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Earon [] verb form (wé, gé, híe) are; see sindon pres pl of wesan 1 часть
earp [] adj dark, dusky, brown, swarthy [ON jarpr] éarplætt [] m (-es/-as) box or blow on the ear éarplættan [] wv/t1a to box the ears, buffet éarplættigan [] wv/t2 to box the ears, buffet éarpréon [] m (-es/-as) an ear-pin, ear-ring ears [] m (-es/-as) fundament, the breech, the buttocks, the hind part éarscripel [] m (-scriples/-scriplas) an ear-scraper, little finger éarsealf [] f (-e/-a) ear-salve earsende [aers·en·de] n (-es/-u) the breech, buttocks; pl buttocks earsgang [] m (-es/-as) privy; excrement, fecal discharge; anus éarslege [aer·sle·je] m (-es/-as) a blow that strikes off an ear earsling [] adv on ~ backwards, on the back earslýra [] m? (-n/-n) buttocks, breech, the breech-muscle [líra] earsode [] ? tergosus éarspinl [] f (-e/-a) earring earsþerl [] n (-es/-) anus eart [] verb form (þú +) art; 2nd pers sing of wesan éarþyrel [] n (-þyrles/-) 1. the ear-passage; 2. In gen., a pipe, tube, e. g. a water-pipe; 3. A hollow reed-stalk, a reed, cane; A reed-pipe, shepherd's pipe, pipes of Pan (made of several reeds gradually decreasing in length and calibre), the Greek surinx, invented by Pan; A writing-reed; A sort of ulcer, a fistula; A catheter [fistula], the windpipe; an artery [arteria], ear-passage [or = earsþyrel, þerl?] earu [] adj fast, quick éarwærc [] n (-es/-) ear-ache, a pain in the air éarwela [] m (-n/-n) watery realm éarwicga [] m (-n/-n) an earwig or worm earwunga [] adv gratuitously; without a cause éarýð [] f (-e/-a) wave of the sea éase [] ? (-?/-?) caucale (caucalia?), lipped vessel, beaker éaspring [] m (-es/-as) a water-spring, fountain éast [] 1. adj east, easterly; cmp ~ra, ~erra; spl ~mest, ~emest; 2. m (-es/-as) the east éast [] adv eastwards, in an easterly direction, to the east, in or from the east; 1. markingdirection, (1) of movement; (2) of measurement (of a road, boundary, etc.); (3) oflooking; 2. of relative position, east, to the east, in the east; éasta [] m (-n/-n) the east éastán [] m (-es/-as) a river-stone? éastan [] 1. adv from the east, easterly; marking direction of movement; marking direction of measurement, giving quarter from which measurement is made; 2. adj east éastane [] adv from the east, easterly; marking direction of movement; marking direction of measurement; éastannorðan [] adv from the north-east éastannorðanwind [] m (-es/-as) north-east wind éastansúðan [] adv from the south-east, southeastern éastansúðanwind [] m (-es/-as) south-east wind éastanwind [] m (-es/-as) east wind éastæð [ae·stath] n (-es/-staðu) river-bank, sea-shore Éast-Centingas [] m pl the East Kentians, men of East Kent éastcyning [] m (-es/-as) eastern king éastdǽl [] m (-es/-as) eastern quarter, the eastern part, the East Éast-Dene [] m pl the East-Danes éaste [] f (-an/-an) the East éastende [] m (-es/-as) east-end, east quarter; the east part of a country, of the earth, the east Éast-Engle [] m pl the East-Anglians; East Anglia Éaster [] n (Éastres/Éastru) 1. of the Christian festival, Easter, the feast of Easter; 2. of the Jewish festival, the Passover, the paschal lamb; 3. of the season of the year, spring; [in W.S., the weak pl is almost always used; in the North, singular and plural, strong and weak forms occur] éaster [] adj Easter Éasterǽfen [] m (-ǽfnes/-ǽfnas) Easter-eve Éasterdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) 1. of the Christian festival, (1) a day in easter week, Easter-day; (2) Easter Sunday;on óðran ~e on Easter Monday; 2. the day of the Passover; Éasterfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) Easter-fast, Lent Éasterfeorm [] f (-e/-a) feast of Easter, Easter fast or repast Éasterfréolsdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) the feast day of the Passover Éastergewuna [] m (-n/-n) an Easter custom Éasterlic [] adj belonging to Easter, Easter, paschal