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Frídhengest see fríðhengest

Fríenan see frínan, frignan

Fríend see fréond

Frígsee fréo

Frígdægsee Frígedæg

Fríge [] 1. 2 f pl love; 2. variant of fréo

frígea [] m (-n/-n) lord, master [= fréa]

Frígeǽfen [] m (-ǽfness/-ǽfnas) Thursday evening

Frígedæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Friday

frigedóm [] m (-es/-as) deliberation

Frigeness see frigness

Frígeniht [] f (-e/-a) Thursday night

Frigest pres 2nd sing of fricgan

Frigeð pres 3rd sing of fricgan

frignan1 [] sv/t3 to ask, inquire; 2 learn by inquiry

frigness1 [] f (-se/-sa) interrogation, question

frígness [] f (-se/-sa) freedom

frignung [] f (-e/-a) question

Frigst pres 2nd sing of fricgan

Frihst pres 2nd sing of fricgan

friht [] n (-es/-) divination

frihtere [] m (-es/-as) diviner, soothsayer

frihtrian [] wv/t2 to divine

frihtrung [] f (-e/-a) soothsaying, divination

Frimdig see frymdig

Frínan see frignan

frínan1 [] sv/t2 to ask, inquire; 2 learn by inquiry (2)

Frínd see fríend

Frío see fréo

frís [] adj crisped, curled; Frisian

Frisan [] m pl Frisians

Frisca see frysca

Fristmearc see firstmearc

Frit pres 3rd sing of fretan

Friteð pres 3rd sing of fretan

Fritt pres 3rd sing of fretan

frið [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-u, freoðu, frioðu) peace, tranquility, security, refuge; ~ niman to make peace; privilege of special protection, and penalty for the breach of it; restoration of rights (to an outlaw); ~ geniman to make peace

fríð [] adj stately, beautiful

friða [] m (-n/-n) protector

friðáð [] m (-es/-as) oath of peace

friðbéna [] m (-n/-n) suppliant, refugee

friðborh [] m (-bóres/-bóras) surety for peace

friðbrǽc [] f (-e/-a) breach of the peace

friðburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) town with which there is peace, city of refuge

friðcandel [] f (-e/-a) the sun

Friðeléas see friðléas

friðgeard [] m (-es/-as) enclosed space, asylum, sanctuary; court of peace (heaven)

friðgedál [] n (-es/-) death

friðgeglida [] m (-n/-n) member of a peace-gild

friðgeorn [] adj peaceable

friðgewrit [] n (-es/-u, gewriotu, -gewreotu) peace agreement

friðgild [] n (-es/-) peace-gild

friðgísl [] m (-es/-as) peace-hostage

friðhengest [] m (-es/-as) stately horse? [ON fríðr], or horse of peace?

friðherpæð [] m (-es/-paðas) king’s highway

friðhús [] n (-es/-) sanctuary

friðian [] wv/t2 to give ‘frið’ to, make peace with, be at peace with; 1 cherish, protect, guard, defend, keep; observe

friðiend [] m (-es/-) helper, defender

friðland [] n (-es/-) friendly territory

friðléas [] adj peaceless, outlawed

friðlic [] adj mild, lenient

friðmál [] n (-es/-) article of peace

friðmann [] m (-es/-menn) man under special peace-protection

Friðo see friðu

friðo- see friðu-

friðscip [] n (-es/-u) ship for defense

friðsócn [] f (-e/-a) sanctuary, asylum

friðsplott [] m (-es/-as) peace-spot, asylum

friðstól [] m (-es/-as) sanctuary, asylum, refuge

friðstów [] f (-e/-a) refuge, sanctuary

friðsum [] adj pacific, peaceful; ge~ safe, fortified

friðsumian [] wv/t2 to make peaceful, reconcile

friðu [] f (-e/-a), m (-wes/-was) peace, safety, protection; refuge, asylum

friðubéacen [] n (-béacnes/-) sign of peace

friðoscealc2 [] m (-es/-as) angel

friðosibb [] f (-e/-a) peace bringer

friðospéd2 [] f (-e/-e) abundant peace

friðutácn [] n (-es/-) sign of peace

friðuþéawas [] m pl peaceful state

friðuwang [] m (-es/-as) peaceful plain, place of refuge

friðuwaru2 [] f (-e/-a) protection

friðuwǽr2 [] f (-e/-a) treaty of peace

friðuwebba2 [] m (-n/-n) peacemaker

friðuwebbe2 [] f (-an/-an) pea-cemaker

Frocga see frogga

fród2 [] adj wise; old [ON fró-ðr]

