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Earon [] verb form (wé, gé, híe) are; see sindon pres pl of wesan 3 часть

elles [] adj in another manner, otherwise; else, besides; elsewhere1. with indefinite or interrogative pronouns, or indeterminate numeralwords; ~ hwá/hwætany/anything; ~ hwá any; ~ hwæt anything else, otherwise; ~ ǽlc; ~ nán þing;náwiht ~ nothing else; 1a. referringtoanounwithpronominaletc. adj; 2. with pronominal adverbs; (1) local; ~ gehwǽr; ~ hwǽr/hwergen/hwider elsewhere; (2) of manner; ~ hú; 3. otherwise, differently, in another manner; 3a. elsewhere; 4. else, under other conditions, besides

ellheort [] adj disheartened; var of hellheort

ellor2 [] adv elsewhere, elsewhither, to some other place; ~ landes in another land

ellorfús2 [] adj ready to depart, desirous or ready to go elsewhere

ellorgást [] m (-es/-as) alien spirit, a spirit living or going elsewhere, a departing spirit

ellorsíð [] m (-es/-as) a journey elsewhere, departure, death

elm [] m (-es/-as) elm, elm-tree [L ulmus]

Elmedsǽtan [] m pl the inhabitants of Elmet, the ancient British Loidis, an independent district in Yorkshire

Elmedsǽte [] m pl the inhabitants of Elmet, the ancient British Loidis, an independent district in Yorkshire

elmrind [] f (-e/-a) elm-bark, elm-rind

eln [] f (-e/-a) 1. forearm, ell (a foot and a half to two feet); 2. an ell, a measure of length, the space from the point of the elbow to the end of the middle finger, 18 inches; 3. the Royal Persian ell, or cubit, is very nearly 20.5 inches; 4. the ell in Anglo-Saxon was sometimes about 24 inches, or 2 feet; ells of different lengths were used in Anglo-Saxon times: Flemish ell (27 inches, or ¾ yard), English (45 inches, or 5 quarters), French (6 quarters, or 54 inches)

elnboga [] m (-n/-n) elbow

elngemet [] n (-es/-gemeotu) an ell-measure, the length of an ell, two feet?

elnian1 [] wv/t2 to emulate, endeavor to be equal, be zealous, to strive with zeal after another; to make strong, strengthen, comfort oneself; gain strength

elnung [] f (-e/-a) encouragement, comfort, consolation; emulation, hot emulation, zeal, envy

elpend [] m (-es/-as) elephant

elpendbán [] n (-es/-) ivory, an elephant’s bone

elpendbǽnan [] adj ivory, of ivory, made of ivory

elpendtóð [] m (-téð/-téð) ivory, an elephant’s tusk

elra [] cmp adj other; [*el; Gorh aljis]

elreord [] adj of strange speech, foreign speaking, barbarous

elreordig [] adj of strange speech, foreign speaking, barbarous

elreordignes [] f (-se/-sa) barbarism, barbarousness, outlandishness

els [] masc suffix for inanimate things, as in récels, wǽfels

elþéod [] f (-e/-a) strange people, foreign nation, pl foreigners, pl enemies; pl all people, all nations; especially in reference to enforced absence from a person’s native country; on ~e;

elþéodian [] wv/t2 to live abroad, live in foreign parts, wander as a pilgrim, live a pilgrim’s life; ge~ make strange, disturb

elþéodgian [] wv/t2 to live abroad, live in foreign parts, wander as a pilgrim, live a pilgrim’s life; ge~ make strange, disturb

elþéodig [] adj 1. ofpersons, (1) expressing relation to one person or another, of another race, foreign, stranger, strange, barbarous, hostile; (2) of local relation, living in another land than one’s own; one who is abroad; (3) stranger to, alien from; ~ fram Gode stranger to God; 1a. as noun, a foreigner, stranger; weak form masc pl elþéodian, elþéodigan strangers, foreigners, pilgrims, proselytes; 2. of a country, foreign; 3. adv ~líce in foreign parts, among foreigners

elþéodige [] adv abroad, in or to foreign parts

elþéodiglic [] adj foreign, strange, born abroad; adv ~líce in foreign parts, among foreigners

elþéodignes [] f (-se/-sa) foreign travel or residence, pilgrimage; exile, absence from one’s own country, generally that which is a result of compulsion or of a sense of religious duty, exile, banishment, pilgrimage; 1. literal; 2. figurative, of this world;

