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Fóstur see fóstor

fót [] m (-es/fét) foot (as limb and as measure); dat fét

fótádl [] f (-e/-a) gout in the feet; jaundice [morbus regius]

fótádlig [] adj having gout in the feet

fótbred [] n (-es/-u, breodu) foot-board, stirrup

fótcopsian1 [] wv/t2 to fetter

fótcosp [] m (-es/-as) foot-fetter

fótcops [] m (-es/-as) foot-fetter

fótcoðu [] f (-e/-a) gout in the feet; jaundice [morbus regius]

fótece [] m (-es/-as) gout in the feet; the jaundice [morbus regius]

fóter see fódder 1

fótfeter [] f (-e/-a) fetter of the feet

fótgangende [] adj going on foot

fótgemearc [] n (-es/-) space of a foot

fótgemet [] n (-es/-u, gemeotu) a foot in measure

fótgeswell [] n (-es/-) swelling of the foot

fótgewǽde [] f? (-an/-an), n? (-es/-u) covering for the feet

fótlást [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) footprint, spoor; foot

fótlǽst [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) footprint, spoor; foot

fótlǽstléas [] adj soleless

fótlic [] adj on foot; pedestrian

fótmǽl [] n (-es/-) foot-measure, foot

fótmǽlum [] adv step by step, by degrees

fótráp [] m (-es/-as) rope by which the foot of a sail is tied; the loose part of the sheet by which a sail is trimmed to the wind, ‘propes’

fótsceamol [] m (-sceamles/-sceamlas) footstool

fótsceanca [] m (-n/-n) foreleg

fótsetl [] n (-es/-) footstool

fótsíd [] adj reaching to the feet

fótspor [] n (-es/-u) footprints, spoor

fótspure [] n (-es/-u) foot-rest, foot-support

fótstán [] m (-es/-as) base, pedestal

fótstapol [] m (-staples/-staplas) footstep

fótswæð [] n (-es/-swaðu) footprint, footstep; foot

fótswaðu [] f (-e/-a) footprint, footstep; foot

fótswyle [] m (-es/-as) swelling of the foot

fótþwéal [] n (-es/-) washing of the feet

fótwærc [] n (-es/-) pain in the foot, gout

fótwelm [] m (-es/-as) instep (1)

fótwylm [] m (-es/-as) instep (2)

fótwolma [] m (-n/-n) instep (3)

Fóð pres plural of fón

fóðor [] 1. n (-es/-) load, cartload; food, fodder; 2. covering, case, basket

Fówer see féower

fox [] m (-es/-as) fox

foxescláte [] f (-an/-an) burdock

foxesclífe [] f (-an/-an) foxglove?, greater burdock?

foxesfót [] m (-fét/-fét) fox-foot, xiphion

foxesglófa [] m (-n/-n) foxglove

foxhol [] n (-es/-u) fox-hole

foxhyll [] m (-es/-as) fox-hill

foxung [] f (-e/-a) fox-like wile, craftiness

Fra see fram

fraced see fracoð

fraceð see fracoð

fracod see fracoð

fracoð [] 1. adj vile, bad, wicked, criminal, impious, filthy, abominable; useless, worthless; 2. n (-es/-) insult, contumely, disgrace; wickedness

fracoðdǽd [] f (-e/-e) misdeed

fracoðe [] adv shamefully

fracoðlic [] adj base, ignominious, shameful, lewd; adv ~líce

fracoðlicness [] f (-se/-sa) vileness, coarseness, obscenity

fracoðness [] f (-se/-sa) vileness, coarseness, obscenity

fracoðscipe [] m (-es/-as) scandalous conduct

fracoðword [] n (-es/-) insulting word

fracud see fracoð

fracuð see fracoð

Fragendlic see framigendlic

fram [] 1. prep w.d.i. local from, by; temporal since, from; agent by; as a result of; (with verbs of saying and hearing) of, about, concerning; ~ gán to depart; lǽtan ~ refrain from; fram-, from- in compounds; 2. adv from, forth, out, away; 3. adj strenuous, active, bold, strong [Ger fromm]

framácyrran see framcyrran [in following definitions, fram- may be taken as a separate preposition]

framádón [] irreg v/t to take from, do away, cut off, cut out

framádrýfan [] sv/t1 to drive away, expel

framáhyldan [] wv/t1b to turn from

framánýdan [] wv/t1b to drive away

framáscæcan [] sv/t6 to shake off

framáscúfan [] sv/t2 to drive away

framástyrian [] wv/t2 to remove

framátéon [] sv/t2 to draw away from

framáteran [] sv/t4 to tear asunder, tear in pieces [diripere]

framáwendan [] wv/t1b to turn from or away

framáweorpan [] sv/t3 to cast away

frambige [] m (-es/-as) backsliding, apostasy, default

frambringan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres frambringeð past frambróhte ptp frambróht to take away

framcyme [] m (-es/-as) issue, posterity

framcynn2 [] n (-es/-) issue, posterity; origin

framcyrran [] wv/t1a to turn from, avert; take from

framdón [] irreg v/t to put off, stop, interrupt

frameald [] adj very old

framfær [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) departure

framfæreld [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) departure

framfaru [] f (-e/-a) excess

framfundung [] f (-e/-a) departure

framgewítan [] sv/t1 to apostatize

framian [] wv/t2 to avail, benefit

framierning [] f (-e/-a) out flowing

framigendlic [] adj effective, beneficial

framlád [] f (-e/-a) departure

framléce [] adj turned from

framlic [] adj strong, daring; adv ~líce boldly, strongly, strenuously, quickly

framlócian [] wv/t2 to look back

framness [] f (-se/-sa) vigor, excellence

framrinc [] m (-es/-as) chief, prince

framscipe [] 1. m (-es/-as) exercise, action; progress, success; 2. m (-es/-as) fraternity

framsíð [] m (-es/-as) departure

framslitness [] f (-se/-sa) desolation

framswengan [] wv/t1b to swing away, shake off

Framung see fremung

framweard [] adj about to depart, departing, doomed to die; with his back turned

framweardes [] adv away from

framwesende [] adj absent

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