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Féhð [] pres 3rd sing of fón

Fel see fell

Fél see féol

fela [] 1. noun, adj w.g. or infl many, much; 2. adv very much, many

felaǽte [] adj biting, given to biting, snappish; stinging, sharp, biting, pungent; corrosive biting, disposed to bite; biting, snarling (of persons) [mordax]

felafǽcne [] adj very treacherous

felafeald [] adj manifold, many times over

felafealdness [] f (-se/-sa) multitude

felafrécne [] adj very fierce, bold

felafricgende [] adj well informed

felagéomor [] adj very sad, sorrowful

felageong [] adj very young

felageonge [] adj much-traveled

felahrór [] adj full of exploits

felaídelsprǽce [] adj emptily chattering

felaléof [] adj very dear

felameahtig2 [] adj most mighty

felamódig2 [] adj very bold

félan1 [] 1. wv/t1b w.g. to touch, feel; perceive; 2. see féolan

felaríce [] adj very rich

felaspecol [] adj talkative

felaspecolness [] f (-se/-sa) talkativeness

felaspræc [] f (-e/-a) much speaking, loquacity

felasprǽce [] adj talkative

Felasprecol see felaspecol

felasprecolness [] f (-se/-sa) talkativeness

felasynnig [] adj very guilty

felawlonc [] adj very stately

felawyrde [] adj talkative

felawyrdness [] f (-se/-sa) talkativeness

felcyrf [] m (-es/-as) foreskin

feld [] m (-a/-a) field; open or cultivated land, plain; battlefield; on clǽnum ~a in the open field (of battle)

Feldælbin see feldelfen

feldbéo [] f (-n/-n) humble-bee

feldbiscopwyrt [] f (-e/-a) field-bishopwort

feldcirice [] f (-an/-an) country church

Felde see fylde, past 3rd sing of fyllan

feldefare? [] f (-an/-an) fieldfare?

feldelfen [] f (-e/-a) wood-nymph

feldgangende2 [] adj roaming over the land

feldhríðer [] n (-es/-) field-ox [see feldoxa]

feldhús2 [] n (-es/-) tent

feldlǽs [] n (-es/-) pasture in open country

feldland [] n (-es/-) field-land, meadow-land, plain

feldlic [] adj rural; growing wild

feldmædere [] m (-es/-as) field-madder, rosemary

feldminte [] f (-an/-an) field-mint, wild mint

feldmore [] f (-an/-an) parsnip; also feldmeru

feldoxa [] m (-n/-n) field-ox (i.e. an ox out to grass, not a stalled ox)

feldrude [] f (-an/-an) wild rue

feldsæten [] f (-e/-a) field [seten]

feldswamm [] m (-es/-as) fungus, toadstool

feldwésten [] n (-ness/-nu) desert

feldwóp [] m (-es/-as) plantain; peewit?

feldwyrt [] f (-e/-e) gentian

fele- see felo-

Felefeald see felafeald

féleléas [] adj insensible, dead

felg [] f (-e/-a) felloe, rim of a wheel [féolan]

felge [] f (-an/-an) felloe, rim of a wheel [féolan]

felgerole [] ? polipodium

felgeroðe [] ? polipodium

Felh see fealh, past 3rd sing of féolan

Felhð see fylgð, pres 3rd sing of fylgan

Feligean see fylgan

fell [] 1. n (-es/-) fell, skin, hid; garment of skin [L pellis]; 2. m see fiell

fell- see fyll-

fellen [] adj made of skins

felleréad [] adj purple [pælleréad?]

felo- see fela-

feloferð [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) stomach, maw (of an animal)

felofeorð [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) stomach, maw (of an animal)

felofor [] m (-es/-as) bittern

Félon see féolon past pl of feallan

Felst pres 2nd sing of feallan

felt [] m? (-es/-as), n? (-es/-) felt

feltere [] f? (-an/-an) a plant

felterre [] f? (-an/-an) a plant

feltún [] m (-es/-as) privy, dunghill

feltúngrép [] f (-e/-a) privy, dunghill

feltwurma [] m (-n/-n) wild marjoram

feltwyrt [] f (-e/-e) mullein (plant)

Felð see fielð pres 3rd sing of feallan

félð see fýlð

Felða rare genitive plural of feld

felu- see felo-

fém- see fǽmn-

fémn- see fǽmn-

Fen see fenn

fenampre [] f (-an/-an) a marsh plant

fencerse [] f (-an/-an) water-cress

fenesster [] n? (fenesstres/-), m? (fenesstres/fenesstras) window [L]

fenfearn [] n (-es/-) marsh-fern, salvia, water-fern

fenfisc [] m (-es/-as) fen-fish

fenfreoðu [] f (-e/-a) fen-refuge

fenfugol [] m (-fugles/-fuglas) moor-fowl

feng1 [] m (-es/-as) grip, grasp, embrace; capture; prey, booty [fón]

Féng past 3rd sing of fón

fengel2 [] m (fengles/fenglas) lord, prince, king

fengelád [] n (-es/-) marsh-path, fen

fengness [] f (-se/-sa) a taking in hand, undertaking (good prose); an acceptance [susceptio]

fengnett [] n (-es/-) (catching-) net

Fengon past pl of fón

fengtóð [] m (-téð/-téð) canine tooth

fenghleoðu [] n pl fen-coverts

fenhop [] n (-es/-u) fen-hollow

fenix [] m (-es/-as) the bird phoenix; date-palm

fenland [] n (-es/-) fen-land, marsh

fenlic [] adj marshy

fenminte [] f (-an/-an) water-mint

fenn [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) mud, mire, dirt; fen, marsh, moor; the fen country

fenn- see fen-

fennig [] 1. adj marshy; muddy, dirty; 2. see fynig

fennþæc [] n (-es/-þacu) covering of thatch from a fen

Fenol see finul

Fenompre see fenampre

fenýce [] f (-an/-an) snail?; tortoise?

Féo see feoh; also dative singular of feoh

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