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Déag [] 1. f (-e/-a) hue, tinge; dye; 2. pres 3rd sing of dugan
déaggede [] adj gouty [déaw] déagian1 [] wv/t2 to dye déagung [] f (-e/-a) dyeing, coloring déagwyrmede [] adj gouty [déaw] deall2 [] adj proud, exulting, eminent, bold, renowned dearf [] 1. past 3rd sing of deorfan; 2. adj bold dearflic [] adj bold, presumptuous dearfscipe [] m (-es/-as) boldness, presumption dearnunga [] adv secretly, privately, insidiously, clandestinely dearnunge [] adv secretly, privately, insidiously, clandestinely dearrlic [] adj daring, rash dearrscipe [] m (-es/-as) rashness, presumption déað [] m (-es/-as) 1. death, (1) of an individual; (1a) a particular mode of death; (2) inthe abstract; (3) personified (or localized); 2. state of being dead; 2a. state after death of those not in heaven; 3. cause or occasion of death (as in to be the death of a person); 4. a dead person, departed spirit; pl manes, ghosts;þrówiendlic/ þrówigendlic ~ apoplexy; ~e cwielman to kill, destroy; to mortify, subject, reduce to weakness [mortificare] déaðbǽre [] adj deadly, death-bearing; variant of déadbǽre déaðbǽrende [] adj death-bearing, deadly déaðbǽrlic [] adj deadly déaðbǽrnes [] f (-se/-sa) deadliness, destructiveness; a killing, mortification; death, destruction, pestilence déaðbéacnigende [] adj boding death, threatening death déaðbéam [] m (-es/-as) death-bringing tree, a death-tree, tree of death déaðbedd2 [] n (-es/-) bed of death, deathbed, grave déaðberende [] adj fatal, deadly, death-bearing; 1. of things, (1) physical, deadly, pestilential; (1a) figurative; (2) moral or spiritual; þéo déaðberende uncyst; 2. of living creatures déaðcwalu2 [] f (-e/-a) deadly throe, agony, a deadly pain or plague; death by violence déaðcwealm [] m (-es/-as) death by violence, slaughter déaðcwielmende [] adj put to death, destroyed, killed déaðdæg2 [] m (-es/-dagas) death-day, day of death déaðdenu2 [] f (-e/-a) the valley of death déaðdrepe [] m (-es/-as) death-blow, death-stroke déaðfǽge [] adj doomed to death, death-doomed déaðfiren [] f (-e/-a) deadly sin déaðgedál [] n (-es/-) separation of body and soul by death, a deathly separation déaðgodas [] m pl infernal deities, death gods, spirits, ghosts déaðlég [] m (-es/-as) deadly flame, a death-flame déaðlic [] adj deathly, mortal, subject to death; mortal, grievous; deadly; dead; noun good and bad angels déaðlicnes [] f (-se/-sa) mortal state, mortal life, this world; mortality; deadliness, liability to death déaðmægen [] n (-es/-) a deadly power or band déaðræced [] n (-es/-) a death-house, sepulcher déaðrǽs [] m (-es/-as) sudden death, a death-rush, rushing of death déaðréaf [] n (-es/-) clothing taken from the dead, a garment of a dead person, spoils déaðréow [] adj murderous, fierce, deadly cruel, savage déaðscúa [] m (-n/-n) the shadow of death, death-shadow, death, spirit of death, devil, one who acts in the dark déaðscufa [] m (-n/-n) the shadow of death, death-shadow, death, spirit of death, devil, one who acts in the dark déaðscyld [] f (-e/-e) crime worthy of death, a death-fault, capital crime déaðscyldig [] adj condemned to death, death-guilty déaðsele2 [] m (-es/-as) death-hall, hell déaðslege [] m (-es/-as) death-stroke, death-blow déaðspere [] n (-es/-u) deadly spear déaðstede [] m (-es/-as) place of death, a death-place déaðþénung [] f (-e/-a) last offices to the dead, funeral, funeral service, ministration to the dead; pl exequies déaðsynnignes [] f (-se/-sa) guiltiness of death déaðþénung [] f (-e/-a) exequies, last offices to the dead, funeral, funeral service déaðwang [] m (-es/-as) plain of death, a death-plain déaðwége [] n (-es/-u) a deadly cup [wǽge] déaðwérig [] adj death-weary, dead déaðwíc [] n (-es/-) dwelling of death, a mansion of death déaðwyrd [] f (-e/-e) fate, death, death-event; pl death-events, fates déaw [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) dew déawdrías [] m (-es/-as) fall of dew?, dew-fall? [dréosan] déawian [] wv/t2 to dew, bedew déawig [] adj dewy; moist déawigendlic? [] adj dewy déawigfeðere2 [] adj dewy-feathered déawung [] f (-e/-a) dew déawwyrm [] m (-es/-as) dew-worm, ring-worm, tetter decan [] m (-es/-as) one who has charge of ten monks décan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres déceð past décte ptp gedéced to smear, plaster, daub decanhád [] m (-a/-a) office of a ‘decan’, dignity of a dean deccan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres deceð past deahte ptp gedeaht to cover December [] m (Decembris/Decembras) December declínian [] wv/t2 to decline (in grammar) declínigendlic [] adj subject to inflection, declinable declinung [] f (-e/-a) a declension défelic [] adj suitable, fitting, proper, becoming, fit; adv ~líce becomingly, fitly, suitably Defenas [] m pl Devonians, the inhabitants of Devonshire in a body, Devonshire; [also Defnas]; gen ~a; dat ~um Defena scír [] f (-e/-a) Devonshire; [also Defna scír] Defenisc [] adj of or belonging to Devonshire Deira ríce [] n (-es/-u) the kingdom of the Deirians delan [] sv/t4 3rd pres dilð past dæl/dǽlon ptp gedolen to fall, sink delfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres dilfð past dealf/dulfon ptp gedolfen 1. absolute, to dig, delve, burrow; 2. to dig the ground, delve, burrow; 3. to extract by digging, dig gold, etc., dig out; 4. to excavate, delve, dig a pit; 