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Fó [] pres 1st sing of fón

foca [] m (-n/-n) cake (baked on the hearth)

fód- see fódd-

fóda [] m (-n/-n) food, nourishment; fuel

fódder [] 1. n (-es/-) fodder, food; darnel, tares; 2. n (-es/-) case, sheath

fódderbill [] n (-es/-) an instrument for cutting fodder

fódderbrytta [] m (-n/-n) distributor of food, herdsman

fóddergifu [] f (-e/-a) food

fódderhec [] ? (-?/-?) rack for food or fodder

fóddernoð [] m (-es/-as) sustenance

fódderþegu2 [] f (-e/-a) feeding, repast, food

fódderwela [] m (-n/-n) wealth of food, provisions

fódnoð [] m (-es/-as) substance, food

fódrað? see fódnoð

fódrere [] m (-es/-as) forager

foe- see fe-, -

fógclað [] m (-es/-as) a patch

Fóh imperative of fón

Foht see feoht

Fohten past part of feohtan

Fol see full

fol- see ful-

fola [] m (-n/-n) foal, colt

folc [] n (-es/-) folk, people, nation, tribe; a collection or class of persons, laity; troop, army

folcágende2 [] adj ruling

folcbealu [] n (-wes/-) great tribulation

folcbearn2 [] n (-es/-) man

folccú [] f (-cý/-cý) people’s cow

folccúð [] adj noted; public

folccwén [] f (-e/-e) queen of a nation

folccwide [] n (-es/-u) popular saying

folccyning2 [] m (-es/-as) king of a nation

folcdryht2 [] f (-e/-a) multitude of people

Folcegetrum see folcgetrum

folcegsa [] m (_n/-n) general terror

folcfréa [] m (-n/-n) lord of the people

folcfrig [] adj having full rights of citizenship

folcgedréfness [] f (-se/-sa) tribulation

folcgefeoht [] n (-es/-) pitched battle

folcgemót [] n (-es/-) meeting of the people of a town or district

folcgeréfa [] m (-n/-n) public officer

Folcgeriht see folcriht

folcgesíð2 [] m (-es/-as) prince, noble, chief, officer

folcgestealla2 [] m (-n/-n) companion in war

folcgestréon [] n (-es/-) public treasure

folcgetæl [] n (-es/-getalu) number of fighting men

folcgetrum2 [] n (-es/-u) army, host

folcgewinn [] n (-es/-u) fighting, war

folcherepæð [] m (-es/-paðas) highway

folcisc [] adj of the people, popular, secular, common

Folclǽsung see folcléasung

folclagu [] f (-e/-a) law of the people, public law

folcland [] n (-es/-) land held by freemen according to tribal rules of family inheritance

folclár [] f (-e/-a) homily

folcléasung [] f (-e/-a) slander

folclic [] adj public; common, popular; secular; populous

folcmægen2 [] n (-es/-) public force, army, tribe

folcmǽgð2 [] f (-e/-a) tribe, nation

Folcmǽlum see floccmǽlum

folcmǽre [] adj celebrated

Folcmót see folcgemót

folcnéd [] f (-e/-a) people’s need

folcrǽd2 [] m (-es/-as) public benefit

folcrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) decree of the people

folcriht [] 1. n (-es/-) right of the people, common law; 2. adj according to common law

folcsæl [] n (-es/-salu) house

folcscearu2 [] f (-e/-a) people, nation, province; people’s land

folcscipe [] m (-es/-as) nation, people

folcslite [] n (-es/-u) sedition

folcsóð [] n (-es/-) simple truth?

folcstede2 [] m (-es/-as) dwelling place; battlefield

folcstów [] f (-e/-a) country place

folcswéot [] m? (-es/-as) troop, multitude

folctalu [] f (-e/-a) genealogy

folctoga2 [] m (-n/-n) chieftain, commander

folctruma [] m (-n/-n) host

folcú see folccú

folcweleg [] adj populous

folcwer2 [] m (-es/-as) man

folcwiga [] m (-n/-n) warrior

folcwita [] m (-n/-n) public councilor, senator

folcwóh [] n (-es/-) deception of the public

foldágend [] m (-es/-) earth possessor, earth dweller

foldærn2 [] n (-es/-) earth house, grave

foldbold [] n (-es/-) house, castle

foldbúend [] m (-es/-) earth-dweller, man, inhabitant of a country

folde [] f (-an/-an) earth, ground, soil, terra firma; land, country, region; world

foldgræf2 [] n (-es/-grafu) earth-grave

foldhrérende [] adj walking on the earth

foldræst [] f (-e/-a) rest in the earth

foldwæstm [] m (-es/-as) fruits of the earth

foldweg2 [] m (-es/-as) way, path, road; earth

foldwela [] m (-n/-n) earthly riches

foldwong2 [] m (-es/-as) plain, earth

foldwylm [] ? (-?/-?) earth-stream

Folen past part of féolan

folgað see folgoð

Folgen past part of féolan

folgere [] m (-es/-as) follower, attendant, disciple; successor; freeman who is not a householder

folgian1 [] wv/t2 (+ dat) to follow; accompany; follow after; ge~ attain; obey, serve, observe

folgoð [] m (-es/-as) body of retainers, following, retinue; pursuit, employment, service, dignity, office, rule; jurisdiction, district; condition of life, destiny

folm2 [] f (-e/-a) palm, hand

folma2 [] m (-n/-n) palm, hand

folme2 [] f (-an/-an) palm, hand

Fon see fann

fon- see fan-

fón [] sv/t7 3rd pres féhð past féng/on ptp gefangen 1 to take, grasp, seize, catch; capture, make prisoner; receive, accept, assume, undertake; meet with, encounter; ~ on take, begin, resume, take to; attack; ~ tó ríce ascend to the throne; ~ tógædre join together, join issue, engage in battle; him tógéaness feng clutched at him; him on fultum feng helped them; hlyst ge~ listen

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