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Færeht see færriht
færeld [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) way, journey, track, passage, expedition; retinue, company; course of life, conduct; movement, progress, power of locomotion; vehicle; the Passover færeldfréols [] m (-es/-as) Passover-feast Færelt see færeld Færenness see færness Færeð pres 3rd sing of faran færfríge [] adj without freedom to go fǽrfyll [] adv? headlong fǽrgripe2 [] m (-es/-as) sudden grip fǽrgryre2 [] m (-es/-as) awful horror fǽrhaga [ ]m (-n/-n) hedge of terrors fǽring [] f 1. 2 (-e/-a) journey, wandering; 2. accusation; 3. ecstasy fǽringa [] adv suddenly, unexpectedly, quickly, forthwith, by chance fǽrlic [] adj sudden, unexpected; rapid; adv ~líce færness [] f (-se/-sa) suddenness; passage, traffic fǽrníð [] m (-es/-as) hostile attack fǽrrǽs [] m (-es/-as) sudden rush fǽrrǽsende [] adj rushing headlong færriht [] n (-es/-) passage-money færsceatt [] m (-es/-as) passage-money, fare fǽrsceaða [] m (-n/-n) enemy fǽrscyte [] m (-es/-as) sudden shot fǽrsearu [] n (-wes/-) sudden artifice fǽrséað [] m (-es/-as) deep pit fǽrslide [] m (-es/-as) sudden fall fǽrspell2 [] n (-es/-) dreadful tidings fǽrspryng [] m (-es/-as) sudden eruption Færst pres 2nd sing of faran fǽrsteorfa [] m (-n/-n) murrain fǽrstice [] m (-es/-as) sudden stitch (pain) fǽrstylt [] m? (-es/-as) amazement fǽrswíge [] m (-es/-as) amazement fǽrswile [] m (-es/-as) sudden swelling Færð [] 1. see ferð; 2. pres 3rd sing of faran Fǽrunga see fǽringa Fǽrunge see fǽringa fǽruntrymness [] f (-se/-sa) sudden sickness færweg [] m (-es/-as) cart road fǽrwundor [] n (-wundres/-) terrible wonder fæs [] n (-es/fasu) fringe, border Fǽsceaftness see féasceaftness fæsl2 [] n? (-es/-) seed, offspring, progeny Fæsnian see fæstnian fæst [] 1. adj fast, fixed, firm, secure; constant, steadfast; stiff, heavy, dense; obstinate, bound, costive; enclosed, closed, watertight; strong, fortified; reputable?, standard?; 2. see fæsten fæstan1 [] wv/t1b 1. to fasten, make firm, ratify, establish; entrust, commit; 2. to fast, abstain from food; atone for (by fasting) fæste [] adv fast, firmly, securely; straightly, strictly; heavily (sleep); speedily fæsten [] n (-es/-) 1. fastness, stronghold, fortress; cloister; enclosure, prison; fastener; 2. 1 fast (abstinence from food); firmament, sky fæstenbryce [] m (-es/-as) breach of fast fæstendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) fast-day fæstendíc [] m (-es/-as) fort-ditch, moat Fæstengangol see fæstgangol fæstengeat [] n (-es/-gatu) castle-gate fæstengeweorc [] n (-es/-) liability for repair of the defenses of a town fæstenlic [] adj quadragesimal, Lenten fæstentíd [] f (-e/-e) fast fæstenwuce [] f (-an/-an) week of fasting Fǽstermódor see fóstormódor fæstern [] n (-es/-) fast; Quadragesima fæstern- see fæsten- fæstgangol [] adj steady, faithful fæsthafol [] adj retentive, tenacious; sparing, miserly fæsthafolness [] f (-se/-sa) economy; stinginess fæstheald [] adj firmly fixed fæsthýdig2 [] adj constant, steadfast fæstian1 [] wv/t2 to commend, entrust, commit fæsting [] f (-e/-a) commendation, trust, guardianship; quartering (of the king’s servants) Fæstingan see fæstnian fæstingmann [] m (-es/-menn) a kind of retainer fæstland [] n (-es/-) land easily defended fæstlic [] adj firm, fixed, steadfast, resolute; adv ~líce certainly; ge~ fixedly, steadily, constantly; unceasingly; verily, but; strictly fæstmód [] adj constant in mind fæstness [] f (-se/-sa) firmness, massiveness, stability; fastness, stronghold; firmament fæstnian [] wv/t2 to fasten, fix, secure, bind; confirm, ratify, conclude (peace); betroth; bestow upon, secure for fæstnung1 [] f (-e/-a) fastening, bond; strengthening, stability; security, safety; protection, shelter; confirmation, ratification, pledge, engagement; exhortation fæstrǽd [] adj firm, constant, steadfast fæstrǽdlic [] adj constant, steadfast; adv ~líce fæstrǽdness [] f (-se/-sa) constancy, fortitude fæststeall [] adj standing firmly Fæsð see fæst fæt [] n (-es/fatu) vat, vessel, jar, cup; casket; division fǽt [] 1. 2 n (-es/-) plate, beaten out metal (especially gold), gold ornament; 2. see fǽtt 1 fǽtan1 [] wv/t1b to cram, put (in), load; adorn fǽted [] 1. 2 adj ornamented with gold [past part. of fǽtan]; 2. see fǽtt fǽtedhléor [] adj with cheek ornaments fǽtedsinc [] n (-es/-) beaten gold fǽtels [] m (-es/-as) vessel; pouch, bag, sack fǽtel [] m (fǽtles/fǽtlas) vessel; pouch, bag, sack fǽtelsian [] wv/t2 to put into a vessel Fætelsod see fetelsod fætfyllere [] m (-es/-as) cupbearer fǽtgold [] n (-es/-) beaten gold fǽthengest [] m (-es/-as) riding-horse Fætian see fetian fǽtness [] f (-se/-sa) fatness; the richest part of anything fǽtt [] 1. adj fat, fatted; 2. see fǽted fǽttian [] wv/t2 ge~ to become fat; ge~ anoint; fatten
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