fródian [] wv/i2 to be wise

Frófer see frófor

Fróferian see fréfran

frófor1 [] f (-e/-a), m (frófres/ frófras), n (frófres/-) consola-tion, joy, refuge; compensation, help, benefit

fróforbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) book of consolation

fróforgást [] m (-es/-as) consoling spirit, Holy Ghost, Comforter

Fróforlic [] adj kind, helpful; adv ~líce

fróforness [] f (-se/-sa) consolation

fróforword [] n (-es/-) word of consolation

Frófrian see fréfran

frogga [] m (-n/-n) frog

Froht see forht

From see fram

from- see frem-, frum-

fromácnýslian [] wv/t2 to degenerate

Froren past participle of fréosan

frosc [] m (-es/-as) frog

Frost see forst

frost [] m (-es/-as) frost

frówe [] f (-an/-an) woman [Ger frau]

Frox see frosc

Frugnen past participle of frignan

Frugnon past pl of frignan

frum [] 1. adj primal, original, first; 2. see fram

fruma [] m (-n/-n) beginning, origin, cause; creation; originator, inventor, founder, creator; first-born; 2 prince, king, chief, ruler; on ~n at first; wæstma ~n first-fruits

frumácenness [] f (-se/-sa) nativity

frumbearn2 [] n (-es/-) first-born child

frumbyrd [] f (-e/-a) birth

frumbyrdling [] n (-es/-) youth

frumcenned [] adj first-begotten, first-born; original, primitive

frumcennende [] adj primitive

frumcenning [] m (-es/-as) first-born

frumcnéow [] n (-es/-) primal generation

frumcynn2 [] n (-es/-) ancestry, origin, descent, lineage; race, tribe

Frumcynnend see frumcenned

frumcyrr [] m (-es/-as) first time

frumdysig [] n (-es/-) first offence, beginning of sin

frumgár2 [] m (-a/-a) leader, patriarch, chieftain, noble [cognate with L primipilus]

frumgára2 [] m (-n/-n) leader, patriarch, chieftain, noble [cognate with L primipilus]

frumgesceap [] n (-es/-) creation of the world

frumgeweorc [] n (-es/-) original construction

frumgewrit [] n (-es/-u, -gewriotu, -gewreotu) deed, document

frumgifu [] f (-e/-a) prerogative, privilege

frumgripa [] m (-n/-n) firstling

frumgyld [] n (-es/-) first installment

frumhéowung [] f (-e/-a) original formation

frumhrægl [] n (-es/-) first garment (sc of fig-leaves)

frumildu [] f (-e/-a) early age [ieldu]

frumléoht [] n (-es/-) dawn

frumlic [] adj original, primitive; adv ~líce

frumlída [] m (-n/-n) chief sailor

frumlýhtan [] wv/i1b to dawn

frummeoluc [] f (-e/-a) nectar (new milk?), beestings

frummynetslæge [] m (-es/-as) first coinage

frumrǽd [] m (-es/-as) primary ordinance

frumrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) space of time

Frumrinc see framrinc

frumrípa [] m (-n/-n) first-fruits

frumsceaft [] m (-es/-as) first creation, origin, primeval condition; creature; home

frumsceapen [] adj first created, first

frumsceatt [] m (-es/-as) first-fruits

frumscepend [] m (-es/-) creator

frumscyld [] f (-e/-e) original sin

frumsetness [] f (-se/-sa) authority

frumsetnung [] f (-e/-a) foundation, creation

frumslǽp [] m (-es/-as) first sleep

frumspellung [] f (-e/-a) first relation, original story

frumsprǽc [] f (-e/-a) opening words; 2 promise

frumstaðol [] m (-staðles/-staðlas) first state

frumtéam [] m (-es/-as) first team (of animals harnessed in line)

frumstemn [] m (-es/-as) prow

frumstól [] m (-es/-as) first or principal seat, paternal home

frumtalu [] f (-e/-a) first statement in an action?, of a witness?

frumtíd [] f (-e/-e) beginning

frumtyhtle [] f (-an/-an) first accusation, first charge [téon 2]

frumð see frymð

frumwæstm [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) first-fruits

frumweorc [] n (-es/-) primeval work, creation

frumwífung [] f (-e/-a) first marriage

frumwylm [] m (-es/-as) new-born zeal; first inflammation

frumwyrhta [] m (-n/-n) creator

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