5. to bury delfere [] m (-es/-as) digger delfin [] m (-es/-as) dolphin [L] delfísen [] n (-es/-) spade, a digging-iron delfung [] f (-e/-a) a digging, delving, laying bare, exposing dell [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) dell, hollow, deep hollow, dale delu [] f (-e/-a) a teat, nipple [OHG tili] déma [] m (-n/-n) judge, ruler; 1. a deemer, thinker, judge, an umpire; [censor, consul, judex, arbiter]; 2. the judge, who gave a wrong judgement, was subject to a fine of one hundred and twenty shillings; and if a man could not obtain justice, the judge to whom he applied was fined thirty shillings. As the judge represented the king, he was at the king’s disposal déman1 [] wv/t1b w.d.a. to judge, determine, reckon, decide, decree, sentence, condemn; assign; deem, consider, think, estimate, compute; examine, prove; doom, condem; 2 praise, glorify; 2 tell, declare [1. to judge, (1) absolute; (2) to judge a person; (a) w.d.; (b) w.a.; (3) to judge a cause, crime; (4) where the matter of judgment is given; (4a) with cognate acc. Híe démað heora dómas they give their judgments; (5) to sentence a person to punishment; (6) to adjudge, assign reward, punishment, etc., to a person; (7) to settle, appoint, decree; (7a) of a decision by lot; 2. to deem, think, suppose; 3. to estimate, value; 4. to proclaim something noble, celebrate] démedlic [] adj that may be judged démend2 [] m (-es/-) judge, arbiter, an umpire démere [] m (-es/-as) judge, deemer demm [] m (-es/-as) damage, injury, loss, misfortune, mischief, harm démon [] m (-es/-as) demon, devil Denelagu [] f (-e/-a) the ‘Dane-law,’ law for the part of England occupied by the Danes denbǽr [] f (-e/-a) swine-pasture, place yielding mast for the fattening of hogs denberende [] n (-es/-u) swine-pasture Dene [] m pl the Danes; [gen pl Dena; dat pl Denum] deneland [] n (-es/-) valley Denemearc [] f (-e/-a) Denmark, the land of the Danes Denmearce [] f (-an/-an) Denmark, the land of the Danes dengan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres dengeð past dengde ptp gedenged to ding, beat, strike Denisc [] adj Danish; wk nom/acc pl þá ~an the Danes, the Danish men Denisces burna [] m (-n/-n) Denisesburn, the river Denis denn [] n (-es/-) 1. den, lair of a beast, cave; 2. swine-pasture, a woodland pasture for swine; dennian [] wv/i2 to become slippery; to stream? densǽte [] m pl dwellers in valleys or plains denstów [] f (-e/-a) a place of pasture denu [] f (-e/-a) 1. valley, plain, vale, dale; 2. see denn déofol [] m (déofles/déoflas) 1. the devil; 2. a devil, an evil spirit, demon; 2a. of demoniacalpossession; 2b. a devil as object of worship, false god; 3. applied to a human being; (1) a wicked person; (2) as a term of abuse or contempt; diabolical person; [L diabolus] déofolcræft [] m (-es/-as) witchcraft, devil-craft, the black art déofolcund [] adj fiendish, diabolical, devil-kind déofolcynn [] n (-es/-) species of devil déofoldǽd [] f (-e/-e) fiendish deed, a devil deed, diabolical deed déofolgield [] n (-es/-) 1. devil-worship, idolatry, sacrifice to devils; an idolatrous practice; 2. an idol, an image of the devil déofolgielda [] m (-n/-n) devil-worshipper, idolater déofolgieldhús [] n (-es/-) idol-temple, a heathen temple déofolgítsung [] f (-e/-a) unrighteous mammon déofollic [] adj 1. of the (a) devil, devilish, diabolical; 2. of other than spirits, like the (a) devil, devilish, diabolical, evil, cruel; adv ~líce as a devil; like a devil, furiously, cruelly déofolscín [] n (-es/-u) a diabolical vision, evil spirit, demon, phantom déofolscipe [] m (-es/-as) idolatry déofolséoc [] adj possessed by devils, lunatic, devil-sick, possessed with a devil déofolséocnes [] f (-se/-sa) demoniacal possession, devil-sickness, possession with the devil déofolwítga [] m (-n/-n) wizard, magician, a devil-prophet, soothsayer, wizard déon1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres déoð past déode ptp gedéod to suck déop [] 1. adj deep, profound; awful, mysterious; 2 heinous; serious, solemn, stern, earnest; ~ céap high price, great price; 2. n (-es/-) deepness, depth, abyss; the deep, sea déope [] adv deeply, thoroughly, entirely, earnestly, solemnly déophycgende2 [] adj deeply meditating, pensive déophýdig2 [] adj deeply meditating, pensive déopian1 [] wv/t2 to get deep déoplic [] adj deep, profound, thorough, fundamental (where great knowledge is shown or required); grievous, terrible; adv ~líce deeply, profoundly, thoroughly (of mental operations); ingeniously déopnes [] f (-se/-sa) deepness, depth, an abyss, a deep place; depth of meaning, profundity, mystery; subtlety, cunning déopþancol [] adj contemplative, very thoughtful, deep-thinking; adv ~líce with depth of thought, with profound learning déor [] 1. n (-es/-) an animal, beast (usu. wild), any sort of wild animal, wild beast (mostly in contrast to domestic animals); deer, reindeer; 2. adj a. brave, bold (as a wild beast); ferocious; grievous, severe, violent; b. heavy, severe, dire, vehement; 3. see déore Déora bý [] n? (-es/-) Derby; [Déora of animals/deer; bý a dwelling, habitation; a habitation of deer or animals] déoran12 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres déoreð past déorede ptp gedéored to hold dear, love, glorify, endear déorboren [] adj of noble birth, noble-born, noble; cmp ~ra; spl ~est Déorbýscír [] f (-e/-a) Derbyshire deorc [] adj