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Firr, firra, firre, firrest see feorr

first [] 1. m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) period, space of time, time, respite, truce; 2. f (-e/-a) ceiling (inner) roof; ridgepole; 3. see fyrst

firstgemearc [] f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as) period of time, appointed time, interval, respite (2)

firsthróf [] n (-es/-) ceiling, ridgepole

firstmearc [] f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as) period of time, appointed time, interval, respite (1)

Firwet see fyrwit

fisc [] m (-es/-as) fish

fiscað [] m (-es/-as) fishing; fishpond; a catch of fish; fishing rights

fiscbrýne [] m (-es/-as) fish-brine

fisccynn [] n (-es/-) fish tribe

fiscdéah [] f (-e/-a) fish dye, purple

fiscere [] m (-es/-as) fisher, fisherman; kingfisher (bird)

Fiscfell see fiscwell

fiscflódu? [] m (-wes/-was) fish flood, sea

fischús [] n (-es/-) place where fish is sold

fiscian [] wv/t2 to fish

fisclacu [] f (-e/-a) fishpond or stream

fiscmere [] m (-es/-as) fishpond

fiscnað see fiscað

fiscnett [] n (-es/-) fishing net

fiscnoð see fiscað

fiscoð see fiscað

fiscpól [] m (-es/-as) fishpond

fiscþrút [] m (-es/-as) small fish

fiscwelle [] m (-es/-as) fishpond

fiscwer [] m (-es/-as) fish-weir, fish trap; fishing ground

fiscwylle [] adj full of fish [weallan]

fisting [] f (-e/-a) fesiculatio

fitelfóta [] adj white-footed

fitersticca [] m (-n/-n) tent-nail

fitt [] 1. f? (-e/-a) struggle, contest, fight; 2. f (-e/-a) fit, song, poem

fiðele [] f (-an/-an) fiddle

fiðelere [] m (-es/-as) fiddler

fiðelestre [] f (-an/-an)female fiddler

fiðer- see féower-, feðer-

fiðerbǽre [] adj feathered

fiðercian [] wv/i2 to flutter [fiðere]

fiðerdǽled [] adj quadripartite, quartered

fiðere [] n (-es/-u, fiðru, fiðeras, fiðras) wing

fiðerfeald [] adj four-fold

fiðerflédende [] adj flowing in four streams

fiðerflówende [] adj flowing in four streams

fiðerfótníeten [] m (-es/-as) four-footed animal

fiðerhama [] m (-n/-n) wing coverings

fiðerhíwe [] adj quadriformis

fiðerian [] wv/t2 to provide with feathers or wings

fiðrian [] wv/t2 to provide with feathers or wings

fiðerléas [] adj without wings

fiðerríca [] m (-n/-n) tetrarch

fiðerríce [] n (-es/-u) tetrarchy

fiðerscéatas [] m pl four quarters?

fiðersleht [] m (-es/-as) flapping of wings, joy?

fiðertéme [] adj with four horses abreast

Fiðertódǽled see fiðerdǽled

Fiðru see fiðere

Fixa see fisca

Fixas see fiscas

Fixum see fiscum

Fixen see fyxen

Fixian see fiscian

fixoð see fiscoð

fixnoð see fiscoð

flá [] f (-n/-n) arrow

flacg [] ? (-?/-?) cataplasm, plaster

flacor2 [] m? (-es/-as)flying (of arrows) [Ger flackern]

Flagen [] past participle of fléan

fláh [] 1. n (flás/flás) wickedness, treachery; 2. 2 adj wily, deceitful, hostile [ON flár]

flán [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) barb, arrow, javelin, dart

flánboga2 [] m (-n/-n) bow

flanc [] m (-es/-as) flank

flángeweorc2 [] n (-es/-) shooting-gear, arrows

flánhred [] adj? arrow-swift?, arrow-equipped? (of death)

flániht [] adj relating to darts

flánþracu2 [] f (-e/-a) onset, attack

flasce [] f (-an/-an) flask, bottle

Flát [] pres 3rd sing of flítan

Flaxe see flasce

flaxfóte [] adj web-footed [see flox-]

flæ- see flea-, fleo-

flǽ- see fléa-, fléo-, flíe-

flǽre [] f (-an/-an) one of the spreading sides at the end of the nose; earflap

Flæsc see fleax

flǽsc [] n (-es/-) flesh; body (as opposed to soul); carnal nature; living creatures

flǽscǽt [] m (-es/-as) animal food

flǽscbana [] m (-n/-n) murderer, executioner

flæscbesmitenness [] f (-se/-sa) defilement of the fish

flǽsccofa [] m (-n/-n) body

flǽsccostnung [] f (-e/-a) carnal desire

flǽsccwellere [] m (-es/-as) executioner

flǽscwellere [] m (-es/-as) executioner

flǽsccýping [] f (-e/-a) meat-market

flǽsceht [] adj fleshy

flǽscen [] adj of flesh, like flesh

Flǽscenness see flǽscness

flǽscgebyrd [] f (-e/-a) incarnation

flǽschama [] m (-n/-n) body, carcass

flǽschord [] n (-es/-) body

flǽschús [] n (-es/-) flesh-house, place where meat is sold

flǽsclic [] adj fleshly, corporeal, carnal

flǽsclíce [] adv carnally

flǽsclicness [] f (-se/-sa) incarnate condition

flǽscmangere [] m (-es/-as) butcher

flǽscmaðu [] f (-e/-a) maggot

flǽscmete [] m (-es/-mettas) flesh, animal food

flǽscness1 [] f (-se/-sa) incarnation

flǽscsand [] f (-e/-a) portion of meat

flǽscstrǽt [] f (-e/-a) meat-market

flǽsctáwere [] m (-es/-as) butcher; torturer of the flesh, executioner

flǽsctóð [] m (-es/-téð) one of the teeth

flǽscþénung [] f (-e/-a) maggot

flǽscwyrm [] m (-es/-as) maggot

Flǽslic see flǽsclic

flæðecomb [] m (-es/-as) weaver’s comb [separate words?]

Flæx see fleax

fléa [] 1. m (-n/-n), f (-n/-n) flea; 2. see fléah n

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