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Forget see forgiet pres 3rd sing of forgietan
forgief- see also forgif- forgiefan [] sv/t5 to give, grant, allow; forgive, overlook; give up, leave off; give in marriage forgiefedness [] f (-se/-sa) forgiveness forgiefen [] adj indulgent; mild, tolerable forgiefness [] f (-se/-sa) pardon, forgiveness, remission; indulgence, permission; gift? forgieldan [] sv/t3 to pay for; require, reward; indemnify, make good; pay double (as penalty); give; give up, forfeit forgielpan [] sv/t3 to boast in public, trumpet forth forgíeman [] wv/t1b to neglect, pass by, transgress forgíemeléasian [] wv/t2 to neglect, abandon, give up, omit forgietan [] sv/t5 w.a. or g. to forget forgif- see also forgief- forgifendlic [] adj dative forgifenlic [] adj excusable, tolerable forgifestre [] f (-e/-a) female giver forgifu [] f (-e/-a) favor, both that in which one stands with others and that which one shows to others; Favor which one finds with others, esteem, regard, liking, love, friendship; agreeableness, pleasantness, charm, beauty, loveliness, grace; Favor which one shows to another, mark of favor, kindness, courtesy, service, obligation; In partic., a mark of favor shown for a service rendered, thanks (by word or deed), thankfulness, gratitude; acknowledgment, return, requital [gratia] forgifung [] f (-e/-a) gift; the nuptial gift before the morning gift Forgildan see forgieldan forgím- see forgíem- forgit- see forgiet-, ofergit-, ofergiet- forgitel [] adj forgetful forgitelness [] f (-se/-sa) forgetfulness, oblivion forgiten [] adj forgetting, forgetful; past part of forgietan forgiting [] f (-e/-a) forgetfulness forglendrian [] wv/t2 to devour, swallow up forgnagan [] sv/t6 to eat up forgnídan [] sv/t1 to grind together, dash down, crush, break forgniden [] adj contrite forgnidenness [] f (-se/-sa) tribulation Forgnýdan see forgnídan forgrindan [] sv/t3 1. to grind down, ruin, destroy, consume; 2. to send to the bottom, destroy; [grund] forgrindet [] n (-es/-) grinding, pounding; pres 3rd sing of forgrindan forgrípan [] sv/t1 to seize, assail, attack, overwhelm forgríwan [] sv/t1 to sink (in vice) forgrówen [] adj grown up?, overgrown? Forgumian see forgíman forgyf- see forgief-, forgif- Forgyldan see forgieldan forgylt [] adj condemned, guilty forgyltan [] wv/t1b to sin, be or become guilty; forgylt condemned, guilty forgým- see forgíem- Forgyrd see forðgyrd forgyrdan [] wv/t1b to enclose, encircle forgyt- see forgiet-, forgit- forhabban [] wv/t3 3rd pres forhæfð past forhæfde ptp forhæfd to hold in, restrain, retain, keep back; draw back, refrain from, avoid; forhátan [] sv/t7 to renounce, forswear; se forhátena the devil forhæfed continent, abstemious, celibate forhæbbend [] m (-es/-) abstinent, continent person Forhǽfd see forhéafod forhæfed [] adj continent, abstemious, celibate forhæfedness [] f (-se/-sa) temperance, continence, self-restraint, abstinence; parsimony forhæfness [] f (-se/-sa) temperance, continence, self-restraint, abstinence; parsimony forhæfendlíce [] adv continently forhǽlan [] wv/t1b to injure? forhǽtan [] wv/t1b to overheat forhǽðed [] adj burnt up Forheafdness see forhæfedness forhéafod [] n (-héafdes/-u) forehead, brow, skull forhealdan [] sv/t7 to forsake, fall away from, rebel against; let go; defile, pollute; withhold; misuse, abuse forhealdness [] f (-se/-sa) unchastity forheard [] adj very hard forheardian [] wv/i2 to grow hard forhéawan [] sv/t7 to hew in pieces, cut down, kill Forhefedness see forhæfedness Forhegan see forhogian forhelan [] sv/t4 to cover over, conceal, hide, protect; sacne ~ conceal a guilty man forhelian [] wv/t2 to hide; cover, clothe forheregian [] wv/t2 to plunder, harry, ravage, devastate, destroy [Ger verheeren] forhergend [] m (-es/-) ravager forhergian [] wv/t2 to plunder, harry, ravage, devastate, destroy [Ger verheeren] forherigean [] wv/t2 to plunder, harry, ravage, devastate, destroy [Ger verheeren] Forhicgan see forhycgan forhíenan [] wv/t1b to cast down, defeat, humiliate, outrage, oppress, waste [Ger verhöhnen] Forhigan see forhycgan forhogd- see forhogod- forhoged- see forhogod- forhogian [] wv/t2 to neglect, disregard, despise forhogiend [] m (-es/-) despiser forhogiendlic [] adj contemptible forhogigendlic [] adj contemptible Forhogod past part of forhycgan forhogodlic [] adj contemptuous; adv ~líce forhogodness [] f (-se/-sa) contempt forhogung [] f (-e/-a) contempt Forhohness see forhogodness forhradian [] wv/t2 to hasten; prevent, anticipate, frustrate forhraðe [] adv very speedily, quickly, soon forhrædlíce [] adv too soon forhréred [] adj annulled forht [] adj afraid, timid, cowardly; frightful, terrible; adv ~e despairingly forhtful [] adj fainthearted, timorous forhtian1 [] wv/t2, wv/i2 to be afraid, surprised, fear, dread forhtiendlic [] adj timorous; dreadful forhtige [] adv humbly, submissively forhtigende [] adj? timid; dreadful forhtléasness [] f (-se/-sa) fearlessness forhtlic [] adj fearful, afraid; dreadful; adv ~líce forhtmód [] adj timorous, timid forhtness [] f (-se/-sa) fear, terror forhtu [] f (-e/-a) fear forhtung [] f (-e/-a) fear Forhugian see forhogian Forhwan see forhwon Forhwæn see forhwon forhwega [] adv somewhere, somewhere about forhweorfan [] sv/t3 to come to an end, be destroyed forhwerf- see forhwierf- forhwí see forhwý forhwig see forhwý forhwierfan [] wv/t1b to change, transform; remove, transfer; pervert forhwierfedlic [] adj perverse forhwierfedness [] f (-se/-sa) perversity forhwon [] adv wherefore, why, for what reason forhwý [] adv why, wherefore forhwyrf- see forhwierf- forhycgan [] wv/t3 3rd pres forhogað past forhogode ptp forhogod to disdain, despise, reject forhýdan [] wv/t1b to hide forhygdelic [] adj despised forhylman [] wv/t1b to refuse obedience to
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