dark, obscure, gloomy, without light; gloomy, dreadful, horrible; sad, cheerless; sinister, wicked; adv ~e darkly, sadly deorcegrǽg [] adj dark gray deorcful [] adj dark, gloomy, darksome deorcian [] wv/i2 3rd pres deorcað past deorcode ptp gedeorcod to darken, become dark, grow dim, grow dark (of sight) deorclíce [] adv darkly, horribly, foully, horridly deorcnes [] f (-se/-sa) darkness deorcung [] f (-e/-a) gloaming, twilight déorcynn [] n (-es/-) race of animals, animal-kind, beast-kind, a species of (wild) beast déore [] 1. adj dear, beloved; dear of price, precious, costly, valuable, of great value, desirable; noble, excellent, glorious, magnificent, illustrious, of great excellence; 2. adv dearly, at great cost, with great price; with kindness, as holding a person dear; 3. adv fiercely, cruelly [déor 2] déoren [] adj of a wild animal, of or belonging to a wild beast deorf1 [] n (-es/-) labor; difficulty, hardship, tribulation, trouble, danger déorfald [] m (-es/-as) an enclosure or cage for wild beasts, a deer-fold, a park, an enclosure for deer deorfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres dierfð past dearf/durfon ptp gedorfen to exert oneself, labor; be in peril, perish, be wrecked déorfellen [] adj made of hides, made of beast-skins déorfrið [] n (-es/-u) preservation of game, deer-protection, game-protection déorgeat [] n (-es/-gatu) gate for animals, a gate for deer to pass through Déorhám [] m (-es/-as) Derham, Gloucestershire; Dereham, Norfolk; [déor wild animal, hám home, dwelling] déorhege [] m (-es/-as) deer-fence déorlic [] adj brave, bold, renowned; [déor 1] déorlíce [] adv dearly, preciously, richly; sincerely, acceptably, worthily déorling [] m (-es/-as) darling, favorite, minion, a (king’s) favorite; household god déormód2 [] adj courageous, bold of mind, brave déornett [] n (-es/-) hunting-net, a beast-net déortún [] m (-es/-as) park Deorwente [] f (-an/-an) the river Derwent, in Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Cumberland, and Durham; [deor = Celtic dwr water; wente turned, bent] déorwierðe [] adj 1. of persons, of great worth or value, excellent, noble; 2. of things, of great value, precious, costly (1) déorwurðe [] adj 1. of persons, of great worth or value, excellent, noble; 2. of things, of great value, precious, costly (2) déorwyrðe [] adj 1. of persons, of great worth or value, excellent, noble; 2. of things, of great value, precious, costly (3) déorwyrðlic [] adj precious, costly, valuable; adv ~líce richly, sumptuously, splendidly, gloriously; in high esteem, as of great value, as a thing of value déorwyrðnes [] f (-se/-sa) treasure, a precious thing; honor, veneration; preciousness Déprobane [] f (-/-) an island in the Indian Ocean, Ceylon; [Greek Taprobana] Déra [] m pl Deirians, inhabitants of Deira between the rivers Tyne and Humber Déra mægð [] f (-/-) the country of the Deirians, Deira, being part of Northumbria; [Dere the Deirians; mægð a province, region, country] Déra ríce [] n (-es/-u) the kingdom of the Deirians, Deira; [Dere the Deirians; ríce a kingdom] Déra wudu [] m (-a/-a) Beverley, Yorkshire Dére [] m pl Deirians, inhabitants of Deira between the rivers Tyne and Humber derian [] wv/t1a 3rd pres dereð past derede ptp gedered w.d. to damage, injure, hurt, harm deriende [] adj injurious, noxious, hurtful, hurting; pres participle of derian deriendlic [] adj mischievous, noxious, hurtful; w.d. of object exposed to hurt derodine [] m (-es/-as) scarlet dye or color Dertamúða [] m (-n/-n) Dartmouth, Devonshire derung [] f (-e/-a) injury, an injuring, harming déðung [] f (-e/-a) putting to death deððan [] wv/t1a 3rd pres deðeð past deðede ptp gedeðed to suck díacon [] m (-es/-as) deacon, minister, Levite [L diaconus]; díacon is þegn, þe þegnað þǽm mæssepréoste, and þá offrunga sett upon þæt weofod, and gódspell éac rǽdeð æt Godes þegnungum. Se mót fulligan cild, and þæt folc húsligan the deacon is a minister, who ministers to the mass-priest, and sets the offerings upon the altar, and also reads the gospels at God’s services. He may baptize children, and housel the people; gif frigemann díacones féoh stele, 6 gielde (forgielde) if a freeman steal the property of a deacon, he must repay sixfold díacongegyrela [] m (-n/-n) deacon’s robe, a deacon’s vestment díaconhád [] m (-a/-a) the office of a deacon, deacon-hood, deacon-ship díaconrocc [] m (-es/-as) a dalmatic díaconþénung [] f (-e/-a) the duty or office of a deacon díc [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) a dike, trench, ditch, moat; an earthwork with a trench díc [] m (-es/-as) a dike, a bank formed by throwing the earth out of the ditch, pit díc [] f (-e/-a) 1. a ditch, the excavation or trench made by throwing out the earth, a channel for water, pit; 2. sometimes díc m is found to denote – a ditch or channel for water dícere [] m (-es/-as) digger, ditcher dícian1 [] wv/t2 to make a dike or bank, dike, bank, mound, ditch dícsceard [] n (-es/-) breach of a dike dícung [] f (-e/-a) construction of a dike, a ditching, digging dícwalu [] f (-e/-a) bank of a ditch? dícweall [] m (-es/-as) a ditch-wall díedan[] wv/t1b 3rd pres díedeð past díedde ptp gedíeded to put to death, kill [déad] díefan [] wv/t1b to make deaf or dull, to deaden sound diegan [] wv/t1b to die (stain?) díeglan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres díegleð past