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Fíftafæder see fæder
fífte [] adv fifthly fíftéða [] adj fifteenth Fífteg see fíftig fíftegða [] adj fifteenth Fíftegða see fíftéoða Fífténe see fíftíene fíftéoða [] adj fifteenth fífteogoða [] adj fiftieth fíftíene [] num (oft w.g.) fifteen; ordinal fíftéoða fíftíenenihte [] adj fifteen days old fíftíenewintre [] adj fifteen years old fíftig [] num fifty; ordinal fífteogoða Fíftigdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Pentecost fíftiesmann [] m (-es/-menn) captain of fifty fíftigesmann [] m (-es/-menn) captain of fifty Fíftigeða see fífteogoða Fíftigoða see fífteogoða Fíftýne see fíftíene fífwintre [] adj five years old fígen see á~ fihl [] m? (-es/-as) cloth, rag fihle [] m? (-es/-as) cloth, rag Fiht [] 1. pres 3rd sing of feohtan; 2. see feht fiht- see fyht- Fíhtan see fýhtan Fíl see féol fild [] noun (-?/-?) curdled milk fildcumb [] m (-es/-as) milk pail filde [] adj field-like, of the nature of a plain fileðe [] n (-es/-u) hay Filgð pres 3rd sing of féolan Filhð pres 3rd sing of féolan fili- see fylg- fíliende [] adj rubbing Filiðe see fileðe filiðléag [] m (-es/-as) meadow Fill see fyll fille [] f (-an/-an) thyme fillen [] 1. see fellen; 2. f (-e/-a) a dropping filmen [] n (-es/-) film, membrane, thin skin; foreskin filst- see fylst- Filð pres 3rd sing of feallan fín [] f (-e/-a) heap, pile fin- see fyn- fína [] m (-n/-n) woodpecker finc [] m (-es/-as) finch Fínd see fíend findan [] sv/t3 1 to find, meet with; discover, obtain by search or study, recover; provide; consider, devise, arrange, dispose, decide; show, inform; ~ æt obtain from fingend [] m (-es/-) finder finding [] f (-e/-a) invention, initiative Finel see finol finger [] m (fingres/fingras) finger fingeræppla [] n pl finger-shaped fruits, dates fingerappla [] n pl finger-shaped fruits, dates fingerdocca? [] m (-n/-n) foxglove?, finger-muscle fingerlic [] adj belonging to a finger or ring fingerlið [] n (-es/-u, leoðu) finger-joint fingermǽl [] n (-es/-) finger-length finn [] m (-es/-as) fin finol [] m (finles/finlas) fennel [L foenuculum] finolsǽd [] n (-es/-) fennel-seed Finst see findest pres 2nd sing of findan Fint see findeð pres 3rd sing of findan finta2 [] m (-n/-n) tail; consequence, result Finugl see finol Finugle [] f see finol Finul see finol Finule [] f see finol Fío see féo Fír see fýr fíras2 [] m pl men, human beings Fird see fierd fird- see fierd-, fyrd- firen [] f (-e/-a) transgression, sin, crime; outrage, violence; torment, suffering firenbealu [] n (-wes/-) transgression firencræft [] m (-es/-as) wickedness firendaed2 [] f (-e/-e) wicked deed, crime firenearfeðe [] n (-es/-u) sinful woe firenfremmende [] adj sinful firenful [] adj sinful, wicked firengeorn [] adj sinful firenhicga [] m (-n/-n) adulterer firenhicge [] f (-an/-an) adulteress firenhicgend [] m (-es/-) adulteress, harlot firenian1 [] wv/i2 to sin; commit adultery; revile firenleahter [] m (-leahtres/-leahtras) great sin firenlic [] adj wicked; adv ~líce vehemently, rashly; sinfully firenligerian [] wv/t2 to commit fornication firenlust [] m(-es/-as) lust, sinful desire, luxury, wantonness firenlustful [] adj wanton, luxurious firenlustgeorn [] adj wanton firensynn [] f (-e/-a) great sin firensynnig [] adj sinful firentácnian [] wv/t2 to commit misdeeds firenþearf [] f (-e/-a) dire distress firenum [] adv excessively, very, intensely; malignantly [dat pl of firen] firenweorc2 [] n (-es/-) evil deed, sin firenwyrcende2 [] adj sinning, sinful firenwyrhta2 [] m (-n/-n) evil doer Fírfoda see fýrfoda firgenbéam [] m (-es/-as) mountain tree [Goth fairguni] firgenbeorg [] m (-es/-as) mountain firgenbucca [] m (-n/-n) ibex Firgendstréam see firgenstréam firgengát [] f (-e/-gǽt) ibex firgenholt [] n (-es/-) mountain wood firgenstréam2 [] m (-es/-as) mountain stream, woodland stream firgin- see firgen- Firh see fyrh Firht see friht firhð see ferhð Firigendstréam see firgendstréam Firinggát see firgengát Firmdig see frymdig firð- see fyrð- firmettan [] wv/t1b to ask, beg firn- see firen-, fyrn-
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