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Forstæppan see forestæppan

Forsteall see foresteall

forstelan [] sv/t4 to steal away, steal, rob, deprive

forstig [] adj frosty

forstlic [] adj glacial, frozen

forstoppian [] wv/t2 to stop up, close

forstrang [] adj very strong

forstregdan [] sv/t3 to destroy

forstrogdness [] f (-se/-sa) [precipitatio]

forstyltan [] wv/i1b to be amazed

forstyntan [] wv/t1b to blunt, break, crush; check, impair

forsúcan [] sv/t2 to suck up

forsúgan [] sv/t2 to suck in

Forsugian see forswigian

forsuncen [] adj faded out (of the written page)

Forsuwian see forswigian

forsuwung [] f (-e/-a) silence

forswápan2 [] sv/t7 to sweep away, drive

forswarung [] f (-e/-a) perjury

forswǽlan [] wv/t1b to burn, burn up, inflame, consume

forswæð see fótswæð

forswefian [] wv/i2 to kill, perish; to prosper

forswelan [] sv/t4 to burn, burn up

forswelgan [] sv/t3 to swallow up, devour, consume, absorb

forsweltan [] sv/t3 to die, disappear

Forsweogian see forswigian

Forsweolgan see forswelgan

forsweorcan [] sv/i3 to grow dark, obscure

forsweorfan [] sv/t3 to polish, cleanse; grind away, demolish

forsweotole [] adv very clearly

forswerian [] sv/r6, sv/i6 to swear falsely; make useless by a spell

forswigian [] wv/t2 to conceal by silence, suppress, pass over; be silent

forswíð [] adj very great

forswíðan [] wv/t1b, sv/t1 to crush, press upon, overcome, repress

forswíðian [] wv/t2 to crush, press upon, overcome, repress

forswíðe [] adv very much, utterly

forsworcenlic [] adj dark, obscure

forsworcenness [] f (-se/-sa) darkening, darkness

forsworen [] adj forsworn, perjured [past part of forswerian]

forsworenness [] f (-se/-sa) perjury

Forswugian see forswigian

Forsygian see forswigian

forsyngian [] wv/t2 to sin greatly

forsyngod [] m (-es/-as) sinner

Fortácen see foretácn

fortendan [] wv/t1b to burn away, sear

fortéon [] sv/t2 to mislead, seduce; draw over, cover, obscure

fortiht- see fortyht-

fortimbran [] wv/t1b to close up, obstruct

fortimbrian [] wv/t1a to close up, obstruct

fortín [] n (-es/-) a portent

fortog [] n (-es/-u) gripes; innan~

fortogen [] adj griped, pulled together

fortogeness [] f (-se/-sa) griping, spasm

fortogian [] wv/t2 to contract

fortredan [] sv/t5 to tread down, trample on

fortreddan [] wv/t1a to tread down

fortreding [] f (-e/-a) treading down, crushing

fortrendan [] wv/t1b to block (by rolling a stone)

Fortrúgadness see fortrúwodness

Fortrúwedness see fortrúwodness

fortrúwian [] wv/i2 to be presumptuous, overconfident, rash

fortrúwodness [] f (-se/-sa) presumption

fortrúwung [] f (-e/-a) presumption

fortrymman [] wv/t1a to testify, confirm

fortyhtan [] wv/t1b to seduce

fortyhtigend [] m (-es/-) polluter, defiler

fortyllan [] wv/t1a to seduce

Fortymbrian see fortimbrian

fortýnan [] wv/t1b to shut in, enclose, block up

forð [] 1. adv forth, forwards, onwards, further; hence, thence; away; continually, still, continuously, henceforth, thenceforward, simultaneously; ~ mid ealle forthwith; and swá ~ and so forth; swá ~ swá so far as; ~ on continually; fram orde oð ende ~ from the beginning to the end; ~ þæt until; gelǽran ~ to hand down (to others); 2. prep w.d? during

forð- see furð-

forðácígan [] wv/t1b to call forth

forðádilgian [] wv/t2 to bring to nothing, blot out

forðágán [] irreg v/i to pass away

forðágoten [] adj poured forth

forðahting [] f (-e/-a) exhortation

forðáloten [] adj prone

forþám [] 1. conj for (the reason) that, owing to (the fact that) that, for, because, on that account, therefore, seeing that; for þǽm þe, same meanings; 2. adv for that cause, consequently, therefore (2)

forþan [] 1. conj for (the reason) that, owing to (the fact that) that, for, because, on that account, therefore, seeing that; for þǽm þe, same meanings; 2. adv for that cause, consequently, therefore (3)

forðancful [] adj very thankful

forðátéon [] sv/t2 3rd pres forðátíehð past forðátéag/forðátugon ptp forðátogen to bring forth, produce

forðátýdred [] adj propagated

forðáurnen [] adj elapsed; past participle

forþǽm [] 1. conj for (the reason) that, owing to (the fact that) that, for, because, on that account, therefore, seeing that; for þǽm þe, same meanings; 2. adv for that cause, consequently, therefore (1)

forðbǽre [] adj productive

forðbecuman [] sv/t4 to come forth

forðberan [] sv/t4 to bring forth, produce

forðbeséon [] sv/t5 to look forth

forðbi [] prep w.d.? by, past

forðbie [] prep w.d.? by, past

forðbigferende [] adj passing by

forðbláwan [] sv/t7 to blow or belch forth

forðblæstan [] wv/t1b to blow forth, burst out

forðboren [] adj of noble birth

forðbrengan [] irreg wv/t1b to bring forth, produce; bring to pass, accomplish; bring forward; adduce, quote

forðbringan [] irreg wv/t1b to bring forth, produce; bring to pass, accomplish; bring forward; adduce, quote

forðbylding [] f (-e/-a) emboldening, encouragement

forðclypian [] wv/t2 to call forth

forðcuman [] sv/t4 to come forth, proceed, arrive at, succeed; come to pass, come true; be born

forðcyme [] m (-es/-as) coming forth, birth

forðcýðan [] wv/t1b to announce, declare

forðdǽd [] f (-e/-e) advantage

forðdón [] irreg v/t to put forth

forþeahtung [] f (-e/-a) exhortation

forþearle [] adv very much, greatly, strictly

forþearlíce [] adv absolutely, entirely

forþeccan [] irreg wv/t1b to shield, protect

forðegide [] adj consumed

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