Eastermónað [] m (-mónðes/mónðas) April, Easter-month éasterne [] adj east, eastern, oriental; 1. marking position, (1) in the east; (2) of the east part of the world, eastern; (2a) used as a noun, an Eastern, an oriental; 2. markingdirection of the wind, east, from the east Éasterniht [] f (-e/-) Easter-night, Easter-eve; [gen/dat sing ~e; gen/dat pl ~a/~um] Éastersunnandæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Easter Sunday Éastersymbel [] n (-symbles/-) Passover Éastertíd [] f (-e/-e) Easter-tide, Paschal season Éasterþénung [] f (-e/-a) Passover, the paschal feast, paschal lamb, the Passover Éasterwucu [] f (-e/-a) Easter-week éasteweard [] adj east, eastward, eastern part of the noun to which the word is applied éastfolc [] n (-es/-) eastern nation, Eastern people Éast-Francan [] m pl East Franks éastgársecg [] m (-es/-as) the eastern ocean éastgemǽre [] n (-es/-u) an eastern boundary, eastern confines éasthealf [] f (-e/-a) east side Éastland [] n (-es/-) 1. an eastern land, the East, eastern country; in pl eastern lands, the East; 2. Estonia (East land), the country of the Osti or Estas; éastlang [] 1. adj to the east, eastwards, extending east, lying in an easterly direction; cmp éastlengra, spl éastlengest; 2. adv along the east; cmp éastleng/éastlenge, spl éastlengest éastléode [] m pl Eastern people, Orientals éastnorð [] adj north-easterly, north-east; cmp ~erra; spl ~mest éastnorðerne [] adj north-east éastnorðwind [] m (-es/-as) north-east wind éastportic [] n (-es/-) eastern porch, east portico Éastre [] f (-an/-an) Easter; Passover; spring [usu in pl Éastron, Éastran];~an wyrcan to keep Easter, eat the Passover éastréam [] m (-es/-as) a water-stream, river éastréamýþ [] f (-e/-a) a river-stream flood éastríce [] n (-es/-u) 1. eastern kingdom, eastern country, eastern empire, eastern part of a country; 2. a kingdom that lies to the east of another; 3. the East; 4. East Anglia éastrihte [] adv due east, eastwards, east-right, towards or in the east éastrihtes [] adv due east éastrodor[] m (-es/-roderas) eastern sky, the eastern part of heaven éastsǽ [] f (-/-) east sea Éast-Seaxan [] m pl East-Saxons, people of Essex; Essex Éast-Seaxe [] m pl East-Saxons, people of Essex; Essex éaststæð [] n (-es/-staðu) east bank of a stream éastsúð [] adj south-eastwards; be ~an to the south-east; cmp ~erra; spl ~mest éastsúðdǽl [] m (-es/-as) south-east part éastsúðlang [] adj from east to south; cmp ~lengra; spl ~lengest éastþéod [] f (-e/-a) an eastern people Éast-Þyringas [] m pl the East Thuringians éastweard [] 1. adj east, eastward; (1) defining direction of motion; (2) defining direction ofmeasurement; 2. ~es adv eastwards; (1) of direction; (2) of position; éastweg2 [] m (-es/-as) east-way, path in or from the east, way to or in the east; in pl eastern parts, the east Eatole [] f? (-an/-an) Italy Eatolware [] m pl Italians éaðbede [] adj easy to be entreated, exorable éaðbéne [] adj easy to be entreated, exorable éaðbegéate [] adj easy to get éaðbegéte [] adj easy to get éaðbelg [] m (-es/-as) irritability éaðbylgnes [] f (-se/-sa) irritability, readiness to anger, irascibility éaðbylige [] adj easily irritated éaðcnǽwe [] adj easy to recognize éaðdǽde [] adj easy to do éaðe [] 1. adj easy; smooth, agreeable, kindly; easily moved; cmp éaðra; spl éaðost; 2a. of action, easily; (1) as being well within one’s power; (1a) as being withinproperlimits; (2) without discomfort or trouble, conveniently, readily, at ease; (3) without reluctance, willingly, readily; 2b. of event, easily, possibly, perhaps; ~ mæg (1) perhaps, may be; (2) lest;; 3. n (-es/-u) an easy thing, what is easy, the easy éaðelic [] 1. adj easy, presenting little difficulty; easy, possible; 2. adj inconsiderable, insignificant, slight; (1) of livingthings, weak, tender; (2) of lifeless matter, mean, poor, scanty; (3) of an abstract object, slight, trifling, insignificant; 