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Frunen past participle of frínan

Frunnon past pl of frínan

Frunon past pl of frínan

Frungon see frugnon past pl of frignan

Fruron past pl of fréosan

Frý see fréo

Fryccea see fricca

Fryht see friht

fryht- see forht-, fyrht-

Frylsian see freolsian

frym- see frum-, frym-

frymdig [] adj curious, inquisitive; desirous; ~ béon to entreat

frymetling [] f (-e/-a) young cow

frymð [] 1. m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) origin, beginning, foundation; creature, in pl created things; 2. see fyrmð

frymðlic [] adj primeval, primitive, first; chief; adv ~líce (1)

frymðelic [] adj primeval, primitive, first; chief; adv ~líce(2)

frymðo see frymð

frymðu see frymð

frymðylde [] adj of early age?

Frýnd nominative/accusative plural of fréond

Frýs see frís

Frysan see Frisan

frysca [] 1. m (-n/-n) kite, bittern; 2. a little boy; a youth, lad [pusio?]; 3. adj? fresh, youthful (a form of fersc?)

Frýsð pres 3rd sing of fréosan

Fryt pres 3rd sing of fretan

fryð see frið

fryð- see fyrð-

fugel [] m (fugles/fuglas) fowl, bird

fugelbona [] m (-n/-n) fowler

fugelcynn [] n (-es/-) bird-tribe

fugeldæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day on which poultry might be eaten

fugeldoppe [] f? (-an/-an) water-fowl

Fugelere see fuglere

fugeleswýse [] f (-an/-an) larkspur

fugelhwata [] m (-n/-n) augur

fugellím [] m (-es/-as) bird-lime

fugelnett [] n (-es/-) bird-net

fugelnoð [] m (-es/-as) bird-catching, fowling

fugeloð [] m (-es/-as) bird-catching, fowling

fugeltimber [] n (-timbres/-) young bird

fugeltréo [] n (-wes/-) prop (of a snare for birds)

fugelweohlere [] m (-es/-as) augur [wiglere]

fugelwylle [] adj swarming with birds

fuglere [] m (-es/-as) fowler

fuglesbéan [] f (-e/-a) vetch

fuglian [] wv/t2 to catch birds

fuglung [] f (-e/-a) bird-catching

fugol- see fugel-

fugul- see fugel-

fuhl- see fugl-

fúht [] adj damp, moist [Ger feucht]

fúhtian []wv/i2 to be moist

Fuhton past pl of feohtan

ful [] 1. n (-es/-u) beaker, cup; 2. see full

fúl [] 1. adj foul, unclean, impure, vile, corrupt, rotten; guilty; ~ béam black alder; 2. n (-es/-) filth, foulness, impurity, crime, offence

fulbeorht [] adj very bright, resplendent

fulbrecan [] sv/t4 to violate

fuldón [] irreg v/t to complete, perform; arrange

fúle [] adv foully

Fuléode [] past 3rd sing of fulgán

fúletréo [] n (-wes/-) black alder

fulfæstnian [] wv/t2 to ratify fully

fulfaran [] sv/i6 to travel

fulfealdan [] sv/t7 to unfold, uncoil, unroll, unfurl, unclose, spread out, loosen, undo; spread out; open; put in order; to free from wrinkles, smooth; to calm; to spread out, stretch out, extend, deploy, display; to disentangle, set in order, arrange, regulate, settle, adjust any thing complicated or difficult; of speech, to develop, unfold, set forth, exhibit, treat, state; [explicare]

fulgeare [] adv quite well

fulgód [] adj very good

Fulgon past pl of féolan

fulhár [] adj entirely grey, very hoary

fulhealden [] adj contented; sufficient, ample [Ger vollhaltig]

fulht- see fulwiht-

fúlian [] wv/t2 to be or become foul, decay, rot

full [] 1. adj w.g. full, filled, complete, perfect, entire, utter; swelling, plump; be ~an fully, perfectly, completely; 2. adv very, fully, entirely, completely, thoroughly; ~ néah almost, very nearly

full- see also ful-

fulla [] 1. m (-n/-n) fullness; 2. m (-n/-n) assembly?

fullǽst [] m (-es/-as) help, support

fullǽstan [] wv/t1b w.d. to help, support

fullæðele [] adj very noble

fullberstan [] sv/t3 3rd pres fullbirsteð past fullbærst/fullburston ptp fullborsten to burst completely

fullbétan [] wv/i1b to make full amends

fullblíðe [] adj very glad

fullboren [] adj fully born; of noble birth

fullbryce [] m (-es/-as) complete breach of the peace; violation of the rights of a clerical offender

fullclǽne [] adj very pure

fullcuman [] sv/t4 to attain

fullcúð [] adj well-known, notorious, famous

fulle see sin~

fullendian [] wv/t2 to complete

fullere [] m (-es/-as) fuller, bleacher

Fullest see fullǽst

fullfléon [] sv/i2 3rd pres fullflíehð past fullfléah/fullflugon ptp fullflogen to take to flight, escape completely

fullforðian [] wv/t2 to fulfill

fullfremed [] adj perfect; adv ~líce fully, perfectly, completely

fullfremedlic [] adj perfect; adv ~líce fully, perfectly, completely

fummfremedness [] f (-se/-sa) perfection

fullfremman1 [] wv/t1a to fulfill, perfect, practice, complete

fullfremian1 [] wv/t2 to fulfill, perfect, practice, complete

fullfylgian [] wv/t2 to follow, obey; pursue

fullfyllan [] wv/t1a to fulfill

fullgán [] irreg v/t 3rd pres fullgǽð past fulléode ptp fullgán to accomplish, fulfill, carry out; follow, imitate, obey; help

fullgangan [] sv/i7 3rd pres fullgangeð past fullgéong/on, fullgíeng/on ptp fullgangen to accomplish, fulfill, carry out; follow, imitate, obey; help

fullgearwian [] wv/t2 to finish, complete; prepare fully

fullgedrifen [] adj w.g. full (of wild beasts)

fullgeorne [] adv very eagerly

fullgewépned [] adj fully armed

fullgrówan [] sv/i7 3rd pres fullgréwð past fullgréow/on ptp fullgrowen to grow to perfection

fullhál [] adj thoroughly well

fullhealden [] adj contented

fullian1 [] 1. wv/t2 to complete, fill up, perfect; 2. see fulwian

fullic [] adj full; universal, catholic; adv ~líce entirely, fully, perfectly, completely

fúllic [] adj foul, unclean, objectionable, shameful, base; adv ~líce

Fulligan see fulwian

fullmægen [] n (-es/-) great power

fullmannod [] adj fully peopled

fullmedeme [] adj excellent, perfect; adv ~medemlíce

fullness [] f (-se/-sa) fullness

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