díeglede ptp gedíeged to hide, cover, conceal, hide oneself; lie hidden díeglian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres díeglað past díeglode ptp gedíeglod to hide, cover, conceal, hide oneself; lie hidden díeglod [] adj hidden; past participle of díeglian díeglum [] adv in secret; dative pl of díegol díegol [] 1. adj secret, hidden, private, dark, obscure, unknown, deep, profound, abstruse; [1. adj secret; of that which might be seen, hidden from sight; 2. of thought, action, concealed from the knowledge or notice of others; on díeglum in secret; 3. hard to get knowledge of; (1) of a fact or circumstance; (2) of things to be understood, abstruse, occult; ]2. n (díegles/-) concealment, darkness, obscurity, secrecy, mystery, secret; a secret place, hidden place, the grave díegolful [] adj mysterious díegollíce1 [] adv secretly, (1) so as to take others unawares or at a disadvantage, (2) so as to avoid publicity, exposure, detection; softly (of the voice) díegolnes [] f (-se/-sa) solitude, solitariness, privacy, secrecy; a secret, mystery; a secret place, hiding place, recess diend [] m (-es/-as) suckling [déon] díepe [] f (-an/-an) 1. depth, deepness; 2. the deep, deep part of water (sea, lake, river), deep water, a deep place in water; 3. a deep place on land díepu [] f (-e/-a) 1. depth, deepness; 2. the deep, deep part of water (sea, lake, river), deep water, a deep place in water; 3. a deep place on land díeran [] wv/t1b to hold dear díere [] adj dear, beloved; precious, costly; noble, excellent dierfan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres dierfeð past dierfde ptp gedierfed to afflict, injure, molest; imperil, endanger [deorfan] dierfung [] f (-e/-a) affliction, molestation diernan1 [] wv/t1b to keep secret, conceal, hide, restrain, repress; (1) w.a. thing; (2) w.d. person, from whom a thing (acc) is concealed; hide oneself dierne [] 1. adj hidden, secret, retired, obscure, remote; secret, (1) so as to escapedetection, (2) of stolen goods, concealed; deceitful, evil, magical; 2. n (-es/-u) secret dierneforlegen [] adj adulterous, guilty of fornication dierneforlegernes [] f (-se/-sa) fornication diernegelegerscipe [] m (-es/-as) adultery, fornication diernegeligere [] 1. n (-es/-u) a secret lying, adultery, fornication; 2. m (-es/-as) fornicator diernegeligre [] 1. n (-es/-u) adultery, fornication; 2. m (-es/-as) fornicator dierneleger [] adj adulterous diernelegere [] 1. adv licentiously; 2. see dyrnegeligre 1 diernelegerscipe [] m (-es/-as) adultery, fornication dierngewrit [] n (-es/-gewriotu) a secret writing; in pl, books whose authors are not known, the apocryphal books, The Apocrypha diernhǽmende [] adj fornicating, adulterous diernlic [] adj secret; adv ~líce secretly diernlicgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres diernligeð past diernlæg/diernlǽgon ptp diernlegen to lie secretly, fornicate, commit adultery diernmaga [] m (-n/-n) president at mysteries, one who presides at mysteries Difelin [] m? (-es/-as) Dublin diht [] n (-es/-) 1. order, arrangement, a setting in order, disposal, disposing, contriving, disposition of material, conduct, consultation, deliberation, purpose; hit stendeð on úrum ágenum dihte, hú úsic bið æt Gode gedémed it stands by our conduct how we shall be judged before God; 1a. of composition; 2. direction of action, conduct; 2a. direction by one in authority, dictating, order, command, prescription (1) of men, (2) of theDeity; 3. the administration, office of adirector; 4. an order, precept; 5. ge~ a piece of writing, composition, literary work diht [] f (-e/-a) a saying, dictum, oracle dihtan1 [] wv/t1b 1. to order, regulate, set in order, dispose, arrange, appoint, direct, dictate, compare; 2. to give direction to a person, dictate, direct a person w.d.; 3. to order, dictate, impose, indict; 4. to compose, write; to dictate what is to be written; dihtend [] m (-es/-) a director, ruler dihtere [] m (-es/-as) informant, expounder, expositor; disposer, manager, steward; one who dictates dihtfæstendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) appointed fast dihtian1 [] wv/t2 1. to dictate, (1) what is to be done; (2) what is to be written; 2. to arrange, dispose, appoint, direct, dictate, impose; 3. compose, write dihtnere [] m (-es/-as) informant, expounder, expositor; disposer, manager, steward; one who dictates dihtnung1 [] f (-e/-a) ordering, regulation, disposition, a disposing dihtung1 [] f (-e/-a) ordering, regulation, disposition, a disposing dile [] m (-es/-as) dill, anise; [an herb] dílegian1 [] wv/t2 to destroy, abolish, blot out, erase; perish dílignes [] f (-se/-sa) annihilation, destruction, extermination dimhíw [] adj of dark color, dark-colored, gloomy dimhof [] n (-es/-u) place of concealment, a lurking-place, hiding place dimhofe [] f (-an/-an) place of concealment, a lurking-place, hiding place dimhús [] n (-es/-) a prison, dungeon dimlic [] adj dim, obscure, secret, hidden, concealed dimm [] adj dim, dark, gloomy, without light, obscure, hidden; dark-colored; blurred, faint; dark, wicked; wretched, grievous, sad, unhappy dimmian [] wv/i2 to be or become dim, dim, darken, obscure dimnes [] f (-se/-sa) dimness, darkness, want of light, obscurity, gloom; darkness, evil; obscuration, moral obliquity; a dark place; dimness of sight; dimscúa [] m (-n/-n) dimness, darkness, sin? dingiung [] f (-e/-a) manuring, dunging dínor [] m (-es/-as) a piece of money, a small piece of money, a coin [L denarius] dirige [] f (-an/-an) dirge, vigilia; the first word of the antiphon at Matins in the Office of the Dead, used as a name for that service disc [] m (-es/-as) dish, plate, bowl discberend [] m (-es/-) dish-bearer, seneschal discipul [] m (-es/-as) disciple, scholar [L] discipula [] m (-n/-n) female disciple [L] discipulhád [] m (-a/-a) disciplehood, pupilage discþegn [] m (-es/-as) dish-servant, dish-bearer, minister of food, server, waiter, seneschal, steward discþén [] m (-es/-as) dish-servant, dish-bearer, minister of food, server, waiter, seneschal, steward dism [] m (-es/-as) vapor, smoke, steam, fume [fumus] disma [] m (-n/-n) musk; cassia disme [] f (-an/-an) musk; cassia distæf [] m (-es/-stafas) distaff dobian [] wv/i2 to be doting dóc [] m (-es/-as) bastard, mongrel, hybrid, son docce [] f (-an/-an) dock, sorrel docga [] m (-n/-n) dog dócincel [] n (-incles/-inclu) a bastard child dóere [] m (-es/-as) doer, worker Dofere [] f (-an/-an) Dover dofian [] wv/i2 to be doting, stupid [dobian] Dofre [] f (-an/-an) Dover dofung [] f (-e/-a) absurdity, stupidity, frenzy, madness dogian [] wv/t2 to endure? dógor [] m (-es/-as) day dógorgerím2 [] n (-es/-) series of days, number of days, time, allotted time of life dógorrím2 [] n (-es/-) series of days, number of days, time, allotted time of life, time of life dohtig [] adj competent, good, valiant, doughty [dugan] dohtor [] f (-/-) daughter; female descendant [dat dehter; pl also dohtor1, dohtra1, dohtru1; gen dohtra; dat dohtrum]; [properly, milkmaid, from duh to milk] dohtorsunu [] m (-a/-a) daughter’s son, grandson dol [] 1. adj dull, foolish, erring, heretical; foolish, silly; presumptuous; 2. n (-es/-u) folly, stupidity dolg [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) wound, scar, scar of a wound, cut, gash, sore; boil, tumor dolgbenn [] f (-e/-a) wound dolgbót [] f (-e/-a) fine or compensation for wounding, compensation for a wound dolgdrinc [] m (-es/-as) drink for a wound, antidote dolgian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres dolgað past dolgode ptp gedolgod to wound dolgilp [dol·yilp] m (-es/-as) idle boasting, foolish pride, vainglory dolgrúne [] f (-an/-an) the herb pellitory, which grows on walls dolgsealf [] f (-e/-a) poultice for a wound, a wound salve dolgslege2 [] m (-es/-as) a wounding blow dolgsmeltas [] m pl linen bandages dolgswaðu [] f (-e/-a) scar, a trace of a wound dolgswæð [] m (-es/-swaðas) scar, a trace of a wound dolgwund [] adj wounded dollic [] adj audacious, rash, foolhardy, foolish; adv ~lícefoolishly, rashly; bewildered dolsceaða [] m (-n/-n) fell destroyer, a foolish or rash robber dolscipe [] m (-es/-as) foolishness, folly, error dolsprǽc [] f (-e/-a) silly talk, foolish or vain talk, loquacity dolwillen [] 1. adj rash, mad, bold; 2. n (-es/-) rashness, madness dolwíte [] n (-es/-u) punishment for audacity, temerity, or foolhardiness; [pain of a wound?, punishment of the wicked, pains of hell?] dóm [] m (-es/-as) 1. doom, judgment (1) where an opinion is formed, (2) where sentenceis passed, (2a) of an unfavorable sentence, condemnation, ordeal, judicial sentence, decree, ordinance, law, custom; justice, equity; a sentence, doom; 2. a direction, ruling, governing, command; 3. might, power, dominion, supremacy, majesty, glory, magnificence, splendor, reputation, honor, praise, dignity, authority; 3a. an authority, a judicial body, court; 4. will, free will, choice, option, discretion; 5. sense, meaning, interpretation; opinion, advice; 6. court, tribunal, assembly; 7. state, condition; 8. an ordinance, decree dóm [] masc abstract suffix = state, condition, power, etc. as in fréodóm dómærn [] n (-es/-) judgment-hall, tribunal, a judgement-place, courthouse dómbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) doom-book, code of laws, statute-book, manual of justice, a book of decrees or laws dómdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) doomsday, judgment-day dóméadig2 [] adj mighty, renowned, blessed with power dómere [] m (-es/-as) a judge Domerhám [] m (-es/-as) Damerham, Wiltshire dómfæst2 [] adj just, firm, firm in judgment, renowned, mighty dómfæstnes [] f (-se/-sa) firmness of judgment, righteous judgment, judgment dómgeorn2 [] adj eager for justice, ambitious; righteous, just, virtuous dómhús [] n (-es/-) law-court, tribunal, a judgment-house dómhwæt [] adj eager for renown?, strenuous in judgment dómian2 [] wv/t2 3rd pres dómað past dómode ptp gedómod to praise, glorify, magnify dómisc [] adj of the day of judgment, of the final judgment, of doomsday dómléas2 [] adj inglorious, powerless, hapless dómlic [] adj famous, glorious, praiseworthy; judicial; canonical; adv ~líce judicially; powerfully, gloriously domne [] m (-es/-as), f (-an/-an) a lord; nun, abbess [L] dómsetl [] m (-es/-as) judgment-seat, tribunal dómsettend [] m (-es/-) one who ordains judgment, lawyer [jurisconsultus, jurisperitus] dómstów [] f (-e/-a) a judgment-place, tribunal Domuc [] f? (-e/-a) Dunwich, on the sea coast of Suffolk, the seat of the first Anglian bishopric, which was subsequently fixed at Norwich; Alfhun biscop forðferde on Sudberi, and he wearð bebyrged in Domuce, and Tídfrið wearð gecoren æfter him bishop Alfhun died at Sudbury, and he was buried at Dunwich, and