opportunity to continue studies at the institutes and universities entering the third course. I am proud to study at this technical school.


My Future Profession

It’s very good to study well and get a good education. We must decide what to do after finishing school. We must choose what occupation to have, where to go to study.

An occupation is an activity of any kind for which a person has the necessary qualifications and training.

Many roads are open for us after the ninth form: a vocational school, а technical school, or to go to the 10th from. After school we may go to the technical school, to the institute, to the university or to go to work.

There are many interesting trades. All of them are important and useful. Vocational schools teach all kinds of trades for example: driving, dress-making, fitter, turner, shop-assistant and others.

At the technical secondary school you may get the profession of a technician in repairing and assembling facilities, technologist in sugar and food industry, technician-technologist in treatment of materials.

At the institutes you may get the profession of a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, a journalist, a lawyer.

You may finish a school and work а уеar or two and then go on your education.

All professions are necessary. But in our time of progress and competition it is very important to be a highly skilled specialist.

Future Speciality (COI)

I study at the department of operation of information treatment systems and decision - making. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist – technician-programmer.

The students of our department are specializing in organization of collecting and treatment of information with computing devices, in exploitation of computer technique, in storage of data banks in treatment of data and making tables, in diagnosing. The school-leavers have good skills in using data banks in local calculating nets:

- in collecting and systematization of indexes of operating and information funds;

- in exploitation of computing net as a manager of the group;

- in location and switching on the computing devices.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: basic discrete mathematics, algorithmic languages and programming, economy of enterprises, computers and micro processing system, theory of probability and so on.

Our students are prepared for the work in the producing sphere, in the offices, in organizations, in small business at the posts of operator of computers, technician-programmers, engineering posts, dealing with exploitation of computing technique.

Highly-qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well equipped laboratories. It is also combined with practical training at the best enterprises. All these help the students to become highly-skilled younger specialists.

The best school-leavers of the Technical secondary school have the opportunity to enter Kyiv Polytechnical Institute the third course in the result of discussion.


My Future Speciality (ПРГ)


I study at the department of programming for electronic calculating technique and automatic systems. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist – technician-programmer.

The students of our department are specializing in organization of collecting and treatment of information with computing devices, in exploitation of computer technique, in storage of data banks, in treatment of data and making tables, in diagnosing. The school-leavers have good skills in using data banks in local calculating nets:

- in collecting and systematization of indexes of operating and information funds;

- in exploitation of computing net as a manager of the group;

- in location and switching on the computing devices.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: basic discrete mathematics, algorithmic languages and programming, economy of enterprises, computers and micro processing system, theory of probability and so on.

Our students are prepared for the work in the producing sphere, in the offices, in organizations, in small business at the posts of operator of computers, technician-programmers, engineering posts, dealing with exploitation of computing technique.

Highly-qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well equipped laboratories. It is also combined with practical training at the best enterprises. All these help the students to become highly-skilled younger specialists.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the third course in the result of discussion.

4. My Future Speciality (КІП)

I study at the department of operation of assembling, servicing of facilities and automatic systems of technological production. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist – technician-electromechanic.

The students of our department are specializing in automatic of technological processes and automated control systems, industrial electronics, electrical engineering. The educational plan foresees the studies of such subjects: basic electronics, digital circuit technique, basic telemechanical engineering, the theory of automatic control and others.

As future younger specialists we get a thorough knowledge in these subjects.

Our students are prepared for the work in the producing sphere, in the offices, in organization on the posts of the chief of the shop, the chief of the division, the foreman in repairing of electronic devices of micro processing technique and automatic devices.

The specialist gets additionally working trades: a fitter of instrumentation, computer operator and others.

Highly-qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well equipped laboratories. It is also combined with practical training at the advanced enterprises. All these help the students to become highly-skilled younger specialists.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter National State University of Food Industry and Cherkasy State Technological University in the result of discussion.

My Future Speciality (ОМР)

I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food industry. I study at the department of treatment of materials with lasers and automatic lines. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist – technician-technologist.

The students of our department are preparing for industrial-technological activity at the enterprises of machine-building complex.

The younger specialist is able to fulfill different technological tasks:

- designing of production technological processes into simple kinds of production and its elements;

- choosing and proving of methods of getting a blank to provide the most efficient production;

- to make drawings of the blank;

- to organize a technological succession of treatment of a blank to getting of a given detail;

- to choose facilities for treatment of metals;

- to make the regime of production;

- to foresee the production and insurance parties for providing the rhythmic work of the plant;

- to calculate the norms of the raw materials, utilities and services consumption.

The technician-technologist is able to work on the laser machine-tools and to fulfill a highly-skilled work. The younger specialist can occupy the posts of technician-technologist, foreman of the division, operator of the lasers with program control, manager of the middle rank, to fulfill the designing tasks or industrial marketing.

Our students are able to use modern technologies of complex technical preparation of industry with the help of computer technique. They can work with assurance at the newest enterprises.

Highly qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well equipped work-shops and laboratories. This is combined with practical training at the best enterprises. All these help the students to become highly skilled younger specialists.

The school-leavers have the opportunity to enter Cherkasy Technological University the third course in the result of discussion.

My Future Speciality (ОКС)


I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of computers integrated and robot-engineering systems operation. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger

specialist - technician-electronic.

The younger specialist – technician-electronic is prepared for the professional activity for developing and servicing of computing systems of control, computing and electronic technique and the enterprises of different forms of ownership, at the offices, organizations, research institutes and designing bureau.

