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Fǽðe see féðe

Fæðer see feðer

fæðm [] m (-es/-as) outstretched or encircling arms, embrace, grasp; protection; interior, bosom, lap, breast, womb; fathom, cubit; power; expanse, surface

fæðme [] f (-an/-an) outstretched or encircling arms, embrace, grasp; protection; interior, bosom, lap, breast, womb; fathom, cubit; power; expanse, surface

fæðman [] wv/t1b to surround, envelop, clasp, embrace

fæðmian [] wv/t2 to surround, envelop, clasp, embrace

fæðmlic [] adj embracing, enclosing, sinuous

fæðmness see on~

fæðmrím [] n (-es/-) fathom, cubit

Fæx see feax

féa [] 1. 1 m (-n/-n) joy; 2. n see feoh; 3. adj few; nom/acc pl féawe, weak féawa; [spl féawost/féast]; ~wum síðumseldom; 4. adv even a little, at all

Feadur see fæder

féagan1 see féon1

Feah see feoh

Feaht1 [] 1. past 3rd sing of feohtan; 2. see feoht

feal- see fel-

fealdan1 [] sv/t7 to fold, wrap up, furl, entangle; roll about

Fealdestól see fyldstól

Feale variant of fealu

Fealewes variant of fealu

Fealewian see fealwian

Fealfor see felofor

Fealg [] past 3rd sing of féolan

Fealga variant of fealh

fealgian [] wv/t2 to fallow

fealh [] 1. f (-ge/fealga) fallow land; 2. f (-e/-a) felloe, felly (of a wheel); 3. past 3rd sing of féolan; 4. see fala

Feall see fiell

feallan [] sv/i7 1 to fall; fall headlong, fail, decay, die; inflict (on), attack; flow; ge~ overthrow

fealle [] f (-an/-an) snare, trap

feallendlic [] adj unstable, perishable, transient

feallenlic [] adj unstable, perishable, transient

fealletan [] wv/t1b to fall down, to fall together, fall down, tumble, fall to earth [concídere]

feallung see feax~

Fealo [] 1. see fealu; 2. see fela

féalóg [] adj w.g. destitute

fealohilte [] adj yellow-hilted

fealu [] 1. adj fallow, yellow, tawny, dun-colored, grey, dusky, dark; 2. n (-wes/-) fallow ground

fealu- see felo-

Fealuwian see fealwian

Fealwes see fealu

fealwian [] wv/i2 to become fallow, fade, wither; grow yellow, ripen

féaness [] f (-se/-sa) fewness, paucity [see féawness]

Fear see fearr

Féar see fearh

Féara genitive of féa

fearh [] m (féares/féaras) little pig, hog

fearhhama [] m (-n/-n) womb of a pig; hide of pig

fearhrýðer [] n (-es/-) bull

fearlic [] adj of a bull

Féarlic see fǽrlic

rearm [] m (-es/-as) freight, cargo

fearn [] n (-es/-) fern

fearnbed [] n (-des/-) fern-bed

fearnbracu [] f (-e/-a) fern-brake

fearnedisc [] n (-es/-) fern-pasture

fearnhege [] m (-es/-as) hedge with ferns

fearnig [] adj fern-covered

fearnlæs [] n (-es/-u) fern-pasture

fearoð- see faroð-

fearr [] 1. m (-es/-as) beast of burden, ox, bull; 2. see feorr

Feas see fæs

féasceaft2 [] adj destitute, miserable, helpless, poor

féasceaftig [] adj destitute, poor

féasceaftness [] f (-se/-sa) poverty

feast- see fæst-

Featu see fatu, nom/acc pl of fæt

féaw- see féa-

Féawa see féa

féawlic [] adj few

féawness [] f (-se/-sa) fewness, paucity

feax [] n (-es/-u) hair, head of hair

feaxcláð [] n (-es/-) band for the hair; cap

feaxede [] adj hairy, bushy; long-haired (of a comet)

feaxfang [] n (-es/-) seizing or dragging by the hair

feaxfeallung [] f (-e/-a) shedding of hair, mange

feaxhár [] adj hoary, grey-haired

feaxnǽdel [] f (-e/-a) crisping-pin

feaxness [] f (-se/-sa) head of hair

feaxnett [] n (-es/-) hair-net

feaxpréon [] m (-es/-as) hair-pin

feaxscéara [] f pl hair shears

feaxwund [] f (-e/-a) wound under the hair

feb- see fef-

Fec see fæc

feccan1 [] wv/t1a to fetch, bring, bring to, draw; seek; gain, take [see fetian]

Fecele see fæcele

Fecgan see feccan

fédan1 [] wv/t1b to feed, nourish, sustain, foster, bring up; bear, bring forth, produce; past part geféd [fóda]

Fédedness see fédness

fédelfugol [] m (-fugles/-fuglas) fatted bird

fédels [] m (-es/-as) feeding, keep; fatted animal (bird ?)

fédesl [] m (-es/-as) feeding, keep; fatted animal (bird ?)

fédelswín [] n (-es/-) fattened pig

Feder see fæder

Federa see fædera

féding [] f (-e/-a) feeding

fédness [] f (-se/-sa) nourishment

Fedra see fædera

féfer [] m (féfres/féfras), n (féfres/-) fever

féferádl [] f (-e/-a) fever

féfercyn [] n (-ness/-) a kind of fever

féferfúge [] f (-an/-an) feverfew [L febrifugia]

féferian [] wv/t2 to be feverish, suffer from fever

féferig [] adj feverish

féferséoc [] adj feverish

Féfor see féfer

Féfur see féfer

féfr- see féfer-

fégan [] 1. 1 wv/t1b to join, unite, fix, adapt; compose, confine; 2. see fǽgan?

Feger see fæger

Fegere see fægre

féging1 [] f (-e/-a) conjunction, composition

Feh see feoh

feht [] ? (-?/-?) shaggy pelt, sheepskin with the fleece on it?

Fehtan see feohtan

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