Tidfrith was chosen after him; Domucceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) Dunwich, on the sea coast of Suffolk, the seat of the first Anglian bishopric, which was subsequently fixed at Norwich; Alfhun biscop forðferde on Sudberi, and he wearð bebyrged in Domuce, and Tídfrið wearð gecoren æfter him bishop Alfhun died at Sudbury, and he was buried at Dunwich, and Tidfrith was chosen after him; dómweorðung2 [] f (-e/-a) honor, glory dón1 [] irreg v/t 1. absolute, to do, make, act, perform; cause (often + infinitive with passive sense, híe dydon rícu settan they caused kingdoms to be founded, i.e. they founded kingdoms, or by þæt); 2. to do, perform an action, make war; 2a. to do, practice, exercise, pass time, lead a life; hé ancorlíf dyde; to observe, keep; 2b. w.preps. to do about, with; 3. to make; (1) w.a.; (2) cause, (a) w.a. and infin (α) where noun is subject of infin; (β) where noun is object of infin; (b) with clause; (c) to do harm; (3) with complementary adjective; (4) w.a. and tó, to make an object (into) something, make something of an object; 4. to put, bring, take; (1) literal; (2) fig., to put to use, shame, death, etc., to bring into a state; þá twegen dǽlas dyde hé tó þæs mynstres néode the two parts he applied to the needs of the monastery; (2a) where there is combination or separation add (to), put, place, take (from, to, or away); dó tó endleofan add eleven; 5. to give, supply, furnish, bestow, confer; 6. to make (much, nothing) of, to make out to be so and so, consider, esteem; 7. almost with the force of the later auxiliary, (1) with a verb inapposition; (2) with a clause; 8. representing a preceding verb; 9. ge~ arrive at; ge~ halt, encamp, cast anchor; ge~ reduce; ~ tó híerran háde to promote, advance to a higher position; ~ tó náhte to annul, make of none effect; ~ dǽdbóte to do penance, repent; ~ edléan to give a reward; ~ fram to depart; furðor ~ to promote; furðor ~ to prefer, esteem; ~ in to put in or into;~ néode to supply want; ~ préoste to give to a priest; ~ of to take off, doff; ~ on to put on, in, or into, don; ~ tó to put to; ~ tó witanne to cause to know, do to wit, to make to know or understand; betre ~ to prefer; for náht ~ to consider as naught; gifta ~ to keep nuptials; huntað ~ to be hunting; Gode ~ to render to God; gíemen ~ to take care, regard; munuclíf ~ to lead a monastic life; on wóh ~ to pervert; tó cyninge ~ to make a king; wrace ~ to take revenge; scamu ~ to inflict injury Donafeld [] m (-a/-a) Tanfield near Ripon, Yorkshire dónlic [] adj active Donua [] f (-/-) the river Danube dopænid [] f (-e/-a) diver, water-fowl, moorhen, coot, a dipping duck (2) dopened [] f (-e/-a) diver, water-fowl, moorhen, coot, a dipping duck (1) dopfugel [] m (-fugles/-fuglas) a dipping-fowl, water-fowl, moorhen, the dip-fowl or diver, gull doppettan [] wv/t1b to plunge in, immerse, to dip often, dip in Dor [] m (-es/-as) Dore, Derbyshire dor [] n (-es/-u) door, gate; pass; a large door dora [] m (-n/-n) humble-bee, dumble-dore Dorceceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) Dorchester, Oxfordshire, the episcopal seat of the first bishop of the West Saxons, which was subsequently removed to Lincoln; [also Dorces~, Dorca~, Dorceaster] Dormceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) Dornford or Dorgford, in Huntingdomshire, on the river Nen; [by the Britons called Cair-Dorm, by Antoninus, Durobrivæ, for the passage over the water; and the Anglo-Saxons, for the same reason, called it also Dornford] Dornsǽte [] m pl inhabitants or men of Dorsetshire, people of Dorsetshire in a body, Dorsetshire Dornwara ceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) Dorchester, the chief town of Dorsetshire [the city of the inhabitants of Dorsetshire] Dorsǽte [] m pl inhabitants or men of Dorsetshire, people of Dorsetshire in a body, Dorsetshire dorweard [] m (-es/-as) doorkeeper, porter, janitor Dorwitceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) Canterbury dott [] m (-es/-as) head of a boil dox [] adj dark-haired, dusky doxian [] wv/i2 to turn dark, to become dark-colored drabbe [] m (-es-/as) dregs, lees, drab draca [] m (-n/-n) a dragon, sea-monster; serpent; the serpent, the devil; standard representing a dragon or serpent ~n blóddragon’s blood, a pigment obtained from the dragon’s blood-tree drácentse [] f (-an/-an) dragon-wort, dragons [L dracontea] (1) drácente [] f (-an/-an) dragon-wort, dragons [L dracontea] (2) dráconze [] f (-an/-an) dragon-wort, dragons [L dracontea] (3) dracu [] f (-e/-a) trouble, affliction dráf [] 1. f (-e/-a) action of driving; a driving out, expulsion; drove, herd, band; company, band; road along which cattle are driven; [drífan]; 2. past 3rd sing of drífan dráfdenu [] f (-e/-a) a den or valley where droves of cattle feed dráfmann [] m (-es/-menn) a drove-man, cattle-keeper dragan [] sv/t6 3rd pres drægð past dróg/on ptp gedragen to drag, draw; sv/i6 to draw oneself, to draw, go; protract drán [] f (-e/-a) drone drǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres drǽdeð past dreord/on, dreod/on ptp gedrǽden to dread, fear drǽf [] n (-es/-) draff drǽfan1 [] wv/t1b to drive, drive out drǽfend [] 1. m (-es/-) hunter; 2. see dréfend dræge [] f (-an/-an) drag-net, a drag [dragan] drægnett [] n (-es/-) drag-net dræst [] f (-e/-a) leaven; pl dregs, refuse (3) dræstig [] adj full