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Féode past 3rd sing of féogan
feogað [] m (-es/-as) hatred Féogýtsung see féohgítsung Feoh [] n (féos/-) cattle, herd; moveable goods, property; money, riches, treasure; wið licgendum féo for ready money; name of the rune for f feohbehát [] n (-es/-) promise of money feohbígenga [] m (-n/-n) cattle-keeper feohbót [] f (-e/-a) money compensation feohfang [] n (-es/-) offence of taking a bribe feohgafol [] n (-es/-) usury feohgehát [] n (-es/-) promise of money feohgeorn [] adj covetous, greedy feohgeréfa [] m (-n/-n) steward feohgesceot [] n (-es/-u) payment of money feohgesteald [] n (-es/-) possession of riches feohgestréon [] n (-es/-) treasure, possessions, riches Feohgídsere see feohgítsere Feohgíetsere see feohgítsere feohgífre [] adj avaricious feohgift2 [] f (-e/-a) bounty-giving, largess feohgítsere [] m (-es/-as) miser feohgítsung [] f (-e/-a) avarice feohgód [] n (-es/-) property (in cattle) feohgyrness [] f (-se/-sa) greed feohhord [] n (-es/-) treasury feohhús [] n (-es/-) treasure-house feohlǽnung [] f (-e/-a) lending of money feohland [] n (-es/-) pasture feohléas [] adj without money; not to be bought off, past compensation feohléasness [] f (-se/-sa) want of money feohlufu [] f (-e/-a) love of money feohsceatt [] n (-es/-) money-payment feohspéda [] f pl riches feohspilling [] f (-e/-a) waste of money feohstrang [] adj well off feoht1 [] n (-es/-) action of fighting; fight, battle; strife feohtan1 [] sv/t3 to fight, combat, strive; ge~ gain by fighting, win; on ~ to attack, fight against; ~ mid hweorfendum sigumto fight with varying success Feohte [] f see feoht feohtehorn [] m (-es/-as) battle-horn feohtend [] m (-es/-) fighter feohtere [] m (-es/-as) fighter feohtgegyrela [] m (-n/-n) a sort of missile wrapped with tow and pitch, set on fire, and thrown by the catapult; a similar missile thrown by hand [falarica] feohtlác [] n (-es/-) fighting feohtling [] m (-es/-as) fighter feohtwíte [] n (-es/-u) fine for coining false money Féol [] past 3rd sing of feallan féol [] f (-e/-a) file Feola see fela féolaga [] m (-n/-n) partner, fellow [ON félagi] féolagascipe [] m (-es/-as) fellowship féolan1 [] sv/t3 to cleave, be joined to, adhere; enter, penetrate, pass into, through or over, betake onesself to; undergo; persevere in [Goth filhan] Féold [] past 3rd sing of fealdan Feolde see folde Féoldon [] past plural of fealdan féolheard [] adj hard as a file féolian [] wv/t2 to file Féoll past 3rd sing of feallan Féollon past pl of feallan feologan [] wv/t1b? to become discolored? Feolu see fela Feolufer see felofor Feoluferð see felofor Feolufor see felofor Feon see fenn féon [] 1. sv/t5 w. in or g. to be glad, rejoice, exult; 2. to gain; 3. see féogan féond [] m (-es/fíend) adversary, foe, enemy; f female enemy; fiend, devil; the Devil; pres participle of féogan féondǽt [] m (-es/-as) eating things sacrificed to idols féondgráp [] f (-e/-a) grip of a foe féondgyld [] n (-es/-) idolatry, idol; demoniacal possession? féondlic [] adj hateful, hostile, fiendish; adv ~líce féondrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) enmity féondrǽs [] m (-es/-as) hostile attack féondsceaða2 [] m (-n/-n) enemy, robber féondscipe [] m (-es/-as) hostility, hatred féondséoc [] adj devil-possessed, demoniac féondulf [] m (-es/-as) public enemy, criminal, malefactor [féond, wulf] Féong see féoung Feonn see fenn Feor see feorr Féor see feorh, féower Féora gen pl of feorh feorbúend [] m (-es/-) dwelling far off Feorcumen see feorrancumen Feorcund see feorrancund feorcýðð [] f (-e/-a) distant land Feord see fierd feord- see fierd-, fyrd- Féores gen sing of feorh Feorg see feorh feorh [] m (féores/féoras), n (féores/-) life, principles of life, soul, spirit; tó wídan féore for eternity, for every; ~ gesellan, ágiefan to die; living being, person feorhádl [] f (-e/-a) fatal disease feorhbana2 [] m (-n/-n) man-slayer feorhbealu2 [] n (-wes/-) deadly evil, violent death feorhbenn [] f (-e/-a) deadly wound feorhberend2 [] m (-es/-) living being feorhbold [] n (-es/-) body Feorhbona see feorhbana feorhbora [] m (-n/-n) life-bearer feorhcwalu2 [] f (-e/-a) slaughter, death feorhcwealm2 [] m (-es/-as) slaughter, death feorhcynn2 [] n (-es/-) kinds of living creatures, race of mortals feorhdagas [] m pl days of life feorhdolg [] n (-es/-) deadly wound feorhéacen [] adj living feorhfægen [] adj? fain of life, glad to preserve one’s life feorhgebeorh [] n (-gebéores/-) refuge feorhgedál2 [] n (-es/-) death feorhgener [] n (-es/-u, -geneoru) preservation f life feorhgeníðla2 [] m (-n/-n) mortal foe feorhgiefa2 [] m (-n/-n) giver of life feorhgiefu [] f (-e/-a) gift of life feorhgóma? [] m (-n/-n) means of subsistence; jaw feorhgóme? [] f (-an/-an) means of subsistence; jaw feorhhord2 [] n (-es/-) breast, soul, spirit feorhhús [] n (-es/-) soul-house, body feorhhyrde [] m (-es/-as) life’s guardian, protector feorhlást [] m (-es/-as) step taken to perverse life, flight?, step stained by one’s life-blood?, track of vanishing life? feorhléan [] n (-es/-) revenge for bloodshed?, gift for life saved? feorhlegu2 [] f (-e/-a) life; death feorhlic [] adj vital feorhlíf [] n (-es/-) life feorhloca [] m (-n/-n) breast feorhlyre [] m (-es/-as) loss of life feorhneru [] f (-e/-a) preservation of life, refuge, salvation; nourishment of life, food feorhnesst [] n (-es/-) provisi-ons feorhrǽd [] m (-es/-as) salvation feorhscyldig [] adj guilty of death feorhséoc [] adj mortally wounded feorhsweng [] m (-es/-as) fatal blow feorhþearf [] f (-e/-a) urgent need feorhwund [] f(-e/-a) deadly wound feorland [] n (-es/-) distant land Feorlen see fyrlen feorlic [] adj far off, alien, strange feorm [] f (-e/-a) food, provision, sustenance; entertainment, meal, feast, supper; goods, possessions; stores; rent in kind; profit, benefit; tilling; disposal Feorma see forma feormehám [] m (-es/-as) farm feormend [] 1. m (-es/-) entertainer; 2. m (-es/-) cleanser, polisher, furbisher feormendléas [] adj wanting a burnisher feormere [] m (-es/-as) pur-veyor feormfultum [] m (-es/-as) help in food feormian1 [] wv/t2 1. to entertain, receive as guest; cherish, support, sustain, feed; consume; benefit, profit; ge~ harbor (stolen goods); 2. to scour, cleanse, furbish feormung [] f (-e/-a) 1. harboring; 2. furbishing, cleansing feorness [] f (-se/-sa) distance feorr [] 1. adj far, remote, distant; cmp firra, fierra, fyrra; spl fierresta; 2. adv far, far away, distant, remote; far back (in time); further, besides, moreover; cmp fierr, firr, fyr, fyrr; spl firrest, fierrest, fyrrest feorran [] 1. adv from afar, from a remote time or place; far off, at a distance; 2. wv/t1a to remove, avert, turn aside, withdraw; proscribe feorrancumen [] adj come from afar, strange feorrancund [] adj come from afar, foreign born feorrane see feorran 1 feorrcund [] adj come from afar, foreign born feorren see feorran 1 feorrene see feorran 1 feorrian [] wv/t2 to keep apart; 1 depart feorrung [] f (-e/-a) removal, departure feorsian [] wv/t2 to go beyond; put far from, expel; depart, remove, separate feorsibb [] adj distantly related Feorsn see fiersn feorstudu [] f (-e/-a) support feorstuðu [] f (-e/-a) support feortan [] sv/i3 3rd pres fiert past feart/furton ptp gefortento fart feorting [] f (-e/-a) [pedatio] feorð see ferhð féorða [] adj fourth; féorðe healf three and a half féorðandǽl [] f (-e/-a) fourth part féorðe [] adv fourthly feorþéod [] f (-e/-a) a far country féorðling [] m (-es/-as) fourth part; farthing féorðlung [] f (-e/-a) fourth part; farthing
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