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Fúllness see fúlness

fulloc [] ? (-?/-?) final or definite agreement?

fulloft [] adv very often

fullraðe [] adv very quickly

fullricene [] adv? very quickly, immediately

fullrípod [] adj mature

fullsléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres fullslíehð past fullslóg/on ptp fullslægen, fullslagen to kill outright

fullsumness [] f (-se/-sa) abundance

fullþungen [] adj full-grown

fullþungenness [] f (-se/-sa) full development

Fulluht see fulwiht

fullunga [] adv fully

fullwearm [] adj fully warm

fullweaxan [] sv/i7 3rd pres fullwiexð past fullwéox/on ptp fullweaxen to grow to maturity

fullwelig [] adj very rich

fullwépnod [] adj fully armed

fullwer [] m (-es/-as) complete ‘wer’, full atonement

fullwérig [] adj very tired

fullwyrcan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres fullwyrcð past fullworhte ptp fullworht to complete, fulfill

fulnéah [] 1. adj very near; 2. adv very nearly, almost

fúlness [] f (-se/-sa) foulness, filthy smell

Fúlon rare past pl of féolan

fúlstincende [] adj foul-stinking

Fultéam see fultum

fultem- see fultum-

fultom- see fultum-

fultrúwian [] wv/t2 to confide in

fultum [] m (-es/-as) help, support, protection; forces, army

fultuman1 [] wv/t1b to help, support, assist; 2 be propitious to, overlook

fultumian1 [] wv/t2 to help, support, assist; 2 be propitious to, overlook

fultumend1 [] m (-es/-) helper, fellow-worker

fultumgestre [] f (-an/-an) a helper

fultumiend1 [] m (-es/-) helper, fellow-worker

fultumléas [] adj without help

fulwa [] m (-n/-n) fuller

fulwere [] m (-es/-as) baptizer, baptist

fulwian1 [] wv/t2 to baptize

fulwiht [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) baptism, Christianity

fulwihtan1 [] wv/t1b to baptize (1)

fulwihtbæð [] n (-es/-baðu) baptismal bath, font

fulwihtbéna [] m (-n/-n) applicant for baptism

fulwihtele [] m (-es/-as) baptismal oil

fulwihtere [] m (-es/-as) baptizer; the Baptist

fulwihtfæder [] m (-/-) baptismal father, godfather, baptizer

fulwihthád [] m (-a/-a) baptismal order or vow

fulwihtian1 [] wv/t2 to baptize (2)

fulwihtnama [] m (-n/-n) baptismal name, Christian name

fulwihtstów [] f (-e/-a) baptistery

fulwihttíd [] f (-e/-e) time of baptism

fulwihtþéaw [] m (-es/-as) rite of baptism

fulwihtþénung [] f (-e/-a) baptismal service

fulwihtwæter [] n (-es/-) laver of baptism

fulwihtwere [] m (-es/-as) baptist

Fulwuht see fulwiht

Funde wk past tense of findan

fundelness see on~

fundenness see on~

fundian [] 1. wv/t2 w. of, tó to tend to, wish for, strive after, go, set out, go forward, hasten; spread?; 2. see fandian

Fundon past pl of findan

fundung [] f (-e/-a) departure

funta? [] m (-n/-n) spring?, brook?

funte? [] f (-an/-an) spring?, brook?

Fúra see furh

furh [] f (fyrh/fyrh) furrow, trench [gen pl fúra, dat pl forum]

furhwudu [] m (-a/-a) pine

fúrian1 [] wv/t2 to furrow

furlang [] n (-es/-) length of furrow, furlong; land the breadth of a furrow

Furðan see furðum

Furðon see furðum

furðor [] adv of place/time further, more distant, forwards, later; more; superior; ~ dón to promote

furðorlucor [] adv more perfectly; comparative

furðra adj further, greater, superior; superlative of forð

furðum [] adv even, exactly, quite, already, just as, at first; further, previously; syððan ~ just as soon as

furðumlic [] adj luxurious, indulging

Furður see furðor

Furuh see furh

fús [] adj striving forward, eager for, ready for, inclined to, willing, prompt; expectant, brave, noble; ready to depart, dying

fúsléoð2 [] n (-es/-) death-song, dirge

fúslic [] adj ready to start; excellent; adv ~líce readily, gladly

fúsness [] f (-se/-sa) quickness

Fustra see fýrstán

fýf- see fíf-

Fyhfang see feohfang

fyht- see feoht-

fýhtan [] wv/t1b to moisten

Fyl see fiell, fyll

fýlan1 [] wv/t1b to befoul, defile, pollute

fylcian1 [] wv/t2 to marshal troops

fyld [] m (-es/-as) fold, crease

fyldestól [] m (-es/-as) folding-stool

fyldstól [] m (-es/-as) folding-stool

Fylen see fellen?

fylgan1 [] wv/t1b w.d. or w.a. to follow, pursue; persecute; follow out, observe, obey; obtain; attend to; practice

fylgend [] m (-es/-) follower, observer

fylgestre [] f (-an/-an) female follower

Fylgian see fylgan

fylging [] f (-e/-a) 1. following; 2. fallow land [fealh]

Fylian see fylgan

Fyligan see fylgan

fyligendlic [] adj that can or ought to be imitated

fyligness [] f (-se/-sa) following, practice

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