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Fremðlic see frymðlic
fremu [] f (-e/-a) advantage, gain, benefit fremung [] f (-e/-a) advantage, profit, good frence [] f (-an/-an) a coarse cloak Frencisc [] adj French Frénd see fréond Frendian see fremdian Freng see frægn past 3rd sing of frignan fréo [] 1. adj free; 2 glad, joyful; 2 noble, illustrious; 2. 2 f (-n/-n) woman, lady; 3. m see fréa; 4. imper of fréogan; 5. f? (-?/-?) freedom, immunity fréobearn2 [] n (-es/-) child of gentle birth Fréoborh see friðborh fréobróðor [] m (-/-) own brother fréoburh [] f (-byrh/-byrh) city Fréod [] 1. 2 f (-e/-a) peace, friendship; good-will, affection; 2. past participle of fréogan; 3. see fréot Fréodepast 3rd sing of fréogan fréodohtor [] f (-/-) freeborn daughter fréodóm [] m (-es/-as) freedom, state of free-will, charter, emancipation, deliverance Fréodryhten2 [] see fréadrihten fréodscipesee fréondscipe? fréogan1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres fréogð past fréode ptp gefréod to free, liberate, manumit; love, embrace, caress, think of lovingly, honor Fréohsee fréo fréolác [] n (-es/-) free-will offering, oblation fréolǽta [] m (-n/-n) freedman fréolic1 [] adj free, freeborn; glorious, stately, magnificent, noble; beautiful, charming; adv ~líce freely, readily; as a festival fréols [] 1. m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) freedom, immunity, privilege; feast-day, festival; charter of freedom [originally fríheals]; 2. adj free, festive fréolsǽfen [] m (-ǽfness/-ǽfnas) eve of a feast fréolsbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) char-ter of freedom fréolsbryce [] m (_es/-as) bre-ach of festival fréolsdæg [] m (-es/-as) feast-day, festival-day Fréolsdóm see fréodóm fréolsend [] m (-es/-) liberator fréolsiend [] m (-es/-) liberator fréolsgefa [] m (-n/-n) emancipator fréolsgér [] n (-es/-) year of jubilee fréolsian1 [] wv/t2 to deliver, liberate; to keep a feast or holy day, celebrate fréolslic [] adj festive, festival; ~líce adv freely; solemnly fréolsmann [] m (-es/-menn) freedman fréolsniht [] f (-e/-a) eve of a festival fréolsstów [] f (-e/-a) festival-place fréolstíd [] f (-e/-e) festival, feast-day fréolsung [] f (-e/-a) celebration of a feast freom see fram 3 freom- see fram-, frem- fréomǽg2 [] m (-es/-as) free kinsman fréomann [] m (-es/-menn) freeman, freeborn man fréonama [] m (-n/-n) surname Fréond[] m (-es/friend) friend, relative; lover; dat. sing. fríend fréondheald [] adj amiable fréondhealdlic [] adj related, akin fréondlár [] f (-e/-a) friendly counsel fréondlaðu [] f (-e/-a) friendly invitation fréondléas [] adj friendless; orphan; ~ mann outlaw fréondléast [] f (-e/-a) want of friends Fréondlic [] adj friendly, well-disposed, kindly; adv fréondlíce fréondlíðe [] adj kind to one’s friends fréondlufu [] f (-e/-a) friendship, love fréondmyne [] f (-an/-an) amorous intention fréondrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) friendship; conjugal love fréondscipe [] m (-es/-as) friendship; conjugal love fréondspéd [] f (-e/-e) abundance of friends fréondspédig [] adj rich in friends fréone accusative singular masculine of fréo adj Fréonoma see fréonama fréorig2 [] adj freezing, frozen, cold, chilly; blanched with fear, sad, mournful [fréosan] fréorigferð2 [] adj sad fréorigmód2 [] adj sad fréoriht [] n (-es/-) rights of freemen fréosan1 [] sv/t2 to freeze fréosceat [] m (-es/-as) freehold property fréot [] m (-es/-as) freedom; ~es þolian to be reduced to slavery fréotgifa [] m (-n/-n) liberator fréotgifu [] f (-e/-a) emancipation fréotgift [] f (-e/-a) emancipation fréotmann [] m (-es/-menn) freedman freoð- see frið- fréoðan see á- freoðo- see friðo- Freoðu- see friðu fréowíf [] n (-es/-) free woman Fréowine see fréawine Fresan see Frisan Fresic [] adj in the Frisian manner, Frisian [Frisan] fretan1 [] sv/t5 to devour, eat, consume; break Fretgenga see frætgenga frettan [] wv/t1a to feed upon, consume [frettan] frettol [] adj greedy, gluttonous fretw- see frætw- Freðo see friðo frí see fréo 1 Fría see fréa Fríand see fréond Fríandæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Friday Fríborh see friðborh Fric see frec fricca [] m (-n/-n) herald, crier (1) friccea [] m (-n/-n) herald, crier (2) fricgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres frigeð past fræg/frǽgon ptp gefrigen/gefrugen to ask, inquire into, investigate; ge~ to learn, find out by inquiry frícian [] wv/t2 to dance frician1 [] wv/t2 w.g. to seek, desire friclu [] f (-e/-a) appetite fricu [] f (-e/-a) a using, use, or enjoyment of a thing; In partic., in mercantile lang., a use of money lent; interest paid for the use of money, usury; interest [usura] Fricolo see friclu Frictrung see frihtrung
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