3. adv ~líce easily; fickly, weakly éaðelicnes [] f (-se/-sa) easiness éaðfére [] adj easy for traveling over, easily trod, easy éaðfynde2 [] adj easy to find, easy to be found éaðgeorn [] adj easily pleased éaðgesíene2 [] adj easily seen, visible éaðgéte [] adj easy to obtain, easily gotten, prepared, ready, gotten ready éaðgéate [] adj easy to obtain, easily gotten, prepared, ready, gotten ready éaðhylde [] adj contented, satisfied, easily held, easy to hold, content; of a person, easily moved to anything, compliant éaðlǽce [] adj easy to cure éaðlǽcne [] adj easy to cure éaðlǽre [] adj capable of being taught, instructed, teachable; easily taught éaðmédan1 [] wv/t1b to humble, humble oneself, prostrate oneself, adore; lower (1) éaðméde [] adj humble-minded, humble, of an easy mind, meek, mild, lowly, gentle; submissive, obedient; benevolent, friendly, affectionate; gracious, gentle, condescending (2) éaðmédian1 [] wv/t2 to humble, humble oneself, prostrate oneself, adore; lower (3) éaðmédlic [] adj humble, respectful; adv ~líce humbly éaðmédu [] f (-e/-a) gentleness, humility, lowliness; obedience, submission, reverence; graciousness, gentleness, condescension; god-will, kindness, affability éaðmédum [] adv humbly, kindly éaðméttan1 [] wv/t1a to humble, humble oneself, prostrate oneself, adore; lower (2) éaðméttu [] n pl humility, weakness, impotency éaðmód [] adj humble-minded, humble, of an easy mind, meek, mild, lowly, gentle; submissive, obedient; benevolent, friendly, affectionate; gracious, gentle, condescending (1) éaðmódheort [] adj humble-minded éaðmódian1 [] wv/t2 to humble or submit oneself, make humble, obey; to be humble, obey; ge~ condescend; ge~ adore, worship éaðmódlic [] adj humble, respectful; adv ~líce humbly, meekly; kindly éaðmódnes [] f (-se/-sa) humility, humbleness, meekness, humanity; gentleness, graciousness, kindness, condescension éaðmylte [] adj easily digested éaðnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. easiness, lightness, facility, ease; 2. ease, freedom from trouble, suffering, etc.; 3. ease, freedom from difficulty; 4. gentleness éaðrǽde [] adj easy to guess éaðwylte [] adj easily turned, that may be easily turned éawdnes [] f (-se/-sa) a showing, exhibiting, manifestation [ostensio], disclosure éawisclic [] adj manifest, open, displayed; adv ~líce openly éawunga [] adv openly, plainly, publicly [íewan] éawunge [] adv openly, plainly, publicly [íewan] éawyrt [] f (-e/-e) river-wort, burdock eax [] 1. f (-e/-a) axis, axle, axle-tree; 2. see æcs Eaxan ceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) Exeter, Devon Eaxan mynster [] n (-minstres/-) the minster on the river Ex, Axminster, Devon Eaxan múða [] m (-n/-n) the mouth of the river Ex, Exmouth, Devon eaxelgespann [] n (-es/-) place where the two beams of a cross intersect eaxl [] f (-e/-a) shoulder eaxel [] f (-e/-a) shoulder eaxlcláð [] m (-es/-as) a shoulder-cloth, scapular eaxlgespan [] n (-nes/-nu) the shoulder-span; the beam of a cross which passes behind the shoulders eaxlgestealla2 [] m (-n/-n) shoulder-companion, comrade, nearest friend, bosom friend, counselor; competitor? ebba [] m (-n/-n) ebb, low tide, a receding of water ebbian1 [] wv/t2 to ebb Ebréas [] m pl the Hebrews Ebréisc [] adj Hebrew, belonging to Jews; adv ~líce in Hebrew ece [] m (-es/-as) ache, pain [acan] éce [] adj perpetual, eternal, everlasting, to all time; durable; adv eternally, ever, evermore, perpetually eced [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) acid, vinegar [L acetum] eceddrenc [] m (-es/-as) acid drink, vinegar, a potion in which vinegar is an ingredient ecedfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) vinegar-vessel, an acid-vat ecedwín [] n (-es/-) wine mingled with myrrh écelic [] adj eternal, perpetual, everlasting; adv ~líce eternally, ever, to eternity; to all time, perpetually ecg [] f (-e/-a) edge, point, a sharpness; 2 