elþéodisc [] adj foreign, strange

elþéodlíce [] adv abroad

elþéodung [] f (-e/-a) residence or travel abroad, a being in a foreign land

em [] m? (-es/-as) the letter m

Embene [] m pl the inhabitants of Amiens, Amiens, in Picardy, France

embren [] n (-nes/-nu) bucket, pail; urn [Ger eimer]

emleahtor [] m (-leahtres/-leahtras) misuse of the letter m

emnet [] n (-tes/-tu) plain, level ground [efen]

emnettan [] wv/t1b to make even or equal, regulate

emtwá [] adv Into two equal parts, in half

en [] suffix 1. diminutive (neuter), as in mægden (from mægð); 2. to form feminines a. with mutation (gyden from god); b. without mutation (þéowen from þéow); 3. adjectival, with mutation, denoting material; 4. the ending of strong verbs, gecoren, gefaren, etc.

ende [] m (-es/-as) 1.local; (1) the extremity or outermost part, boundary of space; (1a) a limit of magnitude or multitude; (1b) the part of a surface near the boundary; (2) a region, quarter, side; (a) of the world; (b) a district of a country, especially an official division; (c) a division of an army; (d) quarters in a building; (e) in an indefinite sense, side, quarter; (3) the extremity of a line or long object; (3a) part of the human body?; (4) part, proportion; 2. with reference to time or serial order; (1) close of a period, conclusion of an action orcontinuous state or course of events; (1a) the end of all things; (2) the concluding part of a period, action, etc.; (3) the terminal point of a series, in phrases expressing completeness; (4) termination of existence; (4a) of persons, death; (4b) (latter, last) end; (5) final state; (6) completion ofaction, æt ~ finished; (7) issue, event; (8) end to be attained, goal; (9) in phrases, (a) æt (þǽm) ~ in the end, ultimately; (b) in ~ always, to the last; (c) on (þǽm) ~ in the end, ultimately; (d) on ~ on end, continuously, consecutively, without omission or intermission; 3. kind, sort

ende [] suffix forms present participle from verb stem

endebyrd [] f (-e/-a) order, an arranging, arrangement

endebyrdan1 [] wv/t1b to set in order, arrange, ordain, dispose

endebyrdend [] m (-es/-) one who orders or arranges

endebyrdes2 [] adv in an orderly manner, regularly, properly, orderly, in order

endebyrdlic [] 1. adj ordinal, belonging to order; 2. adv ~líce in an orderly manner, orderly, in order, in succession; (1) of action, conduct, etc., in accordance with prescribed or requisite order; (2) of narration, where circumstances are given in due order in order, in succession;

endebyrdnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. a row, series, rank of objects on the same level; 2. a rank, grade, degree, condition, body of persons of the same status; 2a. rank, position, degree, (1) ofpersons, (2) of things; 3. an order, a body of persons of the same occupation in a community; 4. a class of beings distinguished from others by nature or character; 5. rankin specific departments; (1) one of the nine orders of angels; (2) rank in the church; 6. succession in place or time, order, series; (1) arrangement in which one thing follows another; (2) succession of events, order, series; (2a) course of life; (3) with reference to narrative or statement in which circumstances are stated in proper order; he þis æfter endebyrdnesse sægde he said this according to order; (3a) a regular narrative, a series of statements; circumstances; (4) where superiorityis marked by position, order; place in a series or company; 7. order, condition in which a thing performs its proper functions; 8. order, suitable means to an end, method, way, rule, manner, means; on hwilcre ~se magon we Ioseph tó ús gelaðian and him wiþ sprecan by what means shall we bring Joseph to us to speak with him?; 9. regular mode of procedure; 9a. a stated form of a rite, order of service; 10. order ofnature, system in which things proceed according to fixed laws; 11. the action of putting or keeping in order, regulation, ordering; 12. an injunction, ordinance; [original: order, succession, series, arrangement, method, way, rule, manner, means; grade, degree, rank, condition]

endedæg2 [] m (-es/-dagas) last day, day of one’s death; the day when the end comes;

endedéað [] m (-es/-as) death as the end of life

endedógor2 [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-ru) last day, final day, death-day

endefæstend [] m (-es/-) finisher, one who puts the last touches to a work

endefurh [] f (-fyrh/-fyrh) end-furrow, bounding trench

endeláf [] f (-e/-a) last remnant, last

endeléan2 [] n (-es/-) final reward, final retribution

endeléas [] adj endless, infinite, boundless, eternal; adv ~líce

endeléaslic [] adj endless, infinite, boundless, eternal, everlasting; adv ~líce endlessly, eternally; (1) everlastingly, to eternity; (2) without making an end, without stopping