of dregs, rubbishy [dærste] dréahnian [] wv/t2 to drain, strain out dréam [] m (-es/-as) 1. joy, pleasure, gladness, delight, mirth, rejoicing, rapture, ecstasy, frenzy; 2. what causes mirth – an instrument of music, music, rapturous music, harmony, melody, song, singing, joyous sound, jubilation; Iohannes gehierde býmena dréam John heard the sound of trumpets; 2a. musical sound of voice or of instrument; dréamcræft [] m (-es/-as) art of music, music dréamere [] m (-es/-as) musician dréamhæbbende [] adj possessing bliss, happy, joyful (1) dréamhealdende [] adj holding joy, happy, joyful (2) dréamléas2 [] adj joyless, sad dréamlic [] adj joyous, musical dréamnes [] f (-se/-sa) a singing dréariend [] m (-es/-) inrushing tide? dreccan1 [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres dreceð past dreahte ptp gedreaht to vex, irritate, trouble, torment, torture, oppress, afflict dreccednes1 [] f (-se/-sa) vexation, tribulation, affliction dreccung1 [] f (-e/-a) tribulation, affliction drecednes1 [] f (-se/-sa) vexation, tribulation, affliction dréfan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres dréfð past dréfde ptp gedréfed to stir up, excite, disturb, disquiet, trouble, vex, afflict; [dróf] dréfednes1 [] f (-se/-sa) vexation, affliction, tribulation, trouble, distress, scandal, disorder drefela [] m (-n/-n) a driveller?, sloberer dréfend1 [] m (-es/-) disturber, turbulent person dreflian [] wv/t2 to drivel dréfre [] m (-es/-as) disturber [dróf]; adj agitated, disturbed dréfung [] f (-e/-a) disturbance drenc [] m (-es/-as) 1. a drench, dose, draught, drink, drinking; 2. drink, liquid taken as nourishment; 3. a draught, cup; 3a. what is drunk as medicine; 4. a drowning drencan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres drenceð past drencte ptp gedrenced 1. to give to drink, to give drink to, to drench, make drunk, to ply with drink; to soak, saturate; 2. to submerge, drown, to plunge into water; 2a. to plunge, sink; 3. of water, to drown; 4. wv/i1b to sink in water, drown drenccuppe [] f (-an/-an) drinking-cup, a drinking-vessel, cup drencfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) a drinking-vessel, cup drencflód1 [] m (-es/-as) flood, a drowning flood, deluge drenchorn [] m (-es/-as) a drinking-horn drenchús [] n (-es/-) a drinking-house dreng [] m (-es/-as) youth, warrior [ON] dréogan1 [] sv/t2 3rd pres dríegð past dréag/drugon ptp gedrogen 1. to do, work, perform, fulfill, take part in, conduct, to lead a (certain) life, to pass life, to fight; gewin ~ to fight; wíde ~ to wander; to commit, perpetrate; 1a. to do battle, wage war; wǽpna gewin ~ to wage war, to fight the strife of arms; 2. to experience, bear, suffer, endure, sustain, tolerate; 2a. sv/i2 to act; to labor; 3. to enjoy; 4. sv/i2 to be employed, be busy dréopan1 [] sv/i2 3rd pres dríepð past dréap/drupon ptp is gedropen to drop, drip dréopian [] wv/t2 to drop, drip, trickle dréopung [] f (-e/-a) dropping, dripping dréor2 [] m (-es/-as) blood [dréosan] dréorfáh [] adj bespattered with gore, stained with gore dréorig [] adj dreary, sad, sorrowful, mournful, pensive; causing grief, cruel, horrid, grievous, (1) of persons, (2) of things; 2 bloody, blood-stained, gory, glorious; headlong?; adv ~líce sorrowfully; drearily, mournfully dréorigferð [] adj sorrowful, sad in soul dréorighléor [] adj sad of countenance, sorrowful dréorigian [] wv/i2 to be or become dreary, sad; to fall, perish dréorigmód [] adj sad in mind dréorignes [] f (-se/-sa) dreariness, sadness, sorrow dréorsele [] m (-es/-as) a dreary, desolate-looking hall dréorung2 [] f (-e/-a) a falling, distilling, dropping [dréosan] dréosan1 [] sv/i2 3rd pres dríesð past dréas/druron ptp is gedroren 1. to rush, fall, perish; to fall, not remain suspended; 2. to fall, not remain standing (lit. or fig.), fall down, fall to pieces; 3. to fall, not remain alert, droop, fail, sink; become weak, fail dréosendlic [] adj perishable drepan1 [] sv/t5 3rd pres dripð past dræp/drǽpon ptp gedrepen to strike, kill, overcome drepe2 [] m (-es/-as) a slaying, stroke, blow, violent death dríeman [] wv/t1b 3rd pres dríemð past dríemde ptp gedríemed 1. wv/i1b to make a joyous sound with voice or with instrument, to rejoice, (1) of living creatures, (2) of musical instrument; 2. wv/t1b to sing a song; play on an instrument drif1 [] f (-e/-a) fever drífan1 [] sv/t1 3rd pres drífeð past dráf/drifon ptp (is) gedrifen 1. to drive, force living beings to move, (1) to force men or animals to move before or from one, (2) to cause to flee before one’s pursuit, to chase, hunt, follow up, pursue; 2. to impel matter by physical force, rush against, drive forwards or backwards, (1) to cause something to move by application of force, (2) to force by a blow, thrust, etc.; 3. to carry of vigorously, transact, prosecute, conduct, practice, carry on, exercise, do; ~ drýcræft to exercise magic; wóh ~ to practice wrong; 3a. to speak often of a matter, bring up, agitate, (colloq. to trot out a subject); sprǽce ~ to prosecute a suit, urge a cause;4. to go through what is painful, suffer, undergo; 5. sv/i2 to proceed with violence, rush with violence, act impetuously, drive; céap ~ to drive or transact a bargain; mangunge ~ to follow a trade Driffeld [] m (-a/-a) Great Driffield, in the East Riding of Yorkshire drinc1 [] m (-es/-as) drink, a drink, beverage; draught; drinking, carousal