weapon, sword, blade, battle-axe; an edge, virge, brink of high ground; ecgan1 [] wv/t1b to sharpen, give an edge; harrow ecgbana2 [] m (-n/-n) slayer with the sword, sword-killer, murderer Ecgbryht [] m (-es/-as) Egbert; [ecg edge, sword; bryht bright, excellent] Ecgbryhtes stán [] m (-es/-as) Brixton Deverill, Wilts? ecgclif [] n (-es/-u, -cliofu) steep shore, a sea cliff or shore ecgheard [] adj hard of edge ecghete2 [] m (-es/-as) sword-hatred, hostile hate, war ecghwæs? [] adj keen-edged ecglást [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) sword’s edge ecglinga [] adv on the edge, edgeling ecgplega [] m (-n/-n) battle, a play of swords, sword-fight ecgþracu [] f (-e/-a) hot contest, sword strength, war or savage courage ecgung [] f (-e/-a) harrowing ecgwæl [] n (-es/-walu) sword-slaughter, sword’s wail eclypsis [] m (-es/-as) eclipse écnes [] f (-se/-sa) eternity, everlasting; all time; á on ~se for ever and ever écsóð [] adv verily, but truly, but also écsóðlíce [] adv verily, but truly ed- [] prefix, denotes repetition, turning, means anew, again, as in the Latin re- edcélnes [] f (-se/-sa) refreshment, a recooling, pleasant coolness [oe] edcennung [] f (-e/-a) regeneration edcierr [] m (-es/-as) return edcwic [] adj regenerate, restored to life edcwician1 [] wv/t2 to re-quicken, revive edcwide [] m (-es/-as) a relation, retelling, narrative edgeong2 [] adj becoming or being young again, growing young again; cmp ~giengra; spl ~giengest edgiefan [] sv/t5 3rd pres edgiefð past edgeaf/edgéafon ptp edgiefen to give again, restore edgieldan [] sv/t3 3rd pres edgieldeð past edgeald/edguldon ptp edgolden to requite, remunerate edgieldend [] m (-es/-) remunerator, a rewarder, one who requites edgift [] f (-e/-a) restitution, a re-giving edginnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres edginð past edgann/edgunnon ptp edgunnen to begin again edgrówung [] f (-e/-a) a re-growing, growing again edhwierfan [] wv/t1b to return, retrace one’s steps edhwierft2 [] m (-es/-as) 1. return to a place; 2. a returning, return, change, going back (to a former state of things), reverse, recovery from a condition; 3. return to a condition; edisc [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) 1. an edish or aftermath; pasture; 2. enclosed pasture, park edischenn [] f (-e/-a) quail, an edish-hen ediscweard [] m (-es/-as) park-keeper, the keeper of edish, warren, gardener edlǽcan1 [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres edlǽceð past edlǽhte ptp edlǽht to repeat, renew edlǽcung [] f (-e/-a) a repetition edléan [] n (-es/-) reward, retribution, recompense, requital edléanian [] wv/t2 to reward, recompense, renew, remit edléanend [] m (-es/-) one who rewards, recompenses, remunerates edléanung1 [] f (-e/-a) a rewarding, proper recompense, remuneration, retribution edlesende1 [] adj relative, reciprocal edlesendlic [] adj relative, reciprocal; adv ~líce edlesung [] f (-e/-a) a relation, relating edmǽle [] n (-es/-u) religious festival, a season which recurs edmǽltíd [] f (-e/-e) festival time edníwan [] adv anew, again edníwe [] 1. adj new, renewed, again new; 2. adv anew, again edníwian1 [] wv/t2 to renew, make new, restore, reform edníwigend [] m (-es/-) restorer, repairer, renewer edníwinga [] adv anew, again edníwung1 [] f (-e/-a) a renewing, renewal, reparation, renovation edreccan [] irreg wv/t1b to chew, ruminate edrecedrocc [] m (-es/-as) the belching thing edring [] f (-e/-a) refuge, return? edroc [] m (-es/-as) gullet; rumination, ruminating, a chewing again, chewing the cud, consideration edryne [] m (-es/-as) return, meeting edsceaft [] f (-e/-a) new creation, new birth, regeneration; new creature edsihð [] f (-e/-a) looking again, respect edspellung [] f (-e/-a) recapitulation edstaðelian1 [] wv/t2 to establish again, re-establish, restore edstaðelig [] adj firm, strong edstaðeligend1 [] m (-es/-) restorer edstaðelung1 [] f (-e/-a) re-establishment, restoration, renewal, renewing, an establishing again edþingung [] f (-e/-a) reconciliation edwendan [] wv/t1b to return, desist from, cease, cease to affect, turn back edwend2 [] f (-e/-a) a reverse, alteration, change, reversal, end edwenden2 [] f (-e/-a) a reverse, alteration, change, reversal, end edwendu [] f (-e/-a) a reverse, alteration, change, reversal, end edwielle [] f (-an/-an) eddy, vortex, whirlpool; dizziness edwihte? [] pron? something, anything edwinde [] f (-an/-an) vortex, whirlpool, abyss, a winding again edwind [] f (-e/-a) vortex, whirlpool, a winding again edwist [] f (-e/-e) being, substance, existance; sustenance, food edwistfull [] adj existing, substantial, substantive edwistlic [] adj existing, subsisting, substantial, substantive edwít [] n (-es/-) 1. a source or cause of disgrace; 2. disgrace, shame, blame incurred by a person; 3. blame directed against a person; (1) expressing disapproval; (2) expressingscorn, contempt; 4. an expression (1) of disapproval; (2) of scorn, contempt, approprious term; 5. an object of scorn; [original: reproach, shame, disgrace, scorn, abuse, blame, contumely] edwítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres edwíteð past edwát/edwiton ptp edwiten to reproach, blame, upbraid edwítful [] adj shameful, disgraceful, ignominious; adv ~líce disgracefully edwítfullic [] adj disgraceful; adv ~líce disgracefully edwítlíf [] n (-es/-) life of dishonor, a disgraceful life edwítscipe [] m (-es/-as) disgrace, shame; cowardice edwítsprǽc2 [] f (-e/-a) contemptuous speech, scorn edwítspreca [] m (-n/-n) a blame-speaker, scoffer, coviller edwítstæf2 [] m (-es/-stafas) a disgraceful letter, reproach, scandal, disgrace, dishonor edwylm [] m (-es/-as) whirlpool of fire, heat of fire, burning heat edwyrpan1 [] wv/t1b to amend, recover, revive, become better edwyrpung [] f (-e/-a) recovery, a growing better, recovering Éfe [] f (-an/-an) Eve efen [] adj 1. even, equal, like; level; 1a. of sounds, harmonious, not discordant; calm, harmonious, equable; 2. unruffled, undisturbed; 3. equal, just, impartial; just, true; 4. equal, of like condition; 5. adv evenly; equally; exactly, just as, just so; quite, fully; namely; (1) with an adverb; ~ swá fela just as much; (2) with a numeral; ~ 60 just 60; efen- [] same as Latin con- efenámeten [] adj compared; past participle of efenmetan efenapostol [] m (-es/-as) fellow-apostle efenæðele [] adj equally noble efenbehéfe [] adj equally useful or needful efenbeorht2 [] adj equally bright efenbisceop [] m (-es/-as) co-bishop efenblissian [] wv/t2 to rejoice with, to rejoice equally efenblíðe [] adj rejoicing with another efenboren [] adj of equal birth efenbrád [] adj equally broad, as broad as long; cmp ~brǽdra; spl ~brǽdost, ~brádost efenbyrde [] adj of equal birth efenceasterwaran [] m pl fellow-citizens efencempa [] m (-n/-n) fellow-soldier efencrísten [] adj fellow-Christian efencuman [] sv/i4 3rd pres efencymð past efencóm/on ptp is efencumen to come together, convene, assemble together, agree efendýre [] adj equally dear efenéadig [] adj equally blessed efeneald [] adj contemporary, coeval, of the same age; cmp ~ieldra; spl ~ieldest efeneardigende [] adj dwelling together efenéaðe [] adj equally easy efenéce2 [] adj co-eternal efenedwistlic [] adj consubstantial, of the same substance efenéhð [] f (-e/-a) a plain, neighborhood?, neighboring district? efenesne [] m (-es/-as) fellow-servant efenetan [] sv/t5 3rd pres efeniteð past efenǽt/efenǽton ptp efeneten to eat as much as anyone efenéðe [] adj just as easy efenfela [] num adj just so many, so many, as many; (1) noun w.g. ; (2) as adj; efenfréfran [] wv/t2 consolari efenfréfrian [] wv/t2 consolari efengedǽlan [] wv/t2 to share alike efengeféon [] sv/t5 3rd pres efengefíehð past efengefeah/efengefǽgon ptp efengefegen to rejoice together, sympathize
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