The younger specialist can work in different branches of industry at the first posts of

technician-electronic, technician-electrician, technician-electromechanic, technician-operator.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: engineering drawing, computing drawing, theoretical basic of electrical engineering, basic of electronics and microelectronics, programming, theory of probabilities and mathematic statistics, economics, planning and organization of production, basic of enterprise and controlling and so on.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the third course in the result of discussion.

My Future Speciality (ВЦР)


I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of production of sugar substances. The term of studies is 3 years and 8 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-technologist.

The younger specialist – technician-technologist gets knowledge and skills for the period of studies for the work in all branches of food and processing industry, in laboratories and centers of standardization and certification. The younger specialist can occupy the posts of the chief of the shift, technician of raw materials, laboratory technician.

The school-leavers are able to use modern devices of computing and automatic systems of control of technological processes.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: analytic, organic, inorganic and physical colloid chemistry, microbiology, technology of sugar and refine sugar, technochemical control, metrology, standardization and certification and others.

The school-leavers are working successfully not only at the enterprises of sugar industry, but at the Cherkasy Sponge cake factory, enterprises of Cherkasy product company and others.

My Future Speciality (МЕХ)


I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of exploitation and repairing of facilities of food industry. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-mechanic.

The younger specialist – technician- mechanic is preparing for the professional activity at the enterprises and producing units of food industry, at the shops of agricultural enterprises and technological complexes of small power in manufacturing of food production. Technician-mechanic can occupy the posts dealing with assembling, exploitation and repairing of facilities, technique.

Knowledge and skills of practical activity, which the specialist of technician-mechanic gets, allows him to service the modern facilities and technique of farms, autoservicing enterprises and other enterprises of different forms of ownership.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: construction and exploitation of facilities, processes and apparatuses, basic hydraulics, computing of manufacturing, repairing and assembling of facilities and so on.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter National State University of Food Technolologies and Cherkasy State Technological University in the result of discussion.



Famous People of Ukraine

Our society and government pays a great attention to the development of science and technology in our country. Many scientists devoted their life to the development of native science.

My native land is Ukraine. Its flourish land and magnificent nature gave our country such great minds and scientists as: Mitchurin, Boris Paton, Maxymovich, Grushevsky, Amosov, Shalimov.

A native of Cherkasy land M. Maxymovich, a famous naturalist, philologist, historian was the first rector of Kyiv University. He contributed greatly to the Ukrainian science and culture. M.Grushevsky was a great politician, historian and the first Chairman of the Central Rada.

Among the great Ukrainian scientists a special place is occupied by academician Ivan Mitchurin. He was born in the village of Dovge. He was expelled from the gymnasium for non-respecting of the administration. He changed many professions and found his vocation in gardening. He had a great collection of trees and bushes and made out a theory of selection and hybrids. He was the first director of Mliyev selection station after the revolution and created new sorts of fruit trees, bushes and berries.

He was awarded with order of Lenin and other rewards.


Ukraine is a sovereign state. It lies in the southeastern part of the Central Europe. It covers an area of 603.7 thousand sq. kms. Its population is 50 mln. people. The capital is Kyiv. The official language is Ukrainian.

The territory of Ukraine stretches for almost 900 kms from North to South and for over 1,300 kms from East to West. It borders on Russia and Byelorussia in the East and in the North, and on Poland, Chehia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Moldova, Romania in the West.

The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable to the development of its relations with countries of Europe, as well as with countries throughout the world.

In the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and it has varied important ports.

95% of the Ukrainian area is flat and the rest of its mountainous. The Ukrainian Carpathians and Crimean Mountains make up those 5% of its area.

The major rivers are: the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets and others.

Forests take up only 15% of its territory.

Ukraine is rich in minerals, including iron, lead, coal, oil, and natural gas, salts, marble and building materials.

The largest cities are Charkiv, Lviv, Cherkassy, Donetsk, Sevastopol, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizzya, Dnipropetrovsk and others.

Ukraine has a highly, developed industry and agriculture. At this moment our economy is in crises. But we have people who can work hard and we shall overcome all the difficulties.



Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, its political, administrative, cultural and scientific center. Kyiv is over 1500 years old. According to the legend Kyiv was founded by three brothers: Kiy, Shchek, and Khoriv and their sister Libid. They settled on the hights above the Dnieper and founded a city on one of the hills and named it after the eldest brother.

Kyiv was a large commercial center of the East Slavs and was called the mother of all Russian towns. It has the population of 2.6mln and occupies an area of 790 sq kilometers.

The city is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River. It is famous for its beauty. The streets of Kyiv are broad and straight. There are a lot of chestnut trees and flowers in the city. Chestnut tree is a symbol of Kyiv.

There are historical places of interest. Among them are: Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the
St. Sophia's Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to Bogdan Hmelnitski, Prince Vladimir and others. In the park of Immortal Glory there is a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier over which an eternal fire burns.

There are many fine museums in Kyiv: the State Historical museum, the museum of Ukrainian and Russian Art, the Shevchenko State museum and so on. Kyiv is famous for its theatres such as: Opera House or Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and others.

Kyiv is a leading industrial center of Ukraine. It is known for its output of excavators, motorcycles, cameras, riverboats, planes and complicated electric measuring apparatuses.

Kyiv is the center of education and science. Many scientific research institutes, colleges, universities are in the city.

It is the pride and glory of the Ukrainian people and our county.


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