endeléasnes [] f (-se/-sa) infinity, eternity, endlessness

endelíf [] n (-es/-) life’s end, death

endemann [] m (-es/-menn) man of the world’s (supposed) final age, a person living in the latest age of the world

endemes [] adv equally, likewise, in like manner, at the same time, together, unanimously; fully, entirely; in procession

endemes [] adv 1. together; (1) in respect to quantity or number, marking completeness, without exception, fully, entirely; (1a) combined with eall; unanimously, together; ealne middangeard ~; (2) marking combination, coincidence; at the same time, together (2a) combined with eall; híe ealle éodon endemes tó cirican they all went to church together; 2. straightaway, at once; 3. in like manner, likewise, equally; [equally, likewise, in like manner, at the same time, together, unanimously; fully, entirely; in procession]

endemest [] adv 1. together; (1) in respect to quantity or number, marking completeness, without exception, fully, entirely; (1a) combined with eall; unanimously, together; ealne middangeard ~; (2) marking combination, coincidence; at the same time, together (2a) combined with eall; híe ealle éodon endemes tó cirican they all went to church together; 2. straightaway, at once; 3. in like manner, likewise, equally; [equally, likewise, in like manner, at the same time, together, unanimously; fully, entirely; in procession]

endemest [] adj last

endemestnes [] f (-se/-sa) an extremity; [? see endenéhstnes]

endeníehst [] adj extreme, final, last; 1. of place, most remote; 2. of number, order, last; 3. of rank, position, degree, last, lowest; 4. of time, (1) last, final; (2) latest, most recent

enderím [] m (-es/-as) the final number, the number

endesǽta [] m (-n/-n) an end or border inhabitant, one stationed at the extremity of a territory, border-watchman

endesprǽc [] f (-e/-a) an end-speech, epilogue

endestæf2 [] m (-es/-stafas) an epilogue, end, conclusion, destruction

endetíma [] m (-n/-n) end of life, last hour, last day

endeþrǽst [] f (-e/-a) end, destruction

endian2 [] wv/t2 to end, to make an end of, complete, finish; abolish, destroy, make an end; to come to an end, die

endleofan [] num eleven; ordinal endleofta, endleofeða, endlyfta

endleofangilde [] adj entitled to eleven-fold compensation

endleofeða [] adj eleventh

endleofenfeald [] adj eleven-fold

endleofta [] adj eleventh

endlifangilde [] adj entitled to eleven-fold compensation

endlyfenfeald [] adj eleven-fold

endlyfta [] adj eleventh

endung1 [] f (-e/-a) ending, end; ge~ death

endwærc [] n (-es/-) pain in the buttocks [wærc]

endwerc [] n (-es/-) pain in the buttocks [wærc]

ened [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) drake, duck

enge [] 1. adj narrow, close, straitened, constrained, confined; vexed, troubled, sorrowful, anxious; oppressive, severe, painful, cruel; 2. adv sadly, anxiously

engel [] m (engles/englas) angel, messenger [L angelus]; bregu engla God

Engel [] f (Engle/Engla) Anglen in Denmark, the counry from which the Angles came into Britain

engelcund [] adj angelic

engelcynn2 [] n (-es/-) the angel race or order, race or order of angels

engellic [] adj angelic, of angels

Englaland [] n (-es/-) country of the Angles or Engles, England

Englan [] m pl the Angles (as opposed to the Saxons), the inhabitants of Anglen in Denmark; the English generally; [Anglen was the province from which the English derived their being and name. Anglen lies on the south-east part of the Duchy of Sleswick, in Denmark. The majority of settlers in Britain were from Anglen and the neighborhood, hence this country and people derived their name England and English, England being derived from Engla land the land or counry of the Angles]

Engle [] m pl the Angles (as opposed to the Saxons), the inhabitants of Anglen in Denmark; the English generally; [Anglen was the province from which the English derived their being and name. Anglen lies on the south-east part of the Duchy of Sleswick, in Denmark. The majority of settlers in Britain were from Anglen and the neighborhood, hence this country and people derived their name England and English, England being derived from Engla land the land or counry of the Angles]

