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Fond see fand, pret 3rd sing of findan
fonfýr [] n (-es/-) firefang fong- see fang- Fonn see fann Font see fant Fonu see fanu for [] 1. prep w.i.d.a.; w.d.a. (local) before, in the sight of, in or into the presence of, as far as; (temporal) during, before; w.i.(causal) for, on account of, for the sake of, through, because of, owing to, from, by reason of; as to; in order to; w.d. for, on account of, because of, with, by; w.a. for, in place of, instead of, equivalent to, at the price of; in preference to; in spite of; ~ worulde as regards to this world;~ Dryhtneby God; 2. conj for, because; ~ hwý/hwám/hwon wherefore?; ~ þám/þon/þý therefore; because, since; ~ þám þe, ~ þý þe because; ~ þý þæt, ~ þám þæt in order that; 3. adv too, very; ~ án only; 4. sv/t7 lǽtan ~to take (one) for for- [] 1. prefix denotes loss or destruction (as in fordón, forgiefan), or is intensitive or pejorative, as in forbærnan, forrotian. It is not connected with the preposition ‘for.’ [Ger ver-]; 2. occasionally see fore- fór [] 1. f (-e/-a) going, course, journey, expedition; way, manner of life; 2. m (-es/-as) pig, hog; 3. past 3rd sing of faran Fora see foran fora- see fore- Forad see forod foraldung [] f (-e/-a) old age foran [] 1. prep w.d. before, opposite; 2. adv before, in front, forward; to the front; ~ ongean opposite; ~ tó opposite; beforehand foranbodig [] n (-es/-) thorax, chest forandæg [] m (-es/-dagas) early part of the day forane [] adj opposite; beforehand foranhéafod [] n (-héafdes/-héafdu) forehead foranlencten [] m (-es/-as) early spring foranniht [] f (-e/-a) early part of the night, dusk, evening forannihtsang [] m (-es/-as) compline foráð see foreáð forbærnan [] wv/t1b to cause to burn, burn up, consume by fire, be consumed forbærnedness [] f (-se/-sa) burning Forbearan see forberan Forbearnan see forbærnan fórbedd [] n (-es/-) portable bed, litter Forbégan see forbígan forbelgan [] sv/t3 to be enraged forbén [] f (-e/-a) prayer forbéodan [] sv/t2 to forbid, prohibit; restrain; refuse; repeal, annul forbéodendlic [] adj dehortative, dissuasive forbeornan [] sv/t3 to burn, be consumed by fire forberan [] 1. sv/t4 to forbear, abstain from, refrain; suffer, endure, tolerate, humor; restrain; 2. see foreberan forberendlíce [] adv tolerably Forbernan see forbærnan forberstan [] sv/t3 to break, burst asunder, vanish, fail; let go by default Forbétan see forebétan forbígan [] sv/t1 to bend down, bow down, depreciate, abase, humiliate, degrade forbindan [] sv/t3 to bind (up), muzzle Forbisen see forebysen forbítan [] sv/t1 to bite through forbláwan [] sv/t7 to blow; blow out, inflate forblindian [] wv/t2 to blind fórbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) itinerary forbod [] n (-es/-u) prohibition Forboda see foreboda forboren [] adj restrained from the effect of herb, bewitched? forbrecan [] sv/t5 to break in pieces, bruise, violate, crush, destroy; forbrocen broken down, decrepit forbrédan [] sv/t3 to tear, pull, snatch away; draw over, cover; change, transform forbregdan [] sv/t3 to tear, pull, snatch away; draw over, cover; change, transform forbrítan [] sv/t1? to break in pieces, crush, bruise forbrocen [] adj broken down, decrepit forbrýtedness [] f (-se/-sa) contrition (1) forbrýtenness [] f (-se/-sa) contrition (2) Forbrytian see forbrítan Forbryttan see forbrítan forbúgan [] sv/t2 to bend from, refrain from, avoid, decline; flee from, escape; hold down Forbýgan see forbígan forbyrd [] f (-e/-a) abstention; long-suffering (1) forbyrdian [] wv/t2 to wait for forbyrdig [] adj forbearing Forbyrnan see forbeornan forca [] m (-n/-n) fork (2) force [] f (-an/-an) fork (1) forcéap [] adj forestalling (in trade) forcel [] m (forcles/forclas) pitch-fork forceorfan [] sv/t3 to carve out, cut down, cut off, cut through, divide forcéowan [] sv/t2 to bite off forcierran [] wv/t1a to turn aside, prevent, avert, avoid; turn onesself away, escape; pervert forcierredness [] f (-se/-sa) perversity; turning aside forcierring [] f (-e/-a) turning aside forcilled [] adj chilled forcinnan? [] wv/t1a to destroy forcippian [] wv/t2 to cut off forclǽman [] wv/t1b to stop up Forclas pl of forcel forclingan [] sv/t3 to wither, shrink up forclyccan [] wv/t1a to stop, close (ears) forclýsan [] wv/t1b to close up
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