drincan1 [] sv/t3 3rd pres drincð past dranc/druncon ptp gedruncen 1. to drink, (1) to take a draught of a liquid, (2) to take liquid as nourishment or to quench thirst; imbibe a liquid, to swallow the contents of a cup; to use as a beverage; 2. be entertained; 3. to swallow up, engulf; 4. to inhale smoke (cf. to drink tobacco); 5. of porous materials, to absorb; past part druncen refreshed, elate (with drink), drunk; [the Anglo-Saxons often drank to excess, as is evident by the exhortation of Abbot Ælfric to his friend Sigferd, to whom he dedicated his Treatises on the Old and New Testaments.] drinceléan [] n (-es/-) tributary drink, scot-ale, the contribution of tenants to purchase ale for the entertainment of their lord or his steward on the fee. Or perhaps the ale given by the seller to the buyer on concluding a bargain drincere [] m (-es/-as) drinker, drunkard, wine-bibber drincfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) a drinking-vessel, cup drinclagu [] f (-e/-a) drinking-law drípan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres drípð past drípte ptp gedríped to drop, cause to fall in drops drisne [] f (-an/-an) The hair (collectively), esp. false hair, a peruke; The hairy threads or fibres of the roots or leaves of plants; Hair-like streaks on precious stones [capillamenta?] drítan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres dríteð past drát/driton ptp gedritencacare drítung [] f (-e/-a) a carrying out or off, an emptying, voiding of excrement [egestio] (sc of the belly [ventris]) dróf1 [] adj draffy, dreggy, dirty, muddy, swampy, turbid, troubled [dréfan] drófe [] adv grievously, severely, with trouble drófig [] adj troubled dróflic [] adj troublesome, tormenting, irksome, agitated, disturbed, sad drófnes [] f (-se/-sa) dirtiness, sedition droge [] f? (-an/-an) excrement droht [] 1. m? (-es/-as), n? (-es/-) condition of life; 2. pull, draught drohtað [] m (-es/-as) mode of living, manner or way of life, conduct, life, way of life; conversation; environment, society; condition, employment drohtian [] wv/t2 to conduct oneself, behave, associate with, dwell or keep company with, lead a life, live a life, pass life, live, continue; to carry out a practice; converse [dréogan] (1) drohtnian [] wv/t2 to conduct oneself, behave, associate with, dwell or keep company with, lead a life, live a life, pass life, live, continue; to carry out a practice; converse; [dréogan] (2) drohtnung1 [] f (-e/-a) condition, way of life, reputation, conduct, life, actions; conversation dropa [] m (-n/-n) a drop; gout?; humor, choler; a disease, paralysis? dropen [] adj stricken; past participle of drepan; dropped; past participle of dréopan dropfág [] 1. adj spotted, speckled; 2. adj starling (1) dropfáh [] 1. adj spotted, speckled; 2. adj starling (2) dropian [] wv/t2 to drop, drip, trickle dropmǽlum [] adv by drops, drop by drop droppetian [] wv/t2 to drop, drip, trickle, fall by drops, distill (1) droppettan [] wv/t1b to drop, drip, trickle, fall by drops, distill (2) droppetung [] f (-e/-a) a dropping, dripping, falling by drops, drop by drop (1) droppung [] f (-e/-a) a dropping, dripping, falling by drops, drop by drop (2) dropung [] f (-e/-a) a dropping, dripping, falling by drops, drop by drop (3) droren [] adj fallen, perished; past participle of dréosan drós [] m (-es/-as) ground, sediment, lees, dregs, dirt, ear wax (1) drósna [] m (-n/-n) ground, sediment, lees, dregs, dirt, ear wax (2) drósne [] f (-an/-an) ground, sediment, lees, dregs, dirt, ear wax (3) drúgian1 [] wv/i2 3rd pres drúgað past drúgode ptp gedrúgod to dry up, become dry, wither [drýge] drúgoð [] f (-e/-a) a drought, dryness; dry ground, a dry place, desert (1) drúgoða [] m (-n/-n) a drought, dryness; dry ground, a dry place, desert (2) druh [] m (-es/-as) dust? druncen [] 1. n (-es/-) drunkenness; 2. past part of drincan; 3. adj drunken, drunk druncengeorn [] adj drunken, drink-desirous druncenhád [] m (-a/-a) drunkenness druncenig [] adj drunken druncenlæt [] adj slow druncenlǽwe [] adj drunk-making, intoxicating [inebrians] druncennes [] f (-se/-sa) drunkenness druncenscipe [] m (-es/-as) drunkenness druncenwille [] adj drunken druncenwillen [] adj drunken druncmennen [] f (-ne/-na), n (-nes/-nu) a drunken maidservant druncnian1 [] wv/i2 to get or be drunk, become drunk; get drunk, make drunk; furnish with drink; sink, drown druncnung [] f (-e/-a) drinking drúpung [] f (-e/-a) drooping, torpor, dejection drúsian2 [] wv/i2 to droop, become sluggish, stagnant, turbid [dréosan], MnE drowse drút [] f (-e/-a) a friend, beloved one drý [] m (-es/-as) magician, sorcerer, wizard; sorcery [Kelt drúi] drýcræft [] m (-es/-as) witchcraft, magic, magical art, sorcery; a magic art or practice; magician’s apparatus drýcræftig [] adj skilled in magic, skillful in magic or sorcery, magical drýcræftiga [] m (-n/-n) sorcerer drýgan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres drýgð past drýgde ptp gedrýged to dry, dry up, rub dry, make dry, wipe, (1) of a person’s action, (a) to dry by wiping, rubbing, etc., (b) to dry by exposure to heat, air; (2) of the action of heat, air, etc.; to become dry drýge [] adj dry; parched, withered; on drýgum on dry land; tó drýgum to the dregs drýgnes [] f (-se/-sa) dryness drýgscód [] adj dry-shod dryht [] 1. 2
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