Englefeld [] m (-a/-a) Englefield or Inglefield, near Reading, Berkshire

Englisc [] 1. adj English; on ~ in (the) English (language); 2. m (-es/-e) (1) of persons, (the) English; (2) n (-es/-) the English language; (2a) English form of a word; Ealle habbaþ án Englisc all have one English form;

Engliscmann [] m (-es/-menn) Englishman

engu2 [] f (-e/-a) narrowness, confinement, a narrow place

ent [] m (-es/-as) giant

entcynn [] n (-es/-) race of giants, giant-kind, giant-race

entisc [] adj giant, of a giant, belonging to or made by a giant

eodor2 [] m (-es/-eoderas) hedge, fence, boundary; limit, end, region, zone; enclosure, fold, dwelling, house; prince, sovereign, protector, lord

eodorbrecð [] f (-e/-a) breach of an enclosure, house-breaking

eodorbryce [] m (-es/-as) breach of an enclosure, house-breaking

eodorcan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres eodorceð past eodorcte ptp geeodorced to chew, ruminate [=edrocian]

eodorgong [] m (-es/-as) begging?; robbery?

eodorwír [] m (-es/-as) wire fence, a wire enclosure

Eofeshám [] m (-es/-as) Evesham, Worchestershire

eofole [] f? (-an/-an) danewort, endive?

eofor [] m (-es/eoferas) boar, wild boar; boar-image on a helmet, the figure of a boar on a helmet

eoforcumbol [] n (-cumbles/-) a boar banner, boar-image on a helmet?; boar-shaped ensign?

eoforfearn [] n (-es/-) a kind of fern, a species of fern, polypody

eoforhéafodsegn [] n (-es/-) banner with a boar’s head, a boar-head banner

eoforhwæt [] adj bold as a boar

eoforlíc [] n (-es/-) boar-image (on a helmet)

eoforspere [] n (-es/-u) boar-spear

eoforspréot [] n (-es/-) boar-spear

eoforswín [] n (-es/-) boar, boar pig, male swine

eoforþring [] m (-es/-as) (boar-throng), the constellation Orion

eoforþrote [] f (-an/-an) the carline thistle

Eoforwíc [] n (-es/-) York

Eoforwícceaster [] f (-ceastre/-ceastra) York

Eoforwícingas [] m pl Yorkists, people of York

Eoforwícscír [] f (-e/-a) Yorkshire

Eoforwícstól [] m (-es/-as) the see of York

eofot1 [] n (-es/-) crime, sin, guilt

eoh2 [] n (éos/-), m (éos/éos) war-horse, charger; name of the rune for e [Goth aihwa]

éoh2 [] m (-es/-as) yew-tree; name of the rune for éo

eolet [] n (-es/-) voyage?

eolh [] m (éoles/éolas) elk; name of a rune [OHG elho]

eolhsand [] n (-es/-) amber

eolhsecg [] m (-es/-as) papyrus, reed, sedge

eolone [] f (-an/-an) the herb elecampane

eom [] 1. verb form (ic +) am; 1st pers sing of wesan; 2. see heom, him, dat pl of , héo, hit

eorcanstán2 [] m (-es/-as) 1. literal, a jewel, topaz, pearl, precious stone; 2. figurative, (1) ofpersons; (2) ofthings; [Goth –airkns]

eorclanstán2 [] m (-es/-as) 1. literal, a jewel, topaz, pearl, precious stone; 2. figurative, (1) ofpersons; (2) ofthings; [Goth –airkns]

eorcnanstán2 [] m (-es/-as) 1. literal, a jewel, topaz, pearl, precious stone; 2. figurative, (1) ofpersons; (2) ofthings; [Goth –airkns]

éored [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) cavalry, troop, band, legion, company; chariot?; [eoh, rád]

éoredcist2 [] f (-e/-a) troop, company

éoredgeatwe [] f pl military apparel, military trappings

éoredgeríd [] n (-es/-) troop of horsemen

éoredhéap [] m (-es/-as) troop, host

éoredmann [] m (-es/-menn) trooper, horseman

éoredmæcg [] m (-es/-as) horseman

éoredmenigu [] f (-e/-a) legion

éoredþréat [] m (-es/-as) troop, host, a band, company

éoredwerod [] n (-es/-, -u) band, company, multitude

eorl [] m (-es/-as) 1. earl, nobleman (originally a Danish title, = native ealdorman); (an Anglo-Saxon nobleman of high rank, the yarl of the Danes, about the same as an ealdormann); He who was in early times styled ealdormann, was afterwards denominated an earl; a man of rank or gentle birth; as a title in England, taking the place of ealdorman; 2. used of Scandinavians, = Icelandic jarl; 2a. used of Scandinavians acting with the English; Se cyning betǽhte þá fyrde tó lǽdene Ealfríce ealdormann and þórode earl; 4. a man, brave man, warrior, hero, general, leader, chief

eorlcund [] adj earl kind, noble

eorldóm [] m (-es/-as) earldom, the province or dignity of an earl, rank of an earl; same as ealdordóm

eorle [] m pl? the Eruli?

eorlgebyrd2 [] f (-e/-a) noble birth, nobility

eorlgestréon2 [] n (-es/-) noble treasure, riches, wealth

eorlgewǽde [] n (-es/-u) manly clothing, armor

eorlisc [] adj earlish, earl-like, like an earl, of noble rank

eorllic [] adj chivalrous, manly; adv ~líce manfully, strongly, greatly

eorlmægen2 [] n (-es/-) band of noble warriors, a host of men

eorlriht [] n (-es/-) earl’s right or privilege

eorlscipe2 [] m (-es/-as) manliness, bravery, courage, supremacy, nobility

eorlwerod [] n (-es/-) host of noble warriors, a band of men, warrior band

Eormanríc [] n (-es/-) the celebrated king of the Ostrogoths or East Goths, the Alexander of the Goths

eormen [] 1. prefix a word occurring mostly as a prefix with the meaning of greatness, universality; 2. adj universal, immense, whole, general

eormencynn2 [] n (-es/-) mankind, the human race

eormengrund [] m (-es/-as) wide world, the spacious Earth

eormenláf [] f (-e/-a) huge legacy, the great legacy

eormenstrýnd [] f (-e/-a) the great generation, great race

eormenþéod [] f (-e/-a) mighty people, a great people

eormenþéoda [] f pl the peoples of the Earth, the nations of the Earth

eornes [] f (-se/-sa) anger

eornost [] f (-e/-a) earnestness, zeal; seriousness; battle; on ~/~e in earnest, earnestly, truly

eornoste [] 1. adj earnest, zealous, serious; 2. adv in earnest, earnestly, seriously, courageously; strongly, fiercely

eornostlíce [] 1. adv earnestly, strictly, truly, in truth, indeed; 2. conj therefore, but

eorsian [] wv/t2 to be in bad disposition towards someone

eorðæppel [] m (-a/-a) earth-apple, cucumber; mandragora

eorðærn2 [] n (-es/-) an earth-place, earth-house, a tomb, grave, sepulchre

eorðbeofung [] f (-e/-a) earthquake

eorðberge [] f (-an/-an) strawberry [berie]

eorðbígenga [] m (-n/-n) earth-dweller, an inhabitant of the earth

eorðbígennes [] f (-se/-sa) agriculture, earth-cultivation, attention to agriculture

eorðbrycg [] f (-e/-a) bridge of poles covered with earth, a bridge made by placing poles across a stream and laying earth and sods on them

eorðbúend2 [] m (-es/-) earth-dweller, earth-inhabitant, an inhabitant of earth, man

eorðbúgend2 [] m (-es/-) earth-dweller, earth-inhabitant, an inhabitant of earth, man

eorðbúgigend2 [] m (-es/-) earth-dweller, earth-inhabitant, an inhabitant of earth, man

eorðburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) an earth mound; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]

eorðbyrgen [] f (-ne/-na) grave

eorðbyrig [] f (-e/-a) earthwork, mound, embankment, road; an earth mound or burying place

eorðcafer [] m (-es/-as) an earth-chafer, a cockchafer [ceafor]

eorðcenned [] adj earthborn

eorðcend [] adj earthborn

eorðcræft [] m (-es/-as) geometry

eorðcrypel [] m (-cryples/-cryplas) a creeper on the earth, one having the palsy, paralytic person, palsied man

eorðcryppel [] m (-crypples/-crypplas) a creeper on the earth, one having the palsy, paralytic person, palsied man

eorðcund [] adj earthly, of earth, terrestrial, mortal

eorðcundlic [] adj earthly, of earth, terrestrial, mortal

eorðcyning [] m (-es/-as) earthly king, king of the country, king of the land

eorðcynn [] n (-es/-) the earth kind, terrestrial species; human race

eorðdenu [